Chronological Index of Ensign
Articles for
March of 2000
- Wednesday

March 1, 2000
Its official, march has come in like a lamb with glorious sunshine and reasonable
-9 temperature this morning and expected to reach the freezing mark as the day warms
By the week
Feb 27 to Mar 4
Mar 5
to 11
Mar 12
to 18
Mar 19 to 25
Mar 26 to April 1
Weldon - A Virtual
- Wednesday
March 1, 2000
A short review of the Weldon web site and consideration of what this web site says
about the community.
- Stop Managing By the Numbers Game and Begin Managing by Your Stories

- Wednesday
March 1, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the favoured argument of political leaders to use numbers
rather then understanding and common sense to resolve situations that appear to worsen
on an almost daily basis.
- Thursday

March 2, 2000
Today we recognise the passing of one of Saskatchewan's great heroines. Sandra Schmirler
died last night leaving her family, the curling community and Saskatchewan people
saddened at the loss of a thirty-six year old mother of two and the person who most
raised the game of curling to its greatest heights and world recognition. We are
all better for having lived during her time and regret that it was not longer.
- Tisdale
On March Second

- Thursday
March 2, 2000
A look down mainstreet and a thought or two about what concerns people in this town
Mayor Dayday's GNP Accounting: and write
- Thursday
March 2, 2000
Mario deSantis points out that March is race relations month in Saskatoon.
Northern Fripp
- Thursday
March 2, 2000
Northern Steel has begun moving production facilities to the former Fripp plant which
is now Northern Steel's additional manufacturing facility.
Sandra Schmirler: Loved For Being Herself
- Friday
March 3, 2000
Barrie Ward send Ensign a song and picture that were his feelings and Timothy Shire
added his comments about the remarkable coverage in the media of her life and accomplishments.
- CarTime

- Friday
March 3, 2000
"In spring a young man's fancy turns to ---" Yes we usually thing of "love"
in that phrase but spring is the season people like to turn over their cars, trucks,
vans and SUVs.
- On Mismanagement of Health Care
- Saturday

March 4, 2000
While provincial health ministers are cranky with the federal government Mario deSantis
points out that cut backs and closures in Saskatchewan cost more then they save,
are common in other parts of the country.
- Sylvania In The Spring

- Saturday
March 4, 2000
Some pictures from the hamlet of Sylvania Friday afternoon.
- Sunday

March 5, 2000
Yesterday around ten-thirty this pictures shows the line up at an ESSO automatic
car wash on 20th Street in Saskatoon. Over a block of dirty cars and patient owners.
- T
he Big Question for Saskatchewan Health Care:
Underfunding or Mismanagement?
- Sunday
March 5, 2000
Mario deSantis helps understand some of the confusion with so many health districts
in the red and unrealistic manner used to administer the districts and the whole
Minister of Health Pat Atkinson: breaking
the law and becoming a Magician
- Sunday
March 5, 2000
Mario deSantis explains how the minister approves eleven budgets after they occured
making the District Health Act a sham.
- March 6, 2000
There is a certain seemliness to this morning's Monday sky. Two solid layers of cloud
over our heads and the temperature on the positive side of zero. From Alberta we
hear that the RCMP works for oil companies and in Saskatchewan there has been deafening
silence since the RCMP task force went to work on the Saskatoon investigations of
the city police death squad alligations. Chile's dictator Pinochet is back home in
Santiago, the Sandra Schmirler funeral is live on CBC Newsworld and CBC Radio 540
at 1:00 today.
The greatest challenge for Saskatchewan:
Education and learning for our troubled children
- Monday
March 6, 2000
The way to equality in a democratic society is education and Mario deSantis discusses
the importance of this concept and foreshadows the horrific consequences if this
challenge is not taken up.
- Tuesday

March 7, 2000
This picture was taken yesterday afternoon with heavy snow falling to the West and
North it appeared as though we too would soon see snow but alas this did not happen.
Instead the Wheat Pool has suspended trading on the stock exchange as it re-organises,
todays news is filled with yet more discussion on health care. It is a topic that
won't go away. We have published countless articles on the subject and today is no
exception as Mario explains the "wellness model" issue and how home care
is a dodge. This article and the Recplex March calendar will be published at 10:45
this morning so drop back then and check things out.
Calendar of Events
for March
- Tuesday
March 7, 2000
A light month of activities planned so we are sitting on the fence.
- Minister of Health Pat Atkinson: "Wellness Model" is outside
the Canada Health Act

