Monday, June 14, 2004 Ensign Front Page Volume
8, No. 12

The Saskatchewan Air Show 2004
- Monday
June 14, 2004
by : Matthew Shire
Moose Jaw : Rain and low ceiling dampened the spirits
on this years airshow but many took the chance and went to participate in one of
the best air shows in North America.
Greenwater Report
- Monday
June 14, 2004
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : The cool weather has delayed development of this year's
cropp of wild flowers and if any birdwatchers are tuning in, Gerald has a hummingbird
0800 Monday - Overcast strato fractus 8?8ths,ceiling 700, visibility
15, 17º, wind 11 knots at 080º, altimeter 29.85, light rain WeatherLog |
Go to the WebCam page
by clicking on image
Today In Ensign
Matthew Shire - Saskatchewan
Air Show 2004
Gerald Crawford -The
Greenwater Report
Mario deSantis - little
bit of hypocrisy |
Today in Ensign years past
- 1 year ago today, story 2, story 3
- story 4 and story 5
- 2 year ago today, story 2, story 3
- story 4 and story 5
- 3 years ago today and also
- 4 years ago today, story 2, story 3
- and story 4
- 5 years ago today and also
- 6 years ago today and also
Ensign Archives
June 2004
2004 |
Contributor's Index -
out about some of the
contributors to Ensign
Tim's Tip of the Day
Warning: food acceptable, price reasonable
at Yorkton's Chalet but it is the dirtiest eating place I have ever been in.
Filth is inadequate in describing the condition. |
Kevin's find of the day
Canada recruits
workers from Mexico (pdf)
OLGA R. RODRIGUEZ, of Associated Press explains that Canada has a shortage
of labour and is importing workers from all parts of Mexico. |
Ensign Notes
Posting from Winnipeg today, the place is cold and the air is
still filled with mosquitoes. |
.Happenings In Tisdale:
Doug Saunders of Globe and
Mail: A little bit of hypocrisy is good
- Monday
June 14, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : Ronald
Reagan's death has brought back memories and the experiences of his two terms in
office, Saddam Hussein's buddy as he was called in the Asia Times today. All of this
brings us back to the present and the willingness we all have and seem to continue
to accept rather large doses of hypocrisy.
- Wednesday
June 9, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : The
sun is out and its time to indulge in the reason there is summer. For those of you
who don't know the reason there is summer is so we can enjoy the delight of ice cream.
The Hypocrisy of the Free
Market: Running public policies as private businesses,
the war in Iraq and health care in Canada
- Wednesday
June 9, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : This
story makes the point that perhaps what is at the root of the seemingly endless trouble
we see occurring is the belief by leaders and the acceptance by the public that if
all things were run like businesses all would be well.
on truckin'
- Wednesday
June 9, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Those
big units are crucial to resource, agriculture and manufacturing and today we take
a look at the structure of the business as it occurs in and around this community.
a personal server
- Wednesday
June 9, 2004
by : John Smith
Personal servering is built into the operating system of Macintosh computers but
with a Windows machine you need to obtain the right software and assemble your server.
However, as John explains this is really worthwhile as it lets you move files to
and from your computer over the internet without resorting to e-mail. This story
has the links to get you started.
- Wednesday
June 9, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : The tourist season appears to be on as north bound traffic steadily makes
its way through town. This group were spotted today at noon.
PC Party Candidates
Overlooked in CPC's revocation of memberships
- Wednesday
June 9, 2004
by : Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls, Ontario
:The PC party have nominated a surprising number of candidates, most in Ontario but
three in Nova Scotia and one in Alberta.
- Wednesday
June 9, 2004
by : Kevin McIntyre
Carrot River
: Once again Kevin McIntyre is coming to our rescue with a reading suggestion for
this summer.
Bohemian Waxwing
- Tuesday
June 8, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : So
far a group of five Bohemian Waxwings have been behaving themselves in our back yard
and we have pictures of these boreal forest dwellers who love to eat fruit, but today,
Dalton McGuinty: Disingenuous or delusional?
- Tuesday
June 8, 2004
by : Joe Hueglin
Niagara Fall
: This is one of those, "look who's talking" stories. Joe Hueglin points
out that though McGuinty has caused problems for Paul Martin, it looks like Mulroney
is afoot.
Crabapple Tree
- Tuesday
June 8, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : No
matter how cloudy, or how much rain falls the flowering trees of this season bring
smiles and delight to all who pass by.
9/11 in theatres June 25th
- Tuesday
June 8, 2004
by : Michael Moore
Flint Michigan
: This web site has posted so many stories about the tragic events of September 11
and the wars since. It seems only fitting to highlight the release of film that attacks
the issue and the people who must assume responsiblity for the political instability
shaking most of the world.
Greenwater Report
- Monday
June 7, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : A trip to a petting zoo, relay for life and a remarkable picture
of a rare bird in this part of Saskatchewan.
Reagan's Legacy
- Monday
June 7, 2004
by : Mark Weisbrot
Washington :
It was a turning point in history with both Britain and American lead by reactionary
leaders who produced a world wide recession and the reversal of progress in the third
world. Ronald Reagan may have been popular in his own country but in the world he
was the enemy of ideas of freedom and democracy.
- Monday
June 7, 2004
by : Kevin McIntyre
Carrot River
: How about some summer reading? Kevin has a suggestion, now that you've made it
through Tom Clancy and Clive Cussler here is an entirely different action hero.
- Sunday
June 6, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Wadena : Wednesday
morning we stopped for fuel in Wadena and inside a modern convenience store there
was a lady busily making donuts the way moms made them years ago.
what are the options?
- Sunday
June 6, 2004
by : Joyce Neufeld
Waldeck : Joyce
has looked at the parties seeking her vote in the federal election and rejected the
three main line parties and thinks that maybe we ought to take a look at the Green
grad car
- Sunday
June 6, 2004
by : Kevin McIntyre
Carrot River
: RCMP detachments are paying attention to speeders in Carrot River and Tisdale this
past week.
PC party on Dartmouth-Cole
Harbour ballot
- Sunday
June 6, 2004
by : Tracy Parsons
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
: The take over of the Progressive Conservative party by the Canadian Alliance has
not gone smoothly as almost half of the original Progressive Conservative party have
no stomach for the Alberta lead and separatist focused party. So some have struck
out on their own and Tracy Parsons is on the Dartmouth ballot as a PC.
Baltimore Oriole
- Sunday
June 6, 2004
by : Helen Carson
Crooked River
: Two outstanding images of this attractive bird who has been not a common bird in
this part of Saskatchewan.
Over What Could Be Over What Already Is
- Sunday
June 6, 2004
by : Ron Thornton
Edmonton : The
voter is faced with some difficult decisions with the government having shown considerable
lack of respect for the tax payer and the Conservative party carrying with it baggage
from its past forms such as abortion, death penalty and weakening the central government
of the country.
A fix for pitted lights
- Sunday
June 6, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Can
you see where you are going, are you over driving your lights at night? Check and
see if the plastic is still clear enough to emit the light necessary to illuminate
the road.
- Sunday
June 6, 2004
by : Helen Carson
Crooked River
: There are nine goslings in this Crooked River family that Mrs. Carson shares with
us today.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

A sparrow enjoying the early evening last Wedensday.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
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engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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