Chronological Index of Ensign
Articles for
May of 2002
Trojan Triumph
- Wednesday
May 1, 2002
Yesterday was Trojan day, the town decorated the RECPlex jammed with cheering fans
to greet Canada's best midget hockey team winners of the 2002 Air Canada Cup. This
story includes a picture sequence (2mb) and a QuickTime VR panorama (800K) even though
these are streaming it will take time on a dial connection.
By the week
28 to May 4
May 5 to 11
May 12 to 18
May 19 to 25
May 26 to June 1
Must Not Yield to U.S. Pressure on Lumber Tariffs: There
is History!
- Wednesday
May 1, 2002
Thomas Baxter an ecologist and high school teacher in Thunder Bay has taken time
to explain the history of Canada's forest problems with our neighbour. This extensive
and detailed article gives us some understanding of the issue of Crown (public) land
and why it is essential to maintaining our country.
St. Matthew's Anglican Church Spring Sale
Begins today
- Thursday
May 2, 2002
Of the many garage and rummage sales each spring the Anglicans seem to have the most
impressive one with amazing antiques hidden among their many treasures.
Parkland Photography Club April Meeting
- Thursday
May 2, 2002
Club member have been entering competitions and this month's meeting dealt with working
on the art of getting a good picture with some excellent tips for everyone.
Team Randall Readies 2002 Car
- Thursday
May 2, 2002
Though it seems like summer is a long way off the 2002 stock car season will begin
soon and when it does Randall Automotive will have their Penzol Special ready to
roar around the track.
Questions "before"
- Thursday
May 2, 2002
Stephen Harper, the new leader of the Canadian Alliance asks Progressive Conservatives
to join his party in an open letter. Joe Hueglin a former Conservative member of
parliament wants to know some things before he even thinks about it.
The Free Market of Education: The
Inner Sanctum for our Priestly and Compassionate fortunate Sons
- Thursday
May 2, 2002
Unfortunately Canadians are caught in the trends that are what shape North American
society and the trend toward elitism and high cost of post secondary education is
continent wide. Mario deSantis points out how detrimental this is for a democratic
society to head in this direction.
"I've Had Enough of Spring Already!"
- Friday
May 3, 2002
Full blown blizzard after two weeks of cold, wind and more cold. The bad weather
seems to have set off this writer in a rant about current affairs. This article can
be listened to as well as read.
Bad Day Huh?
- Saturday
May 4, 2002
Kevin McIntyre considers the editor's lament on Friday and responds with this little
flight of fantasy.
Saskatchewan School Librarians Hold Annual
- Sunday
May 5, 2002
The stuff of learning is to education what dirt is to farming and this weekend Saskatchewan's
school librarians gathered in Saskatoon to provide each other with improved tools
and awareness of the important role they play in the furthering of education in this
The Canadian Alliance -
The Party Some Love to Hate
- Sunday
May 5, 2002
Ron Thornton steps up to explain the underlying and fundamental principles of the
Canadian Alliance party. The Alliance has been one of Canada's least alliance like
political parties with its MPs and canditates often making very negative headlines
while in the last election the party ran a very negative campaign. Now we find out
the positive strengths of this political movement.
President George Bush's Free Market:
A Fake Smoke Screen concocted by Corporate America and the Pentagon
- Sunday
May 5, 2002
The American policies of free trade, free market and accellerated national protectionism
are the primary contributors to holding back the thrid world from development.
The Times To Read
- Sunday
May 5, 2002
A quick and painless way to update yourself on world events using a daily e-mail
summary of the New York Times.
Belly Button Buddies
- Monday
May 6, 2002
Writer, artist and entertainment combined in a book, painting and performance combination
that is both charming and poignant.
The Greenwater Report for May 6, 2002
- Monday
May 6, 2002
Just as cold out at the park as it is everywhere else and Gerald Crawford is feeling
the chill suggetsing that its about time for the fisherman to start putting the fishing
shacks back on the ice. The Cove's open house and how the moose are doing are covered
in this week's report.
Mall Recruitment
- Monday
May 6, 2002
Canadian Armed Forces are a real and tangible part of Canadian life and with our
forces engaged in battle in Afghanistan seeing them add to their numbers brings the
reality home.
The Free Market of Corporate America:
Raping developing countries, waging wars and sustaining tyrannies
- Monday
May 6, 2002
A decidedly unfriendly view of our neighbour and its economic system which seems
to be bent upon exploitation and dominant behaviour.
We'll Take What We Get
- Tuesday
May 7, 2002
Despite the low temperatures its ball season.
- I
- Tuesday
May 7, 2002
Ron Thornton notes that our Prime Minister remains popular despite his amazing lack
of committment to what he says.
No Mud Between The Toes
- Tuesday
May 7, 2002
Geese by the tens of thousands are holding up on their trip to the arctic awaiting
improvements in the weather and offering us humans a chance to see them and observe
their social nature for a few weeks.
If There's A Crop!
- Wednesday
May 8, 2002
About the same number of bins are being assembled as other years despite the carry
over of some of last year's inventory.
Walls and Roof
- Wednesday
May, 8, 2002
New house takes shape in the new division on Tisdale's North side.
Household Auction
- Wednesday
May 8, 2002
Big crowd attends auction of household products.
President George Bush and Investment Guru
Warren Buffett: Privatizing Governments and Increasing Violence
- Wednesday
May 8, 2002
Violence seems only to produce more violence and one is hard pressed to think of
an instance where it alone has produced a solution of any lasting nature.
What Stephen Harper Isn’t Telling You
About Merger Talks
- Wednesday
May 8, 2002
Chris Blackman from London Ontario gives us the perspective from his part of the
country on the proposals made by Canadian Alliance leader Stephen Harper.
Open Letter to
Lorne Nystrom
- Wednesday
May 8, 2002
The national version of the New Democratic Party seems so much to want to be part
of the corporate establishment. MP Lorne Nystrom recently circulated his "Special
Report" to members and evoked this response from Edwin Wallace.
The demented and patriotic mind set of
Royal Bank CEO Gordon Nixon: A strong Canadian dollar increases competitiveness,
sovereignty and quality of life
- Thursday
May 9, 2002
Gordon Nixon is paid $10.46 million dollars a year to head up the Royal Bank and
figures that for Canadian companies the holy grail is seeing Canada continue as a
United States colony.
- Thursday
May 9, 2002
Joe Hueglin points out that with the apparent fiddling with advertising money in
Quebec should we be considering a dangerous piece of legislation like bill C-55 when
federal ministers seem so careless.
Present Application of Tax System Discriminates Against
Children of Middle Income Parents
- Thursday
May 9, 2002
The cost of post secondary education rise at an alarming rate now far beyond all
the richest people in our country but oddly enough the least able to afford collage
are children of the growing minority known as the middle class. Stanley Donovan from
Newbrunswick explains the plight caused by tax laws designed to penialise those who
Sports, Sports and More Sports
- Friday
May 10, 2002
Each afternoon the Tisdale Elementary school yard is square metre for square metre
the most fun anywhere in town. Beside the pictures of the activity on the field this
story includes a nearly 2MB QuickTime VR panorama that lets you move around zoom
in and out and see what is going on. If you don't have QuickTime in your computer you can not see this large interactive
House Number Two
- Friday
May 10, 2002
The second new house of the year is well underway with basement and floor already
Auditor General
says, "Canadian taxpayers deserve better": Yes they do
- Friday
May 10, 2002
Walter Robinson is disturbed at the lastest revelations about Federal government
spending in Quebec involving advertising and paying for services that were not likely
ever carried out.
May 13, by-election, Send the Liberals a message
- Friday
May 10, 2002
Ryder Lee from Brandon Manitoba runs through the list and points out that there really
isn't much for the Liberals to run a campaign on for the by-election to fill empty
federal seats.
Chris Axworthy's
Draconian New Law Is Having Its Effects
- Friday
May 10, 2002
Jacob Zunti takes a drive through Saskatoon's "Stroll" to see if the new
changes in the law which allow police to seize "john's" vehicles, have
had any effect.
