Chronological Index of Ensign Articles for
March of 1999
Welcome To March
- Monday
March 1, 1999
With fog about and all that it entails take a look at things from a lamb's point
of view.
By the week
February 28 to March 6
March 7 to 13
March 14 to 20
March 21 to 27
March 28 to April 3
March Light
- Tuesday
March 2, 1999
Come along on a ride to Saskatoon and back on Monday afternoon, take in the sights
and perhaps gain some insights.
It Looks Like
Spring (February 98)
- Wednesday
March 3, 1999
This photo essay was made on the second week of February last year. It is interesting
to compare the scenes then and now.
The Limitations
of Perceptual Reality Part 3 : Where is God?
- Thursday
March 4, 1999
After considering how we preceive then what we preceive it is time to consider the
ultimate perception. This exploration is conducted by Timothy W. Shire
March 5, 1999
The snow storm the whipped around Southern Saskatchewan missed us and though it is
cool at -21 and we have gusting winds this morning as you can see at 8:00 it promises
to be a nice day. That is very thin cloud near the horizon that is giving us that
fuzzy sunrise. Enjoy Friday, it only comes once a week.
Just A Little
White Stuff
- Friday
March 5, 1999
Mike Townsend fills us in with a couple of pictures on a surprise snowfall in Kamloops,
British Columbia's desert valley.
Capra: The Theory of Living Systems.Part 1
- Saturday
March 6, 1999
James deSantis tells us the story and explains the development of one of the
most renown thinkers of our time. This is part one of a three part series, Part 2
will be seen on Monday and Part 3 on Tuesday.
- Sunday a foggy morning
- Sunday
March 7, 1999
The deep foggy of the night is quickly disappearing here but will linger in the South
of the province until noon. A large number of upgrades have gone into the background
of Ensign this morning We welcome James deSantis for the second time
today this article appearing today is the first of three and parts 2 and 3 will appear
tomorrow and Tuesday. Due to a server failure yesterday morning we were unable to
upload yesterdays upgrades.
- Systems Dynamics In Education: Constructivism and Knowing Thyself
March 7, 1999
Mario deSantis practices what he preaches and he points out the impossiblity of separating
education from its society. Keep in mind that Mario's endnotes are all dynamic and
the meat of his article is in these references.
.Seed Companies - A Competitive Alternative
- Monday
March 8, 1999
Small farm based seed farms make for a more competitive and alternative to the growth
of the large scale grain handling companies.
Technological problems
- Monday
March 8, 1999
Our appologies to you have been trying to get to this site, we are experiencing difficulties
with the server or the network, perhaps both and access to Ensign has been slow for
the past few days. Our E-mail is not functioning so if you have sent me e-mail Saturday
or Sunday I have not and will not receive it unless you direct it to my alternate
e-mail address
We do not know when these problems will be cleared up but it could take a full week
or an hour, somewhere in there.
This Odd House
- Over Grown
- Tuesday
March 9, 1999
The trees have claimed the site of an aging crumbling farm house West of Melfort.
Horse Talk
- Tuesday
March 9, 1999
An interview with three of Tisdale's biggest citizens.
Fritjof Capra: The Theory of Living
Systems.Part 2
- Wednesday
March 10, 1999
James deSantis shares with us his second article discussing the implications
of the work of Fritjof Capra.
- Wednesday
March 10, 1999
We not be able to regain our childhood but four energetic girls let us enjoy their
later afternoon fun.
- Technical Problems Continue
- Wednesday
March 10, 1999
Yesterday morning SaskTel's DNS server crashed before 8:00, by 10:30 it was
functioning and only temporarily quiting, they booted it again at 4:00 and reported
that by 5:30 it was functioning normally. However, the server we use for Ensign
crashed Tuesday night and is running very slowly, efforts are being made to correct
the problem so please hang in there with us. Due to the SaskTel problems I
did not upload Tuesday's edition of Ensign until 9:40 in the evening. SaskTel's
ragged performance lately is causing trouble for both our web server and the one
in our office, let's hope they soon get their problems sorted out.
