Chronological Index of Ensign Articles for
July of 1999
- Showers across the prairies dampen Canada Celebrations

- Thursday
July 1, 1999
With rain or the threat of rain all the way from Winnipeg to Calgary folks will have
to pick their activities and clothing carefully. This picture was taken at 10:00
local time this morning in Winnipeg.
By the week
June 27 - July 3
July 4 - 10
July 11 - 18
July 19 - 24
July 25 - 31
The Kelvington
- Thursday
July 1, 1999
A visit with some great horses near Kelvington and some interesting pictures of them.
Canada Day Launches
The Fringe Festival
- Friday
July 2, 1999
Large crowds and a festive spirit get Winnipeg's Fringe Festival underway. See what
the scene was like Canada in today's article with a QuickTime VR of the action at
Market Square.
Fringe Day 2
- Saturday
July 3, 1999
Today Ensign will bring you some more insights into the Winnipeg Fringe Festival
with a day of juggling and live performance fun.
Winnipeg of the
- Saturday
Jule 3, 1999
This photographic look at the older portion of Winnipeg's business district poses
far more questions then it does answers.
- FireWire! A Step Forward In Editing.

- Sunday
July 4, 1999
The various software and hardware tools that have become standard equipment in the
entertainment industry will now have to make room to the newcomer and its remarkable
A Big TV
- Monday
July 5, 1999
Bomber stadium has a TV screen that you can see a mile away. This one of a kind,
so far, uses LEDs to make its picture.
The Super Sucker
- Monday
July 5, 1999
Winnipeg puts their machines to work Monday morning cleaning out a sewer line as
they prepare to reline.
Does Size Matter?
- Monday
July 5, 1999
Big is Better concept of Chapters, join us for a look around an oversized
book store as we ponder the meaning of booklife.
Locked Out
- Tuesday
July 6, 1999
With strikes popping up everywhere it is time to consider the bargaining process
and what part we want government to play in the control of the economy.
Street Lights
With Style
- Tuesday
July 6, 1999
Something different, instead of some non-descript green pole here is another wait
to place traffic lights.
- Tuesday

July 6, 1999
This picture was taken yesterday afternoon at the corner of Portage and Main showing
the same building seen in a blurry image a few days ago. Our stay in Winnipeg has been extended a day
or two beyond our plans but today it is a bright warm summer day. A year ago today
we carried an article on the economic situation in Carrot
River and an article on a sunset.
In a few minutes we will be posting a few short articles that might interest you
so come back and check them out.
The Forks Once
- Wednesday
July 7, 1999
No trip to Winnipeg can be call complete without a visit to the Forks. Winnipeg's
special place.
Canyon In Waiting
- Wednesday
July 7, 1999
A brief look at some downtown architecture as visitors will see Winnipeg this summer.
Life On A Limb
- Wednesday
July 7, 1999
Forest dwellers adapt to urban life by mostly ignoring human inhabitants.
- Winnipeg's
NoGo Street Signals

