Chronological Index of Ensign
Articles for
September of 2001
August to September
- Saturday
September 1, 2001
We mark the passing of one month to the beginning of another with sunset last night
and sunrise this morning.
By the week
26 to Sept 1
Sept 2
to 8
Sept 9
to 15
16 to 22
23 to 29
-Sept 30 to Oct 6
Labour Day Classic Live From Taylor Field
- Sunday
September 2, 2001
This year's game between the Riders and Blue Bombers is not carried on television
but you can listen to the game live from Taylor Field on Ensign, via CJOB
Dragsters and Angels
- Sunday
September 2, 2001
This story includes two very large QuickTime movies (3MB and 2MB) though they stream
they will take a while to download on a dial up modem. Michael Townsend takes us
to a motorcycle event held last weekend in the BC interior with drag racing and motorcycle
stunt riding.
Cycling and Xcountry Skiers Marry In Prince Albert
- Sunday
September 2, 2001
Provincial competitors wedding with pictures of a very happy event celebrated by
people from Vancouver to Toronto.
Making Do
- Monday
September 3, 2001
Compromise, successful resolution of a conflict without either party suffering a
loss of dignity this is the stuff that makes for a positive and progressive environment.
CanWest Becomes Bigger
- Monday
September 3, 2001
Winnipeg's Asper family buy own Conrad Black and bad things get worse.
The Greenwater Report for September 3,
- Monday
September 3, 2001
Summer comes to an end at Greenwater provincial, harvest over, still some berries,
osprey nesting still and the leaves are turning.
The Gospel of Conventional Economists:
the Survival of the Fittest
- Monday
September 3, 2001
Economist influence business and political leaders and they have fallen into an intellectual
trap of accepting conventional dogma. Mario deSantis tells us to take a second look.
Pay particular attention to the reference links in this article.
Pentagonia Makes
Dr. Toy's 100 Best Children's Products List for 2001
- Monday
September 3, 2001
The remarkable popularity of the Saskatoon developed game puts Saskatchewan game
on the world stage with its second award in a month's time.
Golden Age Centre Moves to Quiet Stage
- Tuesday
September 4, 2001
The walls, the roof and even the siding are now all in place as this project advances
to the finishing stage.
Streets Get New Tops North and South
- Wednesday
September 5, 2001
From one end of town to the other work proceeds as contractors resurface streets
and rebuild curbs.
Statistician Bjorn Lomborg's wonderful
world: a dangerously misleading picture
- Wednesday
September 5, 2001
Mario deSantis is questioning the traditions of economics as we all see examples
of market place confusion and the failure of "supply and demand" logic.
This story requires a good deal of thought and to really get into the issue be sure
to check out the references given with the article.
Granny Goes Gambling
- Wednesday
September 5, 2001
A luxurious ride on the bus into Prince Albert a day in the casino, a fun outing
for some Tisdale seniors.
Aspiring to Monopolisation
- Wednesday
September 5, 2001
Regina Leader Post and Saskatoon Star Phoenix, Vancouver Sun, Edmonton Journal all
lose their web sites and are replaced by a non-working useless thing that even once
functioning will dish out one story for all the country.
Flowers Front and Back
- Wednesday
September 5, 2001
Two yards make it on to our pages today as they use flowers to create interesting
and colourful surroundings.
7-11 Tables Gone
- Wednesday
September 5, 2001
Vandalism results in the removal of the patio furniture beside the popular 7-11.
"There Are Children Going To Bed Hungry In
- Thursday
September 6, 2001
Wasting food is considered an obsenity, especially if you were raised by parents
who grew up in the thirties.
No Quick Fix For Obesity
- Thursday
September 6, 2001
Cassandra Loiselle gives us her thoughts on the recent "Spirit" article on causes for the North American "fat"
Mind Numbingly Bad!
- Thrusday
September 6, 2001
Stu Innes agrees with the negative thoughts we at Ensign have about the decision
by Global to kill the Leader Post and Star Pheonix web sites in favour of
The Mantra of
the Productivity Index: Increasing Profits against Wages
- Thursday
September 6, 2001
Mario deSantis points out that wages of workers and desired profits seem to be grossly
at odds with one another as the chant about productivity goes on and on.
"I was Getting Tired of Green Anyway!"
- Friday
September 7, 2001
The rush is on to leave green behind and end the year's growth cycle. But, what else
is left behind in years gone by, today we offer a memory refresher.
The Global Financial Casino:
While the Economy is Down Banks' Profits are Up
- Friday
September 7, 2001
Here is how it works! Mario deSantis lets us in on the dirty little secret that explains
how banks make enormous profits when things are getting tough for everyone.
