---------------Sales Page
This page is to focus on products
and systems that make sense.
At FTLComm we only sell products that we are willing to support and
have had hands on experience with. This means that we can honestly promote equipment
we know about and can give the customer some assurance of its ability to accomplish the tasks at hand.
Hard Drives
Digital Cameras
Creative Production
As the years have moved by the FTLComm and its day to day emphasis has almost entirely
shifted to the production of creative materials or utilising those skills and technology
to work with images both still and moving. From desktop publishing and printing
to video making FTLComm is now almost entirely a media company. |
With co-operating partnered companies in media production and printing FTLComm can
provide you with the local know how but can also rely upon top experts in media and
printing operations. |
Faster Than Light Communications
will accept all orders
We accept personal
cheque or money order.
DeskTop Publishing
If you need to create a brochure, design a poster, touch up a photograph, restore
a fading image, FTLComm can provide you with these services and in most cases do
the work while you wait. Short run printing in black and white are routine and if
you need a full printed product FTLComm has an alliance with a Regina printing firm
to provide the long run and colour products you might need. |
Web Site Design
Ensign is a the best indicator of the kind of work and the volume that
FTLComm can crank out for a customer.
Besides creating and designing a web site FTLComm also provides reasonable web hosting
on our own server. |
PowerPoint Production
There is a growing need for business and individuals to provide projectionable presentations
using computer technology to weave, images, sound and motion picture clips together.
This is a specialised skill and primarily involves tapping on the ability to manipulate
and control pictures. FTLComm can build projects like this for a customer
preferring to work with a limited time frame. |
Video Production
Besides making hockey videos which is far more of a passion than a vocation, FTLComm
has moved successfully into producing full commercials for customers. Using broadcast
quality equipment, professional feature movie editing techniques and high quality
professionals for voice over, editing and dazzling animations, FTLComm can produce
commericals on par with anything you will see on national television. |
FTLComm will continue to provide its customers with computer technology products
but far more emphasis is now being placed on the creative aspects of this technology
with more and more energy going into web design, video production, animation and
graphic presentation material.
The guiding principle in this operation has always been and will continue to be making
use of not only my talents but having a network of outstanding supporting companies
and both knowledge based, but also, creative based, individuals. We collaborate
with each other in Winnipeg, Regina and Saskatoon to make sure that some one who
comes to me with a project gets the best service I and those I work with, can provide.
Timothy W. Shire
Telephone 306 873 2004 or fax 306 873 2155