Thursday February 10, 2005 Ensign Front Page Volume
8, No. 121
- Parkland
Photography Club January 2005
February 10, 2005
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Theme pictures on "derelict" and news about various competitions
for the local photo club.
The Greenwater
- Thursday
February 10, 2005
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park
: Sorry about being so late with this report but Gerald reports are never stale as
we find out about snow mobiling, how things are going at coffee and how they are
about to dig up the marina.
Ensign bites the dust
- Wednesday
February 9, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale :Defiinitely
down but not out. A server crashed taking with it the whole kit and kabodalh a week
ago last Sunday night. Restoration in full swing.
- Trojan
win third in a row 6 - 3 over Prince Albert Mintos
January 26, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Tisdale's
Trojans dominated their opposition Tuesday night as they dance back and forth around
the ice and showed the true puck and stick handling capabilities of this remarkable
of Time
- Wednesday
January 26, 2005
by : Tracy Kirsch
Regina : This
is one of those special things that come along every so often. Ms. Kirsch came up
with a concept and moved it into a picture, a sound scape and a text message that
blend to tell the story all to familiar to all of us.
with it
- Monday
January 24, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Minus
thirty for three weeks then up to 0 to -10º range, floods in B.C. and storm
after storm pounding the maritimes. Its just winter let's deal with it.
- A glimpse at today’s shameful role of intellectual property
January 24, 2005
by : Mario deSantis
Prince Albert
: This is indeed a glimpse of a much larger problem than it would seem at first.
The process of turning everything into "property" of some sort was originally
intended to benefit the few who produced what ever property they were intending to
"own". The problem is this process has backfired and is resulting in intellectual,
economic and social stagnation choking the life out of the society it was intended
to protect.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
January 24, 2005
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : It warmed up a bit and Gerald got to clean up some snow and make
an icy trip back from Saskatoon. The coffee circle continues and Brian is clearing
the unwanted scrub around the park.
to pull the curtain
- Friday
January 21, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : The
Supreme Court of Canada once it listened to the tobacco companies' arguments on hiding
tobacco products from view in Saskatchewan stores ruled in favour of the Saskatchewan
Government overturning a lower court's decision to overturn the Saskatchewan cover
up regulations.
- Friday
January 21, 2005
by : Kevin McIntyre
Carrot River
: After thinking about the story on "change not decline" Kevin had some
important things to contribute both from his persective and from the way rural Saskatchewan
is just a former place.
- Friday
January 21, 2005
by : Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls Ontario
: This is a story that simply won't go away as the PM is asked about it in India
by their prime minister and today Mr. Martin showed his contempt for the Opposition
leader when he spoke at a press conference in China and said that he and his government
stand on the Charter and minority rights and would go to an election if need be on
that issue.
and the church
- Friday
January 21, 2005
by : Edwin Wallace
Success : Public
education was developed not to better the intellect of students but to support a
democratic form of government. Democracy is meaningless if the voter is not able
to be informed and able to reason so schools came into being. The Jesuits had this
figured out centuries before and the battle for the minds of children continues.
Edwin wants assimilation.
day will come
- Thursday
January 20, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This
photo essay shows the ghastly beauty of winter and reflects on the ever present optomism
that often blinds us to appreciating things just as they are. This story includes
KD Lang's version of this outstanding classic song. (QuickTime required)
- They Hypothetical Economist Lawrence Summers

- Thursday
January 20, 2005
by : Mario deSantis
Prince Albert
: If there was ever a need for proof that the country to the south of us is sinking
into the past, the head of one of their most elevated universities demonstrated an
attitude toward woman that is insulting to half the people on this planet.
- Wednesday
January 19, 2005
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : When it comes to off road trucks the leadership in that field is not made
in North America. The best and most successful is built by Benz and is called the
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Just after 9:00 this morning.
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