As Each Day Ends Hope Begins Once More
- Saturday
May 11, 2002
Friday's sunset with the hopes for rain, a crop and a measure of happilness.
Air Cadets Fund Raising
- Saturday
May 11, 2002
Tisdale's Air Cadet corp were out Saturday raising money for their camp and glider
Stephen Harper
Needs Lesson In Civility
- Saturday
May 11, 2002
Personal slurs by candidate Stephen Harper suggest that the Canadian Alliance only
builds on its reputation of negativism and intolerance as the focus of his attack
was the much respected leader of the United Church of Canada Rev. Bill Phipps.
MGB Roadster
- Sunday
May 12, 2002
Best sign of spring to be seen, a read roadster on a parking lot with the roof down.
A question for Professor Richard Swinburne:
What is the conditional probability that God exists? Is it 97%?
- Sunday
May 12, 2002
We have talked about this problem before, the use of statistics to calculate reality.
Mario explains the recent revelation by Oxford University's Professor Swinburne who
claims a 97% chance of Christ's resurrection.
Bike Repair Shop and Student Support Centre
- Monday
May 13, 2002
Lindsay Krestianson explained the entrepeneurial high school credit program for a
group of students in a new programme operated by Tisdale School Division.
This is San Jose
- Monday
May 13, 2002
Kevin McIntyre takes us along in his van to see a bit of the Silicon Valley home
to most of the world's computer industry and about four million folks living in the
valley South of San Francisco Bay. The streaming "flash" presentation is
1.5MB and on a dial up connection will at a bit of time to download.
The Greenwater Report for May 13, 2002
- Monday
May 13, 2002
The lake still has ice but the geese are entertaining the folks at the park as service
are re-established for the summer and its time for Gerald to do some travelling.
Church and State
- Monday
May 13, 2002
Ron Thornton is concerned that the clash between the Catholic Separate School system
in Oshawa Ontario and Ontario courts could have serious ramifications.
Rock and Roll: Earthquake
- Tuesday
May 14, 2002
Kevin McIntyre road out a moderate earthquake last night in San Jose and gives us
his account of the ride.
Trent OfukanyJoins Royal Bank For the Summer
- Tuesday
May 14, 2002
New face at the Royal Bank in Tisdale as Crooked River man joins staff for the summer.
1963 Ford Thunderbird
- Wednesday
May 15, 2002
Far more than transportation or just a machine, the Ford Thunderbird has served throughout
its history as an icon for design and the way Detroit thinks the consumer sees the
Dust, Dust and More Dust
- Wednesday
May 15, 2002
Stu Innes is trying to get his crop in the dry windy part of Saskatchewan Southeast
of Regina near Lewvan. His pictures from yesterday truly tell us what its like out
- Wednesday
May 15, 2002
Ron Thornton comments on the Prime Minister's remarks about security at the up coming
conference West of Calgary. Seems that Yogi may be doing crowd control.
The Ties of the Free Market in California's
Fraudulent Energy Crisis: Enron and the Bush Administration
- Wednesday
May 15, 2002
In only a few lines Mario deSantis explains the method used by Enron to squeek California
consumers using deregulation and what amounts to simple fraud. Their representative
in charge of the project now is a member of the Bush cabinet.
Liner and Fill
- Thursday
May 16, 2002
To close up this huge clean up site a subsurface water liner has been installed to
prevent and residual contamination migrating on top of ground water.
- Lobster Weekend
May 16, 2002
Mike Townsend has shared his annual spring get together with his Kamloop Harley Davidson
Motorcycle club the hogs. This year we get to see the fire and the spirit of the
- Thursday
May 16, 2002
Well into the garage and yardsale season I visit two this morning and show you the
Number Two, Going Up
- Thursday
May 16, 2002
Both of the new housing starts this year are now well above ground as they quickly
move from basement, to shell to finishing.
