Chronological Index of Ensign Articles for
January of 2001

Naught One
January 1, 2001
The spectacle of the first day of the new century is seen here at about 9:30.

By the week

Dec 31 to Jan 6

Jan 7 to 13

Jan 14 to 20

Jan 27 to 21

Jan 28 to Feb 3


On Hernando De Soto, a mechanical economist, and Douglas McGregor, a humanist at work
January 1, 2001
Mario deSantis gives us some insight into the views of the world held by two of the world's most important economists and consultants.
The Second Day
January 2, 2001
New Years day has become a very important family day with us and its affect remain with us for a year to come.
The Greenwater Report for January 3, 2001
January 3, 2001
Gerald Crawford is back with tales of Great Grey Owls and Coyotes, snow and ice fishing. Great to be able to pass this along to you.
The Genius of Douglas McGregor
January 3, 2001
Mario deSantis gives us more information about the American economist Douglas McGregor who died in 1964, but left his mark on the business world.
January 2001, the Reprieve
January 4, 2001
These pictures were taken on Wednesday but the same remarkable weather continues today. "But we'll pay for it."
January 5, 2001
A reasonable farm truck of its day when a long haul was five miles.
SHIN's purpose: to wrangle for the tapping of governmental money!
January 5, 2001
Mario deSantis keeps posted on the continued process of development and money absorption by this huge government agency.
Our financial speculators: making money out of an optimistic view of the economy
January 5, 2001
We need to see the recent drop in US interest rates by the Federal Reserve Bank with some perspective. Mario deSantis has taken time to give us his view on this unusal move in the world's economy.
The New Camera
January 6, 2001
It was of huge importance, I got a Kodak camera for Christmas and this picture of my brother and sister was number six on its first roll of film. It was 1961.
Cold Feet
January 7, 2001
A Chicago father wants to make sure his children can enjoy skating outdoors without getting cold feet. Here is the solution.
Playing With the Boys
January 8, 2001
It looks like great fun and yet this is an activity we need to think through. Here is a look at the sport from a psychological point of view.
No more Common Law and no more personal responsibility for our politicians
January 8, 2001
What about Stockwell Day's recent law suit settlement? Mario deSantis gives us his opinion.
Excellent Timing
January 8, 2001
"Look mom, the front wheel fell off!"
A thought on imagining and on predicting our reality
January 8, 2001
Mario deSantis considers the way we think about things and the way we feel things should be.
Ho Hum The Sun Doth Come
January 9, 2001
A look at this morning's sunrise and a discussion about Environment Canada. This story includes a QuickTime VR panorama.
One In Every Six People In Saskatchewan Is Hurting!
January 9, 2001
Low estimate put the number of people in Saskatchewan suffering from chronic pain at about the same number of people who live in Moose Jaw. Carey Heilman explains the need to establish a clinic and committee to deal with this issue in our province.
Research Topic: Witch Hunts
January 9, 2001
A history teacher wanted to do some class research on these topics, here are some pages that give some good information on this important topic.
Research Topic: The Black Death
January 9, 2001
A history teacher needs some locations for information on the Black Plague of the middle ages.
Who Quest
January 10, 2001
A snowy owl makes a disappearance. Pictures of last afternoon's sunset and a quest for an owl.
Did You Learn Anything?
January 10, 2001
A short editorial about the direction society seems to be headed.
A review of the book: "SYNCHRONICITY: The Inner Path of Leadership"
January 10, 2001
Mario deSantis presents a short but concise review of this widely acclaimed work on responsible leadership.
Revolution In Sound
January 12, 2001
Its been happening steadily and in a continous stream but now its time to see where we have reached and what it means.
January 12, 2001
High speed Internet Access comes to FTLComm. (sounds of Hallalulia Chorous can be heard echoing in the background)
Solid Fuel
January 12, 2001
Energy conservation and management now become major issues as fuel prices continue high.
Silver Crust
January 13, 2001
All of Saskatchewan has the glint of frost crystals on its trees, here is our contribution with some images of this display from this morning.
Depravation of Leadership, No Freedom and No Justice System in Saskatchewan
January 13, 2001
Mario deSantis voices his serious concerns about the apparent and growing restrictions on the fundamental elements of life in our province.
January 13, 2001
Two new very important letter to Ensign are published to day.
January 14, 2001
Carey Heilman explains the simplicity of making your views known and how by asserting oneself individuals can change things.
The Gentle Winter
January 15, 2001
Mild temperatures and absence of storms makes this yet another in a string of moderate winter seasons.
The major problem of health care: the open loop thing of our leadership
January 15, 2001
Mario deSantis lets us in on some important new, the crumbling Medicare system does not need fixing it needs "system thinking."
January 16, 2001
Ensign is not getting its full treatment today as we are in the process of upgrading its internal structure. This will not affect readers but will improve the ease of maintaining this very large site. There will be times today when various parts of the site are not available.

