Chronological Index of Ensign Articles for
November of 1998
Halloween 98
- Sunday
November 1, 1998
Meet some of our from visitors last night.
By the week
November 1 to 7
November 8 to 14
November 15 to 21
November 22 to 28
November 29 to December 5
OF TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGES IN SASKATCHEWAN: Healthcare Reform and New Economic Policies,
Part 3: Is the Saskatchewan
Association of Health Organizations (SAHO)
above the Law?
- Sunday
November 1, 1998
Mario deSantis points toward the corrupt beginnings of the regional healthcare system
in the province.
1950 Plymouth
- Monday
November 2, 1998
A nostalgic look at a classic 1950 Plymouth still in use in Tisdale.
A Visit to Moses
Ratt School
- Tuesday
November 3, 1998
This picture essay was made after a trip to the area North of La Ronge last year
and depicits life in the Northern half of the province.
- Cargill's
Addition at Armley
November 4, 1998
Cargill's terminal at Armley is in the midst of expansion.
Busy Nipawin
- Wednesday
November 4, 1998
A quick look at the business prospects of Nipawin.
Nipawin Bible
- Wednesday
November 4, 1998
A look at this unique post secondary facility.
More Than Golf
and Curling
- Wednesday
November 4, 1998
Nipawin's Evergreen Centre is one of the best luncheon locations in the part of the
The BS Factor
- Thursday
November 5, 1998
Timothy Shire takes a puzzled look at "backsliding" as it affects social
What Goes On In There?
- Friday
November 6, 1998
SGI's Claim Centre remodelled this past summer.
Goodmorning Sunrises
- Friday
November 6, 1998
A couple of this week's charming sunrises for you to look over, (natural colours
no touch-up).
Saskatoon Street
- Friday
November 6, 1998
Jacob Zunti gives us the facts and sensible observations about a
troubling social problem and its economic basis.
November Calendar
of Events at Tisdale's RecPlex
- Saturday
November 7, 1998
Here is the whole story, keep up with events by printing off this month's calendar.
New Generation
Music '98
- Saturday
November 7, 1998
Paul Kusiak explains the music scene of Tisdale youth giving us some perspective
on what interests young people today.
- I went bungee jumping last weekend and I also climbed the volcano
November 8, 1998
Jennifer Shire, our University student in Mexico, shares with us her adventures,
bungee jumping and mountain climbing.
If the General
is an improvement, please stop this improving!!
- Sunday
November 8, 1998
Carey Heilman of Regina candidly describes a recent visit to Regina's General Hospital.
This personal account must be viewed with the understanding that the Regina Health
Board just closed the modern Plains hospital on the city's outskirts.
- Need of Transformational Changes in Saskatchewan: Healthcare Reform and
New Economics
Policies, Part 4, Personal Experiences With Corruption.
- Sunday
November 8, 1998
Mario deSantis takes us through the unpleasantness of discovering corruption and
being fired when it is discovered that he knows what is going on.
- Bungee Jumping and Volcano Climbing Continued . . .
November 9, 1998
Jennifer Shire elaborates on her latest series of Mexican adventures as she plots
to go up the "fire mountain."
Still There After
36 Years!
- Tuesday
November 10, 1998
A personal look back at November 1962.
My 1950 Plymouth
- Tuesday
November 10, 1998
Lanny Knutson's letter prompted me to check up on my own 1950 Plymouth and indeed
I had miss-identified the vehicle in the article last week. So here is mine.
- J
unior High Volleyball Play-offs
- Wednesday
November 11, 1998
Teams from Bjorkdale, Arborfield, Zenon Park and TMSS engaged in some great games
After The Fall
- Wednesday
November 11, 1998
One down and one to go, Tuesday at a windy high noon the first Saskatchewan Wheat
Pool elevator is knocked down.
Remembrance Day
- Wednesday
November 11, 1998
For eighty years Canadians have taken time this day to remember the people who's
lives were taken in the service of their country.
Senior Curling
- Thursday
November 12, 1998
Here is a spectacular QuickTime panorama of the inside of Tisdale's Recplex
curling facility with all sheets of ice busy with enthusiastic curlers.
Pasquia Health
Care Offices In RecPlex
- Thursday
November 12, 1998
A quick tour of the Region Health care offices in the RecPlex building.
RecPlex DayCare
Centre Open
- Thursday
November 12, 1998
High school parents can continue their education and their child receive care in
the new facility with in the RecPlex complex.
- Friday
November 13, 1998
In March the Tisdale Zellers store will become BestValue. ("The story's true
only the names have been changed to protect the innocent." Joe Friday)
Bah! Humbug!
- Friday
November 13, 1998
No Christmas music yet but in the air there's an attempt at the feeling of Christmas.
A QuickTime VR look at the Christmas store in the Tisdale Mall.
Crane Day
- Sunday
November 15, 1998
Mobile Cranes seen in 3s
Information Technology is changing the way to study and learn.
- Sunday
November 15, 1998
Mario deSantis explains the tangible and positive link that is establishing between
the learning process and the computer.
- SACE 98
Connected What's Next?
