Chronological Index of Ensign
Articles for
August of 2002
Street Paving Season
- Thursday
August 1, 2002
Work crews began Monday patching and repairing the pavement throughout Tisdale.
By the week
28 to August 3
August 4 to 10
August 11
to 17
August 18
to 24
August 25
to 31
- Thursday
August 1, 2002
When Chretien, Romanow and McMurty hammered out a deal in an Ontario hotel kitchen,
the only way they could get the provinces to go with the charter was to include a
strange clause that became Section 33. Its time to reconsider their compromise.
Brandt Grain Handling Equipment
- Thursday
August 1, 2002
Here are three innovations for the farmyard handling of grain, made by a Regina company
and marketed by John Bob Farm Equipment.
Bleak Fields
- Friday
August 2, 2002
Halfway between Tisdale and Nipawin is usually one of the most abundant farm fields
anywhere in the province but that's not the situation this year.
Troubling dispatches
from the health care front
- Friday
August 2, 2002
Walter Robinson of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation has adroiately spotted the growing
awareness and concern Canadians have about medicare and that it is a major issure
for everyone. Walter worries that the direction of study and action may not be seeking
all possible alternatives.
The stock bubble was there and the plutocrats
- Friday
August 2, 2002
Mario deSantis takes time to explain what is happening and why there is a stock market
bubble with less value than money. Mario brings to our attention the interesting
American author Kevin Phillips.
Doghide Trails
- Saturday
August 3, 2002
Tisdale has a remarkable set of hiking and biking trails that offer a place to definitely
get away from it all.
Black Year In The Red
- Sunday
August 4, 2002
Five miles East of Tisdale then five miles North and things do not look good for
one of the most productive crop growing areas of Saskatchewan.
A message for Tory MP Scott Brison:
- Sunday
August 4, 2002
Mario deSantis what kind of thinking is going one with Federal politicians and their
adherence to dogma.
Trouble In ToryLand
- Sunday
August 4, 2002
Timothy Shire gives a hand trying to explain some of the ins and outs of this summer's
political show.
The Greenwater Report for August 5, 2002
- Monday
August 5, 2002
Gerald Crawford takes us to the Kelvington Fair and his absolutely stunning pictures
show us not only the spectacle of chuck wagon races but of heavy horse pulling and
horse shoes.
House Number 7
- Monday
August 5, 2002
Construction of new buildings in Tisdale continues as work has begun on the seventh
new house of the year.
Rebuttal to Globe
and Mail Story by Kim Lunman
- Monday
August 5, 2002
After discussing the issue of the leadership of the Conservative party it is interesting
to have Mark Alan Whittle's contribution as he combines a Globe and Mail story, a
letter from Joe Clark and his own comments to detail the twists within the Progressive
Conservative Party.
House Number Six In Place
- Monday
August 5, 2002
New house is a Ready To Move unit and it has arrived.
Farmers Market - A Difficult Year
- Tuesday
August 6, 2002
Frost this weekend has further increased the difficulty of bringing produce to market
this cold spring, super dry, over heated summer.
Piper Turbo-Arrow III
- Tuesday
August 6, 2002
The Piper Arrow went into production in 1967, here are some pictures and information
on a 1978 turbo version.
Question ... Is Canada becoming a banana
- Tuesday
August 6, 2002
President of the BC Progressive Conservative party, Paul Scrimger is humourous about
Vancouver police and the RCMP using the Prime Minister's visit to get even over the
APEC inquiry by arresting the lawyer for the students and hold him for five hours
claiming he had pies in the trunk of his car.
The Park In Colour
- Tuesday
August 6, 2002
Later then other years but never the less the park looks outstanding.
Inchworm's New Store Opens
- Wednesday
August 7, 2002
The brand new building is open for business and we have the pictures to show you
around this new store including a QuickTime Virtual Reality view of the store's interior.
