Wednesday, December 4, 2002 |
Ensign Front
Volume 5, N. 194
0800 Wednesday - Overcast alto-stratus, Ceiling
21,000, visibility 15, -17º, wind 12 knots at 180º, altimeter 30.2----WeatherLog
- Beeland Co-op pays dividends to over 65 members
- Wednesday
December 4, 2002
It was time to celebrate at Beeland Co-op yesterday as cheques were handed out for
a very successful business year.
Today In Ensign
* Beeland Co-op dividend
* Tax cuts and privatization
* MilitaryBillions short
* iMac revisited
Tomorrow in Ensign
* Bush turning attention to Venezula
* Ministerial Accountability
* Auditor Generals report
* Terrorist fighting in Canada
* Mistakes were made |
- A year ago today, story 2, story 3
- and story 4
- Two years ago today, story 2,
- story 3, story 4 and story 5
- Three years ago today
- Four years ago today
Past Weeks
24 to 30
17 to 23
10 to 16
3 to 9
27 to Nov. 2
20 to 26
13 to 19
6 to 12
Sept. 29 to Oct. 5
22 to 28
15 to 21
8 to 14
1 to 7
25 to 31
18 to 24
11 to 17
4 to 10
28 to August 3
21 to 27
14 to 20
7 to 13
June 30 to July 6
Click on the button to go
to that month
of Contents
Ensign's Index - Partial
Contributor's Index -
out about the contributors to Ensign and the article index of each.
Tim's Tip
of the Day
Politicians are listening and will hear what you have to say and
will respond to your concerns. Though the system lumbers along some times we citizens
have a serious responsibility in voicing our opinions on issues like the Romanow
report, employment insurance, no fault insurance, military spending and lots of other
things. Email, fax, telephone or use snail mail it is your right as a citizen and
everything counts.
Ensign Notes
Unable to get all of yesterday's stories up but will make an effort
today to try and get most of the new stories posted. Two contributors have provided
us with their views on the auditor generals reports and we
welcome your comments on these or any other stories.
The Economic Garbage
of Tax Cuts and Privatization
- Wednesday
December 4, 2002
Mario deSantis lays down his cards and he wins. The free market system of thinking
that tax cuts improve things for everyone is wrong. But don't take Mario's word for
it check out the references and you will discover that what is continuing to be world
economic policy has failed and more of the same will cause more of the same.
Billions short without consultants cutting
- Wednesday
December 4, 2002
Derral Bellaire from London Ontario explains the dire need our country has for a
well equipped and well funded military and is disturbed to discover the minister
is looking for ways to cut even further the force that is already an international
embarassment because of the failure of the government to support the responsiblities
we have around the globe.
The iMac revisted
- Wednesday
December 4, 2002
Find out about the new flat screen iMac and its new UNIX based operating system.
Faster Than Light Communications is no longer an Apple VAR and sale of these machines
is almost always direct from the manufacturer.
Memory Lane Monograms
- Tuesday
December 3, 2002
A new business has opened in business offering custom clothing and promotional products.
Talk about a made to order Christmas gift.
Christmas shopping in Tisdale part III
- Monday
December 2, 2002
Last week we took a look at several stores downtown to check out the kinds of merchandise
available for Christmas shoppers this year. Today we take a look at four more and
toss in a suggestion for lunch.
Sonia's Menu
- Monday
December 2, 2002
This morning I dropped in to Sonia's for coffee and enjoyed the conversation and
- Monday
December 2, 2002
Local Christmas shopping has some interesting varieties of things to discover like
the cool bunch of hockey collectibles in Pharmasave.
- Monday
December 2, 2002
Year round Pearson's department store has great values and a large stock on hand
but their Christmas stock is excellent especially in the toy department.
- Monday
December 2, 2002
Shopping at home may be more than looking for ornaments and toys so here is a visit
to Martin's to check out the furniture.
Family Furniture
- Monday
December 2, 2002
Here is the place to go if you are looking for a classy easy chair or sofa.
The Greenwater
- Monday
December 2, 2002
Ever wonder what it would be like to take a bus tour of Branson taking in the country
shows. Gerald Crawford takes us along on the trip and tells us the details.
My 2¢ Worth
On Romanow's $15,000,000.00 Report
- Monday
December 2, 2002
Ron Thornton feels that the Romanow Commission was to expensive for the results it
delivers and maintains that it is advocating an infringement on Provincial rights.
Bush's model of freedom:
citizenship being replaced by ownership
- Monday
December 2, 2002
Mario deSantis worries that the American media being so concentrated is no longer
willing or able to perform the function needed in a demcratic society.
A state of mind
- Sunday
December 1, 2002
So what if you mobility is limited does that really matter in what you make of your
life. Here we examine what it means to be "not handicapped" with the help
of Kevin McIntyre.
Facing the demons
head on: booze
- Sunday
December 1, 2002
Mark Allan Whittle discusses the struggle he has had for the past nine years to stay
successfully sober.
We are in this
- Sunday
December 1, 2002
A scene prompted some thoughts on the important concept of working together. To hear
the song for the day you will need to have QuickTime
installed in your computer.
Fat Boy
- Sunday
December 1, 2002
A custom made tank was produced in the early part of November by Northern Steel Industries.
- Sunday
December 1, 2002
Nuform Packaging continues to pump out the production as raw materials flow into
the plant for recycling.
November comes to a close
- Saturday
November 30, 2002
Each year we pack so many events into November that it seems to be a monumental task
just to get through it and now its time to put it behind us for another year. You
will need QuickTime
to hear the song of the day,"Adagio" by Lara Fabian.
Fighting the Bastards of our Plutocracy:
Recognizing the work of Lorie Terry and Sheila Steele
- Saturday
November 30, 2002
Mario deSantis recognises the commendable and tireless efforts of two Saskatchewan
women who have decided not to roll over but stand up for Saskatchewan people who
are suffering from the rough behaviour of SGI and the Saskatchewan Department of
Tisdale Barber
/ Stylist
- Friday
November 29, 2002
Now we know the secret of why Mr. Mann looks so good. He has A. Paul Van Oene tiding
- Friday
November 29, 2002
Clothes of all kinds but especially unique western gear set this store apart from
the big box noise factories in the cities. Shopping at home makes cents.
LaCroix Drugs
- Friday
November 29, 2002
Here are some pictures of one of Tisdale's businesses with lots of selection for
the hometown Christmas shopper.
Minister of Education presides
over opening of Tisdale's Student Support Centre
- Thursday
November 28, 2002
With the partners on hand it was time to officially open the downtown storefront
alternative education centre. Both provincial and local government representatives
were on hand to congratulate the partners on their cooperation and celebrate the
success of the Tisdale School Division in being able to bring together a coalition
to work toward common goals. This story includes three "Flash" presentations
displaying over thirty pictures and the 1.2Mb will take a moment to download.
The Plutocracy,
Henry Kissinger and Silvio Berlusconi: Investigating their own terrorism
and laundering their money
- Thursday
November 28, 2002
Henry Kissinger is considered by many as a war criminal and the Italian leader is
a suspected criminal, