The Week of September 22 to 28, 2002
The First official
day of fall
- Sunday
September 22, 2002
Yesterday it was blustery, with an icey wind, squalls and almost violent sunshine.
The bad economics of the Bushes:
The new doctrine of a never ending war
- Sunday
September 22, 2002
Mario deSantis suspects that the world is dealing with a repeat performance as Bush
junior follows a similar militaristic pattern and the consequential economic fall
out will be similar to that produced by his father's leadership.
Inflation calculator
- Sunday
September 22, 2002
Ken Styan spotted an interesting web site that will figure out what something would
cost new today when you input the cost at its vintage date.
The Greenwater report
- Monday
September 23, 2002
As fall sweeps over the countryside we get to check out the agricutlure scene as
winter wheat is being planted.
Does Paul Martin
share the blame?
- Monday
September 23, 2002
As so many Ontario and Quebec Liberals want to defer sainthood on the former finance
minister, Joe Hueglin points out that we must on ignore what he did in office.
Summer 1946
- Tuesday
September 24, 2002
The war had ended officially but in the minds of these young people who had grown
up in the 1930 and held their breath through the war, was it time to exhale? (This
page includes a QuickTime music clip)
Where are the
great orators?
- Wednesday
September 25, 2002
In other times the words of individuals have inspired those who heard them changing
their lives forever. Ron Thornton longs for a Canadian speaker who will step forward
and do what others have done in other times and places. Included on this page are
the full QuickTime audio track of a Winston Churchill speech and the magnificient
"I have a dream" speech of Martin Luther King.
Does Paul Martin share the blame? I wonder!
- Wednesday
September 25, 2002
Rebecca Gingrich and Ross Vaughan from Ontario suggest that Joe Hueglin left out
a few things in his Monday article.
Challengers instead of SeaKings
- Wednesday
September 25, 2002
Richard P. Neumann tells us about the dangers of the old Helicopters which the government
has had nine years to do something about.
Tisdale School Division Official Grand Opening of Welding
- Thursday
September 26, 2002
This morning at 11:30 TMSS saw the official launch of its partnered programme with
Northern Steel Industries and Beeland Co-op Association who are participating in
developing the new industrial welding programme.
Parkland Photography September Meeting
- Friday
September 27, 2002
Mary Wright's third place image is seen here as the thirteen members enjoyed an evening
together and Gerald Crawford tells and shows us what the meeting was about.
Federal inaction must end
- Friday
September 27, 2002
It looks like the oceans, especially the one abundant Atlantic Grand Banks are running
close to empty and it also looks like many countries are determined to finish off
what's left. David Jackson, of Ottawa demands that the government of Canada do something
about the impending disaster.
Throne Speech
- Friday
September 27, 2002
Walter Robinson has some serious misgivings about the prospects of the federal government's
spending intentions and tosses out some suggestions about aboriginal problems.
Barenaked Ladies
- Saturday
September 28, 2002
One day they were standing in our back yard adorned in their fine yellow garment
with just a touch of green, the next morning the garments were falling away and the
next day they stood their cold and completely naked. This page includes a QuickTime
version of Neil Young's "Harvest Moon."
Is this bad?
- Saturday
September 28, 2002
This story relates an actual incident this week from a Saskatoon medical facility.
With no one in charge and no one responsible, no one is safe.
- Saturday
September 28, 2002
Mike Reilly has considered what is looking more and more like a new government in
this post-Martin time and is recommending the government focus its priorities and
leave its patronage in the past.
Terrorists not poor
- Saturday
September 28, 2002
Kristy Sewell takes exception with the wide spread belief and perception that the
poor of the world are responsible for terrorism and instead she points out that it
is the lack of democracy to be consider the real problem and points out what that
most of the terrorist involved in the 9-11 attack were from oil rich Saudi Arabia.