Chronological Index of Ensign Articles for
October of 1999
Late Starts
- Friday
October 1, 1999
Fall construction projects, some begun in summer while others are just starting.
These pictures were taken this morning so you can keep up today with Ensign.
By the week
October 1 to 2
October 3rd to 9th
October 10 to 16
October 17 to 23
October 24 to 30
October 31 to Nov 6
Tisdale's Rush Hour Traffic
- Friday
October 1, 1999
A quick look at downtown traffic as vehicles line up for a full block each way from
the four way stop.
- Coop Fuel Stop

- Saturday
October 2, 1999
As mentioned yesterday many construction projects are late in getting started and
late Friday afternoon site preparation began for Coop's new cardlock facility.
Getting Ready
For Winter
- Saturday
October 2, 1999
Here is a check list for getting your car ready for winter travel.
The 4th Quarter
- Sunday
October 3, 1999
A simplified look at the last financial quarter of the last year of
the last century of the second millennium
Let Your Mind
Play With Thoughts
- Sunday
October 3, 1999
With threats and samples of snow flurries all of Saturday the day closed with a rather
brilliant farewell The picture above was taken at 5:45 as the clouds breaking up.
There will be some more of these pictures and some commentary that might challenge
Breast Cancer Fund Raiser
- Monday
October 4, 1999
Breast Cancer awareness project at Sa-hal High School in Kamloops. Students and school
secretary have heads shaved after raising $3,200.
- Governmental coalition in Saskatchewan: A private contractual deal at
the expense of the electorate?

- Monday
October 4, 1999
Mario deSantis takes a critical look at the coalition deal between Liberal leader
and Premier.
Slot Car Street
- Monday
October 4, 1999
Prince Albert is wrapping up its summer street construction projects with deep work
on 2nd Avenue (highway #6).
Ground Breaking Carrot River Roman Catholic Parish
- Tuesday
October 5, 1999
Carrot River's Roman Catholic parish have begun to rebuilt with their official sod
turning ceremony Monday and work began today.
Funerals At Red
- Tuesday
October 5, 1999
The tragic loss of two babies at Red Earth bring the community to a stand still
- Saskatoon Mayor Dayday : A professional politician with no
cause beyond being in politics

