Chronological Index of Ensign Articles for
November of 1999
Dark and Stormy Night
- Monday
November 1, 1999
This morning we deal with last nights ice storm with a few pictures of this morning.
By the week
October 31 to Nov 6
Nov 7 - 13
Nov 14 - 20
Nov 21 - 27
Nov 28 - Dec 4
Getting Ready For Re-Reengineering and Shifting the
- Tuesday
November 2, 1999
The minister of health has commissioned an inquiry into the Regina health boards
budget problems, Mario deSantis is suggesting the minister need not look any further
then in her own department.
End Begins
- Tuesday
November 2, 1999
The ominous appearance (monday afternoon) of this machine spells doom for the old
derelict TUCs building.
A message for our insulting Barb Byers: Solidarity is
not for ever!
- Wednesday
November 3, 1999
Mario deSantis lacks enthusiasm for continued support of the present government given
its abuse of democratic processes.
Northern Steel
Industries Wins ABEX for the Second Time
- Wednesday
November 3, 1999
The Physical Environment ABEX for 1999 goes to Northern Steel Industries of Tisdale.
Beeland's Employee
of the Month
- Wednesday
November 3, 1999
Beeland Co-op's employee of the month of October, Jamie Renaud.
Ignoring its mandate and diverting money for Y2K Nightmare
- Thursday
November 4, 1999
Mario deSantis clues us in on how SHIN money is turned from its intended purpose
to supporting Y2K problems in the health system
From Structure to Splinters in 2 Hours
- Thursday
November 4, 1999
Two hours and the last standing portion of what was once a high school was reduced
to splinters and rubble. Pictures of this building's ultimate destruction are in
two parts the digital ones on one page and the video images will be posted later
on the "Second Page." (The second page takes about two
minutes to download the forty-four pictures that tell the demise of the TUCs building)
Sasko Auxiliary
- November 5, 1999
Ladies of auxiliary help the Sasko home out with a raffle of handicrafts and this
superior quilt.
November 5, 1999
This is the early 0700 sky this morning with the moon checking us all out and the
clear morning sky home of a gentle breeze from the South West.
Royal Bank - Coffee and Cake
- Saturday
November 6, 1999
Tisdale's Royal Bank Branch celebrates customer appreciation day with coffee and
cake Friday afternoon.
November 7, 1999
At 0800 this morning this was the beginning of this fine weather Sunday with temperatures
quickly moving above the freezing mark and much of the snow/ice in the fields will
all but disappear today. Should have some new stuff later today so come on back and
check Ensign out.
Beeland Coop Establishes Web Site
- Sunday
November 7, 1999
Beeland Coop goes online Friday night at ""
Coop Cardlock Now Open
- Sunday
November 7, 1999
Aiming to get the project operational for Friday various minor hitches held up things
but Saturday it was regular operations.
What's It Take to Get Noticed?
- Monday
November 8, 1999
The rules of advertising are applied to the plight of prairie farmers with some surprising
Direct TV Taking
- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
Small 18" TV dishes are becoming as common as snow drifts as home owners take
the plung and committ themselves to the expense of satellite television.
Fall Houses With
- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
Three of the four houses now under construction are closed in and ready to face the
elements of winter.
Here's The Church
and Here's the Steeple
- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
Tisdale's Roman Catholic Church is at long last about to get its steeple.
TUCs Rubble
- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
The remains still remain in a tangle mess where the building once stood.
Four Fluff Balls,
No Tails
- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
The neighbour's cat has become a mother and her off spring are enjoying the fine
fall weather.
Warm November
- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
This picture from yesterday afternoon shows the extra-ordinarily warm weather we
and all of Saskatchewan is experiencing.
- A Museum Mentality is Cheating Our Economy: Healthcare, SHIN and the

