Chronological Index of Ensign Articles for
January of 2000
- Going Out On A Limb

- Saturday
January 1, 2000
Just being wrong is no excuse for not going out on a snowy limb once more to gaze
into the ice crystals of tomorrow and send out into the world my annual New Year's
By the week
Dec 26 - Jan 1
Jan 2 - 8
Jan 9 - 15
Jan16 - 22
Jan. 22 - 29
Jan. 30 to Feb 5
- Sunday

January 2, 1999
I have taken down the Christmas lights for the year but the spirit of Christmas and
the good will of this new year will last for a long time. This morning's picture
was taken at 8:30 and shows arrival of this second day of the new year.
Y2K and Peace
Shall Reign
- Monday
January 3, 2000
Edwin Wallaces gives us a peak of insight into the "millennium bug"
RecPlex Calendar for January 2000
- Monday
January 3, 2000
Find out what is coming up this month at Tisdale's RecPlex.
Last Place Beats First, In overtime, What a league!
- Monday
January 3, 2000
What a game! Mistatim wins in over time. The full story on the game and then look
for the pictures on the "second page" .
The Cost of Security
- Tuesday
January 4, 2000
A consideration of the growth of airport security and what it may symbolise to us
The West Rises
Once More
- Tuesday
January 4, 2000
Today we look at the aftermath of the Air Canada / Canadian merger
and consider the emergence of the new upstart, WestJet.
GT Mechanical
Building Levelled
- Wednesday
January 5, 2000
The final chapter on this building draws to a close as we have followed the saga
of it as a new business, a fire and now its destruction.
Three Mornings
- Wednesday
January 5, 2000
School classes resume after the Christmas break here in Tisdale and with this picture
we take a look at the extremely similar morning pictures from the past three days.
Making It Go Away
- Thursday
January 6, 2000
Find out the ultimate end of the materials from the old demolished TUCs building
and the GT Mechanical building.
January 6, 2000
With yesterday's "Three Mornings" article this makes four days in a row
we have see a similar sunrise with a skiff of snow overnight. This picture was taken
at 9:03 this morning.
Freedom, Independence,
Liberty - Mobility
- Friday
January 7, 2000
Being abole to move around is the key to freedom.
January 7, 2000
This image was taken yesterday around 11:00 as the sun came out to brighten our lives
as this patrol cleaned up our street from the gradual nightly snow fall. With temperatures
only -7 and rising today and this week end we expect it to be mild and sunny and
there is enough snow for some cross country.
The Hypocritical Behaviour of Peter Federko, CEO of
the WCB
- Saturday
January 8, 2000
Mario deSantis takes a hard look at the recent statement by this powerful individual
who claims the critics of the Workers Compensation Board are "off-base".
Sky 2000
- Saturday
January 8, 2000
This picture was taken mid afternoon on Friday and is perhaps as complex as this
new year.
Pasquia League
All Star Game
- Sunday
January 9, 2000
A report on last night's game with player lists and league standings.
Northern Junior Men's Curling Championship
- Sunday
January 9, 2000
A list of the the teams and their locations are a part of this story.
January 9, 2000
Last night we were blessed with a couple of inches of fresh white snow. I took this
picture at 10:00 this morning without a jacket as the temperature has krept up to
-5. This morning we have a short report on the Junior Men's curling, and perhaps
more, these will be posted just before noon today. Thanks for dropping by and why
not take a moment and send me email, I need
your input for guidance on the things we should have in Ensign.
No Need To Worry
About the Western Wheat Growers
- Monday
January 10, 2000
Edwin Wallace gives us his take on the plans for this organisation to hold its convention
in Mexico.
Decision Making: A Shared Experience
- Monday
January 10, 2000
Consider the problem, work out what to do, that is "humming and hawing"
find out about the best way to do that process in today's article on management.
January 10, 2000
There is nothing that is as fragile and fleeting as the magical shadows on snow.
These were captured Sunday afternoon. We can expect sunshine today for most of the
day although there is a chance of some precipitation despite the temperature having
descended to -20.
