
Wednesday, February 18, 2004 Ensign Front Page Volume 7, No. 184

Le Festival du Voyageur
- Wednesday
February 18, 2004
by: Cassandra Shire
St. Boniface : The season of winter festivals is beginning and here are some
pictures from Winnipeg with ice sculptures in the setting of the fur trading fort.
Spring Cleaning
Required To Remove The Stench Of The Mob Squad
- Wednesday
February 18, 2004
by: Ron Thornton
Edmonton : The confidence we all have in government
chronically shaken as the spectacle unfolds in Ottawa it can be detected with the
nose from one end of the country to the other.
2000 Wednesday - Broken cirrus 6/8ths Ceiling 24,000, visibility 15, -10º,
wind light and variable, altimeter 29.86 WeatherLog
Go to the WebCam page
by clicking on image
Today In Ensign
* Cassandra Shire - Le
Festival du Voyageur
* Ron Thornton - Spring
cleaning required
* Ken Richardson - membership,
* Mario deSantis - doublethink
Tomorrow in Ensign
* Dawn LaRochelle - Up to your eyeballs
* Randy Kubik - The Devil you know
* Edwin Wallace - John Duffy |
Today in Ensign years past
- 1 years ago today,
2 and story
- 2 years ago today, story
2, story
- story
4 and story
- 3 years ago today,
story 2
and story
- 4 years ago today,
2 and story 3
- 5 years ago today
Ensign Archives
February 2004
Contributor's Index -
out about some of the
contributors to Ensign
Tim's Tip of the Day
In a society where the rule of law is in affect you have to accept it as reality
and there is responsibility on you the citizen to report crime but it is also the
responsibility of the state to live within the laws it is designed to uphold. This
matter is not settled but needs to be guarded and fostered from day to day, year
to year, a relentless pursuit of civilised behaviour. |
Kevin's find of the day
Mig-29 and F-18 listed for sale on eBay
(PDF) As amazing as it seems a Florida owner has operational aircraft for sale.
The f-18 was a former Blue Angel and was among other equipment sold by the US Navy. |
Ensign Notes
Pictures from Winnipeg and Gravelbourg today. |
membership, constitution, who cares!
- Wednesday
February 18, 2004
by : Ken Richardson
Bella Bella : The way the Conservative party was fashioned
seems to be right in step with the Liberal's conduct in Quebec. Rules and democracy
were and are simply ignored.
Have governments reduced their citizens
to Doublethinkers?
- Wednesday
February 18, 2004
by : Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The frightening reality is that Orwellian thought, so much a part of the
1930s, that George Orwell dramatised in his novel 1984, seems like the environment
of today. War is peace, freedom is slavery and as this story points out the power
of "doublethink" is becoming common place.
The Greenwater Report
- Tuesday
February 17, 2004
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park : Winter at the park and
in this part of Saskatchewan. Gerald shares a trip to visit friends in Saskatoon.
Let's do lunch
- Saturday
February 14, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : A combination of St. Valentines Day and a
fund raiser for Telemiracle as TMSS students hold a box social.
A world of Newspeak:
socio-economic system for looking after number one and after profits
- Saturday
February 14, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin : Living in the approach of World War II George
Orwell wrote about a frightening world where the official line was accepted even
thinking against the government was a crime. As thing seem to spin further and further
beyond what could possibly considered a real world it looks an awful lot like the
world George Orwell was describing in his novel.
Marvelous Marvin
- Saturday
February 14, 2004
by: Edwin Wallace
Success : The President of the Saskatchewan Wheat
Pool is retiring and its time for some parting shots at one of the people who
is responsible for destroying an outstanding co-operative and replacing it with a
worthless bunch of shares in a corporation that is doomed.
Premier's round table meeting
in Tisdale
- Friday
February, 13, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : Premier Calvert attends his second round table
meeting, this time here in Tisdale as he met with government, business and community
representatives to discuss issues facing Saskatchewan people in preparation for this
year's budget and legislative session.
Bolt gave out
- Thursday
February 12, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : This is the scene yesterday morning as water
streamed out of the street. A bolt on a valve had rusted through and it was time
to dig today.
Was he "Sleepy"
or "Schultz"?
- Thursday
February 12, 2004
by: Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls: The outrage Canadians feel at the betrayal
of trust as money flowed from public works into Quebec ad agencies or other Crown
Corporations is not going to go away here is Joe Hueglin's view on it and I have
combined his comments with two other contribuotrs.
Is there any malice
in Bush's newspeak?
- Thursday
February 12, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin : The economic woes of the individual citizens
of the United States are far more concerning in this election year than foreign wars
and security. There are so many Americans out of work and so many who have simply
quit looking and this is what makes the president's statement last Sunday seem nasty
to the point of being malicious.
Either Way
- Thursday
February 12, 2004
by: Rebecca Gingrich
Princeton, Ontario : The savage abuse of tax money in
Quebec could not have gone un-noticed by the MPs from Quebec and especially and MP
who was minister of finance.
Will Ontarians turn a blind
- Thursday
February 12, 2004
by: Phyllis Hubeli
Surrey, B.C. : The voters of Ontario and Quebec elect
Canada's government the rest of the country does not count. With this scandal will
they re-elect, of course they will, there is no viable alternative.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Wolf Creek North of Tisdale at noon today.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
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