
Monday, December 15, 2003 Ensign Front Page Volume 7, No. 141

Christmas baking
- Monday
December 15, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Of course you can go to the bakery but if you
want to give someone something that really means something, make it yourself. How
about some great cinnimon buns?
Judge Martin’s Cabinet
on the job titles and record, not on map locations
- Monday
December 14, 2003
by: Walter Robinson
Ottawa: The very large government set forth by the new
prime minister has many wondering about costs. Knowing that the prime minister watches
the flow of money carefully he has served up a very large platter of government this
means he has two choices, either cut many existing programmes or follow the pattern
he has followed in the past creating excuses to slap on more taxes.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
December 15, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: Winter advances as Greenwater
folks get together for a pot luck, some fishing stories, and Porcupine's Bar is getting
ready to open.
1100 Monday - Overcast ceiling 4,000 stratocumulus 8/8ths, visibility 15, -
8º, wind 6 knots at 300, altimeter 29.95 WeatherLog
Go to the WebCam page
by clicking on image
Today In Ensign
* Timothy W. Shire - Christmas
* Walter Robinson - Martin's
* Gerald Crawford - The
Greenwater Report
* Mario deSantis - Halliburton
* Timothy W. Shire - Cutting
Edge |
Today in Ensign years past
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and also
- 4 years ago today,
2 and story
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today and also
Ensign Archives
December 2003
Contributor's Index -
out about some of the
contributors to Ensign
Tim's Tip of the Day
These weather and driving conditions are perfect for gasoline system icing. Running
your tank near empty to pick up lower priced gas, temperature changes all help to
produce a little ondensation and your fuel injected engine is going to stumble a
bit. Add some fuel line anterfreeze with each fill-up or drop in some mythanol it
will smooth things out. |
Kevin's find of the day
Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics.
This is a very interesting web site that examines movies and comments on the physics
and science illustrated or that is part of the movies that we see. This site has
been around since 1997 and views the way motion pictures portray reality. |
Ensign Notes
Keep watching but it is going to be hard to keep all the various elements of the
site up to date. However, we will keep posting pictures as often as possible. Will
not be posting Thursday 18th until Tuesday 23 when we do our best. As of yesterday
we began logging our sixth full year
of weather. |
The malfeasances of Bush's Free Market:
Halliburton's profits and failure to securitize the Iraqi Army
- Monday
December 15, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: Something is very rotten in the state of Iraq
as Vice President Cheney who still gets $400,000 a year from his company Halliburton
each year is charging many times more than a reasonable profit for services and products
while the Iraqi Army looks to be very suspicious. Can anyone say "Vietnam?"
Cutting Edge Cutlery
- Monday
December 15, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Regina: Here are a set of pictures of a really unusual
shop in Regina's Victoria Square Mall.
Ups and Downs, What has been 2003 and what might be 2004
- Sunday
December 14, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Qu'Appelle Valley: Though it is still two weeks from
the end of the year this one is a tough one to call and today we do a little preliminary
to the annual New Year's prediction project.
A deeper Free
Market in Canada: Charest fights for his privatization of Quebec
- Sunday
December 14, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: It appears as though the government of Quebec
like that of British Columbia has begun a process of reducing the numbers of public
workers and reducing the earns of those still employed while moving more government
services into the private sector. The unfortunate facts are that there is no evidence
to support the economic positive affects of such action while at the same time the
public will be subjected to strikes and the kinds of problems that brought Ontario
situations like Walkerton and the inability of Toronto to deal with a medical crisis.
Not exactly a
thing of beauty
- Sunday
December 14, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale:It is almost a month since Tisdale's Town council
decreed that the people of Tisdale no longer put their garbage in the garbage can
stands in their back yards by the alley but instead each garbage day take the cans
out to the front of their houses for curb side pickup.
Watson, the home
of the Santa Claus Day
- Saturday
December 13, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Watson: This unique little prairie town is all dressed
up for Christmas and we have some pictures to show you taken as a light snow was
falling and flakes melting on the windshield.
Judy died of Ovarian Cancer
- Saturday
December 13, 2003
by: Carol M. Martin
Courtenay, B.C.: Though we hear a lot about Breast and
Prostrate cancer it seems the public is much less aware of the killer Ovarian Cancer
which steadily each year takes a remarkable toll of human life. Carol Martin spells
out for us the basic information about this deadly disease, a personal story as her
good friend died in August.
The ultimate deception of Bush's Free
Market: "You are either with us or against us"
- Saturday
December 13, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: The American press and news media are now beginning
to take some hard shots at the American President and what his policies are doing
both to the economy and the credibility of the country in general. Ultimately the
Americans have to accept the contempt that they as a people are going to be viewed
for their conduct during this first part of the century. This story hurls out the
points you must ask yourselves and the references provide you with some unpleasant
Reindeer and Santa
- Friday
December 12, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Time for a picture with Santa or with his reindeer. Today at the Tisdale
Al Gore endorses presidential candidate
Howard Dean: An opportunity for peace and a just American Community
- Friday
December 12, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont
seems to be taking the lead in the American Democratic nomination process and further
gathered momentium this week when the Democratic candidate from the last presidential
election Al Gore endorsed Dean because of his appropriate attitude toward the Iraq
America's Hidden Human Rights Problem:
Freedom of Association
- Friday
December 12, 2003
by: Mark Weisbrot
Washington: The United States is in the worst shape
of all developed countries as its workers have not shared in the gains in productivity
while at the same time the laws that govern Union member ship have been almost completely
eroded while Americans who would if they could join a union are prevented from doing
So Peter MacKay
feels "vindicated"
- Friday
December 12, 2003
by: Peggy Smith
Thunder Bay, Ontario: Though you have heard this argument
before here is a clear statement that outlines why the vote to merge the Progressive
Conservative Party and the Canadian Alliance was fixed.
Isn't this an
opportunity? "Unite the Bright"
- Friday
December 12, 2003
by: Jim Love
"I didn't leave the party, it left me!" Canadians from coast to coast wonder
what political alternative will best represent the way they feel about things. David
Orchard hit a powerful chord that resonated with so many simply because he is a politician
who makes sense, practical sense. Maybe its time to be practical, pragmatic and stick
to the principles that make us all Canadian.
Regina, December
- Thursday
December 11, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Regina: For three days I drove around Regina, a place
in which I have lived and worked but now only viist. This story is a set of pictures
with some commentary about what it is about yet the pictures and the story are well
above the surface.
The Greenwater Report
- Thursday
December 11, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: Clear ice, northern lights,
stories of wildlife and a new bar for Porcupine Plain.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

We only give you a peek at this one, you really need to drive over and have a look
at this outstanding decoration.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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If you are viewing this page with larger than 12' point text it will definitely be
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