Chronological Index of Ensign
Articles for
September of 2003
A little hail
and a little rain
- Tuesday
September 2, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Monday night a modest but attention getting storm passed through Tisdale leaving
us with half an inch of moisture and leaves and twigs all over the place.
The Greenwater Report
- Tuesday
September 2, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
The summer is beginning to wind up as the park store closes for the season and Gerald
was off harvesting. This weeke's report as always includes some outstanding pictures.
Mr. Ribs reopens
- Tuesday
September 2, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
A big lunch hour crowd was on hand to welcome Mr. Ribs back to town after its absence
from the community when it burned down about seven years ago.
Labour Day 2003:
Nothing to celebrate
- Tuesday
September 2, 2003
by: Mark Weisbrot
Washington economis Mark Weisbrot explains the decline in the American standard of
living and says that it is a deliberate policy of government and business leaders
in his country. We have added some interesting references to this story and you will
discover he is hardly alone in his assessment of things.
- Thursday
September 4, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Wynyard is a busy prairie community with industry, tourism and seems to be handling
the assault of urbanised marketing.
Wynyard Court
- Thursday
September 4, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
It was some time ago that we posted a series of stories about Saskatchewan court
houses and it is nice to be able to add to this collection. At the bottom of the
page on this story is a link to the other court house pictures done in the past.
Mr. Ribs: Review
- Thursday
September 4, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Wednesday I had supper at the newly re-opened restaurant. For a review of the menu
and meal check this out, if you don't have time the bottom line was, look elsewhere.
Big g-OIL-vernment
- Thursday
September 4, 2003
by: Walter Robinson
Spot market pricing / barrell has dropped well below the $30US level but we are seeing
up to 85.9¢ at Saskatchewan pumps. What gives, well Walter Robinson figures
a little help your self by the oil companies is to be expected but the government
taxes on fuel and aviation travel is mean spirited.
Thoughts on marriage
and same sex marriage
- Thursday
September 4, 2003
by: Cassandra Loiselle
Reacting to Barbara Reid's expression of her thoughts on the use of the term "marriage"
in a same sex union Cassandra Loiselle of Winnipeg takes a quite opposing view and
with it quotes one of the greatest poets of the last century. This is not a long
discussion but one you definitely need to read.
Ebon Fall Ride,
Drive and Dine Race and Horse Comfort Clinic
- Friday
September 5, 2003
by: Sharon Elder
This is some serious horsing around as the Saskatchewan Long Riders are planning
the fall event with a ride from Saskatoon on a 25 mile and 50 mile endurance race.
Automotive repair
shop moves
- Friday
September 5, 2003
by : Timothy W. Shire
We need to keep up with the changing landscape of the community as a small repair
shop disappeared Tuesday and was relocated.
Good Spirit
- Friday
September 5, 2003
by: Shawn Ratushniak
Here are some outstanding pictures of water sports taken by Shawn at Good Spirit
Provincial Park. If you have some summer shots you would like to share send
them along we would love to see them.
Eduardo Galeano's
deep understanding of U.S. unsecure prosperity: defending the dollar
by sending Marines and by assuming markets
- Friday
September 5, 2003
By: Mario deSantis
Mario deSantis wrote this story Wednesday, it is important to note this fact because
today several world economists in an international meeting in Calgary reported their
extreme distress at the US economy which appears not only to be in serious trouble
but is also running up the biggest deficit in recent history. Several US politicans
referred to the growing unemployment and rising debt yesterday while the Dow dropped
84 points today.
Early Birds
- Friday
September 5, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Certainly the season has accellerated with harvest almost complete here but it seems
pretty warm and extremely early for geese who often do not leave until late October,
to be forming up migration flocks.
Cattle Auction
today, first since mid May
- Monday
September 8, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
This summer's caves were being sold this morning going from $1.15 to $1.55 as buyers
began the process of restocking the feedlots.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
September 8, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
This week we find out about diving geese, bad driving, railway stories, software
tip and a beanstalk. All this and great pictures as well.
Tisdale's sports
- Monday
September 8, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
TMSS annual senior volleyball tournament and Trojan final camp were on this past
Mike Tatarynovich
has picture selected for international calendar
- Tuesday
September 9, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
The Canadian Wheat Board calendar is distributed world wide and this year's calendar
has Crooked River farmer, Mike Tatarynovich's picture featured for November 2003.
Politicians work for us
- Tuesday
September 9, 2003
by: Ron Thornton
With eight provincial elections and a federal election in the works Canadians have
an opportunity to make their wishes known and it is just possible that those seeking
office might just pay a little attention.
You can vote … you just can’t
think, speak or spend
- Tuesday
September 9, 2003
by: Walter Robinson
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation dislikes federal election laws which limit spending
on elections by special interest groups. This issue is soon to come before the Supreme
Power and courts
- Tuesday
September 9, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
There are powerful forces who want to see the progress that mankind has made in the
last twelve centuries go away so that they can exploit, use the wealth to create
even more wealth and power. What stands in their way are centuries of law and a court
system. The use of "no fault" and out of court deals are signs of encroachment
on civilisation. You have been warned!
Oshkosh AirVenture
float base
- Wednesday
September 10, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
On our trip to the Oshkosh AirVenture 2003 one of the highlights of the experience
was our visit to the float base. This story includes a 1MB QuickTime VR panorama.
Charles McKenzie
and Carole Beal McKenzie of St. Pauls
- Thursday
September 11, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
With summer over St. Paul's United Church in Tisdale welcomes a married couple
to serve their church community.
Trumps Free Trade at the WTO
- Thursday
September 11, 2003
by: Mark Weisbrot
While discussions over the developed countries persistent subsidising of agriculture
dominates the news from the World Trade Organisation's conference in Cancun, Mexico
Mark Weisbrot explains that the patent drug monopoly threatens the negotiations at
this round of discussions with no common ground in sight.
A world turned upside down:
Bush's $87 billion for Iraq, the Scandal of the Century in Saskatoon
- Thursday
September 11, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
If you think you understand what is going on in this world you just haven't been
paying attention. Strange things and even stranger reasoning seems to propel the
world and its people, though it would nice if this were forward, the evidence is
that regression is now the norm.
Aggressive Testing
- Friday
September 12, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
It looked far more like a chase scene from a movie than what was really taking place.
Walk and drive at your peril, driver testing in progress.
The Bush administration's policies:
against elimination of poverty, against the development of democracy
- Friday
September 12, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
An analytical explanation of the divided world through the understanding of the exponential
curve in the Free Market. Noted author, with several books online Dr. J. W. Smith
is quoted in this story with references to the important issues which he and his
institute are so deeply concerned.
As in Adam all
die. . . ashes to ashes, dust to dust
- Sunday
September 14, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
A discussion about the loss of loved ones and the healing process that must take
place to resolve the suffering.
Riverside Golf
- Monday
September 15, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Here is a chance to look around this beautiful Tisdale golf course. These pictures
were taken Sunday afternoon. This page has a QuickTime VR panorama 380K.
The Greenwater report
- Monday
September 15, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
The geese are getting together and it has rained, all reason enough for Gerald to
off across the province checking things out. All this and more in this week's report.
- Tuesday
September 16, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Rough, filled with holes, to dangerous for a wheel chair or walker and hard enough
to break kneecaps and wrists; Tisdale's downtown sidewalks.
Canada's Only National Alternative
and Other Tory Stories
- Tuesday
September 16, 2003
by: Ron Thornton
With parliament back in session the rumors and discussions about uniting the fractured
conservative portion of the Canadian political scene are once again tumbling around.
Cross country
in the rain
- Wednesday
September 17, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Area schools launch their cross country running season with today's meet here in
Downtown sidewalks
- Wednesday
September 17, 2003
by: Doug Hay
Yesterday in the story "Unforgiving" there were pictures and information
about the poor condition of the sidewalks downtown. Today the town's Economic Development
Director explains the lack of wheelchair access, what we need to do about hazzards
and plans for upgrading the downtown area. The pictures of repairs on the area photographed
yesterday were taken at 4:30 this afternoon.