- Ensign did not publish on September 9, 2001 due to a road trip
Wedding In Maple Creek
- Monday
September 10, 2001
The whole community celebrates the wedding Saturday of Connie and Kevin Mulatz. This
story has a lot of pictures and a three minute view clip so it will take some time
to download on a dial up connection.
- Tuesday
September 11, 2001
No event in the history of North America has been of this magnitude and we need to
give ourselves some time to understand and appreciate the day's horrific events.
Saskatchewan Desert
- Wednesday
September 12, 2001
A look at agricultural conditions West of Swift Current.
Activist Susan George, the Trinity of
Freedom and International Debt
- Wednesday
September 21, 2001
The US government props up its bank who lend money to poor countries at inflated
interest rates and demand political control and consessions.
- The Greenwater Report for September 12, 2001
- Wednesday
September 12, 2001
Time to catch up on the happenings with Gerald Crawford as he takes on a trip to
Saskatoon and Hudson Bay. Berry picking and boat rides.
"What are you Guys doing here?"
- Wednesday
September 12, 2001
We hae heard of bush rabbits living inside of Winnipeg and have had our owm visiting
hare but here are some urban deer from Swift Current.
Reactions To The Terrorist Attacks On The United States
- Wednesday
September 12, 2001
Stunned, that's how Mario deSantis described his feeling and I like him really feel
shaken by this event. Here are some reactions and interesting side stories to the
tragedy as it unfolds.
My Day of 'America Under Attack':
The Eradication of Terrorism and the Rebuilding of a Stronger Democracy
- Thursday
September 13, 2001
We all need to talk about our feelings, the events we saw on television were not
fiction but reality and we all understand that, today Mario deSantis tells us about
his feelings.
1962 Cadillac
- Thursday
September 13, 2001
Almost out of dream, the 1962 Cadillac is an "ultimate" car.
TUCs Resurrected
- Thursday
September 13, 2001
Not, really, but certainly part of the old high school is becoming an important part
of the new Golden Age Centre.
Sabre Rattling
- Friday
September 14, 2001
The ominous signs of building toward a massive military reaction are all in place
and will take the US several months to position is forces for a conflict far beyond
anything seen since World War II.
Swift Current Prize Winner
- Friday
September 14, 2001
A look at a flower display that caught the attention of Swift Current gardeners and
was declared a winner for a second year in a row.
- Saturday
September 15, 2001
Hunting season takes to Saskatchewan roads.
September 11, 2001
- Saturday
September 15, 2001
Kevin Rowley expresses his feelings about the events this week in a heart felt poem.
Best Ever - Harvest Finishes Near Weekes
- Sunday
September 16, 2001
The promise of a good crop has paid off as farmers North and East of Weekes bring
in the big one. This story includes a full 360º QuickTime VR panorama.
Street Games
- Sunday
September 16, 2001
Do-it-yourself fun as children on one block of Tisdale create a play area and a low
traffic street that illustrates creativity and resourcefullness.
Observations From The South Bay
- Sunday
September 16, 2001
Kevin McIntyre has been measuring the shift in attitude and display of solidarity
seen in the San Francisco area of California.
America Under Attack by an Invisible Enemy
- Sunday
September 16, 2001
Mario deSantis considers the plight of America and how our point of view can turns
so quickly when faced with such a reality.
Puppy From The
- Monday
September 17, 2001
Six week old puppy, a promise of friendship, companionship and service.
The Greenwater
Report for September 17, 2001
- Monday
September 17, 2001
More on stored grain cars, gas prices, the cove expansion, and rumors of park developments.
The Fight Against Dutch Elm Beetles
- Tuesday
September 18, 2001
The town has embarked on a major insecticide campaign to thwart the spread of the
deadly Dutch Elm disease spread by a beetle.
America Under Attack: What
we need is not revenge but justice
- Tuesday
September 18, 2001
Mario deSantis expresses his concern about the possibility of extremist reactions
that would lower the American cause to the level of its terrorist enemy.
Conversation between Larry King and President
Hosni Mubarak: Israelis and Palestinians recognize International Terrorism
and commit to a ceasefire
- Tuesday
September 18, 2001
Mario deSantis comments on the positive comments by Egypt's head of government and
the reaching of a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine.
From Constantine to bin Laden: A Historical
- Wednesday
September 19, 2001
To see the current crisis more clearly and more to the point have some insight into
the motivation of those who attacked the United States here is the historical story.
(The story uses a series of QuickTime video clips explaining the background.)
- Thursday
September 20, 2001
We often are able to see things working out and balancing.
The Making of A History Lesson
- Thursday
September 20, 2001
Yesterday's project took the whole day and was both an experiment and a learning
experience here is how it was done.
American Foreign
Policies and Islamic Fanaticism
- Thursday
September 20, 2001
Mario deSantis discusses the five to ten year plans of the United States and its
allies in an effort to rid the world of terrorism from the Middle East.