- Tuesday
March 7, 2000
Get patients out of hospital and into home care and the cost is shifted from medicare
to the patient.
The highest priority to cure health care:
stop mismanaging it!
- Wednesday
March 8, 2000
Mario deSantis has complained extensively about the condition of the Saskatchewan
and Canadian health care situation, this morning's article draws some important conclusions
and underlines the basic principles that we all need to be reminded of, but he also
tells us the solution.
The Price is Right!
- Wednesday
March 8, 2000
This morning we consider the price of gasoline and speculate about its future.
High School Desktop Publishing Class Projects
- Thursday
March 9, 2000
Here are four projects from a desktop publishing class in Kamloops.
- Ramblers Win 1st Game 5 - 3

- Thursday
March 9, 2000
The first game of the Pasquia Senior Hockey League final best of seven series got
underway last night as the Ramblers took the first game 5 - 3. Here is Jordan Spagrud
trying to get one by Kinistino goalie T.J. Lasuik.
- ESSO Goes Way Up

- Friday
March 10, 2000
Only ESSO so far has changed gas prices in Tisdale Thursday when it met the Regina
price of 72.9 (that would be more then $3.00 a gallon). All other outlets remain
at the same level as reported earlier this week. It is interesting to note that
the price in Kamloops B. C. varies from 62.9 to 68.9. Picture above taken Thursday
at 7:00 PM.
- A Partial Diagnosis of Health Care Corruption: The Quality Circle of
the Big Brains Includes our Renown Health Economists
- Friday

March 10, 2000
Mario deSantis points out that he is not the only one to identify the economists
and healthcare advisors as the culprits in causing the destruction of the Medicare
- Saturday

March 11, 2000
This is how Tisdale's main street looked at 9:30 this morning, lots of sunlight and
a bit chilly in the shadows. Today Ensign will be posting a new concept in marketing,
road asalt and Mario's concerns about the North East Health District, these will
appear this morning around 11:45 thanks for dropping by this morning.
- Saturday
March 11, 2000
Northern highways are loaded up with salt and this article discusses some concerns
about this practice.
- North East Health District: the closure of Carrot River Hospital and

- Saturday
March 11, 2000
Ironic situation of the district's support of the high cost remote technology project
telehealth while closing the Carrot River hospital even with the closing the district
is expecting to go in the hole three quarters of a million this year.
- Beeland
Co-op Goes Online

- Saturday
March 11, 2000
Taking the next step the Co-op has placed their weekly Sale advertising material
on a web site that lets the customer use their computer to display this week's specials.
- We're
Back, So where's the Water?

- Sunday
March 12, 2000
This picture was taken yesterday afternoon and centre foreground are two geese looking
at the frozen creek.
- Hogs
On Ice

- Sunday
March 12, 2000
Here are some pictures of a meeting of the Kamloops motorcycle club on the ice in
the Kamloops Blazers arena.
Bad Boy Biker; Is the image reality or myth?
- Sunday
March 12, 2000
Michael Townsend gives some insight into the remarkable world of modern motorcycle
activities and clubs. This is his editorial from his Hog Strokes, the newsletter
for the Kamloops Motorcycle club.
Ramblers Win Three Straight
- Monday
March 12, 2000
Here is a game report with pictures of the Sunday night victory of the Ramblers over
the Kinistino Tigers.
- They
Stand on Guard

- Monday
March 13, 2000
Timothy Shire exposes his deeply shaken trust in the National police force.
- Dr. Steven Lewis and HSURC Commission of Saskatchewan: Contributing sources
to the decline of health care
- Monday

March 13, 2000
Mario deSantis has found the smoking gun that points toward the culprits who began
the process of wrecking the whole system of health care in this province.
Louise Simard is the New CEO for SAHO
- Tuesday
March 14, 2000
Provincial organisation that administers health care has hired the deputy premier's
wife to run things. Five years ago she was minister of health in charge of closing
many health services down in rural Saskatchewan, now after practicing law since then
she is back.
- Stopover

- Tuesday
March 14, 2000
On their way some where and laying over in town, here are some pictures of some sojourners
in Tisdale.
- Tisdale

