
Thursday, October 30, 2003 Ensign Front Page Volume 7, No. 109

- Thursday
October 30, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Naicam: Ford sets out to match and exceed the imports
and has redesigned the Windstar. The changes are so significant that it warranted
a name change.
- T
he politics of deception and manipulation
in changing economic structures: Saskatchewan politics, Professor Shadia
Drury and the Bush's Straussians
- Thursday
October 30, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: A University of Saskatchewan Professor has
spotted the problems that stem from political leaders assuming a role as authoritarian
know it alls and what happens when they misslead their followers. This story has
some fascinating ramifications and you owe it to yourself to find out about Leo Strauss
and Professor Drury.
2100 Thursday - Overcast stratocumulus ceiling 2,000, visibility 15, -8º,
wind 12 knots at 350º, altimeter 30.32, snow- WeatherLog
Go to the WebCam page
by clicking on image
Today In Ensign
* Timothy W. Shire - Freestar
* Mario deSantis - Deception
* Timothy W. Shire - Turning
the page |
Today in Ensign years past
- 1 year ago today,
- and story
- 2 years ago today
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- 3 years ago
today, story 2, story 3
- and story 4
- 4 years ago today,
story 2, story
- story 4
and story
- 5 years ago today,
story 2, story
- and story 4
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Tim's Tip of the Day
A fix can be worse by far than the original problem. If you want to have your furnace
and the air handling system in your home cleaned, beware of those who pump a deorderant
into your heating system. The smell will not only stink up your home, but if you
are sensative to petroleum problems or have respiratory ailments, your house will
be the last place on earth you will want to be. For only $160 you can have your house
turned into a contaminated environment with air quality equal to a toxic waste dump.
If you want this for your home, call PowerBrush in Saskatoon 1 877 351
7300. |
Kevin's find of the day
Might Be a Redneck. (PDF)
This ABCnews story by Geraldine Sealey reports on the remarkable comedian who discovered
that being himself, all the time and appreciating the events in his world will not
only make a good life but is funny for everyone. |
Ensign Notes
Due to environmental contamination our office is unsafe and we may not be able to
post Friday or Saturday but hope to be able to get some things up on Sunday night.
Turning the page
- Thursday
October 30, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The moment in time that sees one season become
another is not always clean as we have some years where it is hard to tell what season
it is. This year the changes have been dramatic, no question about when fall arrived
and just as clearly this weekend and the week to come we are seeing winter line up
and walk its way across this part of the country.
When in doubt . . .
- Wednesday
October 29, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: So what was all that unseemly behaviour about?
Some explanation of what was really happening and the winners and losers.
Big Tents, big
Hopes, Big Deal?
- Wednesday
October 29, 2003
by: Ron Thornton
Edmonton: Though many want to see a united conservative
movement in Canada that can provide an alternative to the Liberal party the reality
is hopelessly confusing as Canada's historical and political structure is what it
is and Canada is not the sum of its parts but the sum of Quebec and Ontario.
Tec-Water Supplies
- Tuesday
October 28, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: High tech company moves to its new facility
in downtown Tisdale where it provides processed water and manufactures complete water
systems for farm water purification.
What's fair is
- Tuesday
October 28, 2003
by: Bev Currie
Swift Current: The unusual goings on in Ottawa with
the former Privacy Commissioner definitely caught our attention but there is more
to this story and maybe there is something in it for us, . . . maybe not!
MacKay accepts what he speaks
- Tuesday
October 28, 2003
by: Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls, Ontario: The weekend meetings of the
Progressive Conservative national executive has left the door open for Alliance members
to buy memberships in the party and control the vote on a merger with their own party.
A splendid beginning
- Tuesday
October 28, 2003
by: Matthew Shire
Portage la Prairie: A marvellous set of pictures of
a prairie sunset as seen looking West on the Transcanada highway on October 19th.
Is this NDP Saskatchewan Government a
Jerk? The hiring of SAIC and the protecting of Police Superintendent
Brian Dueck
- Tuesday
October 28, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: Based on the decision by the government to
continue to waste money on the SHIN project and use a United States military contractor
SAIC while still failing to do anything about the mess within the justice system,
Mr. deSantis does not want to see the NDP government re-elected. This story includes
a 936KB video clip.
Friday there was
- Monday
October 27, 2003
by: Timothy and Judy Shire
la Ronge: Driving back to Tisdale from LaRonge the scene
was definitely that of winter.
Regina drying
- Monday
October 27, 2003
by: Matthew Shire
Regina: This is a collection of some pictures in Regina
taken this past week that shows the emptying of lake.
The Greenwater report
- Monday
October 27, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: Snow, more snow and rain
wet down the park a bit but Gerald has time to get to a farmers market, a dinner
theatre, fall supper and Kelvington's Harvest Hoedown.
Tisdale Writers Group celebrates
fifteen year anniversary
- Monday
October 27, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Saturday afternoon the writers of this prestigeous
group did readings from their latest work an anthology for the group.
laRonge sunset
- Monday
October 27, 2003
by: Timothy and Judy Shire
laRonge: These scenes are dramatic and share with us
the moments photographed by Judy Shire last wednesday as the day came to a close.
A new street in
- Monday
October 27, 2003
by: Timothy and Judy Shire
laRonge: Development is the norm in Saskatchewan's most
central Northern centre as it continues to grow year after year and a new street
is being cut through the forest.
Mark Pitzel New Democratic
Candidate for Carrot River Valley
- Friday
October 24, 2003
by: Mark Pitzel
Tisdale: Its about what is important to a civil society
and recognising what is good and how to retain the elements of Saskatchewan life
that make it a good place to live and raise a family. (This page contains a QuickTime
video clip of nearly 6MB but will stream in download.)
Finding Nemo
- Friday
October 24, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire (Images by: PIXAR)
Tisdale: Here is a short review of the very best picture
I have seen this year. Created by PIXAR and distributed by Disney and showing as
a free matinee Saturday and Sunday in Tisdale.
The Free Market needs restructuring and
Conventional Economists need a new mind: People before Money, Employment
before GDP
- Friday
October 24, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: Throughout the world the economic situation
for all developing countries has been a failure for the past twenty years, since
the prominence of the World Bank and the International Monitary Fund with one single
exception, China. This very well researched article with its references exposes the
deep set cause for so much resentment and hostility toward the world's only remaining
First snow of
the season
- Friday
October 24, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: It is inevitable, once a year the snow falls
and after that it tends to fall again and again. It has begun.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Each season this house and yard is transformed into the best display in town, this
picture was taken this evening.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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If you are viewing this page with larger than 12' point text it will definitely be
a mess so set your browser
to the "smallest" print size. This website is designed to be seen on a
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