Chronological Index of Ensign
Articles for
March of 2004
Looks like a lamb
to me
- Monday
March 1, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Since February 7 it is just another day of
overcast skies. Today there was a little snow this morning to break up the monotony
of the dull sky but the temperature stayed above -5º all day, that pretty much
means that March has once again come in like a lamb.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
March 1, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Time for a trip over to
Manitoba for some hockey and visiting. Our sympathy at the loss of a hard drive.
Little promise
in the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilisation Programme
- Monday
March 1, 2004
by : George Hickie
Waldron : It is ironic that Agriculture Canada put a
rainbow on their page explaining a programme that is pure myth. There is no pot of
gold at the end of the rainbow and for Saskatchewan agriculture there isn't even
a pot to . . . Things are grim and the nature of federal politics suggests that myths
are all that remain.
- Monday
March 1, 2004
by : Cassandra Shire
Winnipeg : Entertainer Rosie O'Donelle learned the hard
way about the down side of not being married when she was involved in a nasty lawsuit
with her magazine publisher. Her spouse for many years was forced to give testamony
since she was not married to Rosie.
Crash report
- Monday
March 1, 2004
by : Timoty W. Shire
Tisdale : Bad things are when you have regrettable consequences,
good things are when you screw up and avoid regrettable consequences.
Learning for a
- Tuesday
March 2, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This afternoon a TMSS class took advantage
of perfect snow conditions, moderate temperatures and the desire to accomplish a
skill that they will be able to do all of their lives. With the Doghide trail just
across the street the conditions were ideal.
Big Dig - Open
Pit Mine in Regina
- Tuesday
March 2, 2004
by : Ken Jones
Regina : Only two weeks left in the huge deepening of
Wascana Lake in the middle of Regina.
Web difficult to unravel
- Tuesday
March 2, 2004
by : Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls : The sponsorship programme began more
than a decade ago and the trail on some of the culprits is pretty cold. It is going
to be interesting to see how much blame will be heeped on Mr. Gagliano.
Regime Change in Haiti:
A Coup By Any Other Name
- Tuesday
March 2, 2004
by : Mark Weisbrot
Washington : So much for all that rhetoric about the United States being a freedom
loving democracy supporting country. The United States backed the murderous dictators
of the past and with the CIA supported terrorism in Haiti to destabilise the government
and finally on Sunday they outright forced the democratically elected leader out
of office.
Bus time at the
Elementary School
- Wednesday
March 3, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Though the recent build up of snow has made
the problem more apparent, the route and movement of buses to and from the Elementary
school continues to be a sore spot with both the neighbourhood and everyone trying
to use the streets both in the morning and at hometime each day.
Raving about Sex
- Thursday
March 4, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Using the practical and successful approach
to life that our intelligent neighbours the Ravens demonstrate, this is a discussion
about sex education, pro-life and nose in other people's business that seems to revolve
around every discussion about sex and sexuality. Keep in mind that Ravens live a
little more than one third the length of our lives and they too have to deal with
same sex marriage, pre-marital sex and adolescence. When you go to this story you
can listen to it by clicking on the QuickTime arrow beneath the picture at the top
of the page.
The roots of economic
and social divisions:Anti social banking practices and privatisation
- Thursday
March 4, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin : While in the short term there is economic ruin with more problems expected
in the spring but there now is hope. Senator John Kerry will be the Democratic candidate
to face Bush in November and it may be harder this time for him to fix the election.
Telemiracle Lunch at Beeland
- Friday
March 5, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This is one of many community events
planned by the Kinsmen and Kinette clubs of Tisdale in an effort to raise money for
this year's Telemiracle. The first had been on Tuesday with a bingo and tomorrow
moring its a breakfast at the RECPlex.
The questionable
use of 9/11 images in Bush’s TV ads: Was 9/11 luck or Bush’s No Fault
- Friday
March 5, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : Though many question the appropriate use of images from the 9/11 tragedy
it is far more disconcerting to take into account the actions of the US government
that may or may not have been linked to the event. The commission looking into the
event is not getting much administrative cooperation and there may be a good reason
for that.
Are we screwed?
