
Thursday, November 27, 2003 Ensign Front Page Volume 7, No. 128

are the limits?
- Thursday
November 27, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: As we survey last night's setting sun the question
of limitations has to be addressed. Is the sky really the limit, of course we know
it is not, so we have to be willing to talk about the limits and that means talking
about priorities. Regina is closing three public libraries and an art gallery, the
libraries all in economically depressed areas. A year ago we talked about on this
site and everywhere else, the limits of public medicare, a year has gone by and little
has changed. So as we gaze at the sky we have to talk about limits.
Suga Bz
- Thursday
November 27, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: A pair of Tisdale teenager have their own store
for the Christmas shopping season in the Tisdale Mall. Cool stuff from cool storekeepers.
0900 Thursday - Overcast, Ceiling 10,000 scattered stratocumulus 2/8th 3,000,
altocumulus 6/8th 10,000, cirrus 3/8ths 24,000, visibility 15, -12º, wind 9
knots at 290º, altimeter 30.28, verry very light snow WeatherLog
Go to the WebCam page
by clicking on image
Today In Ensign
* Timothy W. Shire - What
are the limits?
* Timothy W. Shire - Suga
* Kevin McIntyre - Digital
Video Editing
* Mario deSantis - Capitalism
by the Bushes
Tomorrow in Ensign
* Mario deSantis - Preempting Bushes
* Timothy W. Shire - Leather shop opens
* Gerald Crawford - Parkland Photography |
Today in Ensign years past
- 1 year ago today,
- and story
- 2 years ago today
and also
- 3 years ago today
and also
- 4 years ago today
and also
- 5 years ago today
Ensign Archives
November 2003
Contributor's Index -
out about some of the
contributors to Ensign
Tim's Tip of the Day
Everyone wants to be "with it" right? Well here is a sure fire way to fit
in with the driving public, get a cell phone, don't call anyone that's expensive,
just wait until you are in traffic, wedge it in between your shoulder and your head,
look distracted and to look really authentic recite the Lord's Prayer, . .
. backwards, everyone who avoids being hit by you will say "wow that's cool,
he is one of us." |
Kevin's find of the day
''Master' and 'slave' computer
labels unacceptable, officials say. (PDF) Kevin's comment, "only
in California" but this one is really unusual. Apparently in Los Angeles County
they have taken as serious a complaint about the use of these terms for hard drives
and video tapes. The CNN story was on television last night and the toalking
head delivered it with a straight face. God bless America! |
Ensign Notes
The pictures of the day archive has been brought up to date. |
Digital Video
- Thursday
November 27, 2003
by: Kevin McIntyre
Carrot River: Lots of people buy video camcorders then
after a few attempts they find a home in a closet someplace waiting for a future
garage sale. Kevin tells us how to take a digital camcorder and a computer and put
together something that can be watched. Video is undigestible unless you edit it
in some fashion and here is how.
The Free Market
according to president Bush and his brother Neil
Short term gains and long term pains
- Thursday
November 27, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: This story and its references is hinting at
a disturbing problem with human nature. It seems that like leopards humans are pretty
much the way they are if raised in a specific mindset and culture there is little
chance of them being able to alter their perception and means of dealing with the
Tisdale is getting
into the mood
- Wednesday
November 26, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The trees downtown are lit and trimmed while
out at the mall tables are being set up for the craft displays and organisations
who will be participating in Midnight Madness.
Tisdale downtown gets ready
for the season
- Tuesday
November 25, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: With winter here and the end of November approaching the downtown merchants
have stepped outside their stores to place Christmas trees along the street.
Reflects Long-Term Economic Failure
- Tuesday
November 25, 2003
by: Mark Weisbrot
Washington: The Ministers meeting in Miami to iron out
trade talks moving toward an America's free trade deal seems to have fizzled. This
story by this American economist gives us a chance to think over what was going on
and why it failed. The references with this story give you a chance to get up to
speed on this topic.
The ingredients of American Bloody Capitalism:
GREED, HYPOCRISY, WARS Will the Carlyle Group salvage Lord Black's Hollinger?
- Tuesday
November 25, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: The arms financiers and weapons dealer company the Carlyle Group is not
a matter of fiction but a real corporation and this story shows you who is in that
company. Their latest project is to sort out one of their fellows, Lord Black and
his Hollinger company.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
November 24, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: Hunters are as plentiful
as the wildlife this time of the year as Gerald goes down to Foam Lake for a visit
and tells us about things there and in Kelvington.
The classic
- Monday
November 24, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Recreation takes many forms but the classic experience for every western
Canadian is skating and playing hockey on an outdoor rink. Most children learn to
skate on such facilities and for most of us it is the place where we will go for
our last trip around the ice.
Stories from Iraq
- Monday
November 24, 2003
by: Christian Peacemaker Teams
Iraq: Richard Phillips who is involved with providing food aid around the
world from his office in Winnipeg passed on these on the scene stories by a group
of people who are in Iraq hoping to provide some help to its embattled people. We
are bringing you these stories because of the remarkable similarities of these events
and the way things began in Vietnam in the early sixties.
- -
This will be a winter of discontent
- Sunday
November 23, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Bjorkdale: No crystal ball
required as we watch helplessly as the United States enters the Vietnam style conflict
in Iraq from which no success is possible. These pictures were taken Saturday evening
near Bjorkdale as the sun dropped away from a cloudless cold winter sky.
Bush's advance
of freedom: The Soul of American Capitalism
- Sunday
November 23, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: This story just gives you a hint of the very disturbing political issue
that is endangering our little planet. Mr. deSantis has provided you with an outstanding
list of references that go far beyond supporting the points he makes but gives you
an opportunity to research the serious problem that faces mankind.
On a winter's
- Friday
November 21, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Here are a set of pictures taken Thursday and
today that tell of the wonder of a winter day. Few people from this part of the world
dread winter but welcome it for what life changes its brings and of course there
is nothing you can do about it but make the best of a challenging experience.
Loading the dice
- Friday
November 21, 2003
by: Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls: Things to do not add up. The constitution
of the Progressive Conservative Party and the statements made by its leader seem
to be in direct conflict with one another and the whole process underway is simply
wrong in every sense of the word.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

This morning downtown Tisdale at 8:30.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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