Spinning Tangled
- Wednesday
August 7, 2002
As soon as Progressive Conservative Leader Joe Clark released his statement that
he was stepping down Canadian Alliance Leader Stephen Harper issued another ultimatium
the Conservatives couldn't accept. Joe Hueglin tells us about these spins.
Deckidy Do Dah
- Wednesday
August 7, 2002
Here is a brief look at some new houses and their new decks as we check out the trends
in outdoor living.
Go West
- Thursday
August 8, 2002
"Go West Young Man Go West." Good idea face the sunset, and go with the
damp East wind. This page includes a small (188K) QuickTime VR.
PC - CA: Is There
Enough Common Ground
- Thursday
August 8, 2002
Ron Thornton spells out the Alliance view of Canada as he wonders if Progressive
Conservatives share similar concepts.
1956 Plymouth
- Thursday
August 8, 2002
Chrysler made a major design change in 1956 this story tells about the setting and
atmosphere of the time.
- Thursday
August 8, 2002
Phyllis H. Hubeli of Surrey B.C. is not impressed with Liberal cabinet minister Stephane
Dion's request that Canada's provinces should adopt French as an official language.
Their Silence Shames Them
- Thursday
August 8, 2002
Joe Clark has served his country as Prime Minister, distinguished cabinet minister,
leader of the opposition and has earned the respect of Canadians yet when he announces
he is stepping down John Sheltus points out that the Prime Minister and leader of
the opposition fail to mention his contributions.
Are Bush and Cheney bad apples? Is Saudi
Arabia a Friend or a foe?
- Thursday
August 8, 2002
Mario deSantis has discovered a not so pretty vigilante group in the United States
as the country's president and vice president sink deeper into the slim that they
have created. Be sure to check the links on this story as it only hints at the murk
lying beneath.
York's Welding and Repair
- Friday
August 9, 2002
Keenan York has had his business open for a week but his sign is up and its official
as Tisdale's newest manufacturer and repair shop is open for business.
House Number Seven Progresses
- Friday
August 9, 2002
A foggy damp and over cast day but that isn't slowing the work as the wood basement
is installed in this new basement.
- Saturday
August 10. 2002
Today we turn away from the confounded world of political and economic illusion and
deal with real stuff. An elegant planter with simple but opulent petunias.
Magical Front Yard
- Saturday
August 10, 2002
A modest home with a small front yard has been able to capture the atmosphere of
interesting grandparents.
Bravado and the Setting Sun
- Saturday
August 10, 2002
You will see them here often because there is no such thing as "just another
Living Spaces
- Sunday
August 11, 2002
Making a whole lot, not just the house and its interior, but the whole lot, the place
of residence is a growing trend in homes and gardens today. This is a remarkable
and truly elaborate example. The story is broken into three separate pages so that
it reduces your download time and includes a total of twenty-four full size pictures.
The deplorable facets of public relations
and opinion polls: Manufacturing the correlation between political
dogmas and people
- Sunday
August 11, 2002
Mario deSantis points out the direction the people of America are being leader or
mislead by Republican politicans.
Tisdale Museum Music Jamboree
- Sunday
August 11, 2002
Even though it clouded over and the sky look pretty tough it did not rain on crowd
that turned out for this year's show.
The Greenwater
Report For August 12, 2002
- Monday
August 12, 2002
Two inches of rain but more needed as Gerald Crawford tells us about the geese, Merganser
ducks, berry picking, natural gas installation, some brave deer and a buffalo herd.
Change you can
trust to govern
- Monday
August 12, 2002
Canadians may live from coast to coast but when it comes to deciding who forms the
government that decision is made in Ontario and the way it looks to the people there
the choice is between the ideas advocated by Joe Clark and the ideas of Paul Martin.
Mark Alan Whittle comes out strongly in favour of the ideas set forth by Joe Clark.
Tree Planting Time
- Monday
August 12, 2002
The Tisdale Senior Citizens Golden Age Centre began the process of landscaping today
with the working up of a strip of land for the installation of trees.