- Monday
March 8, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Some things were looking good, there was a
definite good feeling about the direction things were headed in Canada and now a
major and distasteful cloud of gloom has descended upon us in this fragile dominion.
This story is presented in text but also as a QuickTime streaming audio of
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
March 8, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : The fishing
stories just keep on coming as Gerald brings us up to date on the trail conditions
and how the moose have enjoyed the winter.
Telemiracle breakfast
- Monday
March 8, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : A good sized crowd were on hand Saturday morning
from seven until eleven as the community came out to support the Tisdale Kinsmen
and Kinettes finish off their fund raising this year for the Telemiracle which began
its televised appear Saturday afternoon.
The steady George Bush is no match for
the reflective John Kerry
- Monday
March 8, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The American presidential election is now
in full campaign mode and already the two leaders are decidely different in their
approach to things. Kerry thinks about things Bush deals with all things in his standard
Texas way, brash, bold and boisterous.
- Tuesday
March 9, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This winter bird watchers have been surprised
at the huge numbers of sharp tailed grouse (prairie chicken) and Hungarian Partridge
that seem to be enjoying the winter more than usual.
Tearing out the
lake bottom
- Tuesday
March 9, 2004
by : Doug Freestone
Regina : Doug Freestone is from Saskatoon and was in Regina on business yesterday
and shot some pictures of the Wascana Lake deepening project. This page includes
a QuickTime VR panorama (636K).
The wind, sky and no buzzing
- Tuesday
March 9, 2004
Images by Judy Shire
La Ronge : This is a set of outstanding images that
show a wind swept country and a wind swept sky.
Misplaced priorities
- Tuesday
march 9, 2004
by : Rebecca Gingrich
Princeton, Ontario : Wednesday (March 10) a group of
artists will be presented with their awards by the Governor General and among them
is Istvan Kantor who has pushed the envelop of art into the absurb and perhaps beyond.
Making way for
the new
- Tuesday
March 9, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Looks like a lot has been cleared to begin
the 2004 building season in Tisdale.
- Tuesday
March 9, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Three interesting pictures of children enjoying
the sun, the warm spring like weather and damp snow at noon hour today.
Pine Grosbeak
- Wednesday
March 10, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Weekes : This is a set of images of Pine Grosbeaks and Red Poles at a farm yard
feeder near Weekes. This page includes a small QuickTime video clip.
Rider fan meets
- Wednesday
March 10, 2004
by : Shawn Ratushniak
Tisdale : The Saskatchewan Rough Riders are truly a
province wide football club and their supporters known throughout the continent as
among the most loyal and enthusiastic anywhere. Chris Szarka was in town yesterday.
The Bush administration breaks international
laws: First with the war against Iraq and now with the ousting of Haitian
President Aristide
- Wednesday
March 10, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The president of Haiti says he was forced out of
office by the Americans and the US Secretary of State Colin Powell says he wasn't
but then Mr. Powell thinks every truck in pre-war Iraq was a weapons factory. International
law is real but the United States has chosen over and over to ignore any responsibility
to the world and how things are legally done.
Prairie Petroleum
- Thursday
March 11, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Northern Steel Industries continues
to develop and with it associated companies needed to service and install the manufactured
products of this large corporation.
Robert McAdam
1915 - 2004
- Thursday
March 11, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : At eight-nine we all know that living this
long is a remarkable achievement and this man, former Anglican priest here in Tisdale
has been an important part of this community since arriving here in 1968. This story
was originally done following an interview with Rev. McAdam in April of 2002. When
he read the piece over he was uncomfortable with the way I had reported some of his
remarks particularly those that related to the Catholic church so I removed the article
from Ensign at the time but the story reflected our discussion that
Tuesday morning two years ago and I think sheds a lot of light on the active mind
and conscientious spirit of this fine man.
The Bush’s crooked and scary world of
the Free Market: Haiti, Iraq… and more terrorism
- Thursday
March 11, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : Democratic Presidential hopeful Senator John
Kerry was overheard muttering that Bush and his associates were crooked and scary.
Mario deSantis points out that this has become an increasingly more crooked and more
scary world each passing day with polarised ideologies even more dangerous than the
days of the Cold War.
- Friday
March 12, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale ; Yet another winter storm is tromping across
Saskatchewan today as it seems that spring is being caught off guard as winter is
working overtime.
