Thursday, November 14, 2002 |
Ensign Front
Volume 5, N. 174
0800 Thursday - Clear, visibility 8, -20º,
wind calm, altimeter 30.06, habitation fog----
- Habitation Fog in November
- Thursday
November 14, 2002
Unusually low temperatures in the northern grain belt this year and today something
we normally only see in late December or January.
Music Pick Me
- Thursday
November 14, 2002
This story began as a simple editing exercise of a piece of music but lead to a discussion
on one of the most popular music artists of all time. This story will autoload two
pieces of music neither are long but require QuickTime to play as streaming
audio tracks.
The Road to War
- Thursday
November 14, 2002
Richard Neumann explains the scenario as the UN moves into the inspection process
of Iraq and outlines what looks like the reasonable expected circumstances.
SGI's No Fault Insurance, and now Tort
Coverage: the work of the experts
- Thursday
November 14, 2002
Mario deSantis asks us to look critically at the attitude and behaviour of the government
operated insurance company which seems to be denying what is pretty widely known
to understand its outrageous activity in the past.
Random: The impossible occurrence
- Wednesday
November 13, 2002
Neither mathematical nor philosophically possible, yet we have this unusual idea
that chance plays some part in reality.
Confusion about debt repayment
- Wednesday
November 13, 2002
We welcome Member of Parliament Scott Brison, conservative finance critic to this
web site as he expresses his concern about the federal government's accounting practice
of taking employment insurance premiums and applying them to the National Debt.
A personal abuse of the Bell Curve in
Education: Is learning associated to the Bell Curving of the marks?
- Wednesday
November 13, 2002
Mario deSantis tells us about the ways the good ole Bell Curve can be used to create
some distortions.
Exceptionality: What is not average?
- Tuesday
November 12, 2002
Parents really need to think about what words like exceptional, average and special
education mean. Educators and politicians toss these words around and the public
gets sucked into a vortex of abnormal thoughts.
Canadian Taxpayers
Federation presentation to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance
- Tuesday
November 12, 2002
Last Friday Walter Robinson of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation made a speech in
Montreal to the finance committee making recommendations with regard to the upcoming
budget. This text is the content of his speech but there are direct links to the
complete sixteen page written submission as well.
Tisdale marks Remembrance Day
- Monday
November 11, 2002
This town like all others in the country take a moment to commemorate the men and
women who have served and so many to did not survive the two great wars and other
conflicts since around the world.
Lest we forget
- Monday
November 11, 2002
We are fortunate today to be able to read about the story of one Canadian who served
in both the First and Second World War. Ron Thornton brings the perspective of the
people who were there and some lived while others did not but here are their stories.
The Greenwater
Report for November 11, 2002
- Monday
November 11, 2002
Gerald Crawford is off on a bit of trip but we still have is report for this week
as we discover the geese have left and the beaver are still chomping through the
What is this?
- Sunday
November 10, 2002
This par of unusual object turned up in some stuff from a Rummage sale just what
do you think they might be?
SWP6 on the way
- Sunday
November 10, 2002
This short story includes a series of images that were recorded in Thurnder Bay almost
three years ago but are remarkable as they capture the destruction of a huge grain
terminal on the Thunder Bay waterfront.
"Have to say it"
- Saturday
November 9, 2002
A mother of one of the new employees of the new A & W tells us that employees
have to follow the script.
Standing on guard
hollowed out
- Saturday
November 9, 2002
Joe Hueglin points out that each of can sing our National Anthem but it has become
so empty because the cuts to our Airforce, Navy, Coast Guard and Army mean that we
are defenceless.
Perverse sense of entitlement
- Saturday
November 9, 2002
Conservative Justice Critic, Member of Parliament, Peter MacKay shares the feelings
most Canadians have with regard to the decision by the Supreme Court that federal
prisoners have the right to vote under the Charter of Rights.
Country Gifts
and Crafts
- Friday
November 8, 2002
Several rural folks have put together an outstanding craft and gift market in the
Oddfellows hall that will be open today and tomorrow. Here is a chance to look over
some of the unique items for sale. (17 pictures will take a moment to load)
Water Break under
highway #35
- Friday
November 8, 2002
A surprise for town work crews was that the break was not deep below the flooded
ditch but somewhere under the highway. Here is the solution.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Long cold shadows across the park this morning at 9:00.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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Faster Than Light
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