My World At Eight
- Tuesday
January 11, 2000
Reflections on this morning's radio news.
Pressing On From
Houston to Hudson Bay
- Tuesday
January 11, 2000
Two massive industrial loads stop over night in Tisdale on their way to the new mill
in Hudson Bay.
Big Fish
- Wednesday
January 12, 2000
This has to be the last word on Christmas lighting for this year but the Kingfisher
Inn in Nipawin certainly has a winning display in front of their parking lot.
Burning Bails
- Wednesday
January 12, 2000
This Farm six miles East of Arborfield has lost its supply of feed for the winter
as the huge bail pile was destroyed by fire Tuesday.
Betrayal By Sprinkler
- Wednesday
January 12, 2000
High School at Red Earth closes temporarily as cold weather freezes sprinkler system
force the shutting off of water supply.
The Promised land
- Wednesday
January 12, 2000
There is a sparkle to a land at -30, there is a bark from the complaining snow at
each step and your breathe forms a solid when it is exhaled, blessed are we who share
its secrets.
Beeland Co-op's Employee of the Month
- Thursday
January 13, 2000
Christine Randall of the Beeland Co-op Home Centre is the December Employee
of the month.
Monitoring Underground
- Thursday
January 13, 2000
A report on environmental testing and supervision in our community.
To Clean Or Not To Clean
- Friday
January 14, 2000
Some do some don't and does it matter.
January 15, 2000
Definitely a seasonal picture as bits of snow descend from the thin overcast with
a North wind blowing it to its temporary resting place.
Ramblers Win Three Straight
- Sunday
January 16, 2000
Friday night it was 10-3 over Hudson Bay and last night 6-3 over Nipawin as the Rambler
continue to dominate the Pasquia League.
Saskatchewan's Troubled Children: 40% of our School
- Sunday
January 16, 2000
Mario deSantis questions the logic behind the present governmental attitudes and
policies towards children involved in crime.
- Monday
January 17, 2000
Find out about this winter tourist group that stopped over for a while on Sunday
in Tisdale on their way to a berry buffet.
More Waxwings
- Tuesday
January 18, 2000
Apparently that flock of birds we showed you yesterday have not left town and here
are a more pictures of them in a residential area.
Pat Atkinson: Blaming the doctors for the deaths of
- Tuesday
January 18, 2000
Mario deSantis gives a chilling look at the Provincial Minister's attitude
toward health care and you better pray you don't get sick.
Joel Wegwitz Joins
TSL Computers
- Tuesday
January 18, 2000
Tisdale Mall computer store upgrades its service capabilities with qualified technician
to handle repairs and upgrades.
Tisdale &
Leroy 5 - 5
- Tuesday
January 18, 2000
Tisdale girls played Leroy Monday night, here is a report on that game and more about
ringette itself.
Waxwings Response to Ensign
- Wednesday
January 19, 2000
One might consider it ironic but for those of us who feel that all things are somehow
linked and connect this is a most unsettling occurance.
The misuse of Statistics as a scientific
- Thursday
January 20, 2000
Mario deSantis points directly at the use of miss-information as a means to political
power and control.
Bottom Out
- Thursday
January 20, 2000
Truck driver discovers limitations of ice bridge on his way to Yellowknife.
Not To Bad
- Thursday
January 20, 2000
This morning Timothy Shire shows us his view of this morning as winter plods along
and already he is complaining about insects in the spring.
Nipawin Knights Beat Ramblers 7 - 3
- Friday
January 21, 2000
Nipawin Knight hung a licking on the Ramblers last night 7 - 3. Report and pictures
on last night's game.
Saskatchewan Healthcare: Breaking the Law & Mismanagement
- Friday
January 21, 2000
Mario deSantis makes a convincing argument that gravely undermines the credibility
of politicians and health care officials as he points out their squandering of tax
dollars on mamoth proportions.
To: The Port of Churchill
- Saturday
January 22, 2000
Loaded for delivery to the port of Churchill. Northern Steels moves a complete system
by rail to Canada's arctic.