President George Bush Enronized his Pre-Knowledge
of 9/11Terrorist Attacks
- Thursday
May 16, 2002
Back on April 22 we told you he knew it was coming today that news makes it into
the mainstream US media but there is more to come. This story points the cause and
you owe it to yourself to read the references on this one.
Tisdale Senior
- Friday
May 17, 2002
Meeting twice weekly the fitness group held a special Jamboree Thursday.
Robin's Nest
- Friday
May 17, 2002
Cold, windy definitely unspring-like but life must go on and this Regina robin family
are doing as best they can.
We Try Again
- Friday
May 17, 2002
Time to get back into gardening. We start our garden and promise to keep you informed
about our garden and others through the summer.
Beyond Twilight
- Saturday
May 18, 2002
Here are some interesting images of Tisdale Thursday evening with the moon and planets
filling the pre-dark sky. This page includes a 400K QuickTime version of the Platters
Twilight Time song.
President George Bush must learn to connect
the dots
- Saturday
May 18, 2002
Now the American mainstream media realises that they have not been told nor are they
telling what was and is known about the September 11th attacks. Did a lack of awareness
contribute to the intelligence failure?
Will Bush patriotism
shut up Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney?
- Saturday
May 18, 2002
Congresswom Cynthia McKinney does not consider it UnAmerican to question the President's
war on terrorism policies, meanwhile back in Afghanistan a couple more "opps".
The Struggle
- Sunday
May 19, 2002
With determination farmers are planting the crop of 2002 but nature is showing extreme
indifference to the process.
Bush's Lack of Good Imagination and the
War against Terrorism: The American Gluttony for Energy
- Sunday
May 19, 2002
The American president is not looking so good lately and it seems that at the bottom
of his trouble is his deep business and experience in the oil industry.
An open letter to Canada's Prime Minister
- Sunday
May 19, 2002
Mark Alan Whittle of Hamilton Ontario is deeply concerned about the allegations of
corruption and the auditor general's report that "civil servants broke every
rule in the book".
Construction on
Mr. Ribs Site
- Sunday
May 19, 2002
Looks like some more construction for Tisdale as work began this morning clearing
the site of the former Mr. Ribs.
Fifth Anniversary of Ensign
- Monday
May 20, 2002
Today marks the beginning of Ensign's fifth year of publication. Not only does time
fly, but no one, especially those of us who work on the project, expected us to be
still doing this daily, five years after we began.
Joe Clark and Me
- Monday
May 20, 2002
Ron Thornton compares his life with that of Joe Clark and just as we know all things
are connected this all makes sense.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
May 20, 2002
Wednesday the ice went out on the lake in time for the long weekend which seems to
be a busy one out at the park as Gerald tells us about the going of the ice and the
dangers of the deer.
House Number Three
For 2002 in Tisdale
- Tuesday
May 21, 2002
Near to downtown this new home will be a single level ready to move home.
Misuse of Privilege and Petty Politics
- Tuesday
May 21, 2002
Today is Stephen Harper's first day in the house and it is clear that the realisation
that destiny is unlikely to grant him more than leader of the opposition. With this
in mind the real struggle will be between the Progressive Conservatives and the Alliance
and Joe Hueglin describes their latest tussle.
Shawn's New Camera
- Tuesday
May 21, 2002
The killer digital camera is now available, bigger images, better quality and true
photographic lens.
New Store Under Construction
- Wednesday
May 22, 2002
The Inchworm store located beside the Bank of Nova Scotia is soon to have a new home.
The Lying of the Bush Administration on
9-11: The Apex of Corruption
- Wednesday
May 22, 2002
Presenting a false statement is now consider the standard response from the American
Whitehouse as it seems to be a fundamental part of what we associate with the American
way of doing things. But things don't look good.
Our American Mother-In-Law
- Wednesday
May 22, 2002
Ron Thornton points out that we are in deep need for respect from our big "in-law".
Cities’ Infrastructure Gap: Fill
It With Gas Taxes
- Wednesday
May 22, 2002
Walter Robinson and the Canadian Taxpayers Federation are urging the Federal government
to turn over some of the massive amount of money they collect each year in gasoline
taxes while spending on 2.4% of that money on roads and all East of Ontario.
