Chronological Index of Ensign
Articles for
July of 2000
Canada Day 2000
- Saturday
July 1, 2000
Today we keep you up-to-date on celebrations here in Tisdale.
By the week
June 25 to July 1
July 2 to 8
July 9 to 15
July 16 to 22
July 23 to 29
July 30 to Aug 5
Melfort Spray Pilot Dies After Crash Thursday
- Saturday
July 1, 2000
Tragic death to agricultural pilot in the hot humid air South West of Star City.
Race Day
- Saturday
July 1, 2000
Silvertown Raceway is open for business this afternoon with races starting at 6:00
- Sunday
July 2, 2000
Today the sun shines, temperatures are low but improving as the town seems desserted
with so many people away enjoying this first long weekend of the summer.
Research, Reputations
and Responsibility
- Sunday
July 2, 2000
Friday the Canada Research Council announced at a Saskatoon press conference the
expansion of a bio-technical building at the University of Saskatchewan. In this
report Timothy Shire questions the validity of the university and identifies why
it is devalued.
Parkland Photography Club June 28th Meeting
- Sunday
July 2, 2000
See this month's theme picture winners and read Gerald Crawfords report of the club's
wind up meeting and field trip of the year.
Home Office Moving To Tisdale
- Monday
July 3, 2000
Basement work begins today on a project on the Town's West side as a rural based
trucking company decides to move to town. This page includes a 90 degree QuickTime
panorama of the site and takes just over a minute to download.
The GreenWater Report for July 3, 2000
- July 3, 2000
This week Gerald Crawford brings us up to date on the happens at Greenwater Provincial
park as there is a chill on Canada Day but sand sculture contest, nature and biking
are still making news.
We Don't need more researches on SGI's
no-fault insurance
- Monday
July 3, 2000
Mario deSantis considers the remarks by U of S head of medical research, Barry McLennan
and refutes his plea for more research as Mario points out this now a political matter.
1776 A Prairie Perspective
- Tuesday
July 4, 2000
This morning some Tisdale pictures (the one above taken at 8:30 this morning) and
thoughts on the American revolution.
- Tuesday
July 4, 2000
This story gives you the main points that people are making as they object to the
no-fault insurance programme of SGI and provides you with the entire transcript of
the Prince Albert hearing on June 10. The story highlights the main points to consider
in the transcript.
Confusion Aloft
- Wednesday
July 5, 2000
At long last my replacement Digital Camera is here and we can rest from video images.
Today we take a look at last nights turbulent sky as a series of storms passed us
. This story includes a 90 degree QuickTime panorama.
Time To Go
- Wednesday
July 5, 2000
UGG begins the process of removing and clearing the elevator site near the intersection
of highways #3 and #35 with the moving of the storage shed today.
Saskatchewan Lily
- Wednesday
July 5, 2000
Here are two pictures of some of Saskatchewan's provincial flower.
Marching Along
- Thursday
July 6, 2000
Rain halts this morning just after 7:30 as this picture looks East across a headed
out field of Durham. See the magnificent anvil formation that left hail in White
Fox yesterday.
Who cares of being left or right
- Thursday
July 6, 2000
Mario deSantis laments the loss of freedom and wonders why the historical labels
continue to be used.
A Thing of Beauty
- Thursday
July 6, 2000
A house and a hanging basket of flowers make it into that special category of things
of beauty this morning.
Friday, and there is hope
- Friday
July 7, 2000
After what seems like days of continuous thundershower activity this morning begins
with only reminents of storm clouds to the South.
By The River
- Saturday
July 8, 2000
Let's take a walk down to the river's edge.
Dr. Cassidy's study: another
fraud and no one has run with the money!
- Saturday
July 8, 2000
Mario deSantis explains why we can not ignore the Cassidy study and defense of it
because of the greater significance to all.
City Hospital
- Sunday
July 9, 2000
This morning we take a look at the grand and interesting images of Saskatoon's City
hospital. This story will be posted around eleven this morning, thanks for dropping
by Ensign this morning.
Shetland Sheltie Sheep Dog
- Sunday
July 9, 2000
Outstanding friend and companion, that's what people describe their Shelties as and
here is some information about the breed and a couple of pictures.
Into His Hands
- Sunday
July 9, 2000
The rain and storms of this past week have dominated the news because of the affects
on this year's crop. Timothy Shire reflects on the growing conditions West of Melfort.
Chanh Tam Temple
- Sunday
July 9, 2000
A glimpse of cultural diversity on West 22nd Street in Saskatoon.
Sunset In the City
- Sunday
July 9, 2000
Take a look at some pictures as Saturday ended in Saskatoon.
Services for House # 5
- Monday
July 10, 2000
The town crew began installing water and sewer service lines to the new house site
on the South West side of town this morning cutting that exit off while the work
The Greenwater Report for July 10, 2000
- Monday
July 10, 2000
Gerald Crawford tells us about fearful storms, Joni Mitchell, the Alliance election
and the visitor's centre at the park.
Sailor's Delight
- Monday
July 10, 2000
Last night's glowing sky contrasted with this morning's dull news.
