Though this page is titled history we have interpreted the topics a bit loosely
and included in this list any stories that deal with events that are more than ten
years old. |
- Murphy's siding
- Thursday

November 22, 2007
by: Joe Ives
Naniamo B.C.: There was once a siding between Edersley and Crooked River. Joe tells us about a mishap at this siding and wonders what ever became of it.
- Eleventh Avenue
- Wednesday

November 21, 2007
by: Timothy W. Shire
Regina: Its all a part of perspective and the difficulty of placing oneself in a world which often we know so little about.
- Coincidence
- Thursday

November 15, 2007
by: Ray Strachan
Grimshaw, Alberta: It is odd how a sequence of things take place often considerred to be random yet it is these sorts of events that make up the minute by minute things in our lives. Mr. Strachan points out the link between his pictures and the pictures of the fire about a year later in Crooked River.
- Remembering Crooked River
- Friday

November 9, 2007
by: Joe Ives
Nanaimo, BC: The images shared on this web site by Ray Strachan caught the attention of many readers as they remembered the booming lumber mill town east of Tisdale. Joe Ives was a reporter and photographer for the Recorder and the story brought back memories for him and he has sent along some of those memories and three amazing pictures of a fire in the community many years ago.
- Ray Strachan's Crooked River
- Monday

October 29, 2007
by: Ray Strachan
Grimshaw, Alberta: The October 4 picture essay of Crooked River triggered memories and nostalga for the once booming community and we received e-mails from Mary Weston in B.C. and Ray Strachan in Grimshaw. Ray followed up with stories about the community and his life there and then sent some remarkable images of the time. Some of them, negatives which he had never seen.
- Saskatchewan: now!
Friday, August 22, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
From Mossbank to Regina and then some as we look at this place as it is becoming.
Batoche Once More
- Wednesday, June 25, 2003
by: Timothy & Judy Shire
An opportunity to share a visit to the Batoche Historical Park with the grade eight
and nine students from Kelliher let us see the site and all that it symbolises. These
pictures tell the story. This story includes 71 pictures and a 1MB QuickTime VR.
One thing leads
to another
- Wednesday, April 16, 2003
by: Brian Marlatt and Timothy W. Shire
Noticing the unusual design of the little house in the story yesterday Brian Marlatt
tells us about its design and origin of that design. But he also tells us about some
fascinating characters who were inextricably linked to the history of this country.
This story includes a brief summary about these men and a good number of references
that will let you dig in and find out much more.
The depression
- Tuesday, April 15, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Perhaps in time the 1930s may cease to be the primary and most influencial factor
in shaping our lives and culture but despite all that has past that era is still
in the back of everyone's mind no matter how old or young.
The immigrants
who came home
- Monday, April 14, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Their home land is just over a decade old yet their culture and their traditions
have carried Canada's Ukrainians through the good and the bad times. Here is the
story of how they got here.
A little storm
in February 1975
- Friday, January 24, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Here is an interesting set of pictures from the results of a storm twenty-seven years
ago in Weekes.
Stuck Train, March
10, 1979
- Sunday, January 12, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Saskatchewan in the winter can be a remarkable place, this set of pictures tell of
a Sunday afternoon after the wind had brought a little snow the area near Palmier.
Lest we forget
- Monday
November 11, 2002
We are fortunate today to be able to read about the story of one Canadian who served
in both the First and Second World War. Ron Thornton brings the perspective of the
people who were there and some lived while others did not but here are their stories.
Where are the
great orators?
- Wednesday
September 25, 2002
In other times the words of individuals have inspired those who heard them changing
their lives forever. Ron Thornton longs for a Canadian speaker who will step forward
and do what others have done in other times and places. Included on this page are
the full QuickTime audio track of a Winston Churchill speech and the magnificient
"I have a dream" speech of Martin Luther King.
Summer 1946
- Tuesday
September 24, 2002
The war had ended officially but in the minds of these young people who had grown
up in the 1930 and held their breath through the war, was it time to exhale? (This
page includes a QuickTime music clip)
The West Has Its
Own Political Traditions
- Monday
September 9, 2002
Canada's journalists and political scientist for most of the country are confounded
at the preculiar nature of Western Canadian political thought. You can move to the
front of the class and well ahead of most reporters by understanding Ron Thornton's
explanation of a very different political and social context of the people who live
West of Winnipeg.
Prime Ministers
- Wednesday
August 28, 2002
Ron Thornton passed this discussion on to the editor in email and it is just what
we all need to sort out some of Canada's prime ministers.
- Thursday
August 1, 2002
When Chretien, Romanow and McMurty hammered out a deal in an Ontario hotel kitchen,
the only way they could get the provinces to go with the charter was to include a
strange clause that became Section 33. Its time to reconsider their compromise.
The societal implications of the work
of scientists John Nash, Thomas Saaty and Jay Forrester: Game Theory
versus System Dynamics
- Saturday
July 27, 2002
Mario deSantis explores alternative ways of looking at things and better ways of
finding workable solutions. Read this story carefully, it could be dangerous.
Thanks God for
our Charter of Rights
- Saturday
July 27, 2002
Ron Thornton points out the prominent place "God" is given in the Canadian
Charter of Rights.
Who Can You Trust?
- Tuesday
July 23, 2002
Ron Thorton ponders the way honesty and trust seem to have become concepts that are
no longer in common practice.
We Need Freedom of the Press and Howe
- Thursday
June 20, 2002
The principles of freedom of the press are firmly established in the traditions and
law of Canada. Ron Thornton reminds of these roots.
Time Was . . .
- Thursday
April 18, 2002
Kevin McIntyre shares with us his concerns about the economic squeeze felt in modern
A History Rich in Insight and Humour
- Wednesday
April 17, 2002
Ron Thornton points how interesting and important history is with four great examples
as we have discovered how little the people of our country know about our past.
So What's All This Fuss About
- Saturday
April 6, 2002
Let's take a look at the maps and try to make some sense out of the Middle East crisis
of 2002.This page contains a large QuickTime Vr and will take some time to download
on a dial up connection.
Eugene Eckart's Snow Plane
- Friday
April 5, 2002
We did not have the picture of this machine when we ran the original story but here
it is.
A Woman Of A Century
- Sunday
March 31, 2002
She lived for all of the twentieth century being a part of that it was and doing
her part to shape the next. Queen Elizabeth the last Emperess of India, Elizabeth
Bowes Lyon died yesterday in her sleep at age one-hundred and one.
Canada at War: The Softwood Lumber Dispute
- Monday
March 25, 2002
Colonel (retired) William McCullough from Naniamo, British Columbia urges Canadians
to pull together as the softwood lumber issue is a matter of national sovereignty
and he has some practical suggestions that we as individuals can do to bring pressure
to bare on the United States.
- Thursday
March 21, 2002
An obscure village in Southeastern Saskatchewan, a place to grow up in and be the
basis for a whole life time.
Eckart Snowplanes
- Tuesday
March 19, 2002
We have been proud to bring you images of these air powered snowmobiles. Today we
take you on a first person singular adventure as Albert Eckart tells us about the
exploits of his two older brothers and their snowplanes of the 1930s.
I Am A Canadian. . .
- Friday
March 15, 2002
No it was not Molsons who made that phrase popular it was the beginning of the Canadian
Bill of Rights passed by parliament in 1960. Chris Blackman tells us about why its
Let the facts determine aboriginal questions
- Tuesday
March 12, 2002
Ron Thornton is not alone, as most Albertans are shocked to hear that the Court has
ruled that those who signed Treaty 8 were exempt from taxes. Be sure to look over
the references on this story as it helps to explain the implications of this historical
The Greenwater Report for March 10, 2002
- Sunday
March 10, 2002
Mall shopping, walkie-talkies, moose and George Hayunga a teacher at Manchester school
are all part of today's report by Gerald Crawford.
Then There Was War
- Friday
March 8, 2002
The discovery of some remarkable pictures in the Bill McVicar collection gives us
an opportunity to consider the May 17 to June 15 visit of King George V1 and Queen
Elizabeth in the summer of 1939.
Colorado Snowplane
- Monday
March 4, 2002
Bill Jackson tells us about their snowplanes and offers up a great web site with
excellent pictures of the all metal machines they have made since the fifties.
Fudge Snowplane
- Sunday
March 3, 2002
Manufactured snow planes were built at a factory at Moosomin Saskatchewan here are
three outstanding pictures of those machines.
Smith River -
Airport to Nowhere
- Tuesday
February 26, 2002
July 18, 1982 we flew out to an abandoned World War II airport before a forest fire
removed everything but the runway.
Steadman Snowplane
- Monday
February 25, 2002
Gerald Crawford tells about an operational snowplane
Bugs and His Buddies
- Saturday
February 23, 2002
Chuck Jones the animator for Bugs, Porky and Elmer died today at eighty-nine.
More Than A Game
- Thursday
February 21, 2002
Time to talk about hockey as Timothy Shire explains the reason Canadians feel so
passionately about what should only be a game.
Lorch Snowplane
- Tuesday
February 19, 2002
An unusual prairie vehicle that predates the modern snowmobile made at Spy Hill Saskatchewan.
Sharing A Common Heritage
- Sunday
February 10. 2002
We so often mistakenly assume that the uniqueness we preceive presents some enormous
difference between us all, today we consider this concept with Judy Shire's pictures
of La Ronge and the QuickTime music of Lester Flatt and Earl Scrugs
The King Is Dead, God Save The Queen, February 6, 1952
- Wednesday
February 6, 2002
It was a mild winter morning near eleven when our teacher told us that His Royal
Highness, King George V1 had died. I immediately put up my handed up and asked the
teacher if we could lower the flag. Since it was my idea she sent Bill Brown and
I out to the flag pole and we brought the flag down to half mast. It was all we could
The Free Market: The Road
to Freedom Paved with Indifference
- Monday
January 28, 2002
The thinking that we should not get worked up about some seemingly minor event is
a sign of indifference and the failure of the majority of Europeans to take any action
or for other countries around the world to know and do nothing is the shame we all
share in for the tragedy of the last century. Mario deSantis warns us not to repeat
this blunder again.
Mr. Canada - Peter
Gzowski, Dies at 67
- Friday
January 25, 2002
From a reporter at the Moose Jaw Herald to Canada's most recognised and revered journalist,
Peter Gzowski died yesterday and today we remember a great man.
The Scandal of the Century:
Thank you again Richard Klassen and Fifth Estate!
- Thursday
January 24, 2002
CBC tells the story of criminal misadventure by Saskatoon's police department and
the Province of Saskatchewan's justice department. Mario deSantis puts this story
of governmental abuse in perspective.
Growing Up In Watson - black and white
- Tuesday
January 15, 2002
Some interesting black and white images taken in the late winter of 1983 of young
people in their own special world of Watson Lake, Yukon.
Bush, Kissinger and Sharon: war and peace
- Monday
January 7, 2002
Mario deSantis points out today that the United States opposes the world court because
it needs to protect its own war criminals. An interesting perspective with some impressive
support in the references.
Natale per Babbo e Mamma
- Sunday
December 23, 2001
A letter to Santa, under the plate.
Smith River
- Saturday
December 8, 2001
Today a visit to my favourite place, a wilderness River in Northern British Columbia
with its very own six-thousand foot runway. This story has a lot of pictures and
includes a 2MB QuickTime VR map so it will take time to download.
Mountain Tops
- Friday
December 7, 2001
Another in our series of pictorial essays of flying over Southern Yukon. This flight
today show the country Northwest of Watson Lake. The pictures were taken in April
Lower Post
- Wednesday
December 5, 2001
Here is a chance to look at another set of images of the Southern Yukon and Northwestern
The "Real" Final Frontier
- Tuesday
December 4, 2001
Most of Canada is as empty as this picture. Some scenes of the empty Yukon.
The Value of Money
- Friday
November 30, 2001
Mike Townsend discovered some old bills that his father collected and wonders if
they are just neat collectables or are they worth anything.
Grumman Goose
- Wednesday
November 28, 2001
Amphibian aircraft of the thirties and forties now only a think for the history books.
Let's Go For A Ride
- Wednesday
November 28, 2001
Yesterday we took a flight from Watson Lake to Cassiar. Today join us on a simple
hop over the canyon. Images by TimII
Over The Yukon And Cassiar
- Tuesday
November 27, 2001
Today we travel back in time and place to take a plane ride from Watson Lake Yukon
and South to Cassiar. Enjoy the ride.
Avery - Kelso Pioneer
- Friday
November 23, 2001
"At thirteen I was driving a five horse team working a field." The amazing
story of a woman who made her life in South East Saskatchewan.
- Tuesday
November 13, 2001
Mainline remembered, some interesting images of Moosomin one of Saskatchewan's older
We Stand In Silence
- Sunday
November 11, 2001
Today we combine images of the present and memories of the past to help understand
what this day means and will always mean.
Place Names Society - Update
- Thursday
November 1, 2001
Bill Barry passes on the developments as meeting were held last winter in an effort
to establish a Saskatchewan society to work on the issues of place names.
Bill's Got A New Book Out
- Wednesday
October 31, 2001
Writer and historian Bill Barry has a new book out dealing with Ukrainian and German
place names in Saskatchewan.
Temple Gardens - Moose Jaw
- Tuesday
October 30, 2001
This picture and a story about one Saskatchewan's most illustrious entertainment
places. The Dance Hall era stretched from the twenties until the sixties, this story
tells about one of them.
From Constantine to bin Laden: A Historical
- Wednesday
September 19, 2001
To see the current crisis more clearly and more to the point have some insight into
the motivation of those who attacked the United States here is the historical story.
(The story uses a series of QuickTime video clips explaining the background.)
Robert W. Service, Just Another Canadian
- Wednesday
August 29, 2001
Canada is a country of pretty unusual people who came here from all of the world,
facing challenges and almost always overcoming them.
Cherry Red Airlines
- Sunday
August 26, 2001
Maybe one of the first commerical aircraft to visit Tisdale, the Pheasant, that it
still exists and sits in the Museum in Moose Jaw.
- Thursday
August 2, 2001
Nipawin's newest mural captures the look and feel of era long gone but well remembered.
Watch out for the conventional wisdom
of governments, judges and lawyers: Project Loophole and Tony Merchant's pursuit
of justice
- Wednesday
July 11, 2001
Mario deSantis discusses government action and legal struggles
The Flying Fifties
- Friday
June 29, 2001
Two aircrafts now almost half a century old evoke some consideration of what they
meant and how their existence relates to social development today.
Andrew Gets His First Bike
- Friday
May 18, 2001
At three he was mounted on a two wheeler and the world changed.
A Hundred Year
Old Wedding
- Wednesday
April 18, 2001
Talk about old news, here is a wedding picture taken a century ago.

The People of Saskatchewan - Francophone
- Sunday
March 25, 2001
French speakers live in all parts of Saskatchewan, and continue to develop and advance
their language and celebrate their heritage.
Saskatchewan - the People - Dene
- Saturday
March 24, 2001
Today we find out about the Chipewyan people of Saskatchewan's North West.
Saskatchewan - the People - Dakota
- Friday
March 23, 2001
Find out about the Sioux as we work toward telling the story of Saskatchewan's people

Saskatchewan - The People
- Thursday
March 22, 2001
Today's feature article discusses the demography of Saskatchewan and presents the
first of seven pages on twenty-three of Saskatchewan's ethnical groups.
Grandmothers Part I
- Wednesday
February 7, 2001
We celebrate mother's day and father's day but what about grandparenting. This is
the first of several stories about grandmothers, it is hoped that we can shed some
light on this facit of life and how their lives shape our own.
43rd Battalion Cameron Highlanders 1914 -1919
- Friday
January 19, 2001
Stuart Mclean of Ottawa is looking for artifacts to assist him in writing the history
of the Winnipeg unit that distinguished themselves in World War I.
Did You Learn Anything?
- Wednesday
January 10, 2001
A short editorial about the direction society seems to be headed.
The New Camera
- Saturday
January 6, 2001
It was of huge importance, I got a Kodak camera for Christmas and this picture of
my brother and sister was number six on its first roll of film. It was 1961.
Into A New Century
- Sunday
December 31, 2000
The coming of the century and the beginning of the third millennium are a momentious
occassion and today we explore the future, predictions on a grand scale.
Perhaps a Packard
- Friday
December 15, 2000
While restoring some pictures for a customer we came across this remarkable car.
- The Fifth Estate: Scandal of the Century
- Thursday
November 30, 2000
Mario deSantis discusses the moving and disturbing story from Saskatoon a decade
A Legacy
- Saturday
November 11, 2000
The tangible reality of what we as Canadians are is what those who went to the wars
have done.
A Barn and Barley
- Thursday
October 12, 2000
Nearly a century old this barn stands as a testament to the productivity of the barley
growing surrounding countryside.
Those Were The Days
- Sunday
September 17, 2000
How my uncles would have shock their heads in wonder at people coming out to watch
grain being thrashed.
Vampire Power: or,
What does long in the tooth have to do with it?
- Friday
June 16, 2000
Timothy Shire ponders the utilization of a whole generation of soon to be retired
Canada Remembers War Dead
- Monday
May 29, 2000
Timothy Shire reflects on the ceramonies this past week in Ottawa as a representative
of the thousands of lost Canadians was brought home and buried to help us remember
"the few."
Houses of Law: Prince Albert
- Sunday
May 21, 2000
This pictorial look at the Prince Albert court house has some large pictures and
may take a moment to load.
Houses of Law: Melfort
- Satruday
May 20, 2000
Today we look at the Melfort courthouse in this continuing series of stories about
Saskatchewan's public buildings.
Houses of Law: Swift Current
- Wednesday
May 17, 2000
This is a photo essay of the outstanding Swift Current Court house building in 1915.
Houses of Law: Moose Jaw
- Tuesday
May 16, 2000
Today we take a look at the remarkable structure in Moose Jaw that houses the federal
court in that city. Designated a historical site this is one of many Saskatchewan
court houses constructed in this formative era of the province.
For Someone Who Likes To Rock
- Wednesday
May 3, 2000
We remember the passing of an old friend, the "Friendly Giant" today,
From St. Petersburg
- Monday
May 1, 2000
May Day is holiday in Russia and Ensign received this letter today from Vladimir
Nedelski. This is an interesting communication and got my curiousity going
and I have included with this letter some reference to St. Petersburg for you to
look over.
Quilt Memories
- Sunday
April 30, 2000
A family heirloom is created to celebrate the life of one of Weekes' early settling
My Dad used to be a farmer
- Sunday
April 9, 2000
Twelve year old Meighan Bambridge of Coulter Manitoba gave her 4H speech this year
on the changes to her family's way of life.
- Away Mission To Regina's RCMP Chapel

- Monday
March 20, 2000
To celebrate this first day of spring we have a very special photo essay for you
today, this extensive set of pictures were taken yesterday and depicit the exploration
of the RCMP chapel in Regina.
- Tractors of the Quarter Section Farm

- Tuesday
February 22, 2000
Today we take a look at this impressive collection of engines from half a century
Our Government and Justice System In Canada
- Wednesday
February 16, 2000
Pointing out the concept of the Social Contract from John Locke Mario deSantis expresses
his extreme disappointment with the Federal governments lack of accountability.
Trains Come and Go
- Saturday
February 5, 2000
Timothy takes you for an amble down memory lane to when the trains were pulled by
black fire breathers.
- Is It The Seeing of Art, or The Art of Seeing?

- Wednesday
December 29, 1999
As people look back on this century and consider the important things people have
achieved it might be good for us to consider what has happened in art. This article
will be posted later this morning and drop back to look it over. Thanks for stopping
by this morning.
So Many Broken Eggs
- Tuesday
November 23, 1999
The long abandoned Smith Hatcheries building was finally torn down quickly yesterday.
Tisdale Coop Burns
in May 1940
- Monday
November 22, 1999
Talk about old news! Few pictures remain of the original Coop in Tisdale because
it was built and opened in the summer of 1939 and in May of the following year it
burned down.
- Man of Many Tractors

- Monday
November 22, 1999
Ensign is proud to present an outstanding article by Stu Innes of
Regina as he tells the story of his father's farm through the pictures of the tractors
that work for them for more then half a century. This article has a lot of pictures
and will take nearly three minutes to download but it is worth the wait.
From Structure to Splinters in 2 Hours
- Thursday
November 4, 1999
Two hours and the last standing portion of what was once a high school was reduced
to splinters and rubble. Pictures of this building's ultimate destruction are in
two parts the digital ones on one page and the video images will be posted later
on the "Second Page." (The second page takes about two
minutes to download the forty-four pictures that tell the demise of the TUCs building)
End Begins
- Tuesday
November 2, 1999
The ominous appearance (monday afternoon) of this machine spells doom for the old
derelict TUCs building.
Watson to Whitehorse
- Wednesday
October 6, 1999
Today I want to leave the worries of Maritime fishing confusion and railway and grain
hauling issues behind me and consider the images of October in the Yukon. The picture
above was taken some years ago, mid way between Watson Lake and Whitehorse Yukon.
From My Office Wall
- Monday
September 27, 1999
This morning I want you to meet some people, a random selection of portraits of individuals
as they looked many years ago.
Batoche - A First Visit
- Sunday
September 12, 1999
With a gloomy perhaps even rainy Sunday we take you on our first visit to the historical
Batoche site near Duck Lake.
End of An Era
- Saturday
August 28, 1999
K & E, the restaurant at the corner of Tisdale's busiest intersection closes
its doors today as its owner retires.
TUCs Days Are Numbered
- Saturday
August 14, 1999
The old high school is soon to be torn down. Friday the external doors were removed.
Let's Face It
- Monday
August 2, 1999
We all wear one in one form or another, some days I see a lot of people with face
trouble, but this article deals with the human face, our non-verbal communicative
Camping In Black and White
- Sunday
August 1, 1999
A look back at a vacation in 1983 and some black and white pictures of a part of
that trip.
Its Time
- Tuesday
July 20, 1999
Ken Oskrip has put his buidling and business up for sale as he has decided its time
to take a break from the intense and continuous schedule he has maintained for several
What is a Child?
- Saturday
June 26, 1999
This article with pictures from the earliest part of this century deals with a family
and what where the expectations of childhood and the expectations for that child's
June - A Time For Weddings
- Saturday
June 12, 1999
A wedding picture and commentary on a couple's life together.
How About An Adventure
- Wednesday
May 19, 1999
Some breathtaking pictures of a family adventure. This article is on a single page
so it take a moment or two to load but it is well worth the wait.
Mother's Day 1980
- Friday
May 14, 1999
A mother and her three sons, some pictures and memories.
- Success
With and Without Struggle - But Success
May 13, 1999
This is a text document on child development and learning. You might want to print
this as it is difficult to read a document like this on screen.
I Wish I May,
I Wish I Might!
- Monday
May 10, 1999
An old film reveals wishes and how they really can come true.
Vi-Co - A Milk
By Any Other Name . . .
- Friday
April 30, 1999
A nostolgic look at the brown cow.
A Little Rundown
- Saturday
April 10, 1999
This old tractor left at a scrap recycler is a rather interesting and perhaps even
rare tractor worth restoration. Besides pictures of this one there are some great
links to other sites dealing with Fordson tractors.
Old Stuff
- Monday
April 5, 1999
A trip to an Estate sale resulted in spotting a couple of interesting items and contemplation
about what they things of the past means.
Shelter Belt Cleanup
- Thursday
March 18, 1999
Here is a farmer knocking down some older trees to give a better view of his farm
yard and clear away the trees that are nearing the end of their cycle.
This Odd House
- Spires and Turrets
- Thursday
February 25, 1999
An unusual house challenges the imagination and wonder at what became of it.
This Odd House
- Gingerbread
- Tuesday
February 23, 1999
This is the first of several articles featuring houses and the things about them,
this one is in Tisdale.
To Seek An Older
- Thursday
February 11, 1999
The way we humans learn is examined in this article that discusses some experimental
short course projects.
Ted Tatarynovich
- Thursday
January 28, 1999
At 96 this Crooked River farmer continues to enjoy life and his flock of pigeons.
- Th
Family - In Search Of Ourselves
- Wednesday
January 27, 1997
Timothy Shire tells you about his grandfather's family, their trials and tribulations
as he begins a series of articles on the concept of "the family."
There Is No Going
- Thursday
January 21, 1999
Some philosophical pondering by Timothy Shire about nostalgia and what it means for
us as we accumulate experience.
- A Brief History of Accounting: From Prehistory to the Information Age