Tisdale Wildlife
Federation Auction 2000
- Saturday
January 22, 2000
Once again this organisation is preparing for its annual fund raiser and has a great
display of donations in the Tisdale Mall.
Saskatoon Images
- Sunday
January 23, 2000
A few pictures from a day spent in Saskatoon.
Saskatchewan Teachers' Hockey Tournament
- Sunday
January 23, 2000
Thirty- teams from across the province get together once a year to play the game
they love.
Minister of Health Pat Atkinson: Making
Immediate & Band Aid Decisions in Healthcare
- Sunday
January 23, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the follie in recruiting for nurses abroad and changing the
nursing training programme to deal with nursing shortages.
Winning Warriors
- Sunday
January 23, 2000
Today we take a look at the winners as Mistatim defeats the Ramblers last night 5
- 2 and this lady won the $97 50/50 draw.
Things Just Aren't
What They Used To Be
- Monday
January 24, 2000
A visit to an A&W sets your intrepid reporter to work as Timothy Shire explains
stimulous response reactions.
- Monday
January 24, 2000
Here is a sequence of five pictures as the sun leaves the scene Sunday afternoon.
Look Ma, No Wheels!
- Tuesday
January 25, 2000
Here are some nice pictures taken Monday of a Champion on skiies.
CN Mechanises
- Tuesday
January 25, 2000
Where people once did the work now it is done with costly equipment.
Health Minister Pat Atkinson & Saskatchewan Nurses:
Out of Touch, Out of Law
- Tuesday
January 25, 2000
The list is growing with the equally growing concern about the whole structural problem
with Saskatchewan Health care. Mario deSantis expresses his concern about the minister
overstepping her authority and changing things over which she has no official control.
Cabin Fever
- Tuesday
January 25, 2000
This pictures how warm it seemed yesterday as the temperature crept up into the teens
and this gentleman got out his bicycle.
International Bike Show
- Wednesday
January 27, 2000
Today we have a special treat for you, be you interested in motorcycles or not this
photo essay shows you a huge Vancouver motorcycle show with some great pictures of
the event.
Pat Atkinson, The Shortage of Nurses and the Rule of
- Thursday
January 27, 2000
Minister of health is forced to back down on her reduction of years in training programme
by the nurses in training. Mario deSantis points out the way dysfunction grows out
of quick fixes.
Liam Alsbach
- Thursday
January 27, 2000
This is eight month old Liam, he lives with his parent in Pleasantdale.
Ensign was off line for a while late yesterday when a service provider disrupted
service as they were making some changes.
Intimidation: Management Style at Saskatoon
District Health
- Friday
January 28, 2000
Mario deSantis points out the serious problems created by government intimidation
of those we depend upon to deliver health services.
Carcare For Everyone
- Friday
January 28, 2000
So if we looked after our cars like we are looking after the people of our province
what would happen? After a week of concern about the growing collapse of the provincial
health care system here is a different way of considering the problem.
Decision Making and Trends in the Network Economy
- Saturday
January 29, 2000
Mario deSantis opens the door to some interesting concepts "simplicity
as the new competitive advantage".
Government Is Putting It's Agenda Forward
- Saturday
January 29, 2000
Edwin Wallace shares with us his concerns about the motivation behind the provincial
government's "study" on rural government. (This article will be published
at 11:00 this morning, thanks for dropping by
Streaming Video
- Sunday
January 30, 2000
Today we can tell you some positive news on streaming view via the Internet.
Honourable Dwain Lingenfelter Has Been Caught Lying
- Sunday
January 30, 2000
Mario deSantis reports that it is not unusual for the Minister of Agriculture to
say something that did not happen.
SuperBowl Sunday
- Monday
January 31, 2000
Our neighbours enjoy the exceptional weather Sunday afternoon and we have some pictures
of them on their snow machine as we contemplate winter sports.
Healthcare crisis is a crisis of participatory democracy
- Monday
January 31, 2000
Not cost cutting or underfunding, Mario deSantis puts the blame on the bosses for
mismanagement. This little editorial holds the key to solving healthcare woes and
high taxes.