This page has the various stories that involve education and educational issues. |
Cross country
in the rain
- Wednesday
September 17, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Area schools launch their cross country running season with today's meet here in
Tisdale's sports
- Monday
September 8, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
TMSS annual senior volleyball tournament and Trojan final camp were on this past
First Day of Tisdale
School Year 2003 - 2004
- Wednesday
August 27, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shiire
Absolutely perfect, that's what today's light rain was to signal the beginning of
a new school year in this community.
Winning With People:
The Challenge of Change
- Tuesday
August 26, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Teachers and business leaders from Nipawin, Hudson Bay, Melfort and
Tisdale attend a workshop by Kit Grant on personal development and
coping with change in the work day environment. This page includes a QuickTime
VR panorama of the scene this morning, if you do not have a recent version of
QuickTime installed this image will not appear, the most recent version can
be downloaded free and is easy to install.
Salvation Wraps up season
- Friday
August 15, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
A great summer for this project as it is about to close up for the summer with school
resuming on August 27.
Batoche Once More
- Wednesday
June 25, 2003
by: Timothy & Judy Shire
An opportunity to share a visit to the Batoche Historical Park with the grade eight
and nine students from Kelliher let us see the site and all that it symbolises. These
pictures tell the story. This story includes 71 pictures and a 1MB QuickTime VR.
Sa-Hali Secondary
School Flash Proejct Site
- Saturday
May 17, 2003
by: Mike Townsend
Mike Townsend has assembled this semester's projects from his "InfoTech - 12"
course in his Kamloops High school. His students have been learning to create web
sites using Micromedia "Flash" and this is your chance to check out their
work. A few of the projects are not yet completed but they will shortly all be on
this site.
Grad 2003 car
- Sunday
May 11, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Saturday was time for the 2003 grad class to undertake their annual car wash fund
Red River College
- Tuesday
April 29, 2003
Using a new campus with a blend of new buildings and completely rebuilt ones to produce
a setting that will facilitate the development of Canada's most innovative graphics
Extreme Education
- Thursday
April 17, 2003
by: Michael Townsend
Pushing back the edge of the frontiers is what this site and this technology is all
about. Mike Townsend put together a "flash" presentation to promote the
course he teaches in his Kamloops high school and you will get a kick out of what
he has produced. If you are dial up you need to know this one as is 740KB to download.
Incidental learning,
the stuff of real education
- Friday
April 11, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
So what is really happening when a child is playing. What is really happening when
a school class goes on a field trip. When learning really happens there must be experience.
Honey Bee Family Music and Dance Camps
- Wednesday
April 9, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Late July and August a music summer camp is planned and well on its way to becoming
an opportunity for young people to participate in a music programme while camping
out at a local farm.
A new year begins
- Wednesday, March 19, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
This picture essay of children making their way to and from school on a spring day
was to be the lead today but alas their joy and good spirits are taking a second
place position to the events in the Middle East. New reports indicate that Israeli
schools will be open today and people in Iraq will be doing their best to live their
lives as normally as possible. Good to see our kids only have to dodge snow balls
as the cluster bombs and bunker busters are being delivered elsewhere.
Libraries: Cornerstones
of the learning community
- Friday, March 14, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Saskatchewan's teacher librarins hold their annual conference in Saskatoon and here
is a first hand account of the conference.
Dragger 32
- Thursday, February 20, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
With the restriction of being able to move only his head an Aylsham man is using
technology to rebuild a new life and career for himself.
Checked out a
book lately?
- Sunday, January 26, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Here is your chance to visit Tisdale's public library. There is a need for a word
of caution, if you are accessing this site using a dial up connection this page will
take a will to download as it includes a 1.7 MB QuickTime VR of the library's interior.
This also is a test page using a ten inch rather than an eight inch format. I would
appreciate feedback on this new wider design.
Indoor soccer tournment
- Sunday, January 26, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
The RECPlex was a bouncing with soccer balls Saturday as teams from surrounding communities
came out for a tournment.
Making a new home for Student
Support Centre
- Monday
December 16, 2002
Work has begun as the store front downtown is being transformed into the new Student
Support Centre for Tisdale School Division.
Tisdale School Divison Presented with
Premier's Award
- Wednesday
November 20, 2002
The Premier's Board of Education Award for Innovation and Excellence in Education
was presented Monday morning to Tisdale School Division.
Student run nutrition program at Stobart High
School, Duck Lake
- Wednesday
November 20, 2002
Darcy Schill tells us about their program and a student Scott Seland did up the pictures
for you to see how this project works.
Penguin Walk 2002
- Tuesday
November 19, 2002
Each year the grade eight art classes produce a penguin each at this time of the
year and then last Friday they took them for a walk. This page includes a 27 picture
Flash presentation that is 1.5MB to download.
Exceptionality: What is not average?
- Tuesday
November 12, 2002
Parents really need to think about what words like exceptional, average and special
education mean. Educators and politicians toss these words around and the public
gets sucked into a vortex of abnormal thoughts.
Mr. Freggi and the healthy lunch
- Thursday
October 24, 2002
Archerwill Co-op pitches in to promote healthy lunches at Archerwill school throughout
this week.
