Chronological Index of Ensign Articles for
August of 1999
- Sunday

August 1, 1999
Now this is a gloomy way to start off the Month. Temperatures dropped to around 5
during the night descending below dew point and hence the formation of cloud right
on the ground.
By the week
August 1 to 7
August 8 to 14
August 15 to 21
August 22 - 28
Camping In Black
and White
- Sunday
August 1, 1999
A look back at a vacation in 1983 and some black and white pictures of a part of
that trip.
Let's Face It
- Monday
August 2, 1999
We all wear one in one form or another, some days I see a lot of people with face
trouble, but this article deals with the human face, our non-verbal communicative
A View From The
- Tuesday
August 3, 1999
This article has two QuickTime VR panoramas in it and takes a few moments to load.
The idea with this article is try to share the visual experience of what Tisdale
and the surrounding countryside is like with people who have never been here or once
lived here and are now only remembering their former community.
- Saddle

- Tuesday
August 3, 1999
A visit to Tisdale's riding stable provides us with some interesting pictures and
information about serious horse care and riding.
Saskatoon Car
- Wednesday
August 4, 1999
Join Michael Townsend at the Saskatoon Car show, this beautiful collection
of images takes a while to download but it is worth the wait.
End Of An Era
- Wednesday
August 4, 1999
The warnings of the development of corporate farms are ten, perhaps twenty years
to late, as it has already happened and the reason government will not support argriculture
is that it is so heavily supporting those companies who will profit from its destruction.
Second Cut
- Wednesday
August 4, 1999
Nine days behind last year Tisdale Dehydration plant has begun its second cut of
the year.
Floor Pouring
- Thursday
August 5, 1999
We are keeping track of this new business as it becomes a reality. This picture was
taken at 8:30.
A Morning Look
- Thursday
August 5, 1999
As I drove around this morning I grabbed some snap shots of life in Tisdale just
before 9:00.
The Best Corn
Patch In Town
- Thursday
August 5, 1999
This remarkable patch of corn in a fine garden is quietly absorbing this great sunlight
as the ears are starting to fill and the folks at Ivory Chateau are going to be smiling
their way through a lot of corn this fall.
From Lawn To Foundation
- Friday
August 6, 1999
Vacation is over for the house on Caribou Crescent that went to the lawn for a couple
of weeks while its new basement was being prepared, today it is back where it belongs.
Flower Wall
- Friday
August 6, 1999
Only a block away there are two houses with what amounts to a wall of flowers.
- Purolator Progess

- Friday
August 6, 1999
Purolator's increased business in the Tisdale area has seen their semi coming directly
to Tisdale rather then the Tisdale trucks having to go to Melfort each morning.
Subterranean Fire
- Friday
August 6, 1999
This is one of those odd little problems that crops up in a housing development.
This Morning's
Loose Ends
- Friday
August 6, 1999
Four single pictures, unrelated to one another but the day would not be complete
without the incidentals.
Pretty Soon
- Saturday
August 7, 1999
Ayear ago today harvest
got underway in ernest in the Tisdale area. This crop photographed this morning against
this clear cool sky will be ready next week.
Everything, Including The Picket Fence
- Saturday
August 7, 1999
Here is a composite picture of a great farm yard North of Tisdale. Picture taken
this morning.
A View From A
- Saturday
August 7, 1999
Some pictures and reflections upon the special nature of Saskatchewan's small streams
and their little valleys.
Alternate Universe
- Farm Crisis
- Saturday
August 7, 1999
Carey Heilman takes us one step further to or from reality to consider the current
farm crisis the provincial government's response.
Up In Smoke
- Saturday
August 7, 1999
Concerns about air quality keep arising as we discover the reduction in spending
on the environment by both provincial and federal governments with emphasis on self
The Long View
- Saturday
August 7. 1999
A quick morning look toward Tisdale.
August 8, 1999
This is the Eastern sky a minute or two before six this morning with an orange sky
as the low level cumulus holds its own under a solid upper overcast. Forcasters are
predicting showers across the province this morning and the chance of some nasty
It Doesn't Get
Any Better!
