Monday, November 11, 2002 |
Ensign Front
Volume 5, N. 171

0900 Monday - Overcast ceiling 7,000, visibility 2, - 12º, wind 4 knots at 260º,
altimeter 29.89, light snow--------WeatherLog
- Tisdale marks Remembrance Day
- Monday
November 11, 2002
This town like all others in the country take a moment to commemorate the men and
women who have served and so many to did not survive the two great wars and other
conflicts since around the world.
Lest we forget
- Monday
November 11, 2002
We are fortunate today to be able to read about the story of one Canadian who served
in both the First and Second World War. Ron Thornton brings the perspective of the
people who were there and some lived while others did not but here are their stories.
The Greenwater
Report for November 11, 2002
- Monday
November 11, 2002
Gerald Crawford is off on a bit of trip but we still have is report for this week
as we discover the geese have left and the beaver are still chomping through the
What is this?
- Sunday
November 10, 2002
This par of unusual object turned up in some stuff from a Rummage sale just what
do you think they might be?
SWP6 on the way
- Sunday
November 10, 2002
This short story includes a series of images that were recorded in Thurnder Bay almost
three years ago but are remarkable as they capture the destruction of a huge grain
terminal on the Thunder Bay waterfront.
"Have to say it"
- Saturday
November 9, 2002
A mother of one of the new employees of the new A & W tells us that employees
have to follow the script.
Standing on guard
hollowed out
- Saturday
November 9, 2002
Joe Hueglin points out that each of can sing our National Anthem but it has become
so empty because the cuts to our Airforce, Navy, Coast Guard and Army mean that we
are defenceless.
Perverse sense of entitlement
- Saturday
November 9, 2002
Conservative Justice Critic, Member of Parliament, Peter MacKay shares the feelings
most Canadians have with regard to the decision by the Supreme Court that federal
prisoners have the right to vote under the Charter of Rights.
Country Gifts
and Crafts
- Friday
November 8, 2002
Several rural folks have put together an outstanding craft and gift market in the
Oddfellows hall that will be open today and tomorrow. Here is a chance to look over
some of the unique items for sale. (17 pictures will take a moment to load)
Water Break under
highway #35
- Friday
November 8, 2002
A surprise for town work crews was that the break was not deep below the flooded
ditch but somewhere under the highway. Here is the solution.
Water break near South carwash
- Thursday
November 7, 2002
No chance of this being spring, no one has seen this much water in a ditch for what
seems like years as this morning the town crew set to work to repair a line that
is no longer holding water.
Very slow moving traffic
- Thursday
November 7, 2002
Electrified wheel chairs are open wheelled racers compared with the lady and her
Northern Steel makes a big one
- Thursday
November 7, 2002
A custom product is coming off the Northern Steel line this week as it is dramatically
larger in circumferance than standard products.
Last Tuesday's US election:
Furthering a no fault, more righteous, streamlined and warrisome Bushism
- Thursday
November 7, 2002
Mario deSantis exposes his grave concerns about the sharp turn from moderation taken
by the few American voters who turned up to register their votes.
Forces at work
- Wednesday
November 6, 2002
The laws of nature, the behaviour of humans and the law of the economic jungle are
all getting together to clobber Canada's agricultural industry and you appear to
be in the cheering section.
Public Safety Act, Bill C-17?
- Wednesday
November 6, 2002
Rebecca Gingrich warns us of the failure for some limitation of time on the latest
version of the Public Safety knee-jerk legislation produced initially to satisfy
American paranoia now turned to served Quebec polical needs.
Town increases
size of lagoon
- Wednesday
November 6, 2002
Bigger lagoon and less smell go together as the town makes a huge increase in the
volume of the first lagoon.
They voted it down
- Wednesday
November 6, 2002
The minister of defence, the former minister and head of the commons standing committee
on defence each vote against a resolution to increase defence spending. So much for
their big talk.
Greenwater Report
- Tuesday
November 5, 2002
Winter has come to the park and Gerald Crawford is adjusting as usual as he bring
us up to date and happening there and the sad loss of the former owner of the Cove.
Paul Krugman's understanding of irrationality
Let's cast our vote: America's future depends on your irrationality
- Tuesday
November 5, 2002
Mario deSantis calls our attention to New York Times columnist and noted economist
Paul Krugman who voices his concern about the extremely low voter turn out in US
elections and why that is the case.
Not in mandate!
- Tuesday
November 5, 2002
The Canadian Wheat Board directors elections are now in progress, Joyce Neufeld of
Waldeck reminds everyone of the oddity this past summer when the wheat growers association
rejected help from the Wheat board to move feed to Western Cattle producers.
A & W opens today
- Tuesday
November 5, 2002
The fast food giant has its doors open and lots of customers parked on the pavement
and ordered up their burgers and root beer and every single one as asked if they
wanted fries with their order. They ordered fries you can bet the waiter tried to
sell them something else, after all its what they do.
Agri-business undermines Canadian Wheat
- Tuesday
November 5, 2002
Canola growers, former politicians, former director of UGG all seeking office as
directors of the Canadian Wheat Board all claiming to represent farmer's real needs.
They are members of CARE a big business financed organisation set up to wreck the
Wheat Board and the work it does. Henry Neufeld of Waldeck clues us in on this remarkable
take over attempt.
Banning terrorist
groups a start
- Tuesday
November 5, 2002
Mike Reilly believes that Canada's failure to ban Hezbollah and hold up its end in
defence of North America is justification for the American lack of manners.
If This Is Justice,
Then Just Call Me Buford
- Tuesday
November 5, 2002
Ron Thornton does not share the Supreme Court of Canada's opinion that federal convicts
should enjoy the right to vote.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

Light snow falling on an unharvested field at 10:30 this morning.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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