- Wednesday
March 15, 2000 - the Ides of March
Tisdale Judo club gets a visit from the provincial coach. This story includes pictures
and report on the evening.
A Saskatchewan Way of Justice: leading
by the nose till we are stabbed in the back
- Wednesday
March 15, 2000
Mario deSantis gives us some needed insight into the convolutions in the Saskatoon
police inquiry.
- Yorkton Housefire

- Thursday
March 16, 2000
House fire, a scaring event, this story tells about a fire that happened two weeks
ago and explains the nature of the beast.
A Question for Minister of Health Pat
Atkinson: How Much money is Telehealth costing?
- Thursday
March 16, 2000
"Telehealth" turns out to be two pilot projects assisted by SHIN, phase
two project one cost 1.5 million.
Pasquia League Champions Three Years Straight - Tisdale
- Thursday
March 16, 2000
Ramblers win best of seven series for Championship with Kinistino in four straight
in over time last night as Ryan Turcotte scores two goals and an assist.
Farewell to our Provincial Auditor: Wayne
- Thursday
March 16, 2000
Provincial Auditor heads to BC after years of outstanding service here in Saskatchewan.
Top of the Mornin' to Yah
- Friday
March 17, 2000
The congeniality of the Irish seems to spread around abit every day but this bleak
Friday morning at 9:15 it's coffee time at Hanigans. Top of the morning to you.
More Than A Hoe!
- Saturday
March 18, 2000
Find out about what farmers and farm machinery dealers are up against this year as
fuel prices have driven yet another obstacle in front of prairie farmers. (this article
has a QuickTime VR panorama of a farm machinery sales lot)
The Splendor of Spring
- Saturday
March 18, 2000
A fabulous sunset Friday night to get us ready for the change of season
- Sunday

March 19, 2000
This picture was taken at sunrise Saturday morning West of Melfort. Though the wind
was cool all day the sky cleared and the country was drenched in sunlight. You might
want to check out the newly overhaulled table of contents as Ensign has upgraded
this section to further enhance the archieved material.
First Day of Spring
- Monday
March 20, 2000
Our yard is melting but a neighbours is filled with water and has to pump it out.
- Away Mission To Regina's RCMP Chapel

- Monday
March 20, 2000
To celebrate this first day of spring we have a very special photo essay for you
today, this extensive set of pictures were taken yesterday and depicit the exploration
of the RCMP chapel in Regina.
Premier Romanow: Militarizing Health Care
and Killing Rural Saskatchewan
- Monday
March 20, 2000
Mario deSantis identifies major US military contractors as the companies benefitting
from health care technical projects.
If Its Not Broke, Don't Fix It!
- Tuesday
March 21, 2000
This morning we give some consideration as to the motivation for consolidation of
the rural forms of government in Saskatchewan. The picture above was taken at 8:50
this morning and demonstrates the clear blue sky of this fine morning here in Tisdale.
- Alternate
Universe News: Aliens

- Tuesday
March 21, 2000
The last time we heard from the Alternate Universe was back in May so it is good
this morning to once again consider the world created by Carey Heilman.
Is It Time To
Take Down the Flag
- Wednesday
March 22, 2000
Tisdale merchants are considering responding to Kevin McIntyre's call for solidarity
with Carrot River as this morning Ensign published three articles that respond
to the growing provincial threats to Rural Saskatchewan. Country folks, its time
to stand together.
- Premier Romanow's Government: The Obsession of Saving Money Versus Building
Healthier Communitiies

- Wednesday
March 22, 2000
Mario gives us some insight into the processes that seem to be distorting both reality
and the future through deliberate government policy.
United We Stand
- Wednesday
March 22, 2000
Kevin McIntyre of Carrot Rivers speaks from the heart as he explains the extreme
displeasure felt by residents of his community at the loss of their hospital and
the prospects of future losses.
- Wednesday
March 22, 2000
Edwin Wallace, a farmer from the Swift Current area voices his concerns and opinions
on the provincial government's recent initiatives.
Tisdale Collective Kitchens
- Thursday
March 23, 2000
Here is a remarkable self-help project that illustrates the power of people working
Regina Health District Closes One Surgical
Theatre: Shortage of Leaership, Shortage of Nurses and Shortage of Democracy
- Thursday
March 23, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the situation that sees nurses over worked while the District
has difficulties recruiting additional staff.
- Dr. Steven Lewis: Preaching the Gospel of Statistics at SAHA Convention

