Chronological Index of Ensign
Articles for
December of 2000
- The
Last Month Begins

- Friday
December 1, 2000
Yes this is the first day of the last month of the twentieth century and of the second
millenium and the frost is glorious this morning.
By the week
26 to Dec 2
3 to 9
Dec 10 to 16
17 to 23
Dec 24 to 30
Dec 31 to Jan 6
Road Trip
- Friday
December 1, 2000
Tisdale Trojans head for Yorkton and Ensign's intreped reporter is there to share
the experience. Find out about a road trip and on the "Second page" see how the game turned out.
- Prime Minister Jean Chretien's involvement with the BDC's $615,000 loan:
Lack of Common Sense Democracy
- Friday
December 1, 2000
Mario deSantis helps us understand the heavy burden of appropriate behaviour and
offers some definitions to guide our opinion.
Breakfast Dog
- Friday
December 1, 2000
A dog take's his human friend out for breakfast, it is all part of the arduous and
complex process of human training.
Late Landscaping
- Friday
December 1, 2000
Tisdale's Parks and Recreation have given most of the community's ball diamonds a
real working over this fall. This one is still being worked on.
Robertson Trading Company
- Sunday
December 3, 2000
A store, a museum, a fur trading post, a place that is worth the trip to La Ronge
just to visit.
La Ronge Health Centre
- Monday
December 4, 2000
A welcomed facility in this Northern community.
The Greenwater Report for December 4,
- Monday
December 4, 2000
Gerald Crawford tells about the wind, birds, mysterious surveying, new snowmobile
trail, Joe Clark and ice fishing.
Honourable Janice MacKinnon says:
Saskatchewan is the Star of the Nineties
- Monday
December 4, 2000
Janice MacKinnon trumpets Saskatchewan economic development despite reality.
The Huron Carole
- Monday
December 4, 2000
Some outstanding pictures of this fabulous benefit concert tour by Regina Photograph
Club member Ben Checkowy.
- Monday
December 4, 2000
A remarkable way to start the week, Sunday Brunch.
Let There Be Light
- Tuesday
December 5, 2000
A discussion about awareness, intelligence and positive things to do about them.
Prime Minister
Jean Chrétien's involvement with the Grand Mère affair prior to the
loan's approval
- Tuesday
December 5, 2000
Mario deSantis continues to chronicle the sequence of events that lead to the scandal
in during the recent election campaigne.
- Beel
Co-op Hands Out Dividends Tuesday
- Wednesday
December 6, 2000
As members reach their mature years the Co-op pays off their accumulated dividends.
BDC's $615,000 Loan
- Wednesday
December 6, 2000
Mario tells us how the Grand Mere hotel and its owner arrange a loan for a bankrupt
and insolvent operation.
This Year's Christmas
- Thursday
December 7, 2000
Only a small sample of some of the Christmas decorations that have been lit up around
Tisdale but these pictures give you an idea of what it is like.
Mr. Chretien's interest for his friends,
golf course and jobs?
- Thursday
December 7, 2000
Mario deSantis takes us along the road to the additions and financing of the Grand
Mere Hotel as the Government bank manager sues for wrongful dismissal Nov.3.
Friday and we're on shaky ground!
- Friday
December 8, 2000
A look at our world from the breakfast table.
The Dead of Winter
- Saturday
December 9, 2000
Low temperatures and short days to be endured.
Part 2: Thinking Recursively is a Creative
- Saturday
December 9, 2000
Mario deSantis helps us think through the saga of the Prime Minister's dealings with
the Grand Mere hotel and golf course.
Reality Not Accepted
- Saturday
December 9, 2000
Joe Hueglin from Niagara Falls Ontario writes Ensign to explain the Ontario voter's
decision this past election
December Moon
- Sunday
December 10, 2000
A discussion on our sister planet and what human visits to it have meant.
Part 3: Job Creation in Chretien's Riding
of S. Maurice
- Sunday
December 10, 2000
What was the motivation that lead the Prime Minister to take the action he did? Mario
deSantis questions these decisions and attempts to give us the details that surround
Looking South
and It Doesn't Look Good
- Monday
December 11, 2000
This pictures was taken precisely at 0900 this morning as the sun peaked over Tisdale
for the first time today.
Part 4: Doling of Government Money
- Monday
December 11, 2000
The story of tax distribution in the St. Maurice riding of Quebec continues as Mario
deSantis explains the process and who was involved.
The Greenwater Report For December 11,
- Monday
December 11, 2000
Its cold at Greenwater and ice fishing is resuming after a brief lay-off on account
of summer and Gerald Crawford tells us about his trip to Saskatoon, mule deer, great
gray owl and Christmas.
Saving $11 on 3¢ Worth
- Tuesday
December 12, 2000
Farmers reduce their costs by shipping grain themselves as two farms load malting
barley in Tisdale.
PART 5: Mr. Gauthier, Chretien's golf
course, and the pair Pepin & Lemire Co.
- Tuesday
December 12, 2000
Mario deSantis is getting us the picture of a massive movement of funds to Shawinigan
as the Prime Minister rewards and endows the community with HRDC money.
Van Mulligen's Leadership in Wrestling
Welfare: Cut, Copy, Paste
- Tuesday
December 12, 2000
Provincial government announces new triumph over welfare and it looks like Mario
deSantis is not impressed.
Bush Elected by Supreme Court
- Wednesday
December 13, 2000
US supreme court shames itself by stopping recounting of Florida ballots and then
claiming it should be done right, but there is no time so Bush is the president.
Pat Atkinson and
Janice MacKinnon:
they have to fix their minds before they fix health care and economic development
- Thursday
December 14, 2000
Mario deSantis points out the serious problem of attitude as the province once again
struggles with hospital bed closures due to nursing shortages.