- Wednesday
July 7, 1999
If you can image "hot ice cold beer" you will do fine driving in Winnipeg.
- Thursday
July 8, 1999
I think this one would fit into the category of "extreme machines." A road
resurfacing tool that just got a little bigger.
- Friday
July 9, 1999
There are secrets to be found out and today's pictures are attempting to find out
the secrets about Winnipeg. (This page has a lot of large pictures
and will take a moment to load.)
Revy - Home Improvements
On A Big Scale
- Saturday
July 10, 1999
We make a visit to one of those really big building and do-it-yourself centres.
Polo Park Mall
- Saturday
July 10, 1999
A few pictures that highlight some of the concepts of mall shopping and the illusions
that seem to go with it.
Kevin Goes to California
- Saturday
July 10, 1999
We always have pictures, well not with this one, here is a text only article by Kevin
McIntyre who moved from Carrot River to California. This is an adventure
and I think you will enjoy the ride.
July 10, 1999
She was pretending to make a telephone call when I spotted her and could not resist
getting this image to share with you. Afterward I told her how I loved her hat and
she gave me a big smile.Today we have an adventure for you as Kevin from Carrot River
moves to California, we also have some interesting pictures around Winnipeg. All
these will be posted during the morning.
In The Blink Of
An Eye
- Saturday
July 10, 1999
While snapping a picture important information is missed revealing some interesting
concepts about what we think is happening.
Cheap Movies
- Sunday
July 11, 1999
Low price theatres offer Winnipegers a wide choice of motion pictures that are just
beyond the prime time first release time line.
Our last day in Winnipeg, with a real summer day on the Canadian prairies. Thanks
for dropping by and have a quick look at our letters we have a message from Kevin
Narrow Street Ruins Beautiful Afternoon
- Monday
July 12, 1999
If there were only two vehicles on a street in any town the potential for them running
into one another is remarkably high.
Portage la Prairie
St. Bernard
- Tuesday
July 13, 1999
We drive for eight hours across the Canadian prairies and the picture I select to
share with us is of a dog in a gas station.
Lights Camera
- Tuesday
July 13, 1999
Let's find out more about television editing and production in this article about
a Winnipeg company that makes the magic we see.
We are back, after extending a five day stay into eleven days are happily back in
Tisdale. This is the morning sky at 0900 this morning.
- Tuesday
July 13, 1999
This morning we will have an interesting article on the development of the entertainment
industry in Winnipeg and a Portage la Prairie dog. These will be posted before noon
Black and Smooth
- Wednseday
July 14, 1999
Paving crew lays down black stuff on a number of streets and polishes the RecPlex
parking lot.
Near Miss
- Wednesday
July 14, 1999
Yesterday's big nastys all missed Tisdale and this is a discussion about the phenomena.
New Truck and
Car Wash Taking Shape
- Wednesday
July 14, 1999
New building project on the South side of the #3 and #35 highway interesection is
progressing with the building already framed.
Today is Bastille day, yeah
I realise it may not mean much to you but to the people of France it is their national
holiday commemorating the beginning of the revolution as the people of Paris stormed
the prison holding political prisoners. Vive la France!
- Wednesday
July 14, 1999
This morning we have some stories in the works to update you on several civic projects
in Tisdale. Thanks for dropping by the new stories will be posted later this morning.
Big Gas Truck
- Thursday
July 15, 1999
Ensign takes a look at the movement of fuel.
- Thursday
July 15, 1999
Here's your opportunity to go on a Harley Davidson motorcycle weekend. Mike Townsend
and his camera let us ride along and peek into this metal sub-culture. This article
has a lot of outstanding pictures so it will take a moment or two to load.
The Star Phoenix Versus Queen's Bench Judge Ted Zarzeczny
- Friday
July 16, 1999
Mario deSantis takes exception with the attitude and point of view of the big business
oriented newspaper from Saskatoon as he refutes their premise and sets things straight
with regard to the fine levied against Saskatchewan nurses.
- FTLComm
Sales Page

- Saturday
July 17, 1999
Today we are introducing a new feature to Ensign, only a few occassions in the past
have we had commercial spots on this site but now a new button appears below "Index"
of the left hand panel. Click on this button and you can see a modest selection of
computer components or systems with their prices from FTLComm.
- Saturday
July 17, 1999
Good morning Ensign readers. The pictures seen here this morning were taken at 9:30
and show the sort of cheery day it is here in Tisdale. On the horizon just above
the bicycle rider's head is the makings of a tower cumulus cloud, it looks like a
chance of showers later today.
- Sunday

July 18, 1999
Lookin' good so far. We have an editorial from Stu Innes this morning and some other
stuff so come on back a little later and check those stories out. I am a little late
in getting underway this morning but will soon get back up to speed.
A Rolling Start
- Sunday
July 18, 1999
Couple starts life together in a motorhome.
Bell Canada Demonstrates Fragile Communications System
- Sunday
July 18, 1999
A small fire in downtown Toronto totals much of Canadian commerice Friday.
Midsummer Visit to Sanctuary
- Monday
July 19, 1999
Here is a QuickTime VR of the marsh area at the Jones Wildlife Sanctuary.
Bye-Election - Political Hypocracy
- Monday
July 19, 1999
Though fixing an election sounds a bit odd, Stu Innes explains how the public could
have been better served by our politicians in the recent bye-election.
July 20, 1999
This picture taken yesterday at noon of a mother and her two daughters picnicing
in a park seemed like the best way to start today with its great blue sky and mild
temperature. Though there were thundershowers in the area last night they passed
us and this morning for the fourth straight day aerial crop spraying began at first
Its Time
- Tuesday
July 20, 1999
Ken Oskrip has put his buidling and business up for sale as he has decided its time
to take a break from the intense and continuous schedule he has maintained for several
A Visit To The University of North Dakota, Grand Forks
- Tuesday
July 20, 1999
James deSantis who has contributed articles to Ensign, is embarking on a new adventure
and we hear about the campus and what he is looking forward to.
Upper Deck
- Tuesday
July 20, 1999
We have been following the construction of this house in Ensign and now the building
itself has been erected on its foundation.
Meals On Wheels
- Tuesday
July 20, 1999
Twenty-one senior citizens receive a balanced meal each day from the meals on wheels
Preparing To Mount
The Mount
- Wednesday
July 22, 1999
Michael Townsend tells us of his plans to tackle Mount Robson next summer and gives
us a preview with some pictures taken a week ago.
Robinson R22 Beta
- Wednesday
July 21, 1999
The most popular civilian helicopter of all time. Find out about this tiny wonder
in this article with pictures and background.
Jet A-1 Tanks
Go East
- Thursday
July 22, 1999
Eleven tanks start on their way to Northern Quebec and Ontario. Northern Steel
Industries establishes marketing foothold in Eastern Canada.
- iBook,
Laptop Version of the iMac