- Friday
September 21, 2001
Yes, I know we lead with a picture of fall colours yesterday but as the last day
of summer its time to celebrate this fleeting time before the colours blow away.
This story includes commentary on personal freedoms. If you don't want to read the
story click on the QuickTime arrow to hear it
Biiiiiig Trucks
- Friday
September 21, 2001
Bow Mar Sales Ltd. In Tisdale has expanded its stock of heavy metal. This story also
has been set up so you can listen to it if you wish.
We are capable to hate or to love: It's
our choice
- Friday
September 21, 2001
Mario deSantis is genuinely concerned about the atmosphere that is developing and
offers some alternatives.
- Pro
vincial Stock Car Races
- Saturday
September 22, 2001
Its team versus team this weekend at Silvertown Speedway with over forty competitors
from all over the province.
Humanity cannot afford the risk of a war:
Christian Crusades against the Islamic 'Jihad'
- Saturday
September 22, 2001
Mario deSantis warns of the tragic consequences of war when perhaps what the world
is facing is "world crime".
- Sunday
September 23, 2001
Both summer and the harvest are over as we take a look at the country on a warm fall
day with an endless sky. This story includes a QuickTime VR panorama of the open
Sunday Around Town
- Sunday
September 23, 2001
A look at some scenes in Tisdale this bright Sunday morning.
The Greenwater
Report for September 24, 2001
- Monday
September 24, 2001
The pictures with today's report by Gerald Crawford are outstanding like this one
of a slough on the Tower Road. Gerald tells about the weather, fishin', Kelvington
and the price of gas.
Our Freedom: Languaging
and Putting People Before Money (and War)
- Monday
September 24, 2001
Mario deSantis discusses the use of language and the concepts that seem to float
along with the rhetoric.
Green to Gold
and Gone
- Tuesday
September 25, 2001
The seasons are colours, we look at this one passing on.
America Under Attack: Linear
Thinking and System Thinking
- Tuesday
September 25, 2001
Mario deSantis give us some important issues to consider today as he ponders the
dangers of defining complex situations in overly simple terms. This story has some
valuable links be sure to check them out.
Warm and Windy
- Wednesday
September 26, 2001
We move to our third day in a row of above normal temperatures and moderate winds.
With these pictures is some reflective thoughts on the current state of world affairs.
This story includes a QuickTime spoken version of the text.
National Post Writer Clifford Orwin's
Views on Globalisation
- Wednesday
September 26, 2001
University of Toronto's Clifford Orwin is a clever writer but exceeds Mario deSantis'
sensibilities when he equates globalisation and democracy.
- Thursday
September 27, 2001
Work continues as the Golden Age Centre progresses into the finishing stages with
dry walling nearly finished and electrical and plumbing work to be completed.
American Coalition and "Ceteris Paribus"
- Thursday
September 27, 2001
Mario deSantis is concerned about recent pronouncements by the Italian Prime Minister
and that Saudi Arabia is a part of the coalition. He worries that some loss of focus
could already occurred
Parkland Photography Club Meeting Report
- Friday
September 28, 2001
Gerald Crawford keeps us informed on the activities and challenges for the photo
club. The picture shown is by Alie Neish and was the third place image on the theme
Canadian Taxpayers Federation Implores Minister of Finance
to produce a Fall Budget
- Friday
September 28, 2001
This is a press release from the CTF that explains the financial crisis Canada is
sliding into and in a letter from its director demands that a new budget be tabled.
Nero Fiddled As Rome Burned
- Friday
September 28, 2001
Andrew Lane from Brandon passes on to us his discontent with the Prime Minister and
his government for have left Canada so ill prepared to meet any crisis.
We Are Connected
- Friday
September 28, 2001
Kevin McIntyre explains the need for Canadians and their government to realise how
this modern world no longer permits us to feel secure from threats of international
- Friday
September 28, 2001
Here is an interesting letter to the editor from a school boy in Minnisota about
snowball fights.
1960 Ford Thunderbird
- Saturday
September 29, 2001
This car series set the trend and standard for more than a decade as Ford designers
captured the elegance and flair that caught the driver's taste of the era.
Truth and Opinion Polls
- Saturday
September 29, 2001
Mario deSantis and Lorie Terry enlighten us on the conduct of the world's business
as opinion poll government and rational thought seems to be in conflict with one
Classical Gas
- Sunday
September 30, 2001
Amble along with a photographer as she clicks away at outcrops, coloured trees and
magic skies. This story is in pictures, presented in a QuickTime presentation sequence.
Our educational
system should emphasize more learning and less corporate training
- Sunday
September 30, 2001
"Getting and Spending we Lay waste our Powers..." The emphasis on training
for the corporate world may be one of the major sources of problems in our world