Chronological Index of Ensign Articles for
January of 1999
Tisdale RecPlex
January Schedule
- Friday
January 1, 1999
Find out what's happening on the January calendar of events.
By the week
January 1 to 2
January 3 to 9
January 10 to 16
January 17 to 24
January 24 to 30 & 31
Tisdale Heads
Into The Last Year of the Century
- Friday
January 1, 1999
Here is a QuickTime VR panorama of Tisdale from its outskirts with some reflections
about its past year and the next.
1999 New Year Predictions
- Friday
January 1, 1999
Vowing not to do it the impulse was to strong and yet another New Year predictions
have been produced. Each picture has a link.
The Best of Christmas Lights
- Saturday
January 2, 1999
Some great pictures of a few houses but an interesting set of animatied gif images
of a yard in daylight and at night.
- A
Brief History of Accounting: From Prehistory to the Information Age

- Sunday
January 3, 1999
Here's your chance to find out about the mysteries of accounting what were its origins
and where is it now. By, James deSantis
The Cruelest Disservice
- Monday
January 4, 1999
Edwin Wallace discusses the Estey report on Western Canada grain handling and the
rather off-handed way it and government view the affects this matter has on the quality
of prairie life.
- Tisdale's
Royal Bank Wins Service Award
January 5, 1999
Tisdale's banks are all excellent service providers and the Royal Bank has recognised
its Tisdale Branch as one of the best in the country.
Get Outside and
Enjoy the Fine Weather
- Tuesday
January 5, 1999
Warmer temperatures after the Christmas cold snap are inviting to get out of the
house and appreciate the fresh air. This article includes a cross country ski report.
- Jennifer's getting a wind up article ready for us.

- After returning from Mexico mid-December Jennifer
Shire is putting together her pictures and recollections for an article or series
of articles on what its like going to college in a land as different as Southern
Mexico and the cultural shock of returning home. We hope to see this material in
the coming weeks.
Watch Your Step
- Wednesday
January 6, 1999
Concern and some suggestions to prevent injury when walking on icy and slippery walking
Tisdale's Locomotive
- Wednesday
January 6, 1999
Here since September, Louis Dreyfus has their own locomotive to move cars around
their siding.
Moving Landscape
- Thursday
January 7, 1999
A photo essay for those people who are not familiar with drifting snow. Pictures
of ground drift under shiny skies.
- 1999
SaskTel Mobility Cup, Senior Men's Provincial Curling Championship
- Thursday
January 7, 1999
Competition got underway at the RecPlex Wednesday tickets are $8 a day or $25 for
the week event. Scores updated after each draw on this page.
- MacWorld
Expo In San Francisco Esta
blishes New Computer Trends
- Thursday
January 7, 1999
This is a complete report on the major announcements at the MacWorld conference with
some indicates as to how this will affect public computer products in general.
Arborfield Alfalfa
Dehydration Plant's Bail Stack
- Friday
January 8, 1999
Large quantities of sun dried alfalfa bails surround the Arborfield Dehydration plant.
A Cold January
- Friday
January 8, 1999
A discussion about the seasonally normal cold weather we are experiencing.
Carrot River Roman
Catholic Church Destroyed By Fire
- Friday
January 8, 1999
The beautiful and modern Carrot River church has vanished following a mysterious
fire Christmas Day.
John William Head
Memorial Education Centre Renovations
- Friday
January 8, 1999
Five classrooms operate in the middle of a major overhaul of the Red Earth High School.
Students attended extended day classes and even night classes to keep up with their
The Red Earth
- Saturday
January 9, 1999
Back on August 6, 1998 Ensign had an article on trees and mentioned a special tree
on the Red Earth reserve. Here it is, pictures of this unusual tree.
- .
Red Earth - Builds
Its Own Future
- Saturday
January 9, 1999
The pictures tell the story of renewal and positive outlook toward a brighter future
for this reserve East of Nipawin.
Championship Final
This Afternoon
- Sunday
January 10, 1999
SaskTel Mobility Cup, Senior Men's Provincial play-off wraps up this afternoon with
the final game between Ray Field of Melfort and Al Kehler of Regina's Highland club.
