Chronological Index of Ensign Articles for
May of 1999
Saskatoon Farmers
- Saturday
May 1, 1999
This is the street scene at Saskatoon's farmer's market around noon today. Stories
tomorrow morning, including a report on the Saskatchewan School Librarian's conference,
a farm house fire at Alvena and protesters over Serbian Bombing.
By the week
May 2 to 9
May 9 to 15
May 16 to 22
May 23 to 29
May 30 to June 5
Bridges '99 Crossing
to the 21st century
- Sunday
May 2, 1999
The Saskatchewan Council of Social Studies, School Library Association and Teachers
of English Language Arts met in Saskatoon this past week for their annual conference.
Here is a report on this interesting conference.
Protest Bombing
- Sunday
May 2, 1999
A summary of the position taken by the supporters of David Orchard as we all puzzle
over the confusing situation in the Balkans.
"They Think
It Was the Truck"
- Sunday
May 2, 1999
Dziadyk family of Alvena loose their house to a fire just about a month ago.
Baptism - A Celebration
- Monday
May 3, 1999
Join the Teale family from Moose Jaw as their twins are Christened Sunday in Tisdale
New Business Opens
- Monday
May 3, 1999
Lemonade anyone? A superior lemonade stand opened up across the street from the Anglican
- Romanow's Legacy: Mortgaging the Future of Saskatchewan
May 3, 1999
The stifling of descent in government, within government agencies and even within
the University of Saskatchewan disturb Mario deSantis in today's editorial.
Proud to Know
These Folks
- Tuesday
May 4, 1999
Personal experience has told me eloquently what fine young people we share our community
with and this article includes some examples.
New Neighbour
- Tuesday
May 4, 1999
Today we will take a look at a new next door neighbour and recount some of the general
history of this creature's linage.
Ercoupe - 415C
- 1946
- Wednesday
May 5, 1999
Kelvington aircraft is great example of the direction civil aviation once was headed.
First of '99 season
- Wednesday
May 5, 1999
With this year's first new home nearly finished here is a run down of Tisdale's housing
May 6, 1999
This picture was taken at 0800 this morning and shows the multiple cloud layers off
to the East. There is a sharp North wind moving the low level cumulus along from
left to right in the picture. Yet another airplane in Ensign today, this time
a modern work plane. If you read the article yesterday on the Ercoupe there were
some additions to it later in the afternoon you might want to look at.
Air Tractor AT-401
- Thursday
May 6, 1999
The application of a wide variety of products to fields from the air has resulted
in the creation of some unusual aircraft. The Air Tractor is the big guy.
- Thursday
May 6, 1999
There back, once again the specs with legs and wings are out and about.
River Fishing
- Friday
May 7, 1999
Simply successful fishing off a bridge at Red Earth. This article shows some pictures
of the amount of rain the area has recently received.
Inuit In Tisdale
- Friday
May 7, 1999
Sorry I can't tell you how come, but her is a picture of a young woman and her baby
walking around Tisdale in an Inuit coat.
Night Owls
- Friday
May 7, 1999
Around the clock people live and interact with one another, life goes on, and on
and on.
Alternative Universe
- Saturday
May 8, 1999
Carey Heilman with his tong planted firmly in his cheek gives us a little taste or
what could have been or what may well be in some other time and place
Trampoline Dog
- Saturday
May 8, 1999
Same dog different setting. Some pictures of a dog and a cat looking after business.
Just A Little
- Sunday
May 9, 1999
This mother's day it seems appropriate to decorate this site with some sunset pictures,
my mom always loved sunsets, perhaps it was her wonder in them that made me cherish
their beauty. These pictures were taken last night.
- The Saskatchewan Government and SAHO: Mismanaging Health Care and Blackmailing
SUN Nurses.

- Sunday
May 9, 1999
Mario deSantis levels a serious attack on the government and its leader for the bungling
of the Plains closure and Regina hospital renovations and the underhanded dealings
with Saskatchewan nurses with whom negotiations resume tomorrow.
Cliff's Flower
- Monday
May 10, 1999
Discovered this decorated pile of dirt on a new driveway Sunday and love the message.
I Wish I May,
I Wish I Might!
- Monday
May 10, 1999
An old film reveals wishes and how they really can come true.
- Worldwide Developers Conference Begins Today
May 10, 1999
Using QuickTime 4.0 Timothy Shire was able to attend the keynote address this morning
in San Jose and bring to Ensign some of the important issues raised in the presentations.