- Tuesday
November 9, 1999
Mario deSantis, in an extremely well documented article describes the waste and disfunctional
confusion with in the department that controls 40% or the budget of the provincial
Ford's New 2000
- Wednesday
November 10, 1999
Let's take a look at Ford's new 2000 model economy car that has been introduced to
replace the Contour and the Escort.
Dark Siding
- Wednesday
November 10, 1999
Vinyl siding installers work into the evening to complete the outside of the Madisson
while the good weather persists.
Down But Not Forgotten
- Thursday
November 11, 1999
Tisdale School Division Board pays their last respects to TUCS.
- Inside Job
- Thursday
November 11, 1999
Take a look around the work at Northern Steel Industries as assemblies roll off the
production line.
U of S Ranks 14 out of 15: Why not being the best of
- Friday
November 12, 1999
Mario deSantis offers us some reflections and explanations for the apparent drop
in academic standing of the University in Saskatoon.
Into Action
- Friday
November 12, 1999
Engine compartment fire on main street Thursday evening brings out Tisdale's volunteer
fire department.
- Saturday
November 13, 1999
This blurred image is from the Cow and Heifer sale yesterday at the Tisdale Auction
Center. Check out this event, see what the prices were and the pictures will let
you see the atmosphere of the sale.
- Brian Rourke Wants more healthcare money: 40% of public expenditures
are not enough

- Sunday
November 14, 1999
The head of SAHO is complaining about insufficient government funding as he notices
that reserves are declining yet the amount of spending continues to rise.
Ramblers 99_2000
- Sunday
November 14, 1999
Today we have a report on the 1999-2000 version of the Tisdale Ramblers in their
first home game of the season. The "Second Page" with its truck load of pictures will be
posted even later today.
Churchill Grade Eleven Psychology Links
- Monday
November 15, 1999
Its time for some research work. The grade eleven psych class in la Ronge are working
on their topics perhaps you too would like to see what's cookin' in these fields
of study.
On Weldon Hill
- Monday
November 15, 1999
A calm cool day as the sun mushroomed over the horizon at 8:20 the scene is captured
above. If you click on this picture you can see last night's sunset from Weldon Hill
in the form of a QuickTime VR
Cloud Painting
- Tuesday
November 16, 1999
This complex sky greets us this morning (0900) with three layers of cloud. Click
on the picture to see an interesting QuickTime VR of last night's beautiful sunset.
Send me email I would love to hear from
The U of S Synchrotron: A Mausoleum for a Museum Mentality
- Wednesday
November 17, 1999
Mario deSantis is less than impressed with the major University of Saskatchewan research
Screen Backgrounds
- Wednesday
November 17, 1999
Its good to make things look the way "you" want them. Here is a discussion
on background screens.
Village Butcher
- Thursday
November 18, 1999
Thought they were all gone but I was wrong, there is still a village butcher shop
in Arborfield.
"Got Much
Wheat?" - - - "Piles of it!"
- Thursday
November 18, 1999
Grain piled up in the fields near Zenon Park.
Beeland Coop in
- Thursday
November 18, 1999
Visit the Arborfield Beeland Coop and take a look around a village general store.
John William
Head Memorial Education Centre
- Thursday
November 18, 1999
Yesterday I was out to Red Earth and we have some pictures and stories about the
high school. there are four separate articles within this one so take a look around.
To Boldly Go
- Friday
November 19, 1999
In a way the tales of Gene Rodenberry that we all know of as Star Trek are
stories about what we are. Are we stuck in some kind of time loop where we keep having
to repeat the tragic mistakes of the past, infinitely? We settled the issue of publicly
funded medical care in this province in 1962 yet here we are thirty seven years later
struggling with the same issue.
Healthcare Payroll and SAHO's Big Brains
- Saturday
November 20, 1999
Saskatchewan's nurses have still not received their back pay and salary increases
because of payroll problems.
Yukon Denali
- Saturday
November 20, 1999
We take a look at General Motor's best vehicle, the "Denali". $63,000 SUV.
GT Mechanical
- Sunday
November 21, 1999
Supper time fire Saturday night severely damages GT Mechanical. The story is in two
parts with the main text and picture and a "Second Page" with addition pictures and details.
Go Ramblers
- Sunday
November 20, 1999
Ramblers defeat the Hunters 9 - 4 in their Saturday night game. Read about the game
and then go for more pictures on the "Second Page."
- Monday

November 22, 1999
This picture was taken on Friday afternoon near Star City. Frost looks different
this year because so many trees have budded out and the frost forms much thicker
then other years. This morning we return to Tisdale 59 years ago for a fire and we
have an outstanding story of a man and his tractors.
- Man
of Many Tractors