Spontaneous Destruction
- Tuesday
July 11, 2000
Sinday night this camper trailer used as project headquarters on construction projects
for Silverton Construction, burst into flames and was destroyed.
Saskatchewan Economic Priorities: Education,
then lower taxes and not more Phoney Research
- Tuesday
Juy 11, 2000
Mario deSantis discusses the key elements needed to boost the Canadian economy.
Capital "I" Industries
- Tuesday
July 11, 2000
Join us as we visit a farm based manufacturing business twelve miles South of Tisdale.
Fairweather Cumulus
- Wednesday
July 12, 2000
These three pictures above show yesterday's "fairweather cumulus" formation
that was passing over head. Today we have some information on clouds and what they
Takin' the dog for a ride
- Wednesday
July 12, 2000
Check out the Shih Tzu, a tiny little toy dog that wins the hearts of every owner.
The First Economic Priority is for Ourselves
to look in the mirror
- Wednesday
July 12, 2000
Mario walks us through the need for us to examine the basics as he points out the
strength in democracy is an informed and educated public.
Fields of Gold
- Thursday
July 13, 2000
Its that time of the year when across the prairies the yellow fever hits as the canola
fields blast their golden flowers as far as the eye can see.
- Thursday
July 13, 2000
Let's check out the bullet proof byplane Ag-Cat.
Some days they dig them up, today they fix them
- Thursday
July 13, 2000
Town workers are patching the streets today fixing pot holes and broken pavement.
Cenotaph Park In Flower
- Friday
July 14, 2000
With the sky filled with cloud it seems appropriate to brighten our day with a look
at some flowers.
Hive Harvesting
- Friday
July 14, 2000
Sweet business, honey gathers stop in town on their way to the fields this morning
with 240 empty boxes to be switched with full ones.
Premier Roy Romanow: a Magician?
a Saviour? a Cheater?
- Friday
July 14, 2000
Mario deSantis takes a thorough look at some of the claimed successes of the premier
and things are not looking good.
- Saturday
July 15, 2000
This picture shows the penitrating shafts of light this morning at 0900 and in the
story are some remarkable images from last night's Japanese sunset.
Honourable Dwain Lingenfelter:
Love for money stronger than love for politics
- Saturday
July 15, 2000
Mario deSantis reports the confirmation of the former deputy premier's new job.
Pandemonium and no principles in health
- Saturday
July 15, 2000
Deficits, lay-offs and secret principles confuse the operations of the health districts
as Mario deSantis attempts to explain why things simply can't work.
Wild Wind Ruffles
- Sunday
July 16, 2000
This tree in Lion's park was one of the many casualties Saturday as wind velocities
exceeded forty knots however major damage avoided.
Good Neighbour Sam
- Sunday
July 16, 2000
Doing his best to help out this was one of those "oh oh" moments.
A Governmental Jungle in Saskatchewan
- Sunday
July 16, 2000
Mario deSantis discusses the importance and appropriateness for our quest for freedom
and self determination.
That Was Close
- Monday
July 17, 2000
Temperature fell to a mere 2 degrees at about 3:30AM while over at Hudson Bay it
slipped below the zero point.
- Greenwater Report for July 17, 2000
July 17, 2000
Once again Gerald Crawford brings us up to date on the events at the park as this
past week was the bike ride, Saskatchewan Express and a variety night. He also tells
us about carnivorous squirrels.
Farmers Market Today
- Tuesday
July 18, 2000
Two farm boothes open today but the quality of products is truly remarkable.
Heritage Road
- Tuesday
July 18, 2000
Rain last night left this West side road in a muddy condition this morning as the
gravel is wearing thin and the mud expanding.
House Number 6
- Tuesday
July 18, 2000
A picture of the sixth house under construction this year in the community.
Greenwater Updates
- Tuesday
July 18, 2000
Gerald Crawford has provided some additional pictures that go with recent Greenwater
And the Trucks Just Keep On Coming
- Wednesday
July 19, 2000
And coming and coming, we are being overwhelmed with "B" trains and then
some. Stories like this have been told before but must be told over and over again
for us to realise the consequences of in-action.
Premier Romanow's Government:
Skewing Information and Keeping from Learning
- Wednesday
July 19, 2000
Looks bad for Regina as the number one crime centre in Canada but the minister of
Justice sees it differently.
Banging Along
- Wednesday
July 19, 2000
Here is a progress report on the new homes under construction in Tisdale this summer
with pictures taken this morning and some from last Thursday.
On The Job
- Wednesday
July 19, 2000
Town of Tisdale is into cleaning and sprucing things up.
Phillips Seeds
- Thursday
July 20, 2000
Independent farm based seed plants are playing a vital role in modern agriculture.
Government of Saskatchewan' Hog Venture:
relaxing pollution and labour standatrds in the name of agricultural diversification
- Thursday
July 20, 2000
Mario deSantis points out the lack of logic and common sense in the provincial government's
decision to subsidise the commerical hog industry.
Still Cookin'
- Friday
July 21, 2000
Tisdale Alfalfa is working its way through the summer. Today we find out how they
are doing.
