The Week of August 18 to 24, 2002
- "Oh
Give Me a Home . . ."
- Sunday

August 18, 2002
Cows with beards, aboriginal bovine, buffalo: the hardy original,s all pure bred
Saskatchewan tough grass converter.
Its more than yields and input costs
- Sunday
August 18, 2002
From readers in other parts of the country we know that there is interest in finding
out what this part of Canada is all about. This story tries to give some incite into
the world of the grain farmer.
The Greenwater Report For August 19, 2002
- Monday
August 19, 2002
Gerald Crawford takes us off to Hudson Bay's Heritage day with fabulous pictures
of horses, cattle judging and mud fling.
Valley Fuel and Fertilizer Upgrades Facility
- Monday
August 19, 2002
Bulk ESSO agent is re-doing their tank farm and fuel handling system.
"Will that be to eat in or to go?"
- Monday
August 19, 2002
Minimum wage, part time workers slug away in fast food joints earning less than what
a person needs to sustain oneself.
Contractors Expand House Number 5
- Tuesday
August 20, 2002
This new house was moved in and placed on a basement that was about one third longer
than the house, now we know why.
Will they or won't
- Tuesday
August 20, 2002
Michael Watkins will be a deligate for his Vancouver riding of Kingsway this coming
weekend at the Conservative convention in Edmonton when the issue of "uniting
the right" will once again surface. Michael points out that both Stephen Harper
and his right hand man are well known self identified Albertan separatists.
The Uncensored
Taxpayer Diary: Ideas please ... not egos and games
- Tuesday
Augsut 20, 2002
Walter Robinson muses about the distractions of the Liberal leadership excesses and
worries about the national agenda.
The educational faults affecting mostly
our young native population: Lack of languaging and emotioning in the
- Tuesday
August 20, 2002
Mario deSantis points out that society is failing miserably with the aboriginal population
and the secret solution is simply better education.
Moving On
- Wednesday
August 21, 2002
House number seven has arrived in Tisdale from Mistatim and early this morning the
work crew were positioning it on its new basement.
Time for "investment"
- Wednesday
August 21, 2002
Joe Hueglin discusses the need for Federal Government participation in the assistance
of cattle producers in the ravaged dought stricken prairies.
Trailer "garage" sale
- Wednesday
August 21, 2002
A novel way to hold a garage clean up sale, on today and tomorrow on the farmers
market lot in downtown Tisdale.
Alliance Not Separatist
- Wednesday
August 21, 2002
Phyllis Hubeli takes exception to Michael Watkin's assertion yesterday that the Canadian
Alliance leadership are avowed Albertan Separatists.
Health Care in Canada:Thank
you Fraser Institute for yet another dogmatic inconclusive study
- Wednesday
August 21, 2002
Mario deSantis points out the obviously confusing results surveys and studies show
about perception of health care. There is little surprise that the Fraser Institute
always draws conclusions that support their politics rather than their actual research.
Wrong Way
- Thursday
August 22. 2002
It must have something to do with having grown up in the 50s and 60s that seems to
bring out the rebel in me when I see a sign like this one.
Will changing
the name make it better?
- Thursday
August 22, 2002
Canada's largest bank no longer calls itself a bank as the sign was changed on the
local branch Tuesday of this week.
Dogmatic statistical surveys/polls: A
tool of the Free Market to divert intelligent common sense
- Thursday
August 22, 2002
Mario deSantis points out the craziness of instant polls and pseudo research as used
to sway public opinion. He brings to our attention the remarkable Lance Broughton's
realisation of why young people are going along with the system.
Department of Highways Fixes Highway #3
- Thursday
August 22, 2002
A little confusion as the Department restricts traffice past the Tisdale Mall as
they resurfaced that stretch of road today.
A Friday morning in August
- Friday
August 23, 2002
This morning a quick look around at what is happening in our town.
Chretien has his
legacy, and he doesn't like it either
- Friday
August 23, 2002
Ron Thornton tells us about the legacy of the prime minister and warns us of still
more to come.
The Unhappy Harvest
of 2002
- Saturday
August 24, 2002
Though some farmers will drive their combines around in their fields many will not
as this is the crop year that wasn't.
The tools of Statistics and System Dynamics:
The first for private business, the other for public policies
- Saturday
August 24, 2002
Mario deSantis voices his concern about government and the public putting to much
value upon surveys and polls when a much more reliable and mathematically sound system
called "System Dynamics" can much better handle the issues of public policy.
The understand this story it is necessary to take some time and go over some the
important references that are found on the link page noted in references.