The Madison
- Thursday
March 11, 1999
With spring on the way that building fever is setting in once again as Tisdale's
housing boom carries over from last year with a new proposed condominium and more
private homes on the way.
Fritjof Capra: The Theory of Living
Systems.Part 3
- Thursday
March 11, 1999
James deSantis' third and final installment on the philosopher Fritjof Capra brings
us to the conclusion. The uplifting and positive nature of this modern thinker gives
us all something to work toward and realise that we can make things better.
51 Dodge
- Friday
March 12, 1999
My favourite colour, blue and this blue beauty is an eye full. The owner has just
taken it out of storage because he needed the room and this machine is for sale.
Best Value Opens Saturday
- Friday
March 12, 1999
Zellers closes for good and the new store is getting ready for business with a full
staff of part time workers.
March 13, 1999
Though the weatherman talks of warmer weather this is a slow spring largely because
of the premature arrive of the season last year. Seems a little cool this morning
and a sharp South East Wind.
The Best
- Saturday
March 13, 1999
The first article on defining some of the best things in Tisdale.
Lack of Vision in Saskatchewan Education
- Sunday
March 14, 1999
Mario deSantis points out in a short editorial the failure for education leaders
within government to demonstrate the skills that students most need.
Red Eye Ball Hockey
- Sunday
March 14, 1999
Beeland Coop holds its second annual street hockey tournament in its parking lot
this weekend.
Temperatures Above
- Sunday
March 14, 1999
Take a look at a couple of pictures of water collecting on Tisdale streets on Saturday
then check back to what it looked like a year ago.
Monday, The Ides of March, 1999
- The picture at right was taken about two weeks ago when I interrupted this pair
looking for a Taco place.
Wild windy morning out there today.
Great Expectations
- Tuesday
March 16, 1999
People of all ages life on a single concept and that is hope and the expectations
of what is to come.
Dutch Elm Warfare
- Wednesday
March 17, 1999
The battle to save the Elm tree in Tisdale and in Saskatchewan as a whole is limb
to limb street warfare.
Shelter Belt Cleanup
- Thursday
March 18, 1999
Here is a farmer knocking down some older trees to give a better view of his farm
yard and clear away the trees that are nearing the end of their cycle.
- Faster Than Light Communications Installs New
Computers at Red Earth
- Thursday
March 18, 1999
FTLComm installs new machines at Red Earth and lets you have a look at the new computer
lab fitted out with a mix of Macintosh and Acer computers.
- John
William Head Memorial Education Centre
Work Nearing Completion
- Thursday
March 18, 1999
This is an update on the renovations to Red Earth's high school with some insight
in to life in the community and the role played by the school.
Spirit Week At John William Head Memorial Education
- Thursday
March 18, 1999
Meet some of Red Earth's super kids who are celebrating the end of winter with some
activities this week.
Technology Vs People
- Friday
March 19, 1999
Best Value installs shoplifting technology across its entrance as it intends to operate
store with low work force.
March 19, 1999
Three grade seven guys on their way to school (8:40) on this dull Friday morning.
For two this year's hockey season is over but the tall guy reports that his team
still has a tournament to play in Saskatoon. Yesterday these fellows were among the
grade sevens who put on the great heritage day display in the RecPlex theatre as
a part of education week. Sorry I was to late getting there to show you any pictures
of the great event. Today is the second day of the six team Open Master's Men's Curling
championship we should have pictures in tomorrow's edition of this event.
March 20, 1999
That early morning cloud cover will disappear shortly and it looks like it going
to be a fine spring day. Sorry we did not get some pictures of the Masters Tournament
I tried to get some of the banquet but just did not connect.
Rash Developing
In Our Back Yard
- Saturday
March 20, 1999
Interesting development in our back yard and upon looking around it looks like the
plague is spreading.
