
Monday, March 8, 2004 Ensign Front Page Volume 7, No. 199

Are we screwed?
- Monday
March 8, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Some things were looking good, there was a
definite good feeling about the direction things were headed in Canada and now a
major and distasteful cloud of gloom has descended upon us in this fragile dominion.
This story is presented in text but also as a QuickTime streaming audio of
The Greenwater
- Monday
March 8, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : The fishing
stories just keep on coming as Gerald brings us up to date on the trail conditions
and how the moose have enjoyed the winter.
Telemiracle breakfast
- Monday
March 8, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : A good sized crowd were on hand Saturday morning
from seven until eleven as the community came out to support the Tisdale Kinsmen
and Kinettes finish off their fund raising this year for the Telemiracle which began
its televised appear Saturday afternoon.
1100 Monday - Scattered cumulus 1/8th 3,000, altocumulus 1/8ths 9,000, visibility
15, 6º, wind 9 knots at 290º, altimeter 30.10 WeatherLog
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Tim's Tip of the Day
There is no basis in past experience or in history that indicates that things always
get better. We have that saying that "things always get better
before they get worse." Pure myth situations and conditions of all
kind are not governed by a positive and negative sign but are occurances that affect
the human condition. Without active and cooperative efforts things will not improve
but as we have seen in the United States can revert quickly to conditions not seen
since the 1920s. |
Kevin's find of the day
Amish man not allowed to return to US (PDF) this Associated
Press seen in the Guardian by Charles Sheehan deals
with a man who came back to Canada to see his sick father but can not return to his
wife and family in Penn because as an Amish he does not have photo ID. The 1997 movie
For Richer or Poorer with Tim Allen took a light hearted look at the
remarkable culture of the Amish. |
Ensign Notes
This web site did not post Saturday or Sunday. |
.Happening In Tisdale:
9:00AM Annual meeting of the Tisdale Farmers Market athe Tisdale Rural Service Centre |
The steady George Bush is no match for
the reflective John Kerry
- Monday
March 8, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The American presidential election is now in full campaign mode and already
the two leaders are decidely different in their approach to things. Kerry thinks
about things Bush deals with all things in his standard Texas way, brash, bold and
Telemiracle Lunch at Beeland
- Friday
March 5, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This is one of many community events
planned by the Kinsmen and Kinette clubs of Tisdale in an effort to raise money for
this year's Telemiracle. The first had been on Tuesday with a bingo and tomorrow
moring its a breakfast at the RECPlex.
The questionable
use of 9/11 images in Bush’s TV ads: Was 9/11 luck or Bush’s No Fault
- Friday
March 5, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : Though many question the appropriate use of images from the 9/11 tragedy
it is far more disconcerting to take into account the actions of the US government
that may or may not have been linked to the event. The commission looking into the
event is not getting much administrative cooperation and there may be a good reason
for that.
Raving about Sex
- Thursday
March 4, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Using the practical and successful approach
to life that our intelligent neighbours the Ravens demonstrate, this is a discussion
about sex education, pro-life and nose in other people's business that seems to revolve
around every discussion about sex and sexuality. Keep in mind that Ravens live a
little more than one third the length of our lives and they too have to deal with
same sex marriage, pre-marital sex and adolescence. When you go to this story you
can listen to it by clicking on the QuickTime arrow beneath the picture at the top
of the page.
The roots of economic
and social divisions:Anti social banking practices and privatisation
- Thursday
March 4, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin : While in the short term there is economic ruin with more problems expected
in the spring but there now is hope. Senator John Kerry will be the Democratic candidate
to face Bush in November and it may be harder this time for him to fix the election.
Bus time at the
Elementary School
- Wednesday
March 3, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Though the recent build up of snow has made
the problem more apparent, the route and movement of buses to and from the Elementary
school continues to be a sore spot with both the neighbourhood and everyone trying
to use the streets both in the morning and at hometime each day.
Learning for a
- Tuesday
March 2, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This afternoon a TMSS class took advantage
of perfect snow conditions, moderate temperatures and the desire to accomplish a
skill that they will be able to do all of their lives. With the Doghide trail just
across the street the conditions were ideal.
Big Dig - Open
Pit Mine in Regina
- Tuesday
March 2, 2004
by : Ken Jones
Regina : Only two weeks left in the huge deepening of
Wascana Lake in the middle of Regina.
Web difficult to unravel
- Tuesday
March 2, 2004
by : Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls : The sponsorship programme began more
than a decade ago and the trail on some of the culprits is pretty cold. It is going
to be interesting to see how much blame will be heeped on Mr. Gagliano.
Regime Change in Haiti:
A Coup By Any Other Name
- Tuesday
March 2, 2004
by : Mark Weisbrot
Washington : So much for all that rhetoric about the United States being a freedom
loving democracy supporting country. The United States backed the murderous dictators
of the past and with the CIA supported terrorism in Haiti to destabilise the government
and finally on Sunday they outright forced the democratically elected leader out
of office.
Looks like a lamb
to me
- Monday
March 1, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Since February 7 it is just another day of
overcast skies. Today there was a little snow this morning to break up the monotony
of the dull sky but the temperature stayed above -5º all day, that pretty much
means that March has once again come in like a lamb.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
March 1, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Time for a trip over to
Manitoba for some hockey and visiting. Our sympathy at the loss of a hard drive.
Little promise
in the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilisation Programme
- Monday
March 1, 2004
by : George Hickie
Waldron : It is ironic that Agriculture Canada put a
rainbow on their page explaining a programme that is pure myth. There is no pot of
gold at the end of the rainbow and for Saskatchewan agriculture there isn't even
a pot to . . . Things are grim and the nature of federal politics suggests that myths
are all that remain.
- Monday
March 1, 2004
by : Cassandra Shire
Winnipeg : Entertainer Rosie O'Donelle learned the hard
way about the down side of not being married when she was involved in a nasty lawsuit
with her magazine publisher. Her spouse for many years was forced to give testamony
since she was not married to Rosie.
Crash report
- Monday
March 1, 2004
by : Timoty W. Shire
Tisdale : Bad things are when you have regrettable consequences,
good things are when you screw up and avoid regrettable consequences.
Motorised sliding
- Sunday
February 29, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : For the past week we have had warm temperatures,
low ceilings and sometimes fog. On Wednesday I spotted these young people enjoying
themselves in the old primary school playground then two adults doing the same leaving
The Orwellian state of Newspeak’s Doubleplusgood:The
intersection of the privatised Rule of Law and Terrorism
- Sunday
February 29, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The black art of deception takes many forms
and it seems that trimming and crafting the terms used to describe things and events
has taken the lead in this never ending struggle to keep ahead of the truth. No part
of a society is left unaffected when the words are the weapons.
Viva Valdy Live
at Last and other stuff
- Sunday
February 29, 2004
by : Donna Bromm
Tisdale : Friday night Valdy and Gary Fjellgaard performed
for an appreciative audience here is what the concert was like.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Saturday morning there was a bit of snow to clean up.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
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