- Thursday
July 22, 1999
Apple introduced its newest laptop computer at MacWorld Expo in New York yesterday.
Winds Aloft
- Thursday
July 22, 1999
An interesting look at a towering cumulus cloud and how the jet stream can be seen
affecting the cloud's formation.
The Crop of 99
- Friday
July 23, 1999
Today we do what we did a year
ago and consider the prospects of this years grain crop.
Summer Dazes
- Friday
July 23, 1999
A look at our casual use of good weather and a construction projects.
House Gets New
- Saturday
July 24, 1999
Sorry we are running late here this morning, this story of the house the moved to
the lawn for a while. This interesting project involves moving the house to build
a basement then returning it on top when the wood structure is completed.
To Baffin Island
- Saturday
July 24, 1999
Earlier this week we told you about trucks starting to haul off the first four of
the eleven tanks made for the Department of National Defence. Today we take a look
at the second set to begin their journey.
More Than Petunias
- Sunday
July 25, 1999
Here is a Sunday bouquet of flowers for you.
Citabria A Real
- Sunday
July 25, 1999
The Citabria made by Bellanca is the subject of this look at another general aviation
A Day Like Any Other
- Monday
July 26, 1999
This morning we consider what has happened to Sunday. How can we regain what has
been lost?
Following Up
- Monday
July 26, 1999
Keeping up to date on stories from this past week.
Beechcraft Bonanza
- Tuesday
July 27, 1999
The full size aviation sedan. Made since 1947 these are the standard by which all
cross country airplanes are judged.
The World
- Tuesday
July 27, 1999
Carey Heilman has sent us an interesting list of what the world would be like were
it a village of one hundred people.
Flurry of Activity on Newmarket Drive
- Tuesday
July 27, 1999
This picture of activity on Newmarket Drive Monday afternoon tells the whole story
as workers converge on three houses finishing up construction
Our Town Forest
- Wednesday
July 28, 1999
What happens when we cut off the top of a mature tree, this picture taken last evening
tells the story. This article deals with the part trees play in forming the community
Madisson Footings
- Wednesday
July 28, 1999
The footings are almost ready to be poured as this new structure will take shape
The Heat Is On!
- Thursday
July 29, 1999
Wednesday was a hot day, see how some people enjoyed the day at the pool, at a park
or on the street.
Old Tire Man
- Thursday
July 29, 1999
Saskatchewan used tires are being recycled "rubber to rubber, dust to dust."
Bob Hayes Up &
- Friday
July 30, 1999
A local pilot drops in for a few minutes on a business trip and we have a sequence
of pictures of his departure.
Lions Park
- Friday
July 30, 1999
Great wet way for some children to spend a hot summer day at the end of July.
Nimbo Stratus
- Friday
July 30, 1999
The passage of a cold front Thursday produced some spectacular clouds that it was
nice to have not been under.
- Saturday
July 31, 1999
Today's article on continued low grain values deals with the need to recognise the
simple fact that government will not and has not been interested in the agricultural
economy and matters must be taken into hand by the farmers themselves.
- Post W
ar Pontiac
- Saturday
July 31, 1999
Here is an eligant look at a 1948 Pontiac that has been on the street in Tisdale
this past week.