Survivor is just a game and it is not
a human laboratory
- Friday
July 21, 2000
Pictures and commentary on the hottest television show of the summer, plus links
to CBSs home page.
Alternate Universe News: Public Service Announcement
- Friday
July 21, 2000
Our intrepid reporter dispells myths about what is good and bad as we all have to
deal with miss-information since the arrival of aliens and now the threat of cranial
Road Show
- Friday
July 21, 2000
Coping with a wet year the town responds to the needs of the summer's climate.
Porcupine Plain
Dealt Body Blow
- Saturday
July 22, 2000
Porcupine Plain had considerable pride in the wonderful little cafe that made specialty
pasteries and represented that special small town spirit. Gerald Crawford fills us
in on the devastating fire that cooked main street.
Doug Elliot's indicators of economic reality
are not validated
- Saturday
July 22, 2000
Mario deSantis explains the unusual error of a Saskatchewan statistician who says
the public have it wrong, things are good.
Custom Pickup
- Saturday
July 22, 2000
A photo essay in praise of a pretty pickup.
- Darlene and Allan Celebrate Quarter Century
- Sunday

July 23, 2000
Today we share in a couple's twenty-fifth wedding anniversary with lots of pictures,
this articles takes a little time to download because it has a 20KQuicktime
Greenwater Report for July 24, 2000
- Monday
July 24, 2000
Gerald Crawford gets us the scoop this week on the Porcupine fire, a stray cat and
bison. This morning's front page picture is by Gerald Crawford.
Studies Conclude That Natives are Vulnerable
to Gambling Addiction
- Monday
July 24, 2000
Common sense and the realisation that poverty and disadvantage play such a major
role in producing the conditions that lead to gambling and substance abuse.
Watch Out For Blue-Green Algae
- Monday
July 24, 2000
Mario deSatnis tells us about losing his dog to the algae bloom that can occur in
many of Saskatchewan's lakes and streams this time of year.
Diversification of Rural Saskatchewan:
A dumping ground for huge hog producers
- Monday
July 24, 2000
Suspicion and concern continues to be voiced by those wondering what is prompting
the Government of Saskatchewan to subsidise Big Sky of Humboldt.
Behold this sky, it is a gift sent only once
- Monday
July 24, 2000
Last night's sunset seen in a series of still images and a QuickTime VR panorama
to liberate your mind as well as your eyes.
Another Tuesday, Another Market Day
- Tuesday
July 25, 2000
This morning another peek at the farmers market today, wow! a dollar a bag at the
Star City Hutterite table!
What's In A Name
- Wednesday
July 26, 2000
Zellers is back on August 6 and the transistion is close to complete.
Grumman American
- Wednesday
July 26, 2000
Remarkable modern general aviation aircraft pointed the way to inexpensive production
for all aircraft.
96Th Street
- Thursday
July 27, 2000
Looking South down 96th Street and for the first time their is a house there this
The common sense of University professors
Richard Gray and Michael Freeman
- Thursday
July 27, 2000
Two professors reply to governmental statistical propoganda, with a simply comment
, the other with a new study to really get to the bottom of a problem.
The system is
not more worth than one person's rights
- Thursday
July 27, 2000
The good of the system must not ever subvert the rights of the individual as that
will in fact destroy the system.
New House #7
- Friday
July 28, 2000
The numbers continue to rise as the summer of 2000 proves to be adequate as new homes
are built or relocated in Tisdale.
Golden Age Centre Moves to TUCs Field
- Friday
July 28, 2000
The seniors group organising the new Centre have decided to move their project closer
to downtown, but not without some discention.
Evidence is developing against the two
huge hog projects
- Friday
July 28, 2000
Mario deSantis links the bad planning for water on the Rama project and the results
of a hearing into the deaths of workers in a hog barn as evidence of what we can
expect from the government and the developer.
Thar Be Scotts Aplayin'
- Saturday
July 29, 2000
Friday midday, a concert of Scott music on the shady side of cenotaph park.
- New House #8
July 29, 2000
The numbers rise as one house after another is constructed in Tisdale.
Simplicity, common sense and the unreasonable
behaviour of Greg Trew
- Saturday
July 29, 2000
Today Mairo deSantis discusses the issue of reasonable behaviour and how allies need
to support each other if progress is to be obtained.
Fields of Promise - End of July
- Sunday
July 30, 2000
Today we take a look at the crops in the field. This Canola crop sits with a giant
storm in the background was taken yesterday afternoon.
Thunder Chickens Vs. BowMar Blues
- Sunday
July 30, 2000
God Bless the inventory of coed slow pitch baseball. Today tournaments in Tisdale
and Porcupine Plain and perhaps numerous other communities, as people of all ages
get out in the sun and enjoy the time together.
- Monday
July 31, 2000
The jubilant decoration of a yard can go beyond prettiness and venture into pure
fun. This morning we look at such a yard.
The Greenwater Report For July 31, 2000
- Monday
July 31, 2000
Once again Gerald Crawford keeps us up to date on the magpies, campgrounds and adventures
at Greenwater Park.
- Monday
July 31, 2000
Time to rebuild the aging sidewalk beside the bakery.