Tisdale School Division signs partner deal with RM of
Tisdale, Credit Union and Metis Nation of Saskatchewan
- Tuesday
October 22, 2002
Tisdale Middle and Secondary School's alternative programme has been identified as
a very positive educational concept for the community and three partners have stepped
forward to purchase a storefront location and provide the place with equipment and
The right to education
- Friday
October 18, 2002
Be sure to check the reference on this story as it fills in the details about a strike
of the educational assistants in Hamilton Ontario. Mark Alan Whittle explains the
action he is taking to attempt to get something close to fairness for his disabled
son. This discrimnatory strike only affects the disabled children and clearly is
an issue that we all need to be concerned about as it is how we treat those least
fortunate that a society is judged.
The RECPlex Domain
- Sunday
September 29, 2002
From atop the RECPlex arena we have a remarkable QuickTime VR (2MB)panorama of the
town. Spirit of cooperation and collaboration that is seen in the working of the
RECPlex is a model not only for this community but others as well. This page also
includes the 20 second intro to the Tisdale Town video (800K)
Tisdale School Division Official Grand Opening of Welding
- Thursday
September 26, 2002
This morning at 11:30 TMSS saw the official launch of its partnered programme with
Northern Steel Industries and Beeland Co-op Association who are participating in
developing the new industrial welding programme.
Sylvania the fall of 2002
- Saturday
September 21, 2002
Harvest is in progress, the leaves turning and children well into the new school
year. A look at rural life in a Saskatchewan village. This page includes a 620K Quicktime
VR panorama image.
Terry Fox Run
- Tisdale Elementary School
- Friday
September 13, 2002
Inspired by the young man who attempted to run across Canada on his one leg the students
of the Elementary School were out this afternoon doing their part to remember his
efforts and help in the cause.
Musikgeek - Shannon Andrews
- Thursday
September 5, 2002
Shannon Andrews introduces a new concept in music instruction as her routine for
the new instructional year gets underway.
TMSS Classic Senior volleyball tournament
- Saturday
September 7. 2002
Teams from all over the province are working the volleyball courts at Tisdale's Middle
Secondary School this weekend.
School Year 2002
- 2003 Begins Today
- Monday
August 26, 2002
A magnificent August day for the new school year to get underway here in Tisdale
and in much of the province.
New Tee
- Friday
June 14, 2002
A new set of tees have expanded both the size and difficulty of the Riverside golf
course in Tisdale. Here are some shots of the tee off in St. Theresa Park.
Saskatchewan School Librarians Hold Annual
- Sunday
May 5, 2002
The stuff of learning is to education what dirt is to farming and this weekend Saskatchewan's
school librarians gathered in Saskatoon to provide each other with improved tools
and awareness of the important role they play in the furthering of education in this
Belly Button Buddies
- Monday
May 6, 2002
Writer, artist and entertainment combined in a book, painting and performance combination
that is both charming and poignant.
Bike Repair Shop and Student Support Centre
- Monday
May 13, 2002
Lindsay Krestianson explained the entrepeneurial high school credit program for a
group of students in a new programme operated by Tisdale School Division.
Church and State
- Monday
May 13, 2002
Ron Thornton is concerned that the clash between the Catholic Separate School system
in Oshawa Ontario and Ontario courts could have serious ramifications.
Cumberland Community College
- Thursday
May 30, 2002
A fabulous setting for adult education in Tisdale's RECplex facility.
Waiting For The Bus
- Friday
May 31, 2002
Getting to and from school safely is an important part of every child's life. In
the small town of Tisdale that involves intown school bus pick ups.
The Myth of the Free Market: American
Economy and Higher Tuition Fees at Canadian Law Schools
- Monday
March 18, 2002
It looks like Canadian universities are going begin pricing tuition toward the wages
graduates can expect. This unseemly elitist move looks bad for prospective students
but even worse for a society that houses such institutions.
- Important Stuff

- Sunday
February 13, 2000
This morning we get a different view of education then what you might expect from
a form high school principal as Timothy Shire discusses the role of education in
our society.
- Embedding The Internet In Our Education System: It Is Not
A Matter of Money, It Is A Matter of Mind
February 7, 1999
Be sure to drop back and see Mario deSantis' excellent article on how schools can
implement the use of the Internet into their curriculum.
Work Experience Luncheon
- Wednesday
February 10, 1999
TMSS entertains the employers who helped out with last semester's work experience
course for grade ten students.
To Seek An Older
- Thursday
February 11, 1999
The way we humans learn is examined in this article that discusses some experimental
short course projects.
- A Personal Story: Learning and New Technologies In Education
February 1, 1999
You can't beat first hand experience to bring awareness of not only problems but
how problems can and are solved. Mario deSantis tells us clearly and consisely
about some problems our educational system has and points to the direction we can
take to improve things drastically.
- A Personal Experience: Knowledge Is Not Transferred, It is
- Tuesday
February 2, 1999
Mario deSantis shares with us his thoughts on the learning process, this is
an article that you need to read carefully and think over. In it, he explains the
key to a learning, the ability to construct one's own knowledge base.
- Computer Advances In Education: Another Internet Revolution
February 5, 1999
Mario deSantis tells us about inexpensive job related course that can be taken over
the internet.