Chronological Index of Ensign
Articles for
November of 2001
Last Night's Visitors
- Thursday
November 1, 2001
Here is a look at the friends who came to my door last night. A charm and delight
to meet each and every one of them.
By the week
28 to Nov 3
Nov 4 to 10
Nov 11
to 17
Nov 18
to 24
25 to Dec 1
Commodifying the price of lives and the
carpet bombing of Afghanistan
- Thursday
November 1, 2001
Is Christianity and economic politics somehow involved in the campaign being wages
in Afghanistan? Mario deSantis poses some difficult questions.
Place Names Society - Update
- Thursday
November 1, 2001
Bill Barry passes on the developments as meeting were held last winter in an effort
to establish a Saskatchewan society to work on the issues of place names.
Floor Covering and Hardwood
- Thursday
November 1, 2001
The Golden Age Centre gets its floors covered this week.
In Praise of Shadows
- Friday
November 2, 2001
This morning's long shadows were inspiring here are some images of these phantoms.
Public Protection and Border Management
- Friday
November 2, 2001
Former Prime Minister, and leader of the Progressive Conservative Party Joe Clark
spells out a comprehensive plan to sort out border and terrorist issues in a press
conference yesterday.
Parkland Photography
October Meeting
- Friday
November 2, 2001
Some great river pictures this month as the club met on Wednesday night.
A commentary on the effects of U.S. NeoClassical
Supporting coalition of policing forces rather than supporting people at large
- Friday
November 2, 2001
Mario deSantis examines the minute by minute news world and realises the incongruity
and underlying political agenda that is emerging in the climate South of the border.
Saskatoon Campus - VR
- Sunday
November 4, 2001
The imposing and grand structures of the University of Saskatchewan are viewed in
this visual essay both with still images and a complex QuickTime VR (1.7MB) composition
consisting of four inter linked panoramas. This experience alone is worth the time
and effort to download QuickTime into
your computer. This article can not be seen with Microsoft's media player.
The Greenwater Report For November 5, 2001
- Monday
November 5, 2001
The wonderful image of birds flitting over Greenwater Lake at sunset is captured
by Gerald Crawford who is able not only to capture on film the wonders of this world
but his weekly column gives us a very special glimpse of Saskatchewan rural life.
The Breakdown of Democracy by elevating
Technologies before People: polling, baggage screening machines, National
Missile Defense system
- Monday
November 5, 2001
Technology can be abused and the consequences might be far greater than not using
technology at all. Mario deSantis gives us a disturbing look at how polls that are
accurate now are useless in formulating policy.
Saskatoon - The City's Structures
- Monday
November 5, 2001
A look at Saskatoon in the light of recent court events (conviction of police officers
and coroner's hearing).
The folly to protect long-term patent
rights for pharmaceutical corporations
- Monday
November 5, 2001
Mario deSantis makes a convincing argument that patent protection is a very big mistake
with half the research money coming from the public.
Sunsets Colour My Mind
- Monday
November 5, 2001
Here are eight pictures of sunsets from the last two days. See how they affect you!
Party Store
- Tuesday
November 6, 2001
Tupperware, Avon, Pampered Chef, Jewelry all offer home parties but for today and
a day or two more they are operating a store front location.
Prevailing Doubt
- Tuesday
November 6, 2001
An editorial from Timothy Shire dealing with the implausibility of
recent news stories. You can listen to this story. But check out the evening pictures.
What Happened to Saskatchewan?
Turning the Social Contract into the Private Rule of Law
- Tuesday
November 6, 2001
Mario deSantis spots the erosion in the agreement citizens have with their government
and worries that laws may be used to abuse and confuse the public for political goals
and private gain.
From Brown To White
- Wednesday
November 7, 2001
The light sprinkle of snow does more to the mind than it does to the climate outside.
Treatment For Autism
- Wednesday
November 7, 2001
Once only affecting a few number of children this disturbing problem is becoming
extraordinarily common in Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan president of the Autism
Society gives a glimpse into what is and is not being done.
