Chronological Index of Ensign
Articles for
February of 2004
- Sunday
February 1, 2004
by: Matthew Shire
Regina: Regina is digging out of the aftermath of the
storm that trapped the community Friday. City officials reported Saturday that it
will take three weeks to clear most of Friday's accumulation.
Manufacturing truths out of hypothesises
and out of duplicities
- Monday
February 2, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: Logic is an unforgiving thing and we are being
asked to forego logic so that new situations do not make the past the lie that it
most surely was. If there were no weapons of mass destruction then what possible
reason was there for a war with Iraq. It is now established, there were no such weapons.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
February 2, 2004
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: When it gets cold Gerald
just keeps on walking. Letters from England and Sheho and news about an expanding
business in Naicam.
- Tuesday
February 3, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : We have a tendence to believe, quite incorrectly
by the way, "that things in nature are without malace or evil intent. Like
other animals birds are thought to just respond to their instincts and live their
lives as they were designed to do." That concept is a myth. Waxwings are
evil, they harbour vandalistic thoughts toward me, my camera and especially my van.
Not only do they resent me, but they pass on their dislike from generation to generation.
This is not paranoia it is evidence based bias on my part and theirs.
Back Alley Barrier
- Tuesday
February 3, 2004
by: Stu Innes
Regina: Regina is working its way out of the snow from
this past weekend and as with all things there can be problems. Stu Innes lives on
Albert Street and in the back alley behind his house the City crushed in a wall of
snow that effectively imprisoned a neighbour's car.
Believing is not seeing
- Tuesday
February 3, 2004
by: Andrew and Timothy Shire
Winnipeg: Making a bland building what it is not is
in itself an artform. This is an extreme example of paint replacing architecture.
Nothing But Junk
Food Left For Political Junkies On The Right?
- Tuesday
February 3, 2004
by: Ron Thornton
Edmonton: The members of the former Progressive Conservative
party consider the melding of their party and the Alliance as a hostile take over,
Stephen Harper is seen as an Albertan, Tony Clement, the former Ontario Health Minister
who is best known for the failure of Ontario's ability to handle the SARs outbreak
and a thirty-seven year old twice divorced millionairess, Belinda Stronach, who certainly
knows business, are the candidates for the new Conservative party. Its fair to guess
that Paul Martin has nothing to fear.
Bush orders intelligence
inquiry: a cover up on top of another and of another…
- Wednesday
February 4, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin : There is no surprise that Americans are about
to look a little deeper into the actions of their government as it relates the Iraq
War and the attempt to blame it on faulty intelligence is the latest gamble to deflect
the hard and serious finger pointing that is going on as the United States is into
its election year.
Cadillac, the
winter of 2003 - 2004
- Wednesday
February 4, 2004
by: Victor Cote
Cadilla: Things have been pretty rough this winter in
Southern Saskatchewan. But there is more, in addition to the tough winter Cadilla
has had a bowl water situation with its water supply since 2001.
- Thursday
February 5, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Corrections Canada officers demonstrate to
high school students the work of their drug sniffing dogs at the RECPlex Theatre
today. Highly focused labrador retrievers who consider their work of searching for
smells as a game and a challenge.
Bush’s Machiavellian democracy in Iraq
and an extravagant American economy
- Thursday
February 5, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: It seems impossible for the American dream
to have much of a future as the simple logic that Free Market and democracy are incompatible
Tisdale School Division Curling Play-downs
- Friday
February 6, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: It is great to see that curling is alive and
well in Tisdale School Division as players from Arborfield, Zenon Park, Bjorkdale
and Tisdale competed today in the Divisional championship.
- Friday
February 6, 2004
by: Concerned Tisdale Parent
Tisdale: After reading yesterdays story "Nosework"
a parent sent this message to alert the community to the threat she has learned is
now a part of the Tisdale environment. It was decided not to post the parent's name
as it may cause trouble for that parent's child/children.
Culligan Synchronised skating
Provincial Competition
- Sunday
February 8, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Saturday Tisdale celebrated synchronised skating
with competitors from Martinsville, Lanigan, Drake, Regina and Saskatoon coming to
town to compete in the provincial championship. This page includes QuickTime
The progress of
- Monday
February 9, 2004
by: Brian Marlatt
White Rock, B.C.: The prime minister is working hard
at making parliament more effective and is unlikely to fall into the errors seen
in the United States with both their constitution and the powers of their states.
Many of the planks of the Conservative Party of Canada, if it had such a thing are
those very errors Jefferson placed in the consitution that led to their civil war.
Appellation Tory misleading
- Monday
February 9, 2004
by: Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls, Ontario: The press is using a term that
clearly has a real meaning and applies to some people but there is no real connection
with the term "tory" and the Conservative Party of Canada and its Reform/Alliance
wannabe leaders.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
February 9, 2004
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: The weather is the big news
at the park this week as snow machines converge on the park by the hundreds.
Near Blizzard,
Warns Environment Canada
- Tuesday
February 10, 2004
by: Matthew and Timothy Shire
Regina and Tisdale : The day began with weather warning
being issued by Environment Canada as there was a fast moving storm crossing the
province today and it was described as "near blizzard". So much for symantics
at 6:00 the Transcanada highway was closed from Alberta to Wolseley. This story has
some pictures from scenes today in Regina and in Tisdale.
Moose Jaw after
is fire of December 2003
- Tuesday
February 10, 2004
by: R. W. Shire and Candace Shire
Moose Jaw: On two different occassions our photographers capture a scene of destruction
and unusual beauty left behind from Moose Jaw's fire department's efforts to halt
the progress of a winter fire in late December.
On Democracy of Free Market, Frame of
Language, Criminalization of Malice
- Tuesday
February 10, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin : When its dog eat dog, a level of merciless
develops, everything is a fight and everyone loses. Democracy is not about economic
cannibalism, but the economic forces that are at the root of the dog fight are less
than human.
After the storm
- Wednesday
February 11, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This story shows the aftermath of the snow
and wind that visited us yesterday and includes a stark prairie 360º QuickTime
Panorama of the area between Tisdale and Valparasio.
Delay Election!!!
- Wednesday
February 11, 2004
by: Tom Mitchell
Oshawa, Ontario : The ruthless and totally destructive
methods used by the Canadian Alliance and the few power hungry traitors in the Progressive
Conservative Party have left some very hard feelings and taught the Canadian public
that treachery is all that one can expect from the reform/alliance/conservatives,
yet Senator Noel Kinsella pleads for fairness from the Liberal government to give
them time to cobble together some sort of coherent policy.
Bush on the Ropes: Lessons for the Democrats
- Wednesday
February 11, 2004
by : Mark Weisbrot
Washington: The NBC interview with the US President
showed a man far less cocky than seen before and for good reasons. The reasons for
the war in Iraq were flimsy a year ago now they seem downright ridiculous and as
the Democrats march on through the primaries other questions are arising.
Open letter to
Larry Hill, Director, CWB Board of Directors, District three
- Wednesday
February 11, 2004
by: Edwin Wallace
Success : The Canadian Wheat Board has decided to cut costs and downsize its staff
by 135 people. Oh yes, now that makes sense, if you plan was to wreck the ability
of the organisation to do its job. Edwin is not amused.
Bolt gave out
- Thursday
February 12, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This is the scene yesterday morning as water
streamed out of the street. A bolt on a valve had rusted through and it was time
to dig today.
Was he "Sleepy"
or "Schultz"?
- Thursday
February 12, 2004
by: Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls: The outrage Canadians feel at the betrayal
of trust as money flowed from public works into Quebec ad agencies or other Crown
Corporations is not going to go away here is Joe Hueglin's view on it and I have
combined his comments with two other contribuotrs.
Is there any malice
in Bush's newspeak?
- Thursday
February 12, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The economic woes of the individual citizens
of the United States are far more concerning in this election year than foreign wars
and security. There are so many Americans out of work and so many who have simply
quit looking and this is what makes the president's statement last Sunday seem nasty
to the point of being malicious.
Either Way
- Thursday
February 12, 2004
by: Rebecca Gingrich
Princeton, Ontario : The savage abuse of tax money in
Quebec could not have gone un-noticed by the MPs from Quebec and especially and MP
who was minister of finance.
Will Ontarians turn a blind
- Thursday
February 12, 2004
by: Phyllis Hubeli
Surrey, B.C. : The voters of Ontario and Quebec elect
Canada's government the rest of the country does not count. With this scandal will
they re-elect, of course they will, there is no viable alternative.
Premier's round table meeting
in Tisdale
- Friday
February, 13, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Premier Calvert attends his second round table
meeting, this time here in Tisdale as he met with government, business and community
representatives to discuss issues facing Saskatchewan people in preparation for this
year's budget and legislative session.
Let's do lunch
- Saturday
February 14, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : A combination of St. Valentines Day and a
fund raiser for Telemiracle as TMSS students hold a box social.
A world of Newspeak:
socio-economic system for looking after number one and after profits
- Saturday
February 14, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin : Living in the approach of World War II George
Orwell wrote about a frightening world where the official line was accepted even
thinking against the government was a crime. As thing seem to spin further and further
beyond what could possibly considered a real world it looks an awful lot like the
world George Orwell was describing in his novel.
Marvelous Marvin
- Saturday
February 14, 2004
by: Edwin Wallace
Success : The President of the Saskatchewan Wheat
Pool is retiring and its time for some parting shots at one of the people who
is responsible for destroying an outstanding co-operative and replacing it with a
worthless bunch of shares in a corporation that is doomed.
The Greenwater Report
- Tuesday
February 17, 2004
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Winter at the park and
in this part of Saskatchewan. Gerald shares a trip to visit friends in Saskatoon.
Le Festival du Voyageur
- Wednesday
February 18, 2004
by: Cassandra Shire
St. Boniface : The season of winter festivals is beginning and here are some
pictures from Winnipeg with ice sculptures in the setting of the fur trading fort.
Spring Cleaning
Required To Remove The Stench Of The Mob Squad
- Wednesday
February 18, 2004
by: Ron Thornton
Edmonton : The confidence we all have in government
chronically shaken as the spectacle unfolds in Ottawa it can be detected with the
nose from one end of the country to the other.
membership, constitution, who cares!
- Wednesday
February 18, 2004
by : Ken Richardson
Bella Bella : The way the Conservative party was fashioned
seems to be right in step with the Liberal's conduct in Quebec. Rules and democracy
were and are simply ignored.
Have governments reduced their citizens
to Doublethinkers?
- Wednesday
February 18, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The frightening reality is that Orwellian
thought, so much a part of the 1930s, that George Orwell dramatised in his novel
1984, seems like the environment of today. War is peace, freedom is slavery and as
this story points out the power of "doublethink" is becoming common place.
It's Snowtime
- Thursday
February 19, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : We are definitely into the typical March cycle
of weather disturbances as one snow fall comes just as another ends. Here is the
way things looked around Tisdale this morning with the snow falling.
Up to your eyeballs
- Thursday
February 19, 2004
by : Dawn and Donna LaRochelle
Gravelbourg : All across southern Saskatchewan from
Weyburn to Swift Current the snow has filled in the farm yards. Here is a typical
farm yard near Gravelbourg.
The devil you
know or the devil you don't? The devil you don't know is looking better
- Thursday
February 19, 2004
by : Randy Kubik
Dorchester, Ontario : This is a message from an Ontario
political leader who feels that anybody but a liberal would do better. The sad situation
that relates to the savage abuse of public trust in the Quebec sponsorship scandal.
They just didn't
nab him!
- Friday
February 20, 2004
by: Edwin Wallace
Success : How soon we all forget. The years that
followed Grant Devine's defeat were years where the main Saskatchewan news stories
dealt with the latest criminal investigation of yet another member of the Devine
government. The kingpin of those cases was that of Deputy Premier Eric Bernsten.
Though Grant Devine was never officially implicated, as with the scandal in Quebec
of the Liberal's making, also begs the question, as to how could such things be going
on and the boss not knowing about it?
Grassroots mowed down
- Friday
February 20, 2004
by: Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls : The Conservative Party's Interim Committee
chairperson Don Plett says that the committee wants to keep the party "pure".
Seems like the Reform/Alliance/Conservatives have held to their principles all along.
Stephen Harper was a declared Alberta Separatist who is seeking the
leadership of the party, Grant Devine is one of Canadians politicians who fought
and stood for Canadian Unity.
Bush’s tax cuts:
a reductionist economic policy for a reductionist thinker
- Friday
February 20, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : What is so hard to confront is the realisation
that if we listen to what the US president and his government say it not only doesn't
add up it doesn't make any sense either.
Tisdale Chamber
of Commerce moves
- Friday
February 20, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : The Chamber of Commerce has moved its office
from the town office to the Tisdale Mall.
Frosty Naicam
- Monday
February 23, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Naicam : Fog hung around until noon Monday coating up
the trees in Naicam and the country side that surrounds this community half an hour
south of Melfort.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
February 23, 2004
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Snow machines, a
bit more snow, a trip to Hudson Bay in the new motor home, Mike's bike and fish that
is away over weight.
Making the best of a snow
filled yard
- Tuesday
February 24, 2004
by: Matthew Shire
Gravelbourg : Last Thursday we saw the snow piled high
in the LaRochelle yard near Gravelbourg, on Saturday the family all went out and
played on the giant drifts, slide down them and built a tunnel.
Its not easy being
- Wednesday
February 25, 2004
by : Judy Shire
La Ronge : The sky in this northern community is often
quite different from what we see only a few hours South. The spindly ragged trees
are the northern imitation for palm trees and just as exotic.
Going to the Chapel
. . . part I
- Wednesday
February 25, 2004
by : Cassandra Shire
Winnipeg : A lot of energy and planning goes into a
wedding, after all it is an investment in a lifetime for two people and the effort
that goes into the project is a part of the realisation of its importance. This is
the first in a series of stories chronicaling a wedding. This first one takes us
from the engagement to eight months prior to the event.
Lunch in Naicam
- Wednesday
February 25, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Naicam : Here is a tip on a good place to find a solid
meal in Naicam. Monday was a good day for this Englishman after a hearty beef lunch
at the Home Quarter.
Now the question
is, will they make it in time?
- Thursday
February 26, 2004
by : R. W. Shire
Regina : The work in Wascana Lake is proceeding around
the clock with it taking just over a minute to fill up another big truck but the
sidewalk supertendents are discussing how the project will deal with spring approaching
Dream Weekend Hockey Tournament Scheduled
for February 27-28
- Thursday
February 26, 2004
by : Ken Jones
Regina : A special hockey tournament for the kids who
usually play on Regina's outdoor arenas move indoors for this weekend's indoor tournament.
Parkland Photography
Club February 2004
- Thursday
February 26, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : This month's theme is "partners"
as the club works on being involved in various provincial competitions.
Ethics like charity begin
at home! David Orchard tells the Conservative party of Canada
- Thursday
February 26, 2004
by : Rose-Marie Larson
Ottawa : The rules have been broken by the Conservative
party which is not living up to agreements made during the Progressive Conservative
leadership race and David Orchard is forced to sue.
- Friday
February 27, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Weekes : As the temperature edges upward the thoughts
of everyone in this part of the world move toward the primary industry. Farmers are
moving their grain to the terminals and it is definitely time to talk about farm
Is this the one
to wrap up of the season, or . . .is this the opener of the season wrap up?
- Friday
February 27, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Just under a block of visibility, wet snow
falling with a temperature of -2 and about ten knots of wind from the North. Lovely,
we expect to see about 15cm of snow out of this and highways are all clear though
the visibility is troublesome with a weather warning still in effect at 5:00 when
these pictures were taken.
Download successful
- Saturday
February 28, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Last night's snowfall turned out to be about
eight inches or so on our steps. It is damp and a nuisance but will add to this year's
spring run off, at least that's what we are all telling ourselves as we shoveled
it off sidewalks and driveways.
Governor General's
Purpose, Mandate, Benefits, Costs and Constitution
- Saturday
February 28, 2004
by : Robert Ede
Richmond Hill, Ontario : Most Canadians have little
opportunity to understand the Canadian Constitution because oddly enough it is rarely
covered in Canadian school courses. Mr. Ede is not a fan of the structure of Canadian
government so it is important for you to find out what he objects to and consider
for yourself the merits of this, rather than the US style republican form of government.
Americans are all Protectionists Now
- Saturday
February 28, 2004
by : Mark Weisbrot
Washington : The past thirty years have seen the greatest
redistribution of wealth in American history as the median wage gained 7% and the
over all income has risen by 85%. This article points out the obvious and that is
that rich folks are definitely for Global economy and free trade because it enhances
their income as they are protected.
CanadaLife and
the Royal Bank of Canada stealing from honest people like me
- Saturday
February 28, 2004
by : Eric deSantis
Saskatoon : We have all had these phone calls "free
for the first two months" that will be just a little added protection for you.
Most of us say "no". But what if you say no and they just go ahead and
clip your account anyway? The Royal has made off with $319.50 from a college student
claiming its his fault because he didn't notice they were stealing from him. Their
claim that they didn't steal because they weren't caught makes you wonder about the
ethics of Canada's largest bank.
Motorised sliding
- Sunday
February 29, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : For the past week we have had warm temperatures,
low ceilings and sometimes fog. On Wednesday I spotted these young people enjoying
themselves in the old primary school playground then two adults doing the same leaving
The Orwellian state of Newspeak’s Doubleplusgood:The
intersection of the privatised Rule of Law and Terrorism
- Sunday
February 29, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The black art of deception takes many forms
and it seems that trimming and crafting the terms used to describe things and events
has taken the lead in this never ending struggle to keep ahead of the truth. No part
of a society is left unaffected when the words are the weapons.
Viva Valdy Live
at Last and other stuff
- Sunday
February 29, 2004
by : Donna Bromm
Tisdale : Friday night Valdy and Gary Fjellgaard performed
for an appreciative audience here is what the concert was like.