Bureaucrats and expense accounts:
The never-ending feast
- Wednesday
September 17, 2003
by: Walter Robinson
It seems goofy spending is a part of government as yet another expense account scandal
is ermerging. A thirty-four year old former assistant to Heritage minister Sheil
Copps seems to have come close to the line of abusing the money we all send to Ottawa.
Walter Robinson has some suggestions about the problem.
St. Paul's Fall
- Thursday
September 18, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Several of Tisdale's churches hold various fund raising events. Today and tomorrow
the United Church is holding their huge sale.
China is growing
by waging peace, the Bush administration is regressing by waging war
- Thursday
September 18, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
In this story Mr. deSantis gives you the broad strokes of something that seems ironic
and that is that China is doing well by maintaining peace with its neighbours. To
fully appreciate this concept be sure to look over the references he has provided
World Trade Organisation Beached in Cancun
- Thursday
September 18, 2003
by: Mark Weisbrot
The WTO conference in Cancun was a complete failure and Mr. Weisbrot points out that
this was fully predictable. Clearly, the purpose of promoting trade has been surplaced
with capitalistic merchantile political issues.
- A Walk in the Park

- Friday
September 19, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Fall with colour, light rain and cool temperatures, ideal conditions to enjoy one
of the best places in Tisdale, the trail by St. Theresa Park. This story includes
a QuickTime VR panorama requiring QuickTime to view.
CONSIDERED....Again: A Tory's Point of View

- Friday
September 19, 2003
by: Brian D. Marlatt
What matters is how things are done and why, and for that reason, there is little
common ground between the Canadian Alliance and Progressive Conservatives.
Even if a deal is worked out the Canadian public, the voters, will not accept such
a contrivance without substance.
TAG open for business
- Saturday
September 20, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Heavy highway hauling truck parts is the specialty at this new parts shop located
just East of Bow Mar Sales Ltd.
- Conservatives need to have faith in their leadership

- Saturday
September 20, 2003
by: Mark-Allan Whittle
Yesterday Brian Marlatt gave us a much different view of a possible conservative/alliance
merger but Mark-Allan Whittle tells us that Conservatives should trust Peter McKay
and Stephen Harper to bring the two like minded groups together.
Delorme's Steel
& Repair expands, again
- Sunday
September 21, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Since this business began operations it has
been a scene of continous growth demonstrating not only the popularity of this business
but of the continued growth and development of the community in which it operates.
Understanding Bush's bloody dollar and
American foreign policies
- Sunday
September, 21, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: You must read this story carefully because
both in Geoffrey Heard's explanation and in the references for this story is the
basic conditions that are allowing the United States to muddle along deeply in debt
and still considered the world's strongest economy.
Peter MacKay's speech on the
Alliance same-sex motion
- Sunday
September, 21, 2003
by: Peter MacKay
Ottawa: This issue has been emotionalised and taken
to such extremes and it might be useful for us to read a moderate approach to the
issue that has both reason and a desire to see a peaceful resolution come about.
Peter MacKay is leader of the Progressive Conservative party and it is interesting
to note that he has for some years had a close relationship with a Halifax woman
in public but they have chosen not to marry.
Curiousity Corner Mural
- Sunday
September 21, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The addition of a mural to a blank wall on
main street is a major addition to the communities appearance.
Doghide trails,
Tisdale's special place
- Monday
September 22, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The hiking trails and park area along
the Doghide is a place where you can escape to a never never land that is ever changing
and always special. This story includes a QuickTime VR panorama (360MB).
- The Greenwater report

- Monday
September 22, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: Fall closes in on the park
as Homstols are building a new cabin and Gerald got his boat lift out of the water.
All this and more.
Beriev Be-103
- Tuesday
September 23, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Oshkosh, Wisconsin: Though the OshKosh AirVenture is
an amateur/homebuilt convention the star of the show this year was a commercial aircraft
designed and build in Russia. This remarkable, low wing, twin engined, amphibian
is simply off the scale in innovation and outstanding engineering. For me this was
the most exceptional aircraft of the thousands to be seen at this incredible event.
