Friday, May 14, 2004 Ensign Front Page Volume
7, No. 242

Garage saling
- Friday
May 14, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This week there are sales all over town and we visit some of them and bring
you some of the atmosphere.
GPS surveying
- Friday
May 14, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : New technology often becomes standard operating
methods simply because all of what it replaces can no longer compete with the accuracy
and speed of the invention. In this case a system for guiding Intercontinetal Balistic
Missiles works just as well directing a sprayer in a field or discovering where the
corner is of a town lot.
1100 Friday - Broken towering cumulus 6/8th
bases 3,000, altocumulus 2/8th 8,500, Ceiling 8,500, visibility 15, 7º, wind
9 knots 340º, altimeter 30.02, light rain showers WeatherLog
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Today In Ensign
Ackland-Grainger |
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Ensign Archives
May 2004
2004 |
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contributors to Ensign
Tim's Tip of the Day
In Sunday school the children's song "God sees a little sparrow fall
it meets his tender view" We have all, at some time, thought of the insignificance
of a mere sparrow, but be they a song sparrow, a white crowned one or what ever,
there are dozens of sparrow varieties in Saskatchewan each and every one of those
special creatures with whom we share this planet. |
Kevin's find of the day
Obesity Becoming
Major Global Problem This startling story by Emma Ross and Joseph
B. Verrengia discusses the fastest and most dangerous health threat. Obesity will
kill more people than all of the infectious diseases combined and is spreading to
every country in the world. |
Ensign Notes
Next week this web site enters its seventh year of posting. |
.Happenings In Tisdale:
Saturday, May 15
10:00 - 5:00 Salvation Army block party
Tisdale Mall, TMSS Grad car wash
4:00 RECPlex Tisdale Air Cadets Inspection and awards |
Sunday, May 16
Kinette Cystic Fibrosis Walking poker rally |
of Events
Acklands Grainger: Trade
Show & Demonstration Day
- Friday
May 14, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Monday's
event showed off the outstanding technical and safety equipment that is available
from this remarkable local supplier.
Condo Construction well underway
- Thursday
May 13, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : A project
like this one seems to evolve rather quickly especially at its beginning stages.
This story has pictures of the piles being dug and poured, the services being dug
in and the exterior foundation forms being erected.
Bush’s God cannot win the
hearts and minds of the Iraqi people
- Thursday
May 13, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : This
article is a summary of a series of articles and material that paints a very unfavourable
picture of our American neighbours. The Iraqi prison torture story is disturbing,
but even more disturbing is the death of an American in Iraq, which has the timing,
that suggests this was a sacrifice rather than execution, as it provides Americans
with justification for their war crimes.
open house and barbeque
- Thursday
May 13, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Over
three hundred people made it over to the Tisdale detachment today to enjoy lunch
and a visit with the folks at the detachment. There was sunshine smiles and an enjoyable
time was had by all.
Mission: Being
close counts
- Thursday
May 13, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : With
the Golden Age Centre complete the energy and development moves outside with plans
this summer to increase the parking area on the west side of the building and get
some recreational projects going on the grounds. This is the first one.
runs Iraq?
- Thursday
May 13, 2004
by : Kevin McIntyre
Carrot River :
Things don't add up, the torture of prisoners in Iraq, the attempted cover up of
that ongoing activity, the murder of civilian Nicholas Berg and America's contempt
for the Geneva Convention as demonstrated in their holding of more than 400 people
at a Cuban military concentration camp.
Ornaments for the yard
- Wednesday
May 12, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale & Regina
: It is part of being human. We decorate, house, our clothes, yards and even our
bodies. This story takes a look at some of the things people make or buy to put in
their yards.
- Wednesday
May 12, 2004
by : John Smith
Last week a journey of sorts was begun as Mr. Smith set out to catch and cure the
bad stuff the rattles around the Internet. Well his first catch was a worm, ugly
and nasty but not fatal.
snow storm sweeps southern prairies
- Tuesday
May 11, 2004
by : Timothy Shire II
Winnipeg : The
snow missed Regina this morning but caused major electrical power disruptions across
southern Saskatchewan but it also turned Winnipeg back into winter. This story includes
a 453KB QuickTime VR panorama of Waterloo Street in Winnipeg.
Greenwater Report
- Tuesday
May 11, 2004
by : Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : The ice is gone but it is still a prolonged cold spring with little
growth. Gerald and Doreen were into Saskatoon and he has a fabulous truck picture.
snow storm continues throughout day
- Tuesday
May 11, 2004
by : Timothy Shire II
Winnipeg : Today
we have the unique opportunity to show you a snow storm in the morning and the same
storm as it looked late afternoon in Winnipeg. Like the first story this one also
has a QuickTime VR done at the same location.
- Friday
May 7, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : When
it comes to planning a vacation that involves not just the whole family but the whole
community one has to think ahead. The Centennial Homecoming committee have the basic
concept laid out for July 29 to August 1 and here are some details.
Bush’s slippery slope: preemptive wars, violations of international law
- Friday
May 7, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : There
is no feeling of victory in saying "we told you so" as you have read repeatedly
on this site about privatisation and the misuse of language. Torture is now
defined as "abuse" and one in every ten Americans in Iraq carrying
a gun, is a mercanary, there are more of them than British soldiers. Sadly, this
tragic and for want of a better term, "stupid" situation, must play out
as the United States has plodded its way while being warned, into a point of no return
and they have no exit plan.
Church Spring Rummage Sale
- Friday
May 7, 2004
by : Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Just
like the grass turning green the spring rummage sales are an annual marvel as this
one had a nice selection of table ware and kitchen goods.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Morning clouds over Tisdale today, more mood than action.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
Viewing tip
If you are viewing this page with larger than 12' point text it will definitely be
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I would appreciate hearing from you would like to know your opinions about any material
published in
Ensign timothy@ftlcomm.com our fax is 306
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Faster Than Light Communications, Box 1776, Tisdale, SK, S0E 1T0
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FTLComm Sales Page
Ensign is produced, published,
and hosted each day by Faster Than Light Communications
of Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada.
306 873 2004 sales@ftlcomm.com