- Monday
August 12, 2002
In daylight we see what the sun shows us but at night it is people who are in charge
and more and more they are showing us more.
Second Block of
98th Street Dug Up
- Tuesday
August 13, 2002
This is a wet dig as the aging line was no longer holding water.
Good Turn Out
For Farmers Market
- Tuesday
August 13, 2002
Lots of produce on hand and more vendors than last week Tisdale shoppers had a great
time this morning at the farmers market.
Schapansky Attracts Crowd
- Tuesday
August 13, 2002
Wall to wall trucks and bargain hunters converged on Schapansky Auctions for today's
Building An Addition
- Tuesday
August 13, 2002
Great lot, good house, fine location all add up to the good sense to just add on.
- Wednesday
August 14, 2002
Like grinding salt into a tortured wound rain clouds sweep across a prairie land
when its moisture is no longer of much good with the crop all but finished for this
Bushís Policies: Forgetting
Humanity while 'God Bless America'
- Wednesday
August 14, 2002
While the United States plans international assassination of leaders they deem unpleasant
the patriot gingoism of their "God Bless America" definitely is going to
give the diety a bad name.
- Wednesday
August 14, 2002
A new concept in grain marketing and grain buying as a company establishes itself
in downtown Tisdale.
Yesterday The Sun Came Out
- Thursday
August 15, 2002
Today a time for some reflection and consideration about social conditions and our
responsiblity for things that just should not happen.
Mike Harris, like Margaret Thatcher, has become a political
- Thursday
August 15, 2002
Mahmood Elahi from Ottawa explains the simple fact that Canadian voters have had
enough of the right, united to otherwise. He mentions some important authors and
their work which are well worth checking out.
Canadian patriot Ezra Levant:
Canada should declare war against Iraq
- Friday
August 16, 2002
In world reeling still from the terrorist attack of September 11 it may well be that
America is the biggest threat to world peace and Ezra Levant thinks Canada should
declare war on Iraq.
- Friday
August 16, 2002
Joe Hueglin explains the simple but profound differences between the people of Canada,
the Progressive Conservative Party and the ideology of Canadian Alliance leader Stephen
Harper. This story is accompanied by three PDF stories from the National Post including
a letter from Mr. Harper.
A Challenge For Stephen Harper
- Friday
August 16, 2002
Michael Watkins from Vancouver is a delegate at the upcoming Progressive Conservative
convention and poses a challenge to the leader of the Canadian Alliance.
Saturday Morning #-415
- Saturday
August 17, 2002
Our days are numbered so let's make the best of them. This morning is clouding and
damp but let's take a look around. (Actually the image above was taken at 4:30 yesterday
- "Oh
Give Me a Home . . ."
- Sunday

August 18, 2002
Cows with beards, aboriginal bovine, buffalo: the hardy original,s all pure bred
Saskatchewan tough grass converter.
Its more than yields and input costs
- Sunday
August 18, 2002
From readers in other parts of the country we know that there is interest in finding
out what this part of Canada is all about. This story tries to give some insignt
into the world of the grain farmer.
The Greenwater Report For August 19, 2002
- Monday
August 19, 2002
Gerald Crawford takes us off to Hudson Bay's Heritage day with fabulous pictures
of horses, cattle judging and mud fling.
Valley Fuel and Fertilizer Upgrades Facility
- Monday
August 19, 2002
Bulk ESSO agent is re-doing their tank farm and fuel handling system.
"Will that be to eat in or to go?"
- Monday
August 19, 2002
Minimum wage, part time workers slug away in fast food joints earning less than what
a person needs to sustain oneself.
Contractors Expand House Number 5
- Tuesday
August 20, 2002
This new house was moved in and placed on a basement that was about one third longer
than the house, now we know why.