Perhaps a Packard
- Friday
December 15, 2000
While restoring some pictures for a customer we came across this remarkable car.
The Conservative, The Liberal and
the Canadian Libertien Interpretation of the Law
- Friday
December 15, 2000
Mario deSantis offers us and explanation about the ways of interpreting law and what
these methods tell us about democracy.
Wheat Board Knuckles Under
- Saturday
December 16, 2000
Grain companies threaten to not handle Wheat Board grains if grain car distribution
program implimented on Monday.
"As the shoppers rush home with their
- Sunday
December 17, 2000
Saturday was absolutely the Christmas shopping day as people went busily about their
task of finding the right thing for. . .
Doing Business in Canada: Setting
pyramidal paper businesses with the assistance of government?
- Sunday
December 17, 2000
Mario deSantis spots the systematic method used by various characters to put government
money into their pockets.
Snow And Adversity
- Monday
December 18, 2000
Minor difficulties, temporary discomfort, acceptance . . . a discussion about the
present gloom and a reflection on the same issue fifty years ago.
The Last Greenwater Report
- Monday
December 18, 2000
Low temperatures, snow, farmers market, bantam hockey, gray owls and ...
Provincial Auditor, Saskatchewan 2000 Fall
Report: The un-accountabilityof the Ins and Outs of a dummy SHIN
- Monday
December 18, 2000
Mario deSantis explains that the Provincial auditor has also discovered the fact
that SHIN does not control its spending
The Stars of 2000
- Tuesday
December 19, 2000
This is a selective look at some special examples of Christmas house and yard decoration.
The SHIN Saga of Health Reform:
Common Problem, No Problem?
- Tuesday
December 19, 2000
SHIN marches onward and Mario deSantis points out the strange mentality that would
develop such an organisation and how it can waste money with impunity.
Greetings From Brendaren Farm
- Tuesday
December 19, 2000
Edwin Wallace tells us about the depth of his discontent.
The Charity Business
- Wednesday
December 20, 2000
Royal Bank, Zellers, CP rail, most fast food chains all espouse good causes. Is it
charity or is it business
Little Clipper
- Wednesday
December 20, 2000
An Alberta Clipper roared through the Southern prairies yesterday but treated us
Its All In the way you look at it!
- Thursday
December 21, 2000
It may be the shortest day of the year here but today is the longest day of the summer
in the Southern hemisphere.
- Any Correlation between Political Corruption and Walkerton's Tragedy?
- Thursday
December 21, 2000
Mario deSantis wonders if a general attitude is spreading from leadership to all
levels of public service.
- Thursday
December 21, 2000
Town crews clear streets following mild "little clipper" storm.
- Taking away our freedom: Health Records and SHIN
- Thursday
December 21, 2000
This is a clear warning, as Mario deSantis points out the dangers of centralised
records in this computerised world.
Toasted Blower
- Friday
December 22
Cold weather, preheat the blower, well, not that much.
Winter In Winnipeg
- Saturday
December 23, 2000
Snow, crowded streets and chill, no one is dreaming of a white Christmas.
The Christmas Spirit
- Sunday
December 24, 2000
Christmas is not shopping, Christmas is not stupid songs about reindeer and snowmen,
it is about a genuine feeling, that fills and colours the wonder of life all around
Merry Christmas
- Monday
December 25, 2000
Greetings to the readers of Ensign.
The Royal Winnipeg
Ballet's Nutcracker
- Monday
December 25, 2000
A life time experience, astonishing beauty, music that lifts you above this world
and dance, dance of wonder and involvement.
Boxing Day
- Tuesday
December 26, 2000
A shopping frenzy to get the best bargains a merchant driven phenomena.
Money Talks, Mandatory Voting and our
- Tuesday
December 26, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the need for us to watch what politicians use as words to
describe their actions and conditions.
- Boxing Day Shopping

- Wednesday
December 27, 2000
As Boxing day drew to a close we decided to venture forth and see how things were
going, this is our report.
A Winter City
- Thursday
December 28, 2000
A look around the streets of Winnipeg as we see how it deals with the season and
how its people cope.
Normal Winter Driving
- Saturday
December 30, 2000
The Department of Highways refer driving conditions as "Normal Winter Driving"
conditions. Its a fact of Canadian life.
Productivity is the wrong thing to measure
- Saturday
December 30, 2000
Mario deSantis gives us a hard look at the way economists see things and why they
should clean their glasses.
The assembly line economics is obsolete
- Saturday
December 30, 2000
This is a short article that needs to be digested carefully as Mario deSantis points
out the underlying cause that explains the eratic behaviour in the stock market and
commodities trading. If we have a knowledge economy supply and demand is no longer
in effect.
The Last Day
- Sunday
December 31, 2000
As the sun rises this morning on the last day of the year, the last day of the twentieth
century and the last day of the second millennium its time for this year's predictions.
Into A New Century
- Sunday
December 31, 2000
The coming of the century and the beginning of the third millennium are a momentious
occassion and today we explore the future, predictions on a grand scale.
The need of new indicators to measure
the performance of our Knowledge Economy
- Sunday
December 31, 2000
Mario deSantis compares the view of the economics world as seen by Alan Greenspan
and economic consultant Paul Strassmann.
- Sunday
December 31, 2000
Yet another sunset, from Saturday night with a QuickTime VR to celebrate the beauty.
Big Brains Fyke and Rourke Have Spoken
- Sunday
December 31, 2000
Mario deSantis lets us consider the pronouncements of Ken Fyke and Brian Rourke as
they relate to common sense and Saskatchewan health care.