Friday, June 25, 2004 Ensign Front Page Volume
8, No. 16

Don Hovdebo, only candidate to attend all candidate's
forum Thursday night
- Friday
June 25, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : The
Chamber of Commerce All Candidate's forum was cancelled, apparently because a candidate
could not attend but like myself and a dozen or so others Don Hovdobo was unaware
of the cancellation until he got to the RECPLex last night. Find out what
he has to say about equallisation payments and agricutlure in the QuickTime
video clip (1.7MB) in this story.
Greenwater Report
- Friday
June 25, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : The creek is running as deer and other animals of the woods make
their presence known. Gerald's thinking about getting his boat in the water but that
snow last week has had slowing effect on getting the boat launched.
1600 Friday - Broken cumulus 6/8ths bases 4,800, cirrus 1/8th
24,000, visibility 15, 19º, wind 6 knots at 020º, altimeter 30.15 WeatherLog |
Go to the WebCam page
by clicking on image
Today In Ensign
Timothy W. Shire - Don Hovdebo
Gerald Crawford - The Greenwater Report
Joe Hueglin - Question to be asked
Ron Thornton - Orchard with rotten fruit
Joe Hueglin - Untouched issue |
Today in Ensign years past
- 1 year ago today
- 2 years ago today, story 2 and story 3
- 3 years ago today, story 2, story 3
- story
4 and story 5
- 4 years ago today and also
- 5 years ago today and also
- 6 years ago today and also
Ensign Archives
June 2004
2004 |
Contributor's Index -
out about some of the
contributors to Ensign
Tim's Tip of the Day
"Spark plugs!" who ever worries
about spark plugs anymore? They last for a long time. Our car needed them long before
we changed them at 254,000 km. but someone installed cheap non-standard ones in our
van before we bought it and the damage amounted to about $2,000. So get your mechanic
to check your plugs, could save you a lot of money. |
Kevin's find of the day
Racy Allegations
Vs. Illinois Senate Hopeful (pdf) this ABC news
and AP story relates some of the details of divorce of 7of9 from her politician husband
"Jack Ryan". |
Ensign Notes
Vacation, a winter vacation this year with no sign of summer,
hope to post Saturday and Sunday, but no more camping until it warms up. |
.Happenings In Tisdale:
Friday June 25
TMSS Graduation |
Saturday June
Weekes Gymkhana, chariot races, ladies fastball and co-ed slowpitch |
Sunday June 27
Weekes Gymkhana
1:00 Meskanaw/Ethelton 4-H Day |
Monday, June
10:00 - 12:00 & 1:00 - 4:00 Lion's Park FunZone |
Tuesday, June
8:30 Tisdale Farmer's market |
Wednesday, June
7:00 Golden Age Centre, Fiddle and Step Dance Concert |
Thursday July
1 - Canada Day
10:00 downtown pancake breakfast
1:00 music and more at the museum
5:00 burger supper |
Saturday &
Sun, July 3 & 4
Silvertown Speedway Sat. 6:00 Sun. 1:00 |
of Events
A question to
be asked and answered
- Friday
June 25, 2004
by : Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls
: The Conservatives and their leader have indicated that they would like to see more
foreign investment. Perhaps we have heard this line before.
Is One Orchard That Seems To Bare Rotten Fruit
- Friday
June 25, 2004
by : Ron Thornton
Edmonton : In
this article Ron Thornton rebuts an earlier article by David Orchard and in these
two positions we can see the reflection of the political climate of the United States.
Polarisation is by far the most dangerous thing our society. From their perspective
both Mr. Orchard and Mr. Thornton see the issues.
The untouched
- Friday
June 25, 2004
by : Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls
: If you thought Mulroney was bad for Canada, Joe Hueglin warns that you haven't
seen anything yet as the Conservative leader is determined to merge once more.
- Philip
Harper, died August 28th 1944