November 15, 1998
Saskatchewan Computer Teachers meet in Saskatoon for their annual convention.
Beavers Be Damned
- Tuesday
November 17, 1998
Between Wakaw and Melfort some busy Beavers have had their habitat disturbed as their
damn has been destroyed letting a stream go. This article includes a QuickTime
VR panorama.
Plymouth Mania
- Tuesday
November 17, 1998
The recent article on old Plymouths has increased our awareness of these machines
here is a view of a 1940 version.
Ramblers First
Home Game of the Season
- Tuesday
November 17, 1998
Tisdale Ramblers open their season at home Saturday night with a 7 - 6 win over the
Gronlid / Choiceland Tigers.
Macintosh This
Past Year
- Wednesday
November 18, 1998
This is a full conference presentation including slides and oral commentary by Timothy
Shire on the revolution in computing that has taken place during this past year.
This requires QuickTime 3.0.
- Wednesday, November 18, 1998
- At 0800 this is what the Tisdale sky looks like, temperatures were close to -20
all night. Though there were several light showers of snow Tuesday there is little
snow on the ground just enough to make the streets slipper (normal winter driving
SoccerStars in Mexican Bar
- Thursday
November 19, 1998
Once more Jennifer Shire lets us in on one of her adventures. Nearing the end of
her term in Mexico Jennifer encounters a pair of soccer celebrates.
Liberal Leader
Starts Petition
- Thursday
November 19, 1998
Jim Melenchuk tries to get some interest in his party with a call for a petition.
Colima Mexico On Volcano Alert
- Friday
November 20, 1998
Rated as one of the most dangerous volcanos on earth is starting to give off cinders
and smoke.
Workers Compensation
Board, Using the System
Storage, Extra
Storage and Backup
- Saturday
November 21, 1998
This article helps to sort out the question of what to do about extra storage for
your computer.
About Town Saturday
- Sunday
November 22, 1998
Here is some follow up to stories posted earlier in Ensign plus some pictures of
some developments.
7-11 Opens Drive-in
- Sunday
November 22, 1998
No details available on an incident involving a car and the windows at the 7-11.
- N
Reform and New Economic Policies, Part 5
- Sunday
November 22, 1998
Mario deSantis shows us the more then $4,000,000 fiasco of squandered money on payroll
processing that could have been and still could be, accomplished within health districts,
for what relatively speaking, would be pocket change.
- Sunday
November 22, 1998
Young entrepeneur makes her rounds in the rain Saturday.
Cranberry Corner
- Sunday
November 22, 1998
Craft and Tea Sale a great success for this year.
The Visitor
- Monday
November 23, 1998
A Jack Rabbit drops by our yard in Tisdale to pay a social call and spends a while
sitting among the leaves, just sort of, blending in.
Interior of St.
Andrew's Presbyterian Church
- Monday
November 23, 1998
This is a follow-up to the original September
5th article on the exterior of this fine building.
We Turned Off
The Yard Light
- Monday
November 23, 1998
Edwin Wallace from Stewart Valley explains his personal protest about the
state of Saskatchewan agriculture and rural life.
Golden Sunrise
- Tuesday
November 24, 1998
Monday morning's sunrise was a glorious golden event as the very low angle of the
morning light streamed into every East facing window.
A Boy and His
- Tuesday
November 24, 1998
Just a little Frog Princess story with some outstanding pictures of frogs.
- C4P1544

- Tuesday
November 24, 1998
An antique tractor on display East of Tisdale. We would
welcome details about this machine.
CP Power Units
- Tuesday
November 24, 1998
Here are some close up pictures of a three locomotive power unit tied up in Tisdale
for a few hours in Tisdale.
Cement Lawn
- Wednesday
November 25, 1998
No mowing, no dandelions and green all year long. A front yard flooded in concrete
and painted green.
- Cape
Town's Volatile Coloured Suburbs of Bonteheuvel
November 25, 1998
A report from Cape Town South Africa about life in one of the suburbs. The concept
of reservations came from North America and was implimented in South Africa since
1956. This report is strikingly similar to what could be a Canadian Northern community.
(The author of this article requested it be withdrawn in 2004 and is no longer
available on this site)
And Then Some
- Thursday
November 26, 1998
More then enough bails and then some as the Tisdale Alfalfa stock pile grows and
The "I Wonder"
- Friday
November 27, 1998
Timothy Shire discusses marijuana and its use as a recreational substance. We always
try to present issues in Ensign with pictures but in this case, though pictures exist,
they can not be used, so you must experience this story in a text only format.
Grab Shots Near
- Saturday
November 28, 1998
Road side scenes that were caught in passing
Could Be Anywhere
- North America
- Saturday
November 28, 1998
A QuickTime VR panorama of a night scene at a Prince Albert intersection on 2nd Avenue
Reform and New Economic Policies, Part 6
- Sunday
November 29, 1998
Mario deSantis enters a plea for the inclusion of the massive money managed
by Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations in the work of the provincial
Fun - Family -
Friends - Hockey!
- Monday
November 30, 1998
Hockey is more then a sport, it is a way of life and living. We explore this world
with some pictures of Saturday nights game.