- Busiest Intersection Needs Attention

- Tuesday
May 11, 1999
Safety concerns voice over the mix of traffic at the very busy intersection of highways
#3 and #35.
the sort of sky we have had for several days, no precipitation over night but there
is a possibility of showers today.
- Wednesday
May 12, 1999
Ensign may stutter a bit this week as we are moving from one server to
another Wednesday and Thursday.
- Success
With and Without Struggle - But Success
May 13, 1999
This is a text document on child development and learning. You might want to print
this as it is difficult to read a document like this on screen.
Michael and Maggie
- Friday
May 14, 1999
The romance of the Harley Davidson is illustrated in some pictures of
Michael's new Low Rider.
Mother's Day 1980
- Friday
May 14, 1999
A mother and her three sons, some pictures and memories.
- I
Want To Be Six Agai
- Saturday
May 15, 1999
I know of no one who could not identify with this sentiment.
Visit To The Vet
- Saturday
May15, 1999
Time for Data's spring check up and updating his shots.
Ensign has moved over the past twenty-four hours from one server to another and should
be very stable now.
May 16, 1999
This picture was taken Saturday night around 9:30 and little has changed as far as
the sky goes since then. This morning there are a few breaks in the clouds but it
could shower at any time. One big change is the wind has shifted to the North which
only suggests another miserable weather system replaced the last miserable weather
Alternative Universe News: Of Head Size & Hospitals
- Sunday
May 16, 1999
Carey Heilman gave us a peak at the other side last Saturday, today we have two alternative
views of a world.
- Premier Romanow's Latest Magics: Shuffling Numbers & Mysterious
Bank Accounts
- Sunday
May 16, 1999
Mario deSantis points out some odd behaviour by the premier that poses some troubling
Silver Highway
and Tormented Sky
- Monday
May 17, 1999
Take a look at these unusual scenes of sky scapes near Birch Hills.
- An Education Inquiry Sought: A Bravo For Mr. Ted Merriman!
May 18, 1999
Mario deSantis comments about the state of affairs in Saskatoon Board of Education.
Tennis In Tisdale
- Tuesday
May 18, 1999
Check out the new form of tennis played by the boys in Tisdale.
How About An Adventure
- Wednesday
May 19, 1999
Some breathtaking pictures of a family adventure. This article is on a single page
so it take a moment or two to load but it is well worth the wait.
- David
Milgaard and Improvements To The Saskatchewan Justice System

- Thursday
May 20, 1999
No doubt you have heard lots of comments about the settlement between the governments
and David Milgaard. Jacob Zunti has made some positive suggestions about how to improve
things after having listened to CBC's open line radio show on Tuesday.
Surrounds Children's Park
- Friday
May 21, 1999
Visit a beautiful neighbourhood with a marvellous playground in its midst. This article
has a QuickTime VR Panorama that lets you look around this charming spot.
- Friday
May 21, 1999
Its time for spring blossoms but few have come out, this is an exception.
Do We Need Further Specialised Research In Saskatchewan
Health Care?
- Friday
May 21, 1999
Richard Plains study of Saskatchewan Health Care is discussed by Mario deSantis and
common sense is applied.
May 21, 1999
After two weeks of gloom this is how things looked Thursday evening. But alas this
morning we were greeted with the ceiling dragging on the ground in fog.
Canadian Tire
Goes Camping
- Saturday
May 22, 1999
A novel way to advertise and promote their camping gear.
- Saturday
May 22, 1999
I noticed this unusal vehicle at Melfort's airport and so here are some pictures
and confusing information about this machine.
Save The Queen
- Saturday
May 22, 1999
Victoria Day weekend, the roads were clogged last night with folks heading off to
their cabins for the wet weekend. The scene above is the damp beginning to an auction
sale at 0800 this morning as workers set up shop in the standard morning drizzle.
First Anniversary of Ensign
- Sunday
May 23, 1999
A year has come and gone as Ensign has chronicled the happenings and conditions
in North East Saskatchewan. Looking back on the year though much has been done, so
much more could have been done. This project was initiated to provide some online
information about this part of the planet. Ensign has grown and evolved with the
additions of the daily tips in October and then daily weather December 17. We have
had some controversy a few threats of law suits, four pulled stories, many QuickTime
Panoramas, a few songs and a lot of pictures.
