Chronological Index of Ensign
Articles for
June of 2001
June 1, Rain and Sighs
- Friday
June 1, 2001
The crop of 2001 was in trouble but rain last weekend and yesterday have given this
year's crop new hope.
By the week
May 27 to June 2
3 to 9
June 10 to 16
June 17 to 23
June 24 to 30
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Garage Sale - Saturday
- Friday
June 1, 2001
Preparations were in high gear this morning as tables and goods were being assembled
for the garage sale tomorrow.
Will Be Home Soon
- Saturday
June 2, 2001
Waiting, its a part of childhood, a part of every phase of life, we are all at one
time or another put on hold as we wait for those significant others in our lives.
Three Days Old and Already in Trouble
- Sunday
June 3, 2001
Waiting to see the vet, after a mishap could be a routine for this three day old
Storage Condo Going Flat Out
- Monday
June 4, 2001
Forty by one hundred foot storage building well underway as the pad is being finished
Beeland Co-op
Strip Mine
- Monday
June 4, 2001
The project began a week ago and was expected to wrap up Friday but the hole grows.
The Greenwater Report for June 4, 2001
- Monday
June 4, 2001
From fixing computers to putting in the dock, Gerald Crawford tells us about the
weather and mosquito conditions at our favourite park.
Parkland Photography Club Meeting For May 2001
- Tuesday
June 5, 2001
Time to catch up on the adventures of Tisdale's local photographers and this month
we will see their pictures on "flight".
My View of Tisdale, May 2001
- Tuesday
June 5, 2001
Wesley Parkvold, a graduating student at TMSS takes us on a walk around the town
in which he grew up and from his pictures and the discussion about them we get a
glimpse into what this place means to him.
Let's Grow Rocks Instead
- Tuesday
June 5, 2001
Another home owner decides to abandon the wasteful effort of growing a lawn and switches
to crushed rock.
Floor Making At Golden Age Centre
- Wednesday
June 6, 2001
Tamp the gravel, lay down steel reinforcements and ready the area for cement.
Tisdale Housing Authority Gets New Office
- Wednesday
June 6, 2001
Construction proceeds on a new office for the agency that administers public housing
in Tisdale.
Guard Dog
- Wednesday
June 6, 2001
Duty to protect his yard, duty to warn of possible threats that's what this guy has
on his mind, in fact that is all he has on his mind.
- Thursday
June 7, 2001
Edwin Wallaces let's us share the sadness and wanton waste as the sturdy profittable
elevator in Success is destroyed.
Beeland Co-op
Fills In Site
- Thursday
June 7, 2001
The contaminated soil removed a borrow pit has been created South of town and clean
material brought in to close up the hole.
New Repair Shop On Tisdale's South Side
- Friday
June 8, 2001
Contrstution is advancing as a new business is going into operation offering vehicle
repair, welding, assembly and iron sales.
- Friday
June 8, 2001
Want to keep in touch, here is a simple inexpensive and remarkably easy to use system
of handling email, without a computer.
The Lure of Easy Money
- Friday
June 8, 2001
Kevin McIntyre let's us consider the ilicit lure of Drug smuggling, sale and manufacturering.
As legislators both sides of the border consider legilisation of "soft drugs"
discussions like this are needed. Kevin is a native of Carrot River.
Gardens 2001
- Friday
June 8, 2001
Here is the first in a weekly series of garden pictures that will keep you posted
on how gardens are making out this year.
Wet Side Story
- Saturday
June 9, 2001
Join grade twelve students Wesley and Todd as they visit the Tisdale Acquatic Centre
Friday afternoon.
New Section of Ruined Highway - Not Enough
- Saturday
June 9, 2001
Highway construction in the Bjorkdale area is less hazardous to safety and vehicles
than the road on each side of the construction.
Could there be fraud in
our socially and democratically contracted governments?
- Saturday
June 9, 2001
Mario deSantis wonders about the need to deceive and what it does to our system.
This story is really only a guide to the extensive and revealing links that are referenced
at the bottom of the page.
Crude and Rude Fuel Pricing
- Saturday
June 9, 2001
Kevin McIntyre points out some incongruenties that we need to consider. Be sure to
follow the links on Kevin's stories.
