Parkland Photography Club September 2003
Greenwater - Wednesday, October 8, 2003 - by: Gerald Crawford
September 23rd, 2003: There were fifteen members at the September meeting of Parkland
Photography Club, including new member Albert Orban. A warm welcome to
you, Albert!
Darlene went through correspondence, and a review of the various PRPA
competitions we can enter.
The Tisdale Arts Group have asked us to participate with them in a show of
our work at the Tisdale Mall in November. Alan and Harry
are looking into methods of displaying our work.
The Club's point system had been reviewed by a committee of three, who brought their
recommendations to this meeting. Basically, the system was simplified by awarding
points mainly for participation in club and PRPA activities, instead of activities
outside the club. The new system was approved unanimously.
There were thirteen photos entered in our monthly "Theme Shoot".
Wes Swan won first with his photo of a window in an old shack; Alan Caithcart
took second with his photo of a church spire, titled "Spiritual Beacon;"
tied for second was Darlene McCullough's photo of a school bell in a cupola
on an old school building. Runners-up were Dorothy Wark's photo of porch steps,
titled "Stepping Through Summer", and Jerry Crawford's photo
of a church spire. Great participation, guys!
This year, we want to put more emphasis on people photography than we have
in the past. It was suggested that members bring any questions they may have to our
October meeting; from them, we can build a framework for a mini-seminar. Bring cameras,
questions, and samples of portrait work you have done.
Since Malcolm (Fairlight Studio) is on the road a lot, it was suggested
that we find new accommodations for our meetings. The most promising suggestion was
the Kin Hall, just north across the street from Saan Store. Also, instead
of having our meetings on the last Tuesday of the month, we will have it on the fourth
Tuesday (which will usually be the same thing!)

For PRPA's Attanyi Print Competition, our members submitted 12 prints and
we judged them on a scale of 1 to 10 points. Chosen to be sent in to the competition
were prints from Doreen, Jenny, Darlene, and Dorothy.
It is time to start building another Club Slide
Show for showing this winter. Members are asked to bring up to 20 slides each
to the October meeting. If all goes well, we can view the slide show at our November
Next meeting: Tuesday, October 28th, 7 PM at the
Kin Hall unless we notify you differently.

Gerald B. Crawford
Box 100, Chelan, SK S0E 0N0
(306) 278-2249
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