- Tuesday
October 5, 1999
Mario deSantis lacks enthusiasm for the Saskatoon Mayor's desire to become a member
of parliament.
Watson to Whitehorse
- Wednesday
October 6, 1999
Today I want to leave the worries of Maritime fishing confusion and railway and grain
hauling issues behind me and consider the images of October in the Yukon. The picture
above was taken some years ago, mid way between Watson Lake and Whitehorse Yukon.
A Good Morning
- Thursday
October 7, 1999
At 0755 this is the way the morning sky and its golden sun lit up our neighbourhood.
This will mean that this afternoon those few fields still covered with swathes may
get the attention of a combine or two. Click to see and read more.
"Oh Give
Me A Home"
- Thursday
October 7, 1999
This morning we are taking a look at the ramifications of the Marshal judgement by
the Supreme Court. .
Tisdale Funeral
- Friday
October 8, 1999
As this building project continues we keep you up to date with the walls up and the
roof to follow shortly.
Six O'Clock and
Another Day Begins
- Friday
October 8, 1999
So that's what strato-cumulus clouds look like (0800). Come back after 10:30 to see
what the sky looked like at 0600 and catch up on construction and destruction projects
in Tisdale.
Town Clears Building
- Friday
October 8, 1999
Town of Tisdale destroys old butcher shop and leaves concrete portion of building
still standing.
Preemptive Leaf
- Saturday
October 9, 1999
"Have, patience, they will fall off!" Yesterday I caught a neighbour of
mine picking the leaves off a bush on her front lawn.
Mini DB Drag
- Saturday
October 9, 1999
Marquis Sound in Prince Albert have put together a great demonstration sound car.
Always In Season
- Sunday
October 10, 1999
We take a peak into the RecPlex auditorium and see a couple presiding over their
first official meal together as man and wife.
Down On The Corner
- Sunday
October 10, 1999
Find out about the continued development and expansion of the intersection of highways
#3 and #35.
Centre Four Season
- Monday
October 11, 1999
Check out the Bantam "AA" game with Tisdale and Melfort from Saturday and
see the highlights with some close up pictures on the "Second Page"
Hockey Sisters
- Monday
October 11, 1999
Today, this thanksgiving day we take you to the Saturday Bantam "AA" hockey
game between Tisdale and Melfort and we look at how competitive hockey becomes a
family event.
Three New Houses
- Tuesday
October 12, 1999
With few houses for sale in Tisdale housing construction continues with two house
underway a third one was started this morning.
Pasture Talk
- Wednesday
October 13, 1999
A conversation with what have become a pair of old friends.
Frost, Fog and Demons
- Wednesday
October 13, 1999
This was the scene at 8:00 this morning with the football field covered with a coat
of frost and the morning sky with its layers of stratus cloud casting a silver tone
on all below. I have post a couple more morning pictures with this one.
St. Matthew's Anglican Church Fall Garage Sale
- Thursday
October 14, 1999
Super garage sale with everything from clothing to garden produce, toys, hardware
and furniture. Bargains and enormous variety.
October 14, 1999
This is how sun rise looked this morning as the sun surveyed our cloudless autumn
sky. Drop back and have a look at the Anglican Church's fall garage sale on today.
Pictures of this event will be posted at 1100.
Hudson Bay Wins
- Friday
October 15, 1999
Today we feature high school sports as the final girls soccer game was played yesterday
find out about this game and check out the additional pictures on the "Second Page". Tonight its play-off football with
Hudson Bay.
Hudson Bay Wins
42 - 24
- Saturday
October 16, 1999
Coverage of last night football game with Hudson Bay is in two parts, the game story
with some pictures and the "Second Page" with lots of pictures and the team rosters.
October 17, 1999
This is how the daylight portion of Saturday ended. The low cloud lit with a shaft
of sunlight after a day of overcast and dull gray. This morning is more of the same
only now there are small amounts of precipitation available, so far its just rain
but with such low temperatures it could easily become snow.
- The Saga of Health Reform:
Pat Atkinson Wants Fewer Health
Boards and Fully Appointed Boards
- Sunday
October 17, 1999
Mario deSantis presents a compelling argument for us to reevaluate government thinking
as it relates to health care reform.
Machinery Operators Wanted
- Sunday
October 17, 1999
Today we consider a "what if" scenario as our way of life continues to
change what will things be like in the years to come on the prairies.
Will It Matter
At All If There Is Spring?
- Monday
October 18, 1999
This picture was taken at 0900 this morning looking into the wind to the North North
West provokes some thoughts on location.
Halloween Decorations
- Monday
October 18, 1999
Here are some pictures taken this morning of a house and yard fully decorated for
October 19, 1999
Its a sad commentary on reality but after so many days of it being overcast it seemed
perfectly appropriate to take a picture of a little shaft of sunlight that glinted
through this morning's sky at 0800.
- Tuesday
October 19, 1999
Time to find out about this technology and consider how it will become part of our
technical and entertainment world.
October 20, 1999
It was exciting, yes exciting to see the sun once again this morning. With temperature
up and that South West wind, this looks like a great fall day. This morning's picture
was taken looking up in our back yard at 9:40 to the wispy windy clouds associated
with upper winds from the South. When you go out today stop for a moment and appreciate
the warmth of the sun.
Pass The Potatoes
- Wednesday
October 20, 1999
A nostalgic look at sharing food together in a community setting, in keeping with
the "fall supper" season.
Coop Cardlock Fuel Stop Progresses
- Thursday
October 21, 1999
Coop's new truck fuel stop is taking shape but most of the project, so far has been
"ground work."
The Pace of Life
- Thursday
October 21, 1999
How are we doing, frantic, laid back, taking life as it comes. This short article
discusses the issues involved.
What Do You See?
- Friday
October 22, 1999
This is the sun's morning greeting here in Tisdale at 0810 with frozen dew on the
football field and the stabbing low angle of the fall morning light. So how do we
interpret images like this one and several others.
Junior Girls Soccer
- Friday
October 22, 1999
Carrot River pays a visit and enjoys a great late afternoon of soccer with the grade
six to nine Tisdale girl's team Thursday.
Health Reform:Digging Holes in the Ground
- Friday
October 22, 1999
Only in Ensign will you see such remarkable and insightful criticism and in-depth
explanation of issues in Saskatchewan health care. Today's article by Mario deSantis
reveals the foolishness of "short-term management confusion.