IMF and World Bank: the
international business of privatisation
- September 23, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: This brief story summarises the underlying
issues that affect the development of the third world which is suppose to be one
of the goals of these American dominated institutions. Check out the references as
we have included some actual news stories from Dubia with a viewpoint from that part
of the world.
- Wednesday
September 24, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire and Andrew Shire
Oshkosh Wisconsin: An amateur/homebuilt fibre glass,
carbon fibre amphibian sold here in Canada and in New Zealand with one or two engines
and amazing performance. The second most astonishing aircraft at this year's Oshkosh
Only the Progressive
Conservatives are facing the issues
- Wednesday
September 24, 2003
by: Jason Inness
Calgary: As the Progressive Conservative and Canadian
Alliance negotiate some sort of agreement Jason Inness points out that the federal
Liberal party has been pretty well absent from responding to the series of crisis
facing the country and the Alliance has been wasting time on emotional issues. He
feels only the Progressive Conservatives are dealling with things that really matter.
"As we rush along, are
we running, or being pushed?"
- Thursday
September 25, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Insight into the human condition. One way or
another we all wonder what is it all about and where do we go from here. Here are
some clues.
Scotia Bank pitches in with
hot dog fund raiser
- Friday
September 26, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: On the heels of the truly remarkable success
of the spring Cancer fund raising projects Tisdales organisations and businesses
are getting behind the Tisdale Hospital's Diabetes fund. This afternoon the Bank
of Nova Scotia held a fine hot dog sale and Tisdale folks were there in significant
numbers to support the project.
Exporting the
American democracy in Iraq: The Free Market of Deregulation and Privatization
- Friday
September 26, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: Mr. deSantis has spotted an interesting inversion
both criminals being placed in power and dogmatic imposition of economic formats
that are site specific. What works in America is not necessarily what will work in
Iraq, Afghanistan to Venezuela. The references on this story are exceptional and
give you an opportunity to explore this topicmuch more fully than an interpretive
Washington Pursues
Dangerous Policy in Vernezuela
- Friday
September 26, 2003
by: Mark Weisbrot
Washington: The actions of the American government attempting
to desabilise and over throw a democratically elected government is setting a bad
example and could seriously undermine the international relations around the world
including the way countries relate to the United States.
or NOW-GO to bureaucracy
- Saturday
September 27, 2003
by: Walter Robinson
Ottawa: Not everything gets swept under the rug, the
Standing Committee on government Operations and Estimates is on the job checking
and often putting down the big foot on waste and sometimes downright bad operations.
Day of Defeat
- Sunday
Sepember 28, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Computer games have made enormous progress
to the point that interactive team play with several people can take place in a shared
virtual reality experience. Saturday a full event of interactive game play took place
with participants working with and against each other in a game simulation of the
Normandy invasion of "D" Day.
The Greenwater report
- Monday
September 29, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: The Crawfords are off on another jaunt but we get
to hear about owls, Gerald's days as a CNR operator and a new guy in town.
Bridging the divide
of an upsidedown world: Critical thinking with System Dynamics
- Monday
September 29, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: The devolution of the third world continues
largely orchestrated by the United States as it sells more weapons than any other
country and the gap between rich and poor widens. Perhaps its time to think of this
problem some other way.
The splendor of
fall 2003
- Tuesday
September 30, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: On this last day of September I took a short
drive into the country and want to share with you the beauty of the colour of the
country-side. This story has two QuickTime Virtual Reality Panoramas
of 1MB each so this page will take a while to open on a dial up connection but the
scenes are worth the wait.
Alfalfa seed
- Tuesday
September 30, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The crop to be harvested each year is alfalfa
when it is grown for seed. Most of Tisdale's alfalfa goes to the dehydration plant
but the fields are finished for this year and the dehy plant is already cooking baled
alfalfa but the fields of alfalfa in seed production are now being harvested.
Bush Growing More Vulnerable on Credibility,
War, and the Economy
- Tuesday
September 30, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Washington: The tide of reality has shifted, Mark Weisbrot explains the importance
of both Democrats and doubting Republicans who have begun to speak out strongly about
the deception carried on by the Administration of the United States government.