CUPE's Strike and SAHO Pension
- Saturday
June 9, 2001
Some times there are deep and devisive causes for employers and employees to fail
to trust one another, this strike has some nasty under currents, Mario deSantis explains
one serious issue that needs to be resolved.
See the Morning Light
- Sunday
June 10, 2001
The morning sky at 0500 today filled with colour and the dissipating clouds of the
shower just concluded. This story includes a small QuickTime Vr, if you see a long
vertical picture download "QuickTime" so that you can see the image.
- Where's The Money Going
- Sunday
June 10, 2001
Carey Heilman is a long term work related injury victim suffering from chronic back
injury and permanent disability caused by improper medical procedures. He explains
in this story how you are footing the bills instead of the money collected for that
purpose by the WCB.
Vapour And Rock
- Sunday
June 10, 2001
Judy Shire's pictures of la Ronge prompt a discussion on the struggle for all life
to survive on a frontier.
Rain Clouds
- Monday
June 11, 2001
This morning's sky is a lighter version of what was seen (above) yesterday afternoon.
As rain sweeps across the Northern grain belt.
Greenwater Report For June 11, 2001
- Monday
June 11, 2001
Gerald Crawford updates us on the weather, Sunday Smorgs, caterpillars, greenhouses,
removal of an old cabin, utility rates and the inexpensive water system in the US
of grain moving.
Canadian Politics and Political Economy
- Monday
June 11, 2001
Mario deSantis points out the paradox of getting those who create problems to solve
them. To get the most out of this story be sure to check the references as they actually
carry the load of the argument presented.
This Camera Is
For Real
- Tuesday
June 12, 2001
Once again Todd Wakefield and photographer Wesley Parkvold take us along with them
to visit the summer student employment centre and we get the teenager's view of the
world plus information on what the centre is doing this summer.
Devolving of America
- Tuesday
June 12, 2001
Violence begets violence, a discussion on the execution of Patriot Timothy McVeigh.
The Post Napster
Era of Software
- Tuesday
June 12, 2001
Carey Heilman rolls up his sleeves and digs into music download software and comes
up with a review and recommendation.
Town Replaces Water Line
- Wednesday
June 13, 2001
Two streets a year have their cast iron water pipes replaced and this one is nearly
Final Pour
- Wednesday
June 13, 2001
The minor rains over the past few days have slowed progress on the Golden Age Centre
but today's sunshine should see the concrete floor finished.
The Spiraling Cost of Downsizing Healthcare
- Wednesday
June 13, 2001
Mario deSantis points out the incredible follie in overworking the medical and support
staff and thinking that this will save money. Be sure to check out the links that
Mario has provided with this story.
Back Yard Garage
- Wednesday
June 13, 2001
As we have mentioned before this seems to be the year for home renovations and this
is at least the second home owner in town to add a garage to their yard.
Motorcycle Escort
- Wednesday
June 13, 2001
Mom provides outrider duty as junior tours town on his electric motorcycle.
The Retail Battlefront
- Thursday
June 14, 2001
Is one of Tisdale's most reputable businesses closing up? Almost afraid to ask as
we see the competition for dwindling expendable income squeezing retailers everywhere.
The Unpotency To Look Into the Social
Causes of Injustice
- Thursday
June 14, 2001
Please check out the various links and references has included with this editorial
as Mario deSantis leads up to consider the ramifications of government, not necessarily
directed toward assisting its citizens.
Been Here for Forty Years, Will Be Here for Forty More
- Friday
June 15, 2001
Tim Markwart sets us straight, he is not going out of business the signs are just
part of a promotion.
No Help From Saskatchewan's Minister of Agriculture
- Friday
June 15, 2001
Lloyd Pletz is a Belcarres farmer who was down in Ottawa trying to explain the Saskatchewan
Agricultural story and wittnessed first hand the lack of performance by Clay Serby.
Work Experience Luncheon
- Friday
June 15, 2001
This semester's work experience programme is almost over but Thursday we all had
lunch to celebrate our achievements.
Common People being squeezed by both governments
and businesses
- Friday
June 15, 2001
Mario deSantis points out the remarkable paradox of reduced government spending,
costing more and providing less.