- Saturday
June19, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Togo : Canadians
went to Europe and Asia in two world wars, many did not come back. This is the story
of one of them who is buried in Caen France and remembered there as well as here
in his home town.
The Great Debates, It Is Now Up To Us To Choose
- Saturday
June 19, 2004
by : Ron Thornton
Edmonton : The
issues make the difference for this writer as he mulls over the options he decides
that his religious convictions and political beliefs come out on top and he has made
his decision.
I'm not voting Conservative
- Saturday
June 19, 2004
by : Patricia Green
The real threat of a conservative victory has many Canadians and non-Canadians as
well very worried. The very fabric of the country is threatened simply because we
are grossly aware of the way things have gone in the United States with this form
of government policy and of course the last Conservative government did so much damage
that our fate as a country may already be doomed.
but no thanks
- Saturday
June 19, 2004
by : Susan Walsh
Mississauga, Ontario
: The Conservative Party bulled its way into existance by bribing the PC leader Peter
MacKay, paying off his campaign debts and it boldly continues to assert that the
whole take over was fair and legal. It has now issued membership cards to members
of the PC party further antagonising already bad feelings.
Say it in an
- Saturday
June 19, 2004
by : Antoinette Martens
Saskatoon : As long as there has been politics there have been political cartoons.
Often these works say far more than the written word as images have a different address
in one's intellect. On this site we have taken some liberty in the past with images
but always in the electronic format, these are done the traditional way.
Bush’s America: lack of moral grounds and consequential violence
- Saturday
June 19, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : It might be called stirring the pot as the President of the United States
desperately wants to hold on to his role. It is neglegent to blame he alone for the
woes of America for indeed his followers must themselves accept responsiblity for
a never ending ever escallating cycle of violence. These people seem bent on murder
and destruction and they are succeeding.
The prime directive
- Saturday
June 19, 2004
by : Kevin McIntyre
Carrot River
: The television science fiction show Star Trek, captured the imagination
and the intellectual curiousity of millions because much of the underlying principles
were worked out over the years examining just what exactly does it mean to be human.
Kevin explores one of the most fundamental principles worked out in the show and
gives us reason to consider it application in our present day world.
Special Place: The Forks
- Wednesday
June 16, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Winnipeg : The
market-place, cultural centre, community meeting place, all of that and then some.
Winnipeg's Forks is one of the most interesting and stimulating place I know of and
almost suggests that we should take a very long look not only what it is but what
it does in terms of bringing a community together. This story has some pictures that
show the way it looks now and includes a QuickTime VR panorama (2.4MB) of the whole
overview of the scene.
Great Sandhills mistake
- Wednesday
June 16, 2004
by : Edwin Wallace
Success : Mr.
Wallace is a bit cranky about the recent decision by the Saskatchewan government
to increase the amount of drilling for natural gas in the Great Sandhills area of
western Saskatchewan. Environmentalists and scientists appear to agree on the ecological
mistake of this decision.
The sacrifice of idealism
- Tuesday
June 15, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Winnipeg : It
is not a pretty sight, neighbours with rival signs on their lawns, in one case a
duplex with opposite signs and mixed into the federal election is the Winnipeg campaign
for a replacement mayor.
A graveyard for
our dreams: why I’m not voting Conservative
- Tuesday
June 15, 2004
by : David Orchard
Borden : This is one of the strongest condemnations of Stephen Harper and his Alliance
Party people who now call themselves by another name. But, David Orchard points out,
in their own words what they are really all about.
The Saskatchewan
Air Show 2004
- Monday
June 14, 2004
by : Matthew Shire
Moose Jaw : Rain and low ceiling dampened the spirits
on this years airshow but many took the chance and went to participate in one of
the best air shows in North America.
Greenwater Report
- Monday
June 14, 2004
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : The cool weather has delayed development of this year's
cropp of wild flowers and if any birdwatchers are tuning in, Gerald has a hummingbird
Doug Saunders of Globe and
Mail: A little bit of hypocrisy is good
- Monday
June 14, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : Ronald
Reagan's death has brought back memories and the experiences of his two terms in
office, Saddam Hussein's buddy as he was called in the Asia Times today. All of this
brings us back to the present and the willingness we all have and seem to continue
to accept rather large doses of hypocrisy.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

In front of the RECPlex Thursday evening at 7:00.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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