
Tuesday, September 30, 2003 Ensign Front Page Volume 7, N. 87

The splendor of fall
- Tuesday
September 30, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: On this last day of September I took a short
drive into the country and want to share with you the beauty of the colour of the
country-side. This story has two QuickTime Virtual Reality Panoramas
of 1MB each so this page will take a while to open on a dial up connection but the
scenes are worth the wait.
Alfalfa seed
- Tuesday
September 30, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The crop to be harvested each year is alfalfa
when it is grown for seed. Most of Tisdale's alfalfa goes to the dehydration plant
but the fields are finished for this year and the dehy plant is already cooking baled
alfalfa but the fields of alfalfa in seed production are now being harvested.
1000 Tuesday - Overcast stratocumulus 4,500, Ceiling 4,500,
visibility 15, 2º, wind 5 knots 290, altimeter 30.35 WeatherLog |
Go to the WebCam page
by clicking on image
Today In Ensign
* Timothy W. Shire - Splendor of 2003
* Timothy W. Shire - Alfalfa
* Mark Weisbrot - Bush
and credibility |
Today in Ensign years past
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Ensign Archives
July 2003
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Tim's Tip
of the Day
Being able to swim will not help you much in a dust storm and being able to construct
a snow shelter will be of little comfort if you're lost in a jungle. Everything depends
upon location. |
Kevin's find of the day
Turner not optimistic about world's
future, (PDF) This AP story appeared in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
reported on Ted Turner's speach to a newspaper group in which he said " We
spend $87 billion to blow Iraq up and then we spent another $87 billion to put it
back together, and all to get one man and we still haven't got him," Turner
said "talk about failure." |
Ensign Notes
The update of this web site has been altered and will occur gradually through the
day as material is added. Weather and basic page change at 10:00 stories added there
after. Today's last update at 6:00. |
Bush Growing More Vulnerable on Credibility,
War, and the Economy
- Tuesday
September 30, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Washington: The tide of reality has shifted, Mark Weisbrot explains the importance
of both Democrats and doubting Republicans who have begun to speak out strongly about
the deception carried on by the Administration of the United States government.
The Greenwater report
- Monday
September 29, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: The Crawfords are off on another jaunt but we get
to hear about owls, Gerald's days as a CNR operator and a new guy in town.
Bridging the divide
of an upsidedown world: Critical thinking with System Dynamics
- Monday
September 29, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: The devolution of the third world continues
largely orchestrated by the United States as it sells more weapons than any other
country and the gap between rich and poor widens. Perhaps its time to think of this
problem some other way.
Day of Defeat
- Sunday
Sepember 28, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Computer games have made enormous progress
to the point that interactive team play with several people can take place in a shared
virtual reality experience. Saturday a full event of interactive game play took place
with participants working with and against each other in a game simulation of the
Normandy invasion of "D" Day.
or NOW-GO to bureaucracy
- Saturday
September 27, 2003
by: Walter Robinson
Ottawa: Not everything gets swept under the rug, the
Standing Committee on government Operations and Estimates is on the job checking
and often putting down the big foot on waste and sometimes downright bad operations.
Scotia Bank pitches in with
hot dog fund raiser
- Friday
September 26, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: On the heels of the truly remarkable success
of the spring Cancer fund raising projects Tisdales organisations and businesses
are getting behind the Tisdale Hospital's Diabetes fund. This afternoon the Bank
of Nova Scotia held a fine hot dog sale and Tisdale folks were there in significant
numbers to support the project.
Exporting the
American democracy in Iraq: The Free Market of Deregulation and Privatization
- Friday
September 26, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: Mr. deSantis has spotted an interesting inversion
both criminals being placed in power and dogmatic imposition of economic formats
that are site specific. What works in America is not necessarily what will work in
Iraq, Afghanistan to Venezuela. The references on this story are exceptional and
give you an opportunity to explore this topicmuch more fully than an interpretive
Washington Pursues
Dangerous Policy in Vernezuela
- Friday
September 26, 2003
by: Mark Weisbrot
Washington: The actions of the American government attempting
to desabilise and over throw a democratically elected government is setting a bad
example and could seriously undermine the international relations around the world
including the way countries relate to the United States.
"As we rush along, are
we running, or being pushed?"
- Thursday
September 25, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: Insight into the human condition. One way or
another we all wonder what is it all about and where do we go from here. Here are
some clues.
- Wednesday
September 24, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire and Andrew Shire
Oshkosh Wisconsin: An amateur/homebuilt fibre glass,
carbon fibre amphibian sold here in Canada and in New Zealand with one or two engines
and amazing performance. The second most astonishing aircraft at this year's Oshkosh
Only the Progressive
Conservatives are facing the issues
- Wednesday
September 24, 2003
by: Jason Inness
Calgary: As the Progressive Conservative and Canadian
Alliance negotiate some sort of agreement Jason Inness points out that the federal
Liberal party has been pretty well absent from responding to the series of crisis
facing the country and the Alliance has been wasting time on emotional issues. He
feels only the Progressive Conservatives are dealling with things that really matter.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Two Colorado trucks and a really long trailor stopped in the mall parking lot Monday
for lunch before heading North.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
Viewing tip
If you are viewing this page with larger than 12' point text it will definitely be
a mess so set your browser
to the "smallest" print size. This website is designed to be seen on a
screen set to at least 800 pixels wide.
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