End of May Storm Sweeps Southern Prairies
- Thursday
May 23, 2002
Stu Innes in Regina, has capture the way things looked in Regina yesterday when the
storm began. Regina was on the northern edge of the storm. This story includes a
QuickTime music clip and a Flash presentation < 1MB.
The Servant Leadership of Cincinnatus
versus the Free Market Leadership of Bush & Co.
- Thursday
May 23, 2002
Bush sells a picture to earn campaign money, Rudy Giulliani and Bloomberg are in
Merrill Lynch's pocket there is a need to recognise a great good than self service.
The Wind and Weather
- Thursday
May 23, 2002
Though we did not get the snow that the Southern part of Saskatchewan experienced
yesterday we continue to be in weather that is definitely out of season. Pictures
here in Tisdale and one from Saskatoon.
Sewer Line Relining
- Thursday
May 23, 2002
Once again big trucks are parked on Tisdale intersections as the process of repairing
and preventative maintenance of under street sewer lines goes on.
Snow Robins
- Thursday
May 23, 2002
Half of Stu Innes' robins have left the nest and despite the snow in Regina they
are getting ready to face the world as fledglings.
Sure Sign That the Weather Is Getting Better
- Friday
May 24, 2002
Road construction and house renovations, both signs that things are warming up.
The Saskatchewan Health Information Network
is a Hole in the Ground: Collusion of Romanow's Saskatchewan, SAHO
and SAIC
- Friday
May 24, 2002
The same company that soaked Saskatchewan to set up its health information network
is now working in the White House. Interesting government connections tell us what
really is going on.
Snow At Crooked Lake May 22, 2002
- Friday
May 24, 2002
A summer camp ground turns to winter scene as the snow storm made a historical appearance
in that part of Saskatchewan.
Lawn Border
- Friday
May 24, 2002
Landscaping is perhaps a black art as it is more than following rules, it is finding
the right combination of settings to make a yard interesting and easy to maintain.
This is an interesting approach.
But All Things Are Not Equal
- Friday
May 24, 2002
The Toronto Globe and Mail printed an article on Monday that demonstrated a dramatic
lack of awarenss by its author and perhaps the Globe and Mail itself. Mike Reilly
from St. Boniface, Manitoba sets out the case for Canadian farmers.
Works That Won't Make It!
- Friday
May 24, 2002
Ron Thornton suggests some books that will never be written and wonders if the Prime
Minister's new ethics document might be in the same category.
The Yard/Garage Sale, A Rite of Passage
- Saturday
May 25, 2002
The garage and yard sale may be viewed as a commercial event but when you probe further
it is part of a change to the lives of those holding the sale.
The furthering of Bush's oil interest
over Terrorism: A conspiracy between the FBI and Bush?
- Saturday
May 25, 2002
The level of deliberate ignorance is now becoming clearer as United States Government
agents are taking a stand and pointing out that they did warn and they were specific
and their warnings were stopped or buried.
SilverTown Speedway
Begins the 2002 Season
- Sunday
May 26, 2002
Miserable weather Saturday for drivers and fans alike and though it is sunny today
the wind remains well over twenty knots so its going to be another dusty day at the
Now What About The Uniforms
- Sunday
May 26, 2002
J. Edgar Robertson of West Hill Ontaril wants to know what Canada plans to do with
the thousands of desert uniforms it has on order for troops who will be no longer
serving in a desert.
Tough Attempts To Spring
- Sunday
May 26, 2002
A touch of green as plants defy the wind and lack of rain and grow anyway.
Endurance and Trial track, Heritage Road
- Monday
May 27, 2002
Traffic has been avoiding Heritage Road on Tisdale's West side for months as it appeared
as though the road was being turned into a suspension and obstacle track. Today,
new gravel.
The Greenwater Report For May 27, 2002
- Monday
May 27, 2002
Dry and fire hazard high as Gerald tells about putting in the dock, road construction,
farmers market and rabbits.
- H1
AM General Hummer
May 27, 2002
The ultimate SUV, the civilian version of the American military utility vehicle.
