
Thurssday, October 9, 2003 Ensign Front Page Volume 7, N. 95

Pilatus PC-12/45
- Thursday
October 9, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: A large charter aircraft from Fort Lauderdale Florida was
parked at Tisdale airport yesterday. This nine passenger Swiss made, 1997 single
engine turbo prop is becoming extremely popular as a regional commuter and executive
aircraft. Its single engine lowers maintenance costs and gives this aircraft a remarkable
range and load carrying capability.
Martin’s gas tax plan borrows
“liberally” but now “wholly” (too bad) from Canadian Taxpayers Federation Municipal
Roadway Trust
- Thursday
October 9, 2003
by: Walter Robinson
Ottawa: The new deal that future prime minister Paul Martin is talking about is a
diluted adaptation of the Canadian Taxpayer Federation's propose set forth many years
ago as Mr. Martin and his government have continued to take taxes in the name of
road improvements and have used that money for general revenue.
1100 Thursday
- Scattered, altocumulus castellanus 2/8ths, visibility 15, 18º, wind 24 knots
at 240º, altimeter 29.35,
virga to East---- WeatherLog
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Today In Ensign
* Timothy W. Shire - Pilatus
* Walter Robinson - Roadway
Trust |
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Ensign Archives
October 2003
Contributor's Index -
out about some of the
contributors to Ensign
Tim's Tip
of the Day
There is harmony in 2, 4, and most of all 16 but conflict in 3, 7 and most of all
9. "12" is compromise but leans toward confusion. Positive supreme in "44". |
Kevin's find of the day

I've been aware for years I don't "read" the words, I scan them. Here I
thought it was just borderline dyslectic me! RSCHEEARCH
Ensign Notes
Looking forward to the Thanksgiving weekend and do not plan to post Saturday or Sunday. |
American Trade Deficit and Jobs Losses:
Econometric correlation to the undervalued Chinese currency 'yuan/renminbi'
- Wednesday
October 8, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin / The Great Wall near Bejing: Economists and
political commentary on television love to use number to support their arguments
and points of view. Ultimately, this practice is truly misleading and ignores so
many contribution factors which, had they been considered, would have lead to quite
different conclusions. The United States is in financial trouble and blames
China for its woes when it is the cause of its own problems. This story explains
the missing parts that CNN's Lou Dobbs should have been able to explain, but
could not. As always, Mr. deSantis has provided you with some amazing references
that deal with this issue and what it means for the world economy.
Photography Club September 2003
- Wednesday
October 8, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: The September meeting report
tells us about projects that the club is working on this year and five pictures showing
"part of a building."
This Is Our World, So Let
Us Be Glad In It
- Wednesday
October 8, 2003
by: Ron Thornton
Edmonton: With only a little sarcasim Ron Thornton points
out that with so many things that we can do little about we might as well try to
make the best of it.
Trees for a Golden Age
- Tuesday
October 7, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Today some spruce trees got their start in
the field by the Golden Age Centre. With spruce trees living several hundred years
this was an historic event.
China's economic
experience: social tension, controlled privatization and sustained
economic growth
- Tuesday
October 7, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: We are so often told that there is only one
way to success and that's the American way. This story and the referenced material
it relies upon suggests that quite the contrary is true. There are many ways for
a country huge or tiny to find success in its own way unique to its culture and traditions.
Sasko Park Lodge:
no food
- Tuesday
October 7, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The kitchen staff at Sasko Park Lodge are out
of work and the people who live in the facility now eat hospital food.
We aim to please
- Tuesday
October 7, 2003
by: Stan Will
Tisdale: Stan Will is manager of Chicken Delight
and after checking out "In
search of Breakfast" posted last Friday he want to set the record straight.
The pictures with this story were taken this morning and include some of Hannigans
loyal refugees.
Saskatchewan Party
should put tax cuts back on the table
- Tuesday
October 7, 2003
by: David MacLean
Regina: The Saskatchewan Party has backed off from its
position of seeking tax cuts in Saskatchewan. David MacLean of the Canadian Taxpayers
Federations considers this a mistake and wants taxes reduced for business and individuals.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
October 6, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: Lots of people out at the
park this past weekend and the Crawfords are back from a trip into Southern, dry
Alberta where the harvest as poor as it is, is yet to be completed. Fabulous pictures
with this report.
Saskatchewan Autumn
- Monday
October 6, 2003
by: Timothy and Judy. Shire
Tisdale: Here is a photo essay showing some scenes from
Tisdale to Regina on Saturday.
- Monday
October 6, 2003
Somewhere in the Atlantic: Every so often a picture gets sent from friend to friend
so that after a short while there is no way of knowing were it came from. Ken Styan
got this image and passed it along and even though we have no way of crediting the
photographer it seems appropriate that you have a chance to see this remarkable scene.
Our Tree
- Sunday
October 5, 2003
by: Timothy W, Shire
Tisdale: This huge poplar (Aspen) tree by our back door
is an enormous show off and rarely a day goes by that it does not some how impose
itself on the affairs of or lives. Now it has turned to gold and by Thanksgiving
will be nude.
Swift Current
Civic Election and the Casino
- Sunday
October 5, 2003
by: Edwin Wallace
Swift Current: The spread of First Nation run casinos
in Saskatchewan has been the promised magic pill to solve economic woes as one city
or community after another things they are going to become the next great Las Vegas.
This "iffy" question is before the folks in Swift Current and it is interesting
to hear what Edwin Wallace has to say about it as he feels the business community
has lined as cheerleaders to back a questionable and definitely not proven idea.
The leaving leaves
of 2003
- Friday
October 3, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: This page presents a set of fall images from
within the town of Tisdale as some tree turn colour while others drop everything
on the ground.
Paving the roads with gas
tax: Paul Martin’s conversion on the road to 24 Sussex Drive
- Friday
October 3, 2003
by: Walter Robinson
Ottawa: Paul Martin as Canada's finance minister found
many many ways to grab tax dollars from Canadians under various excuses then plowed
that money into general revenue instead of using it for what it was originally collected.
- I
n search of breakfast
- Friday
October 3, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: With Hannigans closed a lot of Tisdale
people have had their world seriously upset so it is the editor's quest to find a
place to fill the bill for a weekly breakfast, or a daily one for that matter. This
story reviews Chicken Delight's breakfast and the "farmer's" breakfast
at A&W.
The Free Market of Journalism:
Leonard Asper
- Friday
October 3, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: The Global television network and most of Canada's
newspaper are controlled by the Asper family from Winnipeg. Yesterday, Leonard wrote
an editorial in which he spells out what he thinks about things and it is implied
that his employees if they wish to remain employees had better agree. Mario deSantis
has provided you with a link to this interesting document and gives us he impression
of the implications.
Lutheran fall
rumage sale
- Friday
October 3, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Another church sale and like the others are
bargains. This sale was on today and tomorrow. Be sure to check out the dishes and
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

This yard is beside the elementary school parking lot. Though the sky was dreary
yesterday morning it became a bright afternoon and a foggy night.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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