
Wednesday, November 5, 2003 Ensign Front Page Volume 7, No. 112

St. Annes des Chenes
- Wednesday
November 5, 2003
by: Lauren McCallum
St. Annes des Chenes: A historical community in Southeastern
Manitoba, one of the first European settlements on the Western prairies and the area
from which Saskatchewan's Francophone communities evolved. This story tells us about
the historical church in the small rural community now badly in need of restoration
in an effort to preserve the history of a significant contributor to the history
of Western Canada.
Movement Provides Needed Counterweight in the Global Economy
- Wednesday
November 5, 2003
by: Mark Weisbrot
Washington, D.C.: The recent accusations that Rap performer "P" Diddy is
using a 368 employee sweatshop in Choloma Honduras to produce his signature clothing.
This brings the issue of corporations exploiting with impunity the poor of the world
for manufacturing.
2100 Wednesday - scattered stratocumulus 2/8ths 2,000, altostratus 5/8ths 8,500,
cirrus 2/8ths 23,000, visibility 15, - 12º, wind 12 knots at 260º, altimeter
29.84, very light snow WeatherLog
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Today In Ensign
* Lauren McCallum - St. Annes des Chenes
* Mark Weisbrot - Sweat
shops/global econ.
Tomorrow in Ensign
* Stu Innes - Spam tip
* John Herron - PCs and Democracy
* Mario deSantis - Tort reform |
Today in Ensign years past
- 1 year ago today,
2, story
- story 4,
5, story
and story
- 2 years ago today,
2, story
- story
4 and story
- 3 years ago today,
2, story
- story
4 and story
- 4 years ago today
- 5 years ago today
Ensign Archives
November 2003
Contributor's Index -
out about some of the
contributors to Ensign
Tim's Tip of the Day
The fact that you voted in today's election puts you in charge. Don't quit now,
the election campaign for 2007 has begun and you make sure your member knows what
you want and what you need. Email, fax, telephone keep your member in mind and keep
in mind we can make our voices heard. This government and the members of the opposition
can not do their work without your continued support and participation in the decision
making process. |
Kevin's find of the day
Europeans said eating like Americans. This unusal
story reports that the trends that have been identified in North America that shows
that obescity and related illnesses are on a serious rise seems not to be restricted
to North America. |
Ensign Notes
Glued to the television for election results, after dental surgery this morning but
will post today's stories but very late tonight. |
The way we were
- Tuesday
November 4, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: I was walking through a store when I spotted
that picture, just a picture of a city with its skyscrapers then I realised when
it was taken and from where it was taken and what has happened since that moment
in time.
Mr. Hermanson
stuck to his party line
- Tuesday
November 4, 2003
by: Stu Innes
Regina: This is a rebuttal to the story posted last
week dealing with the leaders Televised debate. We regret that a second message was
received but can not be posted as it was lost in an accident with Email.
Michel Chossudovsky discerns the trees
from the forest: The state is financing its own indebtedness
- Tuessday
November 4, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: A loop develops whereby the financial industry and industry itself begins
to hold the debt of the government and so holds the governmental structures accountable
to their interests. This twist in democracy explains the politicians inclination
to serve business rather than voters.
The Greenwater report
- Monday
November 3, 2003
by: Gerald Crawford
Greenwater Provincial Park: A trip to Saskatoon and
Prince Albert and a visit to the craft fair in Archerwill as winter comes to the
- Thursday
October 30, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Naicam: Ford sets out to match and exceed the imports
and has redesigned the Windstar. The changes are so significant that it warranted
a name change.
- T
he politics of deception and manipulation
in changing economic structures: Saskatchewan politics, Professor Shadia
Drury and the Bush's Straussians
- Thursday
October 30, 2003
by: Mario deSantis
Nipawin: A University of Saskatchewan Professor has
spotted the problems that stem from political leaders assuming a role as authoritarian
know it alls and what happens when they misslead their followers. This story has
some fascinating ramifications and you owe it to yourself to find out about Leo Strauss
and Professor Drury.
Turning the page
- Thursday
October 30, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: The moment in time that sees one season become
another is not always clean as we have some years where it is hard to tell what season
it is. This year the changes have been dramatic, no question about when fall arrived
and just as clearly this weekend and the week to come we are seeing winter line up
and walk its way across this part of the country.
When in doubt . . .
- Wednesday
October 29, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: So what was all that unseemly behaviour about?
Some explanation of what was really happening and the winners and losers.
Big Tents, big
Hopes, Big Deal?
- Wednesday
October 29, 2003
by: Ron Thornton
Edmonton: Though many want to see a united conservative
movement in Canada that can provide an alternative to the Liberal party the reality
is hopelessly confusing as Canada's historical and political structure is what it
is and Canada is not the sum of its parts but the sum of Quebec and Ontario.
Tec-Water Supplies
- Tuesday
October 28, 2003
by: Timothy W. Shire
Tisdale: High tech company moves to its new facility
in downtown Tisdale where it provides processed water and manufactures complete water
systems for farm water purification.
What's fair is
- Tuesday
October 28, 2003
by: Bev Currie
Swift Current: The unusual goings on in Ottawa with
the former Privacy Commissioner definitely caught our attention but there is more
to this story and maybe there is something in it for us, . . . maybe not!
MacKay accepts what he speaks
- Tuesday
October 28, 2003
by: Joe Hueglin
Niagara Falls, Ontario: The weekend meetings of the
Progressive Conservative national executive has left the door open for Alliance members
to buy memberships in the party and control the vote on a merger with their own party.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Regina/Gravelbourg artist Dawn LaRochelle created this work from leaves from the
yard and a drawing.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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