- Sunday
August 8, 1999
Timothy Shire having enjoyed his breakfast is concerned about the stories in the
morning news and how most could be solved with pancakes.
Damp Monday
- Monday
August 9, 1999
Here is a look at the morning's condition as we start the week with rain and fog.
Farmers Market
- Tuesday
August 10, 1999
Tisdale Farmers market is open this morning with great products and prices.
Grand Opening
- Tuesday
August 10, 1999
Tisdlae Livestock Center launches its business today with its grand opening and first
Big Sale Tomorrow
- Tuesday
August 10, 1999
Schpansky Auction Sale tomorrow and work is going full tilt to get the grounds and
equipment in position fo rhe sale.
New Business Opens
In Tisdale Livestock Center
- Tuesday
August 10, 1999
Livestock supplies and Western clothing are some of the products in one of Tisdale's
newest businesses.
Snorkle At The
- Tuesday
August 10, 1999
A couple of pictures showing the laying of the large concrete floor in the new condo's
parking area/garage.
UGG Celebrates
Grand Opening at Valparaiso
- Wednesday
August 11, 1999
Saskatchewan Express highlights the festivities at UGGs opening party yesterday.
Things I Have
- Wednesday
August 11, 1999
Old age and confusion do not stop the learning process, I am constantly being surpirsed
at simple facts that I need or enjoy knowing.
Auction Tales
- Thursday
August 12, 1999
We sample the Auction sale experience with some pictures and a tale or two.
SGI Promotes Safety
- Friday
August 13, 1999
Today we learn about SGIs safety programme at the mall and some concerns are voices
about bicycle safety.
Preston's Dilemma
- Friday
August 13, 1999
Phillip Lindenbach, the noted political commentator from Weekes pokes some fun in
verse at Preston Manning and the United Alternative.
Cool Time at Carnival
- Friday
August 13, 1999
Cool temperatures lower attendance at Mall parking lot carnival.
August 14, 1999
This picture shows the morning sky at 6:30 with expected showers in Southern Saskatchewan
today but warmer. Ensign will not be posting any new articles later today or tomorrow
as we are taking this weekend off. Will have new material on Monday. In the mean
time check out the pre-release of the iMac
a year ago today and a rural
cemetary was featured a year ago today.
TUCs Days Are
- Saturday
August 14, 1999
The old high school is soon to be torn down. Friday the external doors were removed.
A Summer Place
- Monday
August 16, 1999
Here is a visit to a summer dwelling for a retired couple as we can look around their
yard using QuickTime VR.
Its Happening
- Monday
August 16, 1999
Sometimes things get ahead of themselves and this year once again its the trees.
This picture was taken at 9:30 this morning and though you have to look close it
is turning colour and some commentary on trees seasons and diversification in agriculture.
So, What's Happening
This Morning?
- Tuesday
August 17, 1999
A quick look at various projects in the community this morning updating you on their
latest developments in pictures.
Sidewalk Overhaul
- Tuesday
August 17, 1999
Sidewalk refurbishing goes downtown. This morning the dig is on despite the light
misty rain falling.
- Wednesday
August 18, 1999
Bugs in a canary seed field are eliminated from the air. This page has a lot of pictures
and will take a few moments to load.
Death Before Harvest
- Wednesday
August 18, 1999
Most agricultural chemical application is done on the ground.
Down With Carraganas
- Wednesday
August 18, 1999
New autobody shop owner cleans up his property by removing the aging and tangled
58 Chevy
- Wednesday
August 18, 1999
Here is a look at a great original car from the golden age of automobile manufacturing
This article has been updated Aug 21/99
Tisdale Lube Expands Carwash
- Wednesday
August 18, 1999
Shell downtown added carwash to business.
Madison's First
- Wednesday
August 18, 1999
The growth of a building is an interesting thing because buildings can be around
for a long time.
Volunteers Cut Field
- Thursday
August 19, 1999
At 8:30 this morning this is what was going on in front of our place as volunteers
cut the football field.