Will they or won't
- Tuesday
August 20, 2002
Michael Watkins will be a deligate for his Vancouver riding of Kingsway this coming
weekend at the Conservative convention in Edmonton when the issue of "uniting
the right" will once again surface. Michael points out that both Stephen Harper
and his right hand man are well known self identified Albertan separatists.
The Uncensored
Taxpayer Diary: Ideas please ... not egos and games
- Tuesday
Augsut 20, 2002
Walter Robinson muses about the distractions of the Liberal leadership excesses and
worries about the national agenda.
The educational
faults affecting mostly our young native population: Lack of languaging
and emotioning in the classroom
- Tuesday
August 20, 2002
Mario deSantis points out that society is failing miserably with the aboriginal population
and the secret solution is simply better education.
Moving On
- Wednesday
August 21, 2002
House number seven has arrived in Tisdale from Mistatim and early this morning the
work crew were positioning it on its new basement.
Time for "investment"
- Wednesday
August 21, 2002
Joe Hueglin discusses the need for Federal Government participation in the assistance
of cattle producers in the ravaged dought stricken prairies.
Trailer "garage" sale
- Wednesday
August 21, 2002
A novel way to hold a garage clean up sale, on today and tomorrow on the farmers
market lot in downtown Tisdale.
Alliance Not Separatist
- Wednesday
August 21, 2002
Phyllis Hubeli takes exception to Michael Watkin's assertion yesterday that the Canadian
Alliance leadership are avowed Albertan Separatists.
Health Care in
Canada:Thank you Fraser Institute for yet another dogmatic inconclusive
- Wednesday
August 21, 2002
Mario deSantis points out the obviously confusing results surveys and studies show
about perception of health care. There is little surprise that the Fraser Institute
always draws conclusions that support their politics rather than their actual research.
Wrong Way
- Thursday
August 22. 2002
It must have something to do with having grown up in the 50s and 60s that seems to
bring out the rebel in me when I see a sign like this one.
Will changing
the name make it better?
- Thursday
August 22, 2002
Canada's largest bank no longer calls itself a bank as the sign was changed on the
local branch Tuesday of this week.
Dogmatic statistical
surveys/polls: A tool of the Free Market to divert intelligent common
- Thursday
August 22, 2002
Mario deSantis points out the craziness of instant polls and pseudo research as used
to sway public opinion. He brings to our attention the remarkable Lance Broughton's
realisation of why young people are going along with the system.
Department of Highways Fixes Highway #3
- Thursday
August 22, 2002
A little confusion as the Department restricts traffice past the Tisdale Mall as
they resurfaced that stretch of road today.
A Friday morning in August
- Friday
August 23, 2002
This morning a quick look around at what is happening in our town.
Chretien has his
legacy, and he doesn't like it either
- Friday
August 23, 2002
Ron Thornton tells us about the legacy of the prime minister and warns us of still
more to come.
The Unhappy Harvest of 2002
- Saturday
August 24, 2002
Though some farmers will drive their combines around in their fields many will not
as this is the crop year that wasn't.
The tools of Statistics and System Dynamics:
The first for private business, the other for public policies
- Saturday
August 24, 2002
Mario deSantis voices his concern about government and the public putting to much
value upon surveys and polls when a much more reliable and mathematically sound system
called "System Dynamics" can much better handle the issues of public policy.
The understand this story it is necessary to take some time and go over some the
important references that are found on the link page noted in references.
School Year 2002
- 2003 Begins Today
- Monday
August 26, 2002
A magnificent August day for the new school year to get underway here in Tisdale
and in much of the province.
The Greenwater Report For August 26, 2002
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Warm weather as the season draws to a close for the park and Gerald tells us about
berries, sales and sunflowers.
"Will you
have cheese with that?"
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Work began this morning on developing the Tisdale outlet for the A&W fast food
No Fault in Saskatchewan:Lorie
Terry publishes an article on insurance research and medical ethics
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Since the spring of 2000 we at this web site have been haunted with the horror of
the behaviour and intent of SGI with more than seventy articles written on the subject.