- Saturday
October 23, 1999
Much anticipation for today's contest at 1:00 with Hudson Bay. The TMSS guys have
had an excellent season and though Hudson Bay roughed them up last week the team
is anxious to set thing right today. This picture was taken Friday night as the field
was being prepared by Professor Zorn and the guys.
The Last Game: Hudson Bay wins 33 - 17
- Sunday
October 24, 1999
As the last game regular game to be played on the TUCs field took place Saturday
afternoon running back Brad Piwtorak of the Hudson Bay Riders carried the football
and his team to victory to win 33 to 17 and advance to the final next Saturday. The
story is in two parts with most of the pictures and details on the "Second Page." This second page is a bit
of a monster and will take you a full four minutes on a 33 modem to download, but
it is worth the wait.
Pasquia Hockey
League Schedule for the 1999 - 2000 season
- Monday
October 25, 1999
Find out about the Senior hockey league and plan to attend some these exciting senior
hockey games. (Revised October 28, 1999)
- Saskatchewan Health Information Network: Gord Nystuen
leaves his post to cover his assets
- Monday
October 25, 1999
Money wasting project loses its boss, or is there some house cleaning taking place?
Capturing Light
- Monday
October 25, 1999
At 8:00 this morning this shaft of light found its way into our back yard. More sun,
and moon pictures can be seen by clicking on this picture.
Tucking In The Clay
- Tuesday
October 26, 1999
We sometimes refer to blanket of earth, in this case its the truth. This brief article
discusses the methods used to improve the durability of roadways placed over clay
University of Saskatchewan: A Vision Built on Privileged
Education and on the Synchrotron
- Tuesday
October 26, 1999
Mario deSantis takes an uncomplimentary look at the current trends at the University
of Saskatchewan.
Ghosts Aglow
- Tuesday
October 26, 1999
Another look at a neighbour's yard display only these pictures are as night approaches.
- October 27, 1999
Though we have a gentile surface wind from the West this morning very high above
us there is considerable wind from the South West. This picture was taken at 0800
looking almost due East. No chance of percipitation in that sky as things are really
so dry now that farmers are unable to apply annhydrous amonia to their fields.
A Witch and Four
Rock Stars
- Thursday
October 29, 1999
One witch and four Rock Stars. This group of smiling hockey fans in Melfort are all
set for Sunday night and told me about their costumes.
- Saskatchewan Bureaucracy: The Need of Better Decision Making Processes

- Thursday
October 28, 1999
Mario deSantis is dissatisfied with the way decisions are being made and condemns
the Premier for his methods.
Bantam "AA" Ramblers 3-2 over
- Thursday
October 28, 1999
With pictures and a game summary is an account of last night's game in Melfort. For
more pictures check out the "Second Page"
Economic Cleansing
- Friday
October 29, 1999
We all expected that the Prime Minister would say "no" to the premier but
no one predicted such a complete lack of understanding of the situation. Read more
about this amazing situation in the article.
October 30 Construction Updates
- Saturday
October 30, 1999
What a swell end of October day, with sunshine and above freezing temperatures. This
morning we have an update on the fall construction projects.
- RecPlex
and TMSS Calendar for November 99

- Saturday
October 30, 1999
Keep up to date with the activities at Tisdale's RecPlex here on Ensign. Here is
the November Calendar but you can also get to it with the button on the left called
- Calendars
and Schedules

- Saturday
October 30, 1999
With so many activities on at the RecPlex during the winter months it is hard to
keep things straight so we have published during last year monthly winter calendars
and begin this practice once again this year with the November calendar.
- Beeland
Goes All Out for Halloween

- Saturday
October 30, 1999
The Beeland opens its fantastic haunted house with its staff in custom celebrating
Tisdale's pumpkin days and the Coop's warehouse sale.
TMSS Tornado Watch
- Saturday
October 30, 1999
Here is the TMSS newsletter. This October newsletter keeps the community up to date
on school happenings and coming events.
Days Come and Glow
- Sunday
October 31, 1999
To end another month we have yesterday's sunset and this morning's sunrise.
All Hallows Eve
- Sunday
October 31, 1999
Ghosts, gobblins and cookie monsters will take to the streets as the sun sets tonight.
Fare you well.