Update : Jan 18 -
The reorganisation process for Ensign has been a bit of a larger problem then was originally expected. However, at last the end is in site as the whole site was uploaded over night and will return to normal operations tonight sometime.

It was an interesting process. We have moved large files before up to 40 MB but moving a file over the Internet that is 300MB posed some interesting problems. Because of long periods of upload disruptions caused by normal computer activity could cause major reversals and wipe out hours of uploading. After about six hours of uploading last night the receiving server filled up and the process had to be restarted using another directory with room.

However, all of these experiences go toward better understanding the process which will no doubt be repeated in the future. It is now a given fact of life that we all will work with bigger and bigger files. When we first began using a computer a 4K file was reasonable, 100K was unheard of and the exponential growth of file sizes and data we move with such ease continues to be one of the most important issues in this continuing developing technology.
The Wind Came Back
January 17, 2001
Here is a picture essay of the ground drifting and setting sun of late yesterday.
SaskPower Women's Northern Championship
January 17, 2001
Everything is ready for the four day Northern Women's curling play downs to select four teams to go the provincial championship in Estevan.
Custom Blast
January 17, 2001
Northern Steel gets some help to catch up on its backlog of used tanks needed refurbishing.
A Rose By Any Other Name
January 18, 2001
We look at the subtle manipulations of reality that are characterised by financial institutions and their abuse of language. These accepted speech patterns betray a potentially deceptive sense of denial and distortion in the minds of those who work in these forms of institutions.
First Draw Sees Women's Northern Underway
January 19, 2001
The competition began Thursday with lots of spectators on hand and what seemed like as many officials as players.
Stockwell Day's Settlement Increases The GDP
January 19, 2001
Mario deSantis discusses the $60,000 settlement and $669,000 in legal costs paid by the people of Alberta.
43rd Battalion Cameron Highlanders 1914 -1919
January 19, 2001
Stuart Mclean of Ottawa is looking for artifacts to assist him in writing the history of the Winnipeg unit that distinguished themselves in World War I.
A looming recession triggered by the big financial bubbles
January 19, 2001
Time to check up on what the economists are saying about the possiblity of a recession.
Pentagonia Online
January 19, 2001
Ensign recommended a great family board game for Christmas of 1999 developed by Jacob Zunti of Saskatoon, today we are proud to announce that a computerised version of this great game is now available online.
Pension formula plans:Are actuarial firms told to ass-u-me too much?
January 19, 2001
Now its time that we had a little lesson the nature of pension plans. Mario deSantis outlines the two basic plans and hints at what is really important.
Mini Snowmobiling
January 20, 2001
Dad and his six year old drive the two miles in to town for a snack.
Saturday Morning At The Northern Championship
January 20, 2001
Here are pictures of the event with the draws showing how each team is fairing in the competition.
The Myoptic View of Honourable Maynard Sonntag
January 20, 2001
Mario deSantis takes issue with NDP leadership and Premier candidate Sonntag for his false claims of Saskatchewan employment.
A Dramatic Scenario Of Saskatchewan Changing Demography: The Aboriginal People Are Our Forgotten People
January 20, 2001
Without doubt the need to provide economic and social equality is overwhelming as Mario deSantis spells out how great that need will become.
Just A Touch
January 21, 2001
Sometimes little is more. In this case the subtle touch of hoar frost from the morning fog left a very special but subdued frost cover. Here are some pictures of this version of hoar frost.
The Greenwater Report for January 21, 2001
January 21, 2001
Gerald d Crawford tells us that the Fisherman's Cove has been sold, he also fills us in on Gray Owls, Moose, the weather and a little boy and big fish.
The open loop thinking continues: Taking the Pulse of Saskatoon and Saskatchewan
January 22, 2001
Mario deSantis takes exception to the useless and meaningless survey conducted by the Star Pheonix and U of S done without considering the context.
NDP Leadership Candidates, Answer These Questions
January 22, 2001
Jacob Zunti and his "Liberty League" pose ten questions to prospective premier hopefuls.
Filling a Vacuum
January 23, 2001
With talk of attempting to form a wheat marketing cartel grain selling nations are a long way removed from helping the plight of Saskatchewan farmers attempting to make a go of it growing the once crown of cereal grains.
First More Money, Then Let's Look For Solutions
January 23, 2001
Mario deSantis sent a copy of his article on Saskatchewan health care : Mississippi Burning in 1964, to Federal Minister of Health Allan Rock. Yesterday Mario got a reply and we thought we should share it with you. (due to reproduction problems the text of the lettter has been re-typed for you)