- Monday
May 27, 2002
Joe Hueglin wonders if the Prime Ministers cabinet clean up will be enough to satisfy
the doubts about corruption in the government.
- Monday
May 27, 2002
What a rush flying low waving at friends but death defying feats of aviation misjudgement
are dead wrong.
Prime Minsiter Fires Instead of Retires
- Monday
May 27, 2002
Ron Thornton wonders if the Prime Minister has errored by not taking decisive action
in the past and just should have quit himself.
Whistle Blowers
Coleen Rowley and Kenneth Williams and the New Families: the Bushes,
the Royal Saudis and the Bin Ladens
- Monday
May 27, 2002
The FBI and the CIA had the whole story long before aircrafts began crashing into
buildings and the knowledge was surpressed.
Trees and Dugouts
- Monday
May 27, 2002
Tisdale's Parks and Recreation department continues to improve the ball diamonds,
this year adding trees and dugouts shelters for each diamond.
Waiting For The Light
- Tuesday
May 28, 2002
Reflections on critical analysis and the pained expressions of disappointment of
human leadership.
Thirty-nine Year Old Bridge To Be Replaced
- Wednesday
May 29, 2002
Designed to last thirty-five years the bridge on highway #3 over the Doghide just
North of Tisdale is declared unsafe and work has begun on its replacement.
On Economic Productivity and Bush's Agenda:
A World for the Bushes and Berlusconis
- Wednesday
May 29, 2002
Mario deSantis directs our attention to the view of the economic world by some of
America's economists who are seriously at odds with the conventional thinking of
the Republican Party and the Republican President.
- From The Bottom Up
May 29, 2002
What goes under a building can be pretty important and the new Inchworm store is
down in that important part.
Create An Even
Playing Field
- Wednesday
May 29, 2002
Mike Reilly believes that the Federal government is not doing its part to square
things with Canadian farmers as they struggle with a low Canadian dollar, US subsidies
and internal trade problems.
Rainless Clouds
- Wednesday
May 29, 2002
Gentle cumulus clouds are pleasant to look at as they filter the light but they are
a poor excuse for some dampness.
FX Clouds
- Thursday
May 30, 2002
Thunder all the appearances of rain but nothing. Weather by Hollywood.
Cumberland Community College
- Thursday
May 30, 2002
A fabulous setting for adult education in Tisdale's RECplex facility.
Withdrawal From Afghanistan
- Thursday
May 30, 2002
Former Progressive Conservative candidate from London Ontario, Derral Bellaire voices
his disappointment at the military devolution that forces Canada to end its participation
in the ongoing struggle.
You Can't Pay For Pride
- Thursday
May 30, 2002
Mike Reilly brings up an issue that should have been discussed long ago and that
is why is the Federal government paying anyone to show the flag.
Little Giant Does The Lifting
- Thursday
May 30, 2002
Work progresses on the bridge work North of Tisdale. We will keep you posted as the
project continues. Yesterday the crane went to work.
Understanding of Time and Money:
Econometric Professor Ian Walker versus Political Historian Kevin Phillips
- Thursday
May 30, 2002
The compulsion to quantify things is a human trait but not necessarily an admirable
Change of Plans
- Friday
May 31, 2002
This repair project will wrap up early next week as damage has been repaired and
will wait until next year to replace the structure.
- Friday
May 31, 2002
Down on the desert North of Swift Current Edwin Wallace has his Saskatoon bushes
all out in bloom. He says they are a bit late but looking good.
Another Brick
In The Wall
- Friday
May 31, 2002
Here is a neat finishing and decorative material that looks like something every
Tim Allen wannabe can handle.
Waiting For The Bus
- Friday
May 31, 2002
Getting to and from school safely is an important part of every child's life. In
the small town of Tisdale that involves intown school bus pick ups.
Apologies To Bobby McFerrin
- Friday
May 31, 2002
Ron Thornton helps us out of this week with a little tune, to hear the song you need
to have QuickTime installed
in your computer, it is a free enhancement to your system and adds capability.