Risking National Consensus
- Wednesday
November 7, 2001
Now is not the time argues Joe Hueglin of Niagara Falls Ontario for the government
of the country to lose its awareness of the needs and interests of Canadians, not
just now but over the long haul.
Quick Re-roofing
- Wednesday
November 7, 2001
Clever skilled workmen can solve some interesting problems by make use of new materials
and their heads. Here are some pictures of how both can save a lot of money.
A Place For A
- Thursday
November 8, 2001
The Golden Age Centre clicks up a notch toward completion as the fine work of finishing
melts into the transition from a construction project to an operating facility.
Slicking the Free Market with Oil and
Defending it with Arms: The Carlyle Group and the Company of Friends
- Thursday
November 8, 2001
Mario deSantis does his homework and researches his stories and this one needs to
be read carefully, but just as important is checking out the sources yourself. Be
sure to go to the links on this story.
What Next?
- Thursday
November 8, 2001
Self sticking stamps gets Timothy Shire thinking about letters and correspondence.
Riverside Golf Club Adds More Water
- Thursday
November 8, 2001
Off season modifications to the Tisdale golf course include the addition of fairly
large ponds.
The People's Bus Company
- Friday
November 9, 2001
Rural Saskatchewan is huge long ago it was decided to bring the province and its
people together it needed a public transportation system, nothing has changed.
President George Bush's policy of Divide
and Conquer:
having Do-gooders and more Evil-doers at home and abroad
- Friday
November 9, 2001
There are times when it can be considered rhetorical overdosing. Mario deSantis presents
us with some facts that attempt to put the rhetoric into perspective. Once again
you are advised strongly to follow up this story by checking the references.
The Great Wall Restaurant
- Saturday
November 10, 2001
Wednesday a new restaurant opened in Tisdale's downtown.
Old Ford Pickup
- Saturday
November 10, 2001
A look at the classic design of a pickup truck more than sixty years old.
We Stand In Silence
- Sunday
November 11, 2001
Today we combine images of the present and memories of the past to help understand
what this day means and will always mean.
The Greenwater Report For November 12,
- Monday
November 12, 2001
Jerry Crawford shows us some great pictures of the park this week and how the expansion
of the Cove is moving along.
Berlusconi's War against Terrorism and
Loss of Democracy
- Monday
November 12, 2001
The affects of the U.S.A.'s war on terrorism are felt world wide. Mario gives us
some insight with a European perspective of how these affects are shaking down across
the sea.
- Tuesday
November 13, 2001
Mainline remembered, some interesting images of Moosomin one of Saskatchewan's older
Walter Robinson against 100 so-called
defending tax cuts and balanced budgets against people's lives
- Tuesday
November 13, 2001
Mario deSantis examines some of the recommendations of the Taxpayer's Federation
and suggests that their recommendations to the Minister of Finance are woefully off
BAe Hawk 115
- Tuesday
November 13, 2001
Michael Townsends has some pictures of a wing of trainers from 15 Wing Moose Jaw
that were in Kamloops for a Remembrance Day fly past.
Where I Live - Time Shift
- Wednesday
November 14, 2001
As we look at the morning light many consider that the beginning of the day while
others view morning as the end of the day. Here is a discussion on when we spend
our lives.
Floor Finishing
and Plumbing
- Thursday
November 15, 2001
The Golden Age Centre is quickly moving to conclusion of its construction phase with
an event scheduled for the end of the month. Today we bring you up to date on developments
this past week.
Tort Option for Motorists Leaves Too Many Questions
- Thrusday
November 15, 2001
The Saskatchewan Coalition Against No-Fault voice their concerns about the announcement
yesterday by SGI in changes in distant future to Saskatchewan insurance policies.
The New World Order:
The visible hands of our leaders shape history and legitimize their stealing
- Thursday
November 15, 2001
Mario deSantis voices concerns about the direction the world's leaders are taking
as they combine agendas and merge mutual interests but seem to have lost sight of
the interests of the world's population.
What Is Important?
- Friday
November 16, 2001
This morning in today's editorial, Timothy Shire discusses the importance of establishing
personal priorities. This story can be listened to or read.