- Monday
March 15, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : From a walk on Sunday we have some images
of the negative space on the snow and consider the impact of this reality upon us.
To give it some confusion we get Britney Spears to help out.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
Marrch 15, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Off on a trip to Arizona
with some great pictures to show us some of the highlights of the trip.
Out and about
- Tuesday
March 16, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : The temperature edged up above freezing today
and there were puddles and wet streets everywhere. But it also brought people out,
the main street was jammed with people and vehicles this afternoon and you can see
what it was like in this set of pictures.
Breaking horses
to harness
- Tuesday
March 16, 2004
Mistatim : It is so fitting to have a short story from
Mistatim about horsemanship. The town's name is the Cree word for "big dog"
the name the Cree gave horses.
- Wednesday
March 17, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Since automobile manufacturers have devoted
so much of the control of modern vehicles to computer controlled curcuits making
a minor accessory addition is sometimes a rather complex process. This story includes
a 580K QuickTime VR.
The Queen's Right
to Rule
- Wednesday
March 17, 2004
by : Philip Benwell
Sydney, NSW, Australia : Though we have had a little flap over the Governor Generals
expenses Canadians in general accept the idea of a monarchy. This is not a settled
matter in Australia as a British historian's book has called to question the rightful
heirs to the throne since 1485. Of course the book in typical English nit picking
tradition is baloney since Richard III had gained the throne for his four years of
kingship by murder in the midst of a civil war that he lost wishing he had a horse
(Shakespeare had him saying: "a horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse.")
The history is interesting but not significant. However, in Australia this is a matter
of serious discussion. Be sure to look over the references because the who's who
of it all is a bit complex.
Country Sizzle Carnival this
- Thursday
March 18, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : All set for the Tisdale Figure Skating club's
carnival on Saturday and Sunday of this coming weekend.
Golden Age Centre
stew supper
- Thursday
March 18, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Tuesday evening the Golden Age Centre had
a fund raising stew supper and usual dished out the very best stew anywhere.
Sounds like Canada C' est comme Canada
- Thursday
March 18, 2004
by : Brian Marlatt
White Rock B.C. : Far more than most of us imagine,
Canada has a rich and complex heritage with both language and culture combined to
create a place that is much more than what we might define in a political speech.
Spanish voters
throw out pro-war party
- Thursday
March 18, 2004
by : Mark Weisbrot
Washington : The political earthquake in Europe that
followed the tragic bombing has seriously shaken the government of the United States.
Sneak Attack :
Heavy snow warning turns into late winter blizzard
- Friday
March 19, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Environment Canada spotted the weather disturbance
making its way across the prairies and warned of heavy snow in the North and the
northern grain belt with storm warnings for the southern grain belt but as these
things sometimes develop they take on a life of their own and this one became a full
blown blizzard with ice, snow and blowing snow. Time to park.
- Friday
March 19, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : A playground covered with snow balls rolled
up by children triggers a memory of that very experience.
Pine and Evening
- Friday
March 19, 2004
by : Helen Carson
Crooked River : We are priviledged to be able to have
Helen Carson share with us these remarkable close up images of two species of the
finch family of birds.
Ice Castles
- Friday
March 19, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : An annual project at Tisdale Elementary takes
shape again this year.
Clobbered Cable
- Tuesday
March 23, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Yesterday near noon some vehicle hooked the
telephone cable system that provides telephone and Internet conneciton to our block
and that was that for posting to this web site yesterday.
A demented mentality
and changing the Saskatoon Police Service: Cheers for social activist
Sheila Steele and police chief Russel Sabo
- Tuesday
March 23, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The use of the term "demented" is
not to slur mental health issues but rather to describe a way of thinking that would
not be considered sane. It is very important to realise that the courts define sanity
as having an understanding of the rightness or wrongness of an act. It appears that
many decisions are made today as though there were no right or wrong and certainly
no awareness of those conditions.
The Greenwater Report
- Tuesday
March 23, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : A little more snow, a storm
and how Merv caught the fish, along with a trip to Saskatoon and some reminders of
coming events.