Share Your Vacation On Ensign
January 23, 2001
There are a growing number of regular readers who check up on Ensign once a day or perhaps a couple of times a week but they enjoy the pictures and get a lift out of seeing and reading about happenings in this and other communities. But vacations can be magic and here is a project that could really be fun for Ensign readers as well as being a big help in vacation planning.
CP Repairs Crossing
January 24, 2001
Highway #3 is closed for the morning as railway crews make repairs to the crossing.
Olds To Disappear
January 24, 2001
What will the affects of General Motor's decision to end production of the venerable Oldsmobile be locally and in this province?
Premier Roy Romanow's Legacy: Nine Years of Lying!
January 24, 2001
Mario deSantis reviews the lack of achievement during the Romanow years and assesses them rather harshly. Part of being a politician is to distort reality in your favour, it might be more polite to call that exaggeration but Mario calls it for what he sees it as.
Schapansky Auctions Moves East
January 24, 2001
Relocation from a rental property to a place of their own is a big move for this dynamic local business that attracts thousands of people to the community each year.
Saskatchewan Wheat Corporation: "we-really-are-your-friends"
January 25, 2001
Edwin Wallace summarised the situation as it really is between Saskatchewan's farmers and the formerly farmer owned corporation that everyone used to just call the "Pool".
Parkland Photography Club Meeting for January 2001
January 25, 2001
The winning pictures of children highlight this month's report.
The Triumph of Blowing Snow
January 25, 2001
Here are some pictures that celebrate the gentle ground drift as it reshapes the land even for a short time, but it is unstoppable.
Salt Cake
January 25, 2001
A reminder to keep your vehicle clean as salt on the highways saves lives but is hell on the vehicle's finish.
Just A Little Longer Than Expected
January 25, 2001
It took a couple of hours longer to get the job done but it was no problem for motorists or the CP work crew to get the long angled crossing across highway # 3 repaired yesterday.
Tisdale Wildlife Federation Annual Auction
January 26, 2001
Once again Tisdale merchants have responded to the Federations fund drive for this year as the event is planned for this weekend and the items for sale are outstanding.
SGI Asks For Your Opinion
January 26, 2001
The Crown insurance company wants to know what you think, so here is your chance to express yourself. A simple short survey that seems to want to know real answers.
Dr. Michael Rachlis & Co. Have the paper solution to save medicare: Revitalizing Medicare: Shared Problems, Public Solutions
January 26, 2001
Mario deSantis expresses his concern about Health care experts and their lineal thinking and failure to see the big interacting picture of reality.
Town To Countryside
January 27, 2001
A photo story that takes us through town Friday afternoon and into the country.
Beef Stew Supreme
January 27, 2001
A recipe for the beginning stew maker, a gourmet beef stew with a hat.
Breakfast At Zellers
January 28, 2001
Is it profittable for a store to offer a 99ยข breakfast on Saturday morning? Absolutely!
Premier Designate Lorne Calvert: The Working Man Way and The Coalition Church Way?
January 28, 2001
Mario deSantis attacks the new Premier's acceptance speech. You can see and hear that speech on the CBC web site.
Greenwater Report For January 28, 2001
January 28, 2001
Gerald Crawford tells about the farewell party held for the Moores on Thursday night.
Sobeys' McEwan Explains Reason to Quit Buying From Software Giant
January 28, 2001
Large Canadian food conglomerate dumps SAP after two years but government of Saskatchewan agencies are still solid customers.
January 29, 2001
As rapidly as Northern Steel can make their products they are being shipped as production hustles forward at both plants. This story is about selling that production.
Who is right and who is left, Lorne Calvert or Elwin Hermanson?
January 30, 2001
Mario deSantis examines the political landscape as journalists attempt to quantify the political leanings of various leaders. This exceptionally well documented story gives some outstanding insight into the issue.
Highway #35 South
January 31, 2001
Time to get out of town and see the country air moving by, this story shows the drive twelve miles South and back this morning.
Aaron's Stop Smoking Site
January 31, 2001
As part of a communications class in Sahali High School in Kamloops B.C. Aaron Principle built this excellent web site. The remarkable thing about this site is that it was created just using a text editor and creating the site using html code. Aaron is a student of Michael Townsend and this is the first of three outstanding web projects you will see completed in this class.
Alternate Universe News - Coffee Spills Are Hazardous
January 31, 2001
It has been a while since we heard from things in the alternate universe and our trusty correspondence Harry Kyelman tells us about real signs in this universe that perhaps belong in another.