Dean Baker's Understanding of Economics:
The Obsolescence of the Free Market and Monetary policies
- Friday
November 16, 2001
The popular financial thinking of a large number of politicians and their advisors
is well behind the modern curve of academic awareness and Mario deSantis points out
some of the myths that some economists have uncovered.
Economic Fundamentalists
Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan: The Gospel of the Interest Rate
and The Gospel of the Stock Market
- Saturday
November 17, 2001
By developing an economy revolving around the stock market the 1% of the population
own 50% of everything and presently all policies are directed toward their interests.
Mario deSantis gives us some serious concerns about what is really going on.
Tisdale Montana
- Sunday
November 18, 2001
The amazing unusually warm weather we have been experiencing in November of this
year makes us wonder just where we are.
Pushing Bush's Agenda using the War against
Weakening people and Strengthening Oligarchy
- Sunday
November 18, 2001
Is this a war of convenience, has Terrorism played into the hand of the United States
President and the Multi-national corporations? Mario deSantis not only makes us wonder
about this but gives us some solid evidence in the outstanding links on this page.
The Greenwater Report for November 19,
- Monday
November 19, 2001
The happenings and developments at Greenwater Provincial park are here to see and
read in Jerry Crawford's weekly column. The documenting of the coming of the lake's
ice cover, new hiking trail, parking lot for the golf course and much more.
Recycling and Refurbishing
- Monday
November 19, 2001
Northern Steel Industries, which made its reputation as an environmentally friendly
tank manufacturer goes further with its rebuilding of older tanks.
Soil Testing At
The Tisdale Mall
- Tuesday
November 20, 2001
Test holes are being made on the mall parking lot by a geological engineering firm.
Hmmm, Interesting.
The economics of Dean Baker and Paul Krugman
versus the economics of George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld
- Tuesday
November 20, 2001
Mario deSantis gives us a chance to review the links and compare the two opposing
views of the Econmic base line of the current United States/World crisis.
Big Blue Tractor
- Tuesday
November 20, 2001
Out of sight, definitely need a wide angle lens to get a picture of this machine.
A question for Nobel Prize Winner Economist
Milton Friedman: "How free is the Free Market?"
- Tuesday
November 20, 2001
When to free trade supporters say that "trade protection is just fine thank
you very much." Find out as Mario deSantis points out a serious exception that
explains a lot of policy from governments everywhere.
Long Anticipated Winter Overdue
- Wednesday
November 21, 2001
There have been late falls and early winters but this time we are "still waiting."
No need to convert to the US dollar as
our problem is one of constitution
- Wednesday
November 21, 2001
Mario deSantis explains that it make no sense to consider shutting down our own monitary
Golden Age Centre Shower
- Thursday
November 22, 2001
In keeping with the spirit of the development and construction of the Tisdale Seniors
Golden Age Centre, Wednesday afternoon there was a shower to fit out the kitchen.
Avery - Kelso Pioneer
- Friday
November 23, 2001
"At thirteen I was driving a five horse team working a field." The amazing
story of a woman who made her life in South East Saskatchewan.
Don Ching's SaskTel:
conquering Australia at the Expensive of Saskatchewan
- Friday
November 23, 2001
Long term investment in foreign capital projects by Government owned SaskTel raises
serious questions by MLAs and citizens alike.
Problem Solving - Not Just Using The Same
- Friday
November 23, 2001
Today's article explains the problem and gives you the solution. No downsizing, no
cutbacks but expansion and development.
USURC is pushing Ken Fyke's recommendations:
Less rural hospitals and more fraudulent researches
- Friday
November 23, 2001
University of Saskatchewan's creative "let's make it up" research department
wants province to "go for" implimenting the Fyke report.
A New Vision for Saskatchewan Government
Insurance: SGI's Larry Fogg shoots for either No-Fault program or Tort
- Saturday
November 24, 2001
The Boss at SGI declares either "go no-fault or we'll get yah." The basic
principles of SGI's system remain intact as does the unofficial motto "we decide".