An Underwelling mandate
- Tuesday
March 23, 2004
by : Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls : With only a fraction of the members
bothering to vote in the Conservative Party's leadership convention one would truly
wonder about the credibility of the new leader or for the party for that matter.
Extreme Enough
To Become Our Next Prime Minister?
- Tuesday
March 23, 2004
by : Ron Thornton
Edmonton : The Liberal campaign will clearly identify
Stephen Harper for the self identified Alberta separatist that he is but perhaps
one should consider that when you consider the same kind of political attitude Mr.
Harper has is identified as wrong for him while Ontario, Quebec and maritimes take
the same position for themselves.
One year after
Bush’s war in Iraq: The building of the ominous ideology "you're
with us or against us"
- Tuesday
March 23, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The US president and his team are attempting
to debunk the highly critical allegations made against the administration by a senior
retired official, Richard Clark, who will testify Wednesday in the 9/11 hearings.
That war and the president's command of credibility have become a matter of ridicule
and humour.
The Digging is
finished as the Wascana Lake project gets ready for water
- Wednesday
March 24, 2004
by : R. W. Shire
Regina ; Monday it was time for a walk along the Albert
Street bridge and onto the Legislative grounds to check out the wrap up of the massive
dredging project of Regina's man-made Wascana Lake.
Eileen coming
to town! I don't think so!
- Thursday
March 25, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Posters like this one are up around town advertising
the appearance of what is the equivalent of the Queen of Pop and Country music at
the Tisdale Mall on April 15th. Looks like someone is pulling our leg.
Even When It's Not Great, It's Not All That Bad
- Thursday
March 25, 2004
by : Ron Thornton
Edmonton : Once a person gets into the huge cast of
characters that make up the drama of the best reality television programme ever it
can be totally involving. Ron Thornton gives a quick review of the who's who of racing
in 2004.
Deer in the dark
- Thursday
March 25, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Raymore : Here is a story with ten pictures of deer
just after they finish their supper in a Raymore farmyard.
Parkland Photography
Club March meeting
- Thursday
March 25, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Keeping us up to date on the various competitions and
showing us four outstanding images of the Theme this month "native".
cannot govern for long
- Thursday
March 25, 2004
by : Mahmood Elahi
Ottawa : The political background and direction of the leader of the Conservative
party will merely import into Canada a similar situation that is seen south of the
border: "American neo-conservatrives have already split that country
into warring camps where no sane debate is possible."
Bush’s ‘permanent
tax cuts’ are creating bullish bubbles: Low interest rates and budget
- Friday
March 25, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : A towering catastrophy is not something built
in a short while but accummulates its instability until band aids and duct tape will
no longer hold together what is essentially an unstable structure. The United States
economy is based on the mass of its size and ignoring warnings low interest rates,
tax cuts for the wealthy and a growing massive trade deficit are compounding to produce
inherent instability that when it collapses will devastate the world economy.
The Incongruency
of spring
- Tuesday
March 30, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Spring is a time of fascinating contrasts
and contradictions like monster piles of snow beside bare patches of lawn and field.
A lake once more
- Tuesday
March 30, 2004
by : R. W. Shire
Regina : Sunday all three levels of government celebrated
with the citizens of Regina the completion of the Wascana Lake dredging project that
finished on time and on budget. Here are some pictures taken in the morning before
the formal ceremony that afternoon.
The Greenwater Report
- Tuesday
March 30, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : As spring arrives its time
to end the ice fishing season and mourn the loss of someone close. Seven snows after
the first crows, Gerald is keeping track.
The Empty Land
- Tuesday
March 30, 2004
by : Edwin Wallace
Success : When Europeans settled Saskatchewan they homesteaded
in many areas a family on every quarter section so that the province once had a population
of 2,000,000 people but now there are less than one million so the deer, antelope
and moose are simply moving back onto the empty land where there are few preditors
and no people.
"PC Party" Back
on the Federal Ballot
- Tuesday
March 30, 2004
by: Joe Hueglin
Ottawa : This press release was made yesterday and tonight
Mr. Hueglin discussed the rebirth of Canada's founding political party on the National
CBC radio programme "As it happens."
A clear and present
- Wednesday
March 31, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Tom Clancey used this military term as the
title of one of his best novels but I choose to apply this term to some thing far
more dangerous.