
Thursday, February 5, 2004 Ensign Front Page Volume 7, No. 174

- Thursday
February 5, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Corrections Canada officers demonstrate to
high school students the work of their drug sniffing dogs at the RECPlex Theatre
today. Highly focused labrador retrievers who consider their work of searching for
smells as a game and a challenge.
Bush’s Machiavellian democracy in Iraq
and an extravagant American economy
- Thursday
February 5, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: It seems impossible for the American dream
to have much of a future as the simple logic that Free Market and democracy are incompatible
0900 Thursday - Overcast, stratocumulus, Ceiling 4,000, visibility 5, -14º,
wind 7 knots at 320º, altimeter 30.31, light snow WeatherLog
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Today In Ensign
* Timothy W. Shire - Nose work
* Mario deSantis - US
extravagant economy |
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February 2004
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Tim's Tip of the Day
As hard as we try there is absolutely no way to predict what our children and their
children will have to deal with in their lives. It is therefore ultimately important
that you make sure that they have the widest possilbe range of experiences and by
so doing will develop the skill of dealing with unusual, novel or difficult challenges.
That's why we take algebra in school. |
Kevin's find of the day
This Girl is So Grounded (PDF)
Seattle's KOMO television reports this story of a seventeen year old girl who
celebrated her driver's license the day before she passed it and smashed a police
car with her new SUV. |
Ensign Notes
Beautiful day in Tisdale as the morning skies parted and the sun is pouring down
on us. |
Bush orders intelligence
inquiry: a cover up on top of another and of another…
- Wednesday
February 4, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin : There is no surprise that Americans are about
to look a little deeper into the actions of their government as it relates the Iraq
War and the attempt to blame it on faulty intelligence is the latest gamble to deflect
the hard and serious finger pointing that is going on as the United States is into
its election year.
Cadillac, the
winter of 2003 - 2004
- Wednesday
February 4, 2004
by: Victor Cote
Cadilla: Things have been pretty rough this winter in
Southern Saskatchewan. But there is more, in addition to the tough winter Cadilla
has had a bowl water situation with its water supply since 2001.
- Tuesday
February 3, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale : We have a tendence to believe, quite incorrectly
by the way, "that things in nature are without malace or evil intent. Like
other animals birds are thought to just respond to their instincts and live their
lives as they were designed to do." That concept is a myth. Waxwings are
evil, they harbour vandalistic thoughts toward me, my camera and especially my van.
Not only do they resent me, but they pass on their dislike from generation to generation.
This is not paranoia it is evidence based bias on my part and theirs.
Back Alley Barrier
- Tuesday
February 3, 2004
by: Stu Innes
Regina: Regina is working its way out of the snow from
this past weekend and as with all things there can be problems. Stu Innes lives on
Albert Street and in the back alley behind his house the City crushed in a wall of
snow that effectively imprisoned a neighbour's car.
Believing is not seeing
- Tuesday
February 3, 2004
by: Andrew and Timothy Shire
Winnipeg: Making a bland building what it is not is
in itself an artform. This is an extreme example of paint replacing architecture.
Nothing But Junk
Food Left For Political Junkies On The Right?
- Tuesday
February 3, 2004
by: Ron Thornton
Edmonton: The members of the former Progressive Conservative
party consider the melding of their party and the Alliance as a hostile take over,
Stephen Harper is seen as an Albertan, Tony Clement, the former Ontario Health Minister
who is best known for the failure of Ontario's ability to handle the SARs outbreak
and a thirty-seven year old twice divorced millionairess, Belinda Stronach, who certainly
knows business, are the candidates for the new Conservative party. Its fair to guess
that Paul Martin has nothing to fear.
Manufacturing truths out of hypothesises
and out of duplicities
- Monday
February 2, 2004
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: Logic is an unforgiving thing and we are being
asked to forego logic so that new situations do not make the past the lie that it
most surely was. If there were no weapons of mass destruction then what possible
reason was there for a war with Iraq. It is now established, there were no such weapons.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
February 2, 2004
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: When it gets cold Gerald
just keeps on walking. Letters from England and Sheho and news about an expanding
business in Naicam.
- Sunday
February 1, 2004
by: Matthew Shire
Regina: Regina is digging out of the aftermath of the
storm that trapped the community Friday. City officials reported Saturday that it
will take three weeks to clear most of Friday's accumulation.
The Uplook
- Saturday
January 31, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire, Illustrated by Dawn LaRochelle
Tisdale: As intelligent life forms we have a tendance
to somehow impress ourselves with our own decision making yet the reality of life
is that much of what happens is out of hands. Many people find it frustrating and
downright upsetting to make this discovery but alas our individual significance is
grossly overstated.
Reclaiming Control
- Saturday
January 31, 2004
by: Mike Reilly
Winnipeg: There is a serious danger in parliament passing legislation without giving
the process and the consequences the kind of consideration needed. When this happens
we all suffer and here is a case in point.
Sunlight and fog
- Friday
January 30, 2004
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Habitation fog, meteorologists call it "ice
fog," is relatively common in arctic towns, villages and cities. Most noteably
Whitehorse where the Porter Creek area actually is frequently socked in with fog
of its own making. But for the rest of us it is rare and with this recent cold snap
we had it three days running. These interesting pictures were taken Thursday morning.
Parkland Photography
club January 2004
- Friday
January 30, 2004
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater: Despite some adverse weather the club got
together to share this month's "landmark" theme and consider various club
activities. Great pictures this month.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Very light snow and over cast at 9:45 this morning.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
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