Mario deSantis points out the recent article published written by Saskatchewan activist
Lorie Terry.
Fire Damages Welding
- Monday
August 26, 2002
This shop is one of the stories we were working on and had missed seeing the owner
for a picture and details.
Thank you Sheila Steele for letting us
get to know police Superintendent Brian George Dueck
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Saskatoon City police officer continues to practice his trade while many consider
his actions and that of the police force he works with to be extremely suspicious.
Ottawa Far Out of Touch
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Regina area farmer Stu Innes explains the inept Federal Government's response to
Western Canada's drought with yet another programme that will benefit almost no one
in Western Canada.
Auction Day In Tisdale
- Monday
August 26, 2002
Mostly household goods from furniture to antiques go on sale tomorrow at the auction
sale. Here are some of the special items to be found at the sale.
New Line Under
the street
- Tuesday
August 27, 2002
SaskTel discovered a problem with its line and this morning replaced it using a drilling
system to make the fix without digging up the street.
PC's praise the
- Tuesday
August 27, 2002
Ron Thornton gives us an outsiders view of the man who certainly impressed Progressive
Conservatives at their convention this past weekend, New Brunswick premier, Bernard
The pretend auto
- Tuesday
August 27, 2002
Back in May of this year we did a story about the expensive SUV version of the US
military Hummer. Here is the story of how we got this one wrong.
Harper's regional
- Tuesday
August 27, 2002
A week ago Michael Watkins pointed out some disconcerting reasons why the Canadian
Alliance is unpalitable to the Progressive Conservatives to which Phyllis Hubeli
replied. Today Michael responds.
Sharing sunrise this morning
- Tuesday
August 27, 2002
At 0600 the morning was fully lit with a great sunrise and you can share the moment
and learn about landing as well.
New speed bump to be installed
- Wednesday
August 28, 2002
Tomorrow morning work begins and turning this intersection into a very big hole.
Prime Ministers
- Wednesday
August 28, 2002
Ron Thornton passed this discussion on to the editor in email and it is just what
we all need to sort out some of Canada's prime ministers.
Careful Now
- Thursday
August 29, 2002
The water and sewer lines under main street are intercepted as the service for the
new A&W is being accomplished today.
Kyoto: What if
we do, or we don't?
- Thursday
August 29, 2002
Today CBC reported that the Federal government plans to sign the accord in October.
Ron Thornton gives us his view of what this really means.
Western Separatism
and Provincial Rights
- Thursday
August 29, 2002
It is definitely time to get this discussion out in the open. This is Phyllis H.
Hubeli's response to Michael Watkins Tuesday story. It is important to see this discussion
because if we think about our country we know that we share and disagree with various
views. Today we are given the case for increases provincial rights.
Terry Fox sign-up
- Friday
August 30, 2002
Today its time to get in the spirit and sign up for the Terry Fox run at the front
of the post office.
Breaking down the brainwashed perception
of GDP and Productivity
- Friday
August 30, 2002
Just saying something does not make it true and the politicians and economist have
a tendancy to make pronouncements that are far from accurate. Mario deSantis asks
us to think about the continuing use of GDP and Productivity as some measure of the
way things are going. Be sure to check out the links on this page.
Tisdale Today - August 30, 2002
- Friday
August 30, 2002
Some observations in our little town today.
Second Growth
- Saturday
August 31, 2002
The preculiar growing conditions have created one of the most unusual harvests ever.
Why Canada should not ratify
- Saturday
August 31, 2002
Certainly we are all for clearn air and water but will Canada going for the Kyoto
accord make a difference? Phyllis H. Hubeli has taken on the challenge of dealing
with this topic and this story is worth considering carefully.
Tourist booth closes this weekend
- Saturday
August 31, 2002
All summer long the booth has been greeting visitors and giving them a clue about
what to see and do but this is its last weekend open.