The pictures continue to live on and in many ways they are timeless as they capture
a moment and share it with you the reader and I suspect they are the main strength
of the publication. Work begins now to put this past year into a usable format and
record it to CD. If you would like a CD of this past year of Ensign drop
us a line. The resources on a CD would be useful not only as a historical record
but for the pictures that document life here in Saskatchewan. (Anniversary comments continued)
Oh God!
- Sunday
May 23, 1999
Timothy Shire is inspired by the way light streams from openings in clouds and calls
them "Oh God" images.
The Child Challenge
- Sunday
May 23, 1999
A concerned look at motherhood and the tasks that are expected.
- Glorious Victoria Day
- Monday
May 24, 1999
Sunlight, wall to wall blue skies, +15 what a day!
Pool Opens For
1999 Season
- Monday
May 24, 1999
The face on the right says it all. Check out the pool this year and its schedule
in today's article.
Let's Take A Walk
- Monday
May 24, 1999
The great pathway along the Doghide River is worth a long stroll but if you can't
get there in person check it out in this QuickTime VR Panorama of the bridge.
Camp Tisdale
- Monday
May 24, 1999
Tisdale's Tourist booth, miniature golf and campground open with the long weekend
to steady business.
- Tuesday
May 25, 1999
Interspecies communication leads to startling discovery.
- Alternate Universe: No Fault Insurance
May 25, 1999
Carey Heilman takes on another journey to a definite different way of seeing things
as he considers the problem of no fault insurance.
Time To Cut and
- Wednesday
May 26, 1999
Town crews have time this week to get caught up on street maintenance and grass cutting.
Northside Demolition
- Wednesday
May 26, 1999
Northside Service and Car Wash tears down their closed car wash Tuesday.
Seeding Nearly Done
- Thursday
May 27, 1999
This year's crop is all but in the ground with only a few farmers in the Tisdale
area not finished seeding.
Bee Moving
- Thursday
May 27, 1999
Part of the process of alfalfa production is dealt with as we see a field just before
it is to be worked up.
Playground to Residential
- Thursday
May 27, 1999
A former primary school yard is being transformed into a housing development.
Street Scenes
- Thursday
May 27, 1999
Here are three images of life in Tisdale. A nice yard, a family house and Ken mowing
his boulivard.
- Technological Changes In Saskatchewan
Health Care: An Abysmal Disaster
- Thursday
May 27, 1999
The health care budget for Saskatchewan is high but far to much of that money is
being spent in a regressive non-productive manner. Mario deSantis explains the ways
of waste.
- Alternative
Universe News : Election Cancelled
May 28, 1999
Once again we take you to the Alternative Universe as created by Carey Heilman to
find out about the cancellation of an election.
- Friday
May 28, 1999
Thursday morning Tisdale residents awakened to the roar of five spray planes beating
up the air around the airport, this story tells you why.
Wild West Wind
- Saturday
May 29, 1999
Friday we were treated to a strong westerly wind that dried things out and broke
a tree or two.
- Saturday
May 29, 1999
A visit to the Perkins farm near Star City for a closer look at the Elk heard with
their horns now in the Velvet stage.
End of another
- Saturday
May 29, 1999
Summer holidays is now only a month away as students begin to enjoy the early summer
and set their sites on the vacation to come.
Northern Steel Re-Roofs
- Saturday
May 29, 1999
Hats off to Northern Steel Industries as it continues to prosper and takes some time
to add a new roof to its office area.
Let's Pretend
- Sunday
May 30, 1999
Here are a couple of pictures of one of Tisdale's playgrounds.
Alternate Universe
- Sunday
May 30, 1999
Once again we get to see the world Carey Heilman is creating in the alternate universe.
This time its a street poll.
Valparaiso - Elevators Gone
- Sunday
May 30, 1999
Gone in a week the two large Cargill elevators at Valparaiso are now just memories.
Main Street In
- Sunday
May 30, 1999
Here is a unique view of Tisdale's main street. This telephoto picture was taken
on Thursday.
- Monday

May 31, 1999
"To seek out new life forms and civilisations, to boldly go where no one
has gone before!" The FTLComm van picture was taken while visiting with
the Elk last Thursday. Each day is a new quest for things of interest
The Car Wash
- Monday
May 31, 1999
A father teaches his daughter to wash the car and we consider the process of children
learning from their parents.
Sunday Sunset
- Monday
May 31, 1999
Ensign seems dedicated to making sure you get your quota of sunsets. Here are a couple
of shots of how yesterday came to an end.
- Monday
May 31, 1999
A discussion for Macintosh users on web page creation software highlighting this
new and innovative product.