Bureaucratic Incompetence
and Talks Between CUPE and SAHO
- Sunday
January 10, 1999
Mario deSantis returns to Ensign today with a pointed and sharp comment about the
negotiations and situation threatening health care in the province.
Snow Forts
- Monday
January 11. 1999
Nostalgia and memories of school yard fun are being made at Tisdale Elementary.
Frosty Chimneys
- Monday
January 11, 1999
A safety reminder about the build up of ice on natural gas chimneys and vents warning
about the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning from poor combustion.
The Retail Environment
- Tuesday
January 12, 1999
A QuickTime VR look around Extra Foods at their new addition of signs
and what that means for the consumer.
New Technologies
Make A Difference
- Wednesday
January 13, 1999
This article explains how the most recent developments with computers and servers
can impact on education and the learning environment.
- Town Gathers Fuel For Annual Bonfire
January 14, 1999
Discarded Christmas trees are gathered for fire in February.
Louis Dreyfus
Expands Number of Terminals
- Thursday
January 14, 1999
Grain company announces Wednesday its expansion to Aberdeen Saskatchewan giving it
four locations in this province.
Cold Snapped -15
January 14th Morning
- Thursday
January 14, 1999
A picture of the sunrise and a comment about the rapid change in temperatures.
- Friday
January 15, 1999
A photo-essay of a sample of trucks met at the 4-way stop at the junction of highways
35 and 3 at Tisdale.
- Saskatchewan
Wheat Pool CEO Leroy Larson Looking
Toward Retirement
- Saturday
January 16, 1999
Edwin Wallace expresses his opinions about the Wheat Pool's declining
popularity and the unsettling trends in Canadian grain marketing.
- Some
Observations on Changes Brought by new Technologies in Business and Education

- Sunday
January 17, 1999
Mario deSantis shares with us his understanding of accounting software and how
it can be used by all of us. Mario has packed into this little article a wealth of
important information as well as a set of references that could really help you get
your books under control.
Oh Yeah! Celebrating
- Sunday
January 17, 1999
Warmer weather Friday and Saturday let families and individuals get outside and enjoy
themselves. This photo essay shares that experience.
Winning Streak
Ends After 17 Straight
- Monday
January 18, 1999
Pictures and details about the Rambler's defeat last night at the hands of the Hudson
Bay Hunters.
The Incompetence
In Dealing with Y2K
- Tuesday
January 19, 1999
Mario deSantis expresses his indignation and deep concern about the cavalier attitude
toward the taxpayer and how the healthcare agencies intend to deal with this serious
Saskatchewan Hockey Provincial Playdowns
- Tuesday
January 19, 1999
On January 14, the provincial association released the draw for this year's play-offs
and Tisdale is competing with four teams. Senior Ramblers, Midget "A", Bantam "A" and PeeWee "A" their draw can be seen by clicking
on the team.
Ensign Has A New
- Tuesday
January 19, 1999
Well sort of, work has begun on creating a thorough and complete index of the material
created so far as part of Ensign, and this project is going to take a while but,
the framework is there and it works even though it only contains a fraction of the
material, but have a look around.
Horny Farming
- Wednesday
January 20, 1999
Perkins Elk Game farm East of Melfort is an interesting example of agricultural diversification.
Several links on last page of article.
- The
culprit of the Y2K Nightmare in Health
Care is plain Corruption!
- Wednesday
January 20, 1999
An authoritative and fully documented report by Mario deSantis
on squandering of funds in healthcare over the Y2K problem.
There Is No Going
- Thursday
January 21, 1999
Some philosophical pondering by Timothy Shire about nostalgia and what it means for
us as we accumulate experience.
Tisdale Wildlife
Federation Auction
- Friday
January 22, 1999
A QuickTime VR panorama of the items in this year's annual fund raising project
with a description of some of the Federation's work.
Saw Logs From
- Saturday
January 23, 1999
Last week the question about where the logs were coming from came up and today we
have the answer.
Truck Driving School
- Saturday
January 23, 1999
Each year course are conducted to train prospective drivers to handle the big rigs
that cruise around, what's left of Saskatchewan's road system. Courses in air brakes
and actual tractor operation are ongoing in Tisdale at this time.
Making Tracks
- Saturday
January 23, 1999
A few pictures and some explanation of the use of motorised snow machines, "Skidoos".