The New Car
- Thursday
August 19, 1999
A 1928 Model "A" Ford might not be everyone's new car but for one Tisdale
car restorer this one will join his collection and in due course it will become like
Short By 99
- Thursday
August 19, 1999
Two Dalmatians take their owners for a walk.
August 20, 1999
Last night's sunset tells this morning story of an overcast sky. However it is very
warm and the wind is calm. Ensign will have a couple of new stories later this morning
so come on back and take a look around later today.
- Friday
August 20, 1999
Northern Steel Industries holds an event to show off to fertilizers companies its
new automated cardlock system, today.
Downsizing and the City of Saskatoon
- Saturday
August 21, 1999
City Manager hired as a hatch man is himself axed. No justice involved, just confusion.
I'm Three
- Saturday
August 21, 1999
The last weekend of the summer for many kids and teachers. This article and others
will appear later this morning. In the mean time check out the article on Beeland Coop that is now used as instructional material
in a Minnesota University, it originally appeared in Ensign a year ago today.
- Saturday
August 21, 1999
On the road again, that's the life of a dog. Making friends.
Looking Very Good
- Sunday
August 22, 1999
A look at a yard or two in the South part of Tisdale as we see great colour coordination
and fabulous apple trees.
- Sunday
August 22, 1999
This picture was taken yesterday afternoon as we saw the creation of instant clouds.
Monday's Blue
- Monday
August 23, 1999
A general run down of this morning's happenings.
Fripp Alfalfa
- Monday
August 23, 1999
Fripp Fibre Form building is now being used as a storage facility for Tisdale Alfalfa
On Your Mark
- Monday
August 23,1999
School buses are readied for the coming year as questions are raised about the soundness
of this concept.
Has Bin
- Monday
August 23, 1999
Three new grain bins were seriously damaged early Sunday morning.
Harvest 99 Begins
- Tuesday
August 24, 1999
Harvest fever is about to take hold of Tisdale as swathing is in full swing and there
are even some fields that have already been combined.
Uphill flow
- Tuesday
August 24, 1999
What started as a simple repair to a house sewer line turns into an all day affair
as a telephone line is severed.
A Red Harley
- Tuesday
August 24, 1999
Here are some pictures of a marvellous red machine seen on the street yesterday and
some thoughts about this mode of transportation.
One Brick At A Time
- Wednesday
August 25, 1999
Sidewalks and curbs both sides now under construction. Some pictures of work on the
Get Set
- Wednesday
August 25, 1999
Preparations around the elementary school for the coming new school year.
Garden Cleanup
- Wednesday
August 25, 1999
Here is a look at a large garden and how improved tomato production is being induced
by cutting back the tops of the plants.
August 26, 1999
This picture was taken late yesterday afternoon and I thought it sort of has a lot
of the elements that make up this community. From the grain truck to the multiple
signs, pedestrians and traffic. The big "X" has always been the sign indicating
a railroad crossing yet here we have an oddball sign, one wonders why?
Winds were brisk overnight and this morning the smell from the alfalfa dehydration
plan is wafting over town.
The Saskatchewan
- Thursday
August 26, 1999
Timothy Shire presents his opinions on the provincial election and the platform set
forth by the government. His main point is that platform and policy are not what
is said but what has been done.
More Smoke
- Thursday
August 26, 1999
Tisdale Dehydration's bale stack bursts into flames a second time in five days
SaskEnergy Closes
Main Street
- Friday
August 27, 1999
SaskEnergy closes Main Street Thursday replacing the line under the railway crossing.
The Portal
- Friday
August 27, 1999
The gates we pass through mark out passage to new experiences.
One Good Hole Deserves Another
- Saturday
August 28, 1999
Friday Main street in Tisdale was closed as everyone got into the hole making act.
I recommended all pedestrians be given shovels.
End of An Era
- Saturday
August 28, 1999
K & E, the restaurant at the corner of Tisdale's busiest intersection closes
its doors today as its owner retires.
And More. .
- Saturday
August 28, 1999
Pioneer and Louis Dreyfus have new facilities under construction.