Tisdale Knows
How to Celebrate
- Saturday
June 16, 2001
Morning preparations and participation shows the whole town involved in the fun this
Sidewalk Sale For Motormadness Weekend
- Saturday
June 16, 2001
Friday afternoon Wesley Parkvold and Todd Wakefield, Ensign's intrepid reports venture
forth to seek out evidence of excitement building for the weekend celebrations.
Greenwater Report for June 17, 2001
- Sunday
June 17, 2001
Weather and wildlife at the park keep Gerald Crawford busy but now his wife is taking
up fishing.
Beginning to assert Common Law over 'Regulatory
- Sunday
June 17, 2001
Mario deSantis points out the importance of the independent judicary system to provide
some balance in the way governments and their agencies act.
Clean-Up Complete
- Sunday
June 17, 2001
Congratulations to Beeland Co-op and its contractors and finishing off one of Tisdale's
polution problems.
Moved In
- Sunday
June 17, 2001
House number three is sitting in place on the South side of town after having being
moved in.
A Saw For Father's
- Monday
June 18, 2001
Sharp gift as we consider the implications of both being a father and needing a saw.
Tisdale Florist
- Monday
June 18, 2001
Flowers seem like a frill or a luxury but they are actually a basic necessity and
business is steady.
Canadian Tire: New and Improved
- Monday
June 18, 2001
Prince Albert's Canadian Tire outlet is now almost double its former size.
Treasures Or Junk
- Tuesday
June 19, 2001
Be it an auction sale or a garage sale what is valued by some is worthless to others.
Taming The TigerLily
- Tuesday
June 19, 2001
Todd Wakefield's last whimsical piece with Ensign as the school year comes to a close
he reflects on a flower.
Custom Car
- Tuesday
June 19, 2001
Wesley Parkvold on his last day on the job as a work experience student puts together
a customised car and gives it a nice black paint job.
Cessna 172 - Skyhawk
: Worlds Most Popular Airplane
- Wednesday
June 20, 2001
A sort of flying car, sturdy and safe, the Cessna 172 is what general aviation could
have been.
Horsing Around
- Wednesday
June 20, 2001
Tisdale's premeir riding stable is going strong with a full compliment of students
and a growing pasture of horses being looked after in style.
Active Social
Spending and Well Being Vs Taxes and GDP
- Wednesday
June 20, 2001
Take a look at the National Post's state of the Nation, Mario deSantis has a link
to this important document in this story and he takes you through his thinking on
what it means.
The First Day of Summer - Thanks Mrs. Playford
- Thursday
June 21, 2001
Mrs. Playford plants and tends only wild flowers and though she is less than complimentary
about the low level of rain her tough wild flower collection looks summer ready.
Corporate Espionage - Small Town Style
- Thursday
June 21, 2001
To polite to ask, this lady goes about recording prices and weighs, undisturbed by
store staff or customers.
The root of our economic and health care
Our Leaders don't Walk their Talks
- Thursday
June 21, 2001
Common sense sometimes is so obvious and sensible we wonder why everyone has not
seen the problem from this perspective. Mario deSantis shares with us the simple
truth about the healthcare problem.
Flowers, Every Blossom A Gift
- Friday
June 22, 2001
Here are some flowers in the neighbourhood, to brighten our day.
So How Do Things Look To You?
- Friday
June 22, 2001
A few pictures and a QuickTime VR give you a few looks at this morning.
Are You Ready For the Sun To Rise
- Saturday
June 23, 2001
Each special holiday or change of season evokes the rehtorical question, "Are
you ready for. . .?" Though the question seems meaningless it always makes us
stop momentarily and think, have we prepared ourselves for this coming event? (This
morning's pictures were taken at 0420 to 0442 this morning)
Sweet Chevy -
- Sunday
June 24, 2001
GM got in right with the early seventies pick-up, this 1972 is the essence of a great
Short Guys Baseball
- Sunday
June 24, 2001
Despite rain the tournament goes on to a successful conclusion.
Bird Yard
- Sunday
June 24, 2001
Shot in light rain yesterday morning here is a picture essay on one Tisdale's most
extensively landscaped homes.
Some Potatoes
- Sunday
June 24, 2001
Jumpstarted potatoes so big they are almost scary.