- Thursday
March 23, 2000
The man most responsible for the decline in Canadian health care says everythings
better than people think, according to his figures!
- Honourable Pat Atkinson: Spending More Money and Running for the Laurel
of "Saviour of Medicare"

- Friday
March 24, 2000
Mario deSantis has repeated his concern about healthcare mis-management for some
time but today with the Provincial Health ministers meeting with their federal counter-part,
Mario's comments are particularly appropriate as the same arguments repeat and the
tax payer has no choice but to keep forking over money to be squandered.
- Spring At Wolf Creek

- Saturday
March 25, 2000
And a fine Saturday it is with the sun shining, water giggling in the ditches and
geese circling over head. Today we take a few minutes and visit with the miniature
horses at Wolf Creek farms.
Minister of Health Pat Atkinson and Health
Indicators:"there are lies, damned lies, and statistics"
- Saturday
March 25, 2000
Mario helps us to see through the clutter and realise that the use of statistics
in an evolving and changing society will bear little help toward solving problems
of any kind.
What's good for
the Gander is good for the Goose!
- Sunday
March 26, 2000
Two weeks ago this same group of geese were complaining about the lack of fluid water
but are now in their glory. Here are some pictures of this cheerful flock.
- Saskatchewan Health Care: our politicians and bureaucrats have no vision
and no leadership

- Sunday
March 26, 2000
With the apparent reversal or partical reversal with Carrot River Mario deSantis
questions the underlying philosophy of the government and its impending "ultimate"
solution legislation.
Green Grass Grew All Around
- Sunday
March 27, 2000
Already there are green lawns showing up around town even before we see folks in
short pants.
Spring Clouds 2000
- Monday
March 27, 2000
The picture above was taken yesterday afternoon but we have low fast moving cumulus
clouds proceeding overhead again today. This story has some more pictures of a grand
sky that signals the unsettled climatic condition that we all associate with spring.
- Letters
- Monday
March 27, 2000
I have found it difficult to keep up to date with the mail that comes in and have
not updated the letters section of Ensign in some time. However, I received a really
important message yesterday and have put it into this section so you can find out
first hand from a Nurse what the issue of "nurse shortages" is all about.
Please keep sending me e-mail, so many articles
flow directly from these communications and it gives this publication a vital link
with reality.
- Round Wood

- Tuesday
March 28, 2000
Not completely unique for odd loads but this truck of cores is an interesting load
spotting in Tisdale Monday.
Saskatchewan Health Care: the most corrupted
system in Canada
- Tuesday
March 28, 2000
Mario deSantis reports on the balancing act that is going on between reality and
the reporting of reality as seen through the eyes of government officials.
- Cominatchyah!

- Wednesday
March 29, 2000
Yes I realise I am belly-aching but I am terrified of hitting a cyclist. With the
ice gone from the streets its time for two wheelers to claim the side of the street
on which you drive your car or truck. They are cominatchyah!
Few Words on the WCB Rebates
- Wednesday
March 29, 2000
Year after year the Workers compensation board refuses to pay injury claims while
injured workers receive medical treatment that is paid from medicare then the board
refunds the surplus to employers.
Region 7 Drama Festival
- Thursday
March 30, 2000
Three intense days of drama get underway today at TMSS.
- And Expression of Democracy: "are you in favour of forced municipal

- Thursday
March 30, 2000
Mario deSantis gives his view of the SARM / provincial conflict over rural govenment.
Mario is highly critical of provincial government policies in the light of the past
performance and positions taken on issues affecting the non-urban areas of the province.
Tisdale Marchs On
- Thursday
March 30, 2000
A quick run down on things happening around town.
The Crow Says
- Thursday
March 30, 2000
A few questions to a crow and a few comments from a crow.
A Month In Sheep's Clothing
- Friday
March 31, 2000
This morning's picture was taken around 9:30 and we have seen March come and go as
a lamb.
Good Work by Justice Robert Laing: Charging
Saskatoon Police with Rambo style investigation
- Friday
March 31, 2000
Saskatoon City Police are identified by Judge for improper conduct and treatment
of an accused.
Farm Machinery
In An Off Year
- Friday
March 31, 2000
A short article discussing diversity and sales in Tisdale.