Jingle Bell Run For Arthritis
- Sunday
November 25, 2001
Saskatoon turns out in costume to celebrate a fund raising run for Arthritis, Saturday
The Pax Americana and Journalist Eric
Margolis: waging war for oil?
- Sunday
November 25, 2001
Mario deSantis points out the extraordinary close connections between the control
of oil and political power on the whole planet.
Winter Arrived Yesterday
- Monday
November 26, 2001
Though it was only a light snowfall Sunday the temperature remained below -10C for
the entire day. This morning the ground compains with every step a person takes,
winter is here.
The Greenwater Report for November 26,
- Monday
November 26, 2001
Jerry Crawford has some great stories to go along with an amazing picture as we find
out about lower temperatures, shopping in Kelvington and a drought that has plagued
most of the province.
Over The Yukon And Cassiar
- Tuesday
November 27, 2001
Today we travel back in time and place to take a plane ride from Watson Lake Yukon
and South to Cassiar. Enjoy the ride.
The Myth of Dr. Henry Kissinger
- Tuesday
November 27, 2001
Another American hero bights the dust as Mario deSantis discovers extensive documentation
that condemns the work of the 1973 Peace Prize winner.
Let's Go For A Ride
- Wednesday
November 28, 2001
Yesterday we took a flight from Watson Lake to Cassiar. Today join us on a simple
hop over the canyon. Images by TimII
The Demise of the Loonie and Productivity
- Wednesday
November 28, 2001
The National Post and many Ontario wizzards believe strongly that we ought to ditch
our own money and become Americans. Mario deSantis explains why he disagrees with
this loser attitude.
Grumman Goose
- Wednesday
November 28, 2001
Amphibian aircraft of the thirties and forties now only a think for the history books.
Dean Baker and mark Weisbrot:
The Myth of the American Productivity Growth
- Wednesday
November 28, 2001
Mario deSantis is constantly researching the issues that seem to be shaping our economic
destiny and he has been discovering some remarkable legends with no basis in fact.
Holiday Season
- Thursday
November 29, 2001
Tomorrow night Tisdale's business community kicks off the Christmas shopping season
with its Midnight madness as some business make their preparations today.
Parkland Photography
Club - November Meeting
- Thursday
November 29, 2001
This month the club recognises the efforts and achievements of four members and show
us this month's competition to produce a "touching" image.
A Free Market Conspiracy? Joseph
Stiglitz and the World Bank's four step program
- Thursday
November 29, 2001
With the money men calling the shots the third world has no chance whatever of obtaining
any success, their only course is to do as they are told and adopt a flawed economic
Golden Age Centre
- Thursday
November 29, 2001
The last day of a construction as tomorrow there is an afternoon programme, pot luck
supper and evening dance. Success!
Breakfast With Addicts
- Thursday
November 29, 2001
Surprises are part of life, people are very difficult to understand and people hooked
on addictive substances are not in control of their free will.
Flu - Shots: Smart Healthcare
- Friday
November 30, 2001
Preventative health care makes sense and the positive move to reduce illness will
not only benefit individuals but all tax payers in general.
Winter Comes To Winnipeg
- Friday
November 30, 2001
Matthew Shire lets us peek at the chill of this morning as the snow arrives and with
it the awareness that the long fall is over for the capital of Friendly Manitoba.
Golden Age Centre
Stages First Big Event
- Friday
November 30, 2001
The stage was set Thursday afternoon for today's big supper and celebration. This
page includes a QuickTime VR panorama of the scene and you must have QuickTime
in your machine to view the real time moveable scene.
Closure An Abuse of Democracy
- Friday
November 30, 2001
The government party has tired of discussion and imposed their majority on the country
by passing one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation seen in more than a century.
Rebecca Gingrich expresses her outrage at this turn of events.
The Value of Money
- Friday
November 30, 2001
Mike Townsend discovered some old bills that his father collected and wonders if
they are just neat collectables or are they worth anything.
Multinational Bankrupt Enron:
an example of colonization, greed, fraud, corruption, and gambling
- Friday
November 30, 2001
Did someone say "private enterprise?" Mario deSantis tells us the remarkable
story of American politics and very big oil money.