Customer Appreciation Day at 7-11
- Sunday
June 24, 2001
Saturday was 7-11's day to put on a special hot dog and drink deal, plus balloons
and fun.
Monday Arrives, Show Time
- Monday
June 25, 2001
Another extra ordinary sunrise this morning at 0430, pictures include a QuickTime
VR, a rainbow, a deer crossing and red red red.
The Greenwater Report for June 25, 2001
- Monday
June 25, 2001
Gerald Crawford is enjoying a low mosquito count summer as he tells us about farm
progress show, crops, geese, bear and Saskatoon's forestry farm.
Tisdale Takes Zone Eight Final
- Monday
June 25, 2001
A conclusive victory Sunday afternoon as Tisdale takes the provincial final 10 -
1 for the zone and are ready to take on Assiniboia.
Parkland Photography Club - June, 2001
- Monday
June 25, 2001
This month's theme Glutton and three pictures on the theme. Gerald Crawford gives
us the low down on the meeting and the plans for the coming year.
Be It Ever So Humbler, There's No Place Like One's Own
- Monday
June 25, 2001
The wonders of a tree house, kids and adults alike are fascinated with above ground
Waves, Not Really, Same Thing Last Year
- Tuesday
June 26, 2001
For the past three years this date has been almost exactly the same each year, funny
how we forget.
Building As June
- Tuesday
June 26, 2001
Progress is continuing of the various projects underway and this is a short report
on how things are going.
Unconventional Thinking for a New Mindset
to Solve Our Own Problems
- Tuesday
June 26, 2001
Mario deSantis asks us to think about our thinking, are we seeking alternatives to
the rut our society appears to have fallen into?
A "Just Right"
- Tuesday
June 26, 2001
Getting that right combination of green, flowers, concrete and all the elements that
make a front yard is a tricky thing, this one looks like it has the combination "just
Breaking New Ground
- Wednesday
June 27, 2001
Tisdale's first new house is underway for the new subdivision on the end of Newmarket.
Water and Sewer Lines Installed In Basement
- Wednesday
June 27, 2001
Tisdale's Golden Age Centre continues to develop as work is now focused in the basement
as service lines are installed prior to laying the concrete basement floor.
Just In Case There's No Tomorrow
- Thursday
June 28, 2001
The glory of the setting sun, a fleeting once only event and at times it seems as
if just in case tomorrow never comes then at least this will be a fitting last hurrah.
This story features a magnificent 360º QuickTime VR panorama.
TMSS Graduation
- Thursday
June 28, 2001
The first class of the new century marks the ending of their high school life and
the beginning of careers, training and jobs.
Auction Slump
- Thursday
June 28, 2001
Poor offering and a small crowd for the end of June sale of 2001.
Canada and the
United States: the 30% productivity gap and the dollar devaluation
- Thursday
June 28, 2001
Mario deSantis applies some common sense and asks us to consider some of the confusing
and illogical conclusions economists and politicians toss out to explain the obvious.
Black Fuzzball
- Thursday
June 28, 2001
Check out this crowd pleaser, a puppy with a face everyone will instantly love.
Retired judge Tom Wakeling and Honourable
Doreen Hamilton:defending SLGA's double standard at public expenses
- Thursday
June 28, 2001
Time to wonder about the way government acts and time to wonder what we should be
doing with plain dumb excuses.
Beauty In Back
- Friday
June 29, 2001
People like to decorate and many yards reserve their best for the back.
The Flying Fifties
- Friday
June 29, 2001
Two aircrafts now almost half a century old evoke some consideration of what they
meant and how their existence relates to social development today.
Fog In The Night
- Friday
June 29, 2001
Some interesting images of last night's fog.
A Visit To Prince Albert National Park
- Saturday
June 30, 2001
Judy Shire takes us on a walking tour of the Waskesiu.
Walkerton, Mike Harris' GDP and Social
- Saturday
June 30, 2001
Mario deSantis views the actions of the Harris government as far less than charitable
and demands that government re-acquaint itself with the reason government exists.
Ah! Tasty!
- Saturday
June 30, 2001
Stu Innes of Regina shares with us some amazing pictures of a banquet set up for
the local insects as they go for the gold.