System Dynamics In Education: Failures of the Current
- Sunday
March 21, 1999
Mario deSantis explains how the current approach in our school's is crippling our
students and reducing their chances to be creative problem solvers.
How A Laser Printer Works?
- Sunday
March 21, 1999
After repairing a couple of laser printers here is an understandable explanation
as to how these useful mechanisms work.
Watch Out For
The Fine Print At Burger King
- Monday
March 22, 1999
Reversing a "tip" Ensign takes back its recommendation about Burger
Short Lines
- Monday
March 22. 1999
Canadian National and Canadian Pacific have begun the process of divesting themselves
of branch lines and are being replaced by US companies willing to take over the short
line operations.
Patterson Welding
Builds New Facility
- Tuesday
March 23, 1999
Established welding and repair company is building a new shop on the West side of
Closely Watched
- Tuesday
March 23, 1999
Reflecting on the movement of trains and how this relates to the global economy and
prospects of change to economic conditions.
Doth Make Cowards Of Us All"
- Wednesday
March 24, 1999
A brief explanation of the history of Yugoslavia and the situation that has lead
to today's bombing in the area. (Photo at right from Canadian aircraft archive.)
We Have A Problem
- Wednesday
March 24, 1999
A close look at soil conditions in the Tisdale area as it relates to moisture content
and what that means for this year's planting.
Education Facing
Overwhelming Challenge
- Thursday
March 25, 1999
Our Education system has the money, the people and need but those elements will not
come together without the acceptance of responsibility to find local solutions.
32 Fowl Weather
- Thursday
March 25, 1999
The first of the summer flock have returned from their winter vacation.
Yard Sale Season
- Friday
March 26, 1999
Meet one of our neighbours as he sets out his yard sale sign as the season of private
marketing begins.
A Touch of Virga
- Friday
March 26, 1999
There is a certain dampness in the morning clouds, this picture was taken at 0800
this morning. For more images of these spring clouds click on the picture.
March 27, 1999
What a wind, it is howling out here this morning. You will notice that therash that developed last week continues to spread so that
only that little line of snow is left in the back yard.
Work continues on the Ensign Index, it is a good way to find things on this
site but it is still only about 25% of the material and will have to see each letter
of the alphabet get its own page shortly as the size is slowing the loading of the
page. I would appreciate any feedback you
might have on the index or anything you see in Ensign.
March 28, 1999
The picture above is from sunset Saturday night.
- Sunday
March 28, 1999
Here is a look at Tisdale's golf course as it sits awaiting the changes the season
brings. There is a QuickTime VR panorama at the end of the page that takes a few
moments to load.
- System Dynamics In Education: Commonality of Structure and Behaviour

- Monday
March 29, 1999
Mario deSantis explains the way using a system could not only stream line education
but how it would enrich the stutent's experience by permitting the exploration of
a wider range of topics with competent techniques.
Melissa Virus
Uses Microsoft Applications
- Tuesday
March 30, 1999
The poor design and unsecure nature of Microsoft applications make it vunerable to
the sort of thing that Melissa can do.
63 Ford Hard Top
- Wednesday
March 31, 1999
Here are some pictures of a car that is thirty-six years old. I have touched up the
rust spots on it and the chrome of the sixties lives again on the pages of Ensign.
- Never Enough Money For SAHO
March 31, 1999
When is $50,000,000 not enough money? When SAHO wants to fix the year 2000 problem.
($50 million would buy 19,230 brand new business type Macintosh Computer systems
or 33,333 Windows 98 computers 366Mhz 64Mb 6GB)
March 31, 1999
With definitely cooler temperatures and a chance of snow coming with today's North
wind we are declaring March going out like a Lion, albeit a gentle Puma type Lion,
but still a Lion. ( This morning's photograph is actually our street at 8:00 this
morning with the enhancement of the Cougar. Mountain Lion portion of the picture
from Donna's
Cougar Page.)