Snowy morning in Tisdale. With -15 and light snow we got out our snowblower to clear
the driveway.
January 23, 1999
About two inches of fresh fluffy snow has fallen over night and continues to fall
(visibility at 10:00 down to less then a mile). The snow cover in the area is very
light so this snow is welcome and the skidoo owners are very happy
Janurary 24, 1999
As you can see it is a "good morning" I truly love the blue shadows on
snow they are subtle and yet more then the absence of light. Though -26 that sun
will warm things up and the wind is gentle from the South. Skidooers are filling
their tanks.
- Thoughts
on Education, Knowledge, Learning and the Internet
January 24, 1999
Ensign is proud to post articles as well researched and yet easy to understand and
apply to our daily world. Mario deSantis gives us some serious food for thought
about the education system today as it points out the positive and progressive means
to making that system better.
January 25, 1999
It is a much gloomier morning then yesterday (pictured above). This morning's grey
sky has high cloud and below that a few long thin layers of stratas cloud but as
sunrise approaches one can see beneath the cloud toward the East which suggests that
it is not as solid as it appears. However some parts of the province do expect snow
later today. Almost balmy -13 this morning with a wind from the South. Enjoy the
Bard's day.
Cassiar British
- Tuesday
January 26, 1999
The majasty of the Canadian cordilleran is illustrated in a series of aerial photographs
of the winter scenes South of Watson Lake Yukon.
January 26, 1999
As you can see above (8:55 this morning) I need to shovel off our sidewalk. Remarkably
calm this morning and promises to be an excellent day.
- Th
Family - In Search Of Ourselves
- Wednesday
January 27, 1997
Timothy Shire tells you about his grandfather's family, their trials and tribulations
as he begins a series of articles on the concept of "the family."
- Another warm but windy day Thursday, January 28,
- Provincial hockey play-off draws are on Ensign they were postedlast week. Check the letters,
an interesting one from Mike Townsend about Cassiar.
A Tisdale House
Decorated With Snow
- Thursday
January 28, 1999
Two QuickTime VRs show off a beautiful Tisdale house now dressed in its winter attire.
Logging Trucks
- Thursday
January 28, 1999
Curiousity arises from the flow of more logging trucks through town these ones coming
from the North.
Ted Tatarynovich
- Thursday
January 28, 1999
At 96 this Crooked River farmer continues to enjoy life and his flock of pigeons.
Loose Ends
- Friday
January 29, 1999
Wildlife Federation's fund raiser tomorrow night, some pictures of trucks and future
Playground Fortress
- Friday
January 29, 1999
There is no adult rationality to play, for it is a thing unto and for itself alone.
Here are some pictures of Tisdale Elementary children enjoying the warmer winter
weather and the new snow that has swept over their domain.
Terminator - The
Seed With One Life and One Life Only
- Friday
January 29. 1999
Edwin Wallace presences a short but chilling message about a technological break
through now owned by Monsanto that could present enormous difficulties for humans
as a living entity.
So That's An Occlusion!
- Friday
January 29, 1999
Here are some pictures of this morning's unusual sunrise and an explanation as to
what you see in the pictures.
The Sun Departs
Leaving the Sky Aflame
- Saturday
January 30, 1999
This page has eleven pictures and takes 48 seconds to download. The pictures are
a sequence of images taken while driving into the sunset Friday afternoon. These
are spectacular digital images with comments about the process.
Let's Talk About
the Weather!
- Saturday
January 30, 1999
What a day! This is what it looks like at 10:00 and the snow is melting. Here is
a short discussion about our obsession with weather conditions.
- Sunday
January 31, 1999
Some interesting pictures of the Bjorkdale area with the moonrising as the sun was
setting Saturday afternoon.
A New Approach
In Learning Mathematics
- Sunday
January 31, 1999
Mario deSantis explains the use of software designed to teach students calculus.
This practical article gives you a look at this software cuts down on the learning
- Sunday
January 31, 1999
So here we are at the end of another month, this new year is already partly used
up. With only a couple of warm days already the snow in the fields is disappearing.
This picture was taken yesterday near Eldersley (East of Tisdale) at 5:30 and shows
the snow cover disappearing.