- Sunday
January 3, 1999
Here's your chance to find out about the mysteries of accounting what were its origins
and where is it now. By, James deSantis
Beechcraft Stagger Wing
- Monday
December 28, 1998
General Aviation got its beginnings in the miracle of 1932.
End of Year Feasting
- Sunday
December 27, 1998
A consideration of the custom of feasting during the Christmas to New Year's part
of the year by Timothy W. Shire.
Ghost of Christmas Past
- Wednesday
December 16, 1998
A lonely collapsing log farmstead house poses questions about its past and who once
lived and grew up within its walls.
- C4P1544

- Tuesday
November 24, 1998
An antique tractor on display East of Tisdale. We would
welcome details about this machine.
Still There After
36 Years!
- Tuesday
November 10, 1998
A personal look back at November 1962.
Halloween In Watson
Lake Yukon
- Saturday
October 31, 1998
In Watson Lake, Halloween is for everyone and is celebrated together with a bonfire
and fireworks.
Barnyard Bombers
- Tuesday
October 27, 1998
A nostalgic look at Canadian aviation history.
Time Marches On
- Tuesday
September 29, 1998
Abandoned farm buildings and their purpose raise questions about the speed of change
in the agricultural scene of today and the future.
- Tuesday
September 22, 1998
It looks like the battle for survival has been fought and lost in the former community
of McKague.
A Final Resting Place
- Friday
August 14, 1998
Ensign takes you on a photographic visit to a unique little burial spot NorthEast
of Weekes.
Wilf and Alvina Wiser Celebrate 50th
- Saturday, July 25, 1998
Fifty years is a long time for anything but a landmark in marriages and today this
couple celebrate with friends and family a full fifty years.
- Tuesday, July 21, 1998
Magnificent prairie church North of Humboldt
Tisdale Museum
- Saturday, July 18, 1998
Heritage and History but a good deal more to see and experience.
Tisdale Roman Catholic Community Celebrates 100th Birthday
- Sunday, July 12, 1998
Hundreds attend outdoor mass, grotto dedication and luncheon.
St. Therese Hospital Commemorated
- Saturday, July 11, 1998
Cairn erected at former hospital site
Crooked River
- Tuesday, July 7, 1998
Crossroads community where roads and railways lead elsewhere.
New Osgoode, Gone But Not Forgotten
- Wednesday, June 24, 1998
Pioneer village all but gone except for the memories and memorials of what was.
Officer Frederick Charles Sim, DFC -
- Friday, June 19, 1998
Pilot Officer Sim visits his home town this weekend.
One Month Since Tisdale and Star City Churches Merge
- Thursday, June 11, 1998
Account of merger from St. Matthew's newsletter with pictures of church and Rev.
- MAD - India and Pakistan.
- Friday, May 29, 1998
Editorial/commentary on possible thermonuclear confrontation on the Subcontinent.