- Monday
November 22, 1999
Ensign is proud to present an outstanding article by Stu Innes of
Regina as he tells the story of his father's farm through the pictures of the tractors
that work for them for more then half a century. This article has a lot of pictures
and will take nearly three minutes to download but it is worth the wait.
Tisdale Coop Burns
in May 1940
- Monday
November 22, 1999
Talk about old news! Few pictures remain of the original Coop in Tisdale because
it was built and opened in the summer of 1939 and in May of the following year it
burned down.
What a Roof!
- Tueday
November 23, 1999
This is 8:20 this morning, that little slip of stratus must be considered 1/10 in
an otherwise clear sky. See how the moon rose last night and set this morning plus
some other spectacular sky I have been saving for you.
Not An Accident
- Tuesday
November 23, 1999
Charges of arson have been laid against an employee of GT Mechanical following Saturday
night's fire.
So Many Broken Eggs
- Tuesday
November 23, 1999
The long abandoned Smith Hatcheries building was finally torn down quickly yesterday.
Learning & Creativity: Basic Ingredients of the
new Economy
- Tuesday
November 23, 1999
Mario deSantis gives us a hint about what would make things, all things better. This
three paragraph message is well worth your serious consideration.
- Wednesday

November 24, 1999
This morning's breeze is almost undetectable and yet this arrangement of cloud that
seemed to fill the 8:30 sky was all but gone half an hour later. We have a story
that will not be posted until this afternoon as the pictures are not available right
now. Thanks for dropping by and make this day count.
Threat to New
- Wednesday
November 24, 1999
Monday morning during the demolition of the old Smith Hatcheries building resulted
in a quickly developing blaze.
November 25, 1999
As this morning's snow falls this lady is waging an uphill battle as this snow is
likely to be here until spring. (Picture taken at 9:25)
The Trucking Era
- Thursday
November 25, 1999
More then one in every three vehicle passing through Tisdale is a truck. Their time
has come.
- Winter

- Friday
November 26, 1999
It appears as though winter weather is here to stay and this morning we are treated
to a heavy dose of maritime fog. This picture and others were taken at 10:00 this
morning in front of your house.
Christmas Lights to End the Century
- Friday
November 26, 1999
The town has done their part to get into the Christmas season with the park decorated
and street decorations in place.
Trojans Defeat
Hounds 5 - 3
- Saturday
November 27, 1999
Here's a report of last night's Trojan victory over Notre Dame Hounds. F
- Saskatchewan Nursing Shortage: Shifting the blame for our own Incompetence

- Satruday
November 27, 1999
The idea to close hospitals and reduce hospital beds was a deliberate effort by hospital
administrators to cut back on the labour component in health care costs. Mario deSantis
explains how this procedure crippled health care and increase over all expenditures.
Its Winter
- Saturday
November 27, 1999
Explore this change of season with the wonders of a child.
Ramblers At Top of Pasquia League
- Sunday
November 28, 1999
Ramblers defeated Birch Hills last night 7 - 2.
- Saskatchewan Healthcare: Using Research to Blatantly Lie to the Public

- Sunday
November 28, 1999
Things don't look good and Mario deSantis worries about the use of research to cover
up the real picture.
November Employees of the Month
- Monday
November 29, 1999
Garry Pierce and Sheryl Janzen share the honour of being Coop's employees of the
month of November,
Nursing Shortage Is No Surprise!
- Monday
November 29, 1999
The problems that plague the healthcare system have been examined here in Ensign
and some of them explained today Rosemarie Sclinger, a practicing nurse gives us
some perspective into the shortage of nurses.
Quite An Occlusion
- Tuesday
November 30, 1999
The picture above was taken at 0900 this morning and if you click on it you can find
out more about this unusualy warm weather.
- Saskatchewan Nursing Shortage: Our Leaders Must Walk Their Talk
- Tuesday

November 30, 1999
Mario deSantis comments on the practice of signing bonus practices for nurses and
how the same folks complaining of nursing shortages created the problem.
Dressed To Kill
- Tuesday
November 30, 1999
This is not original material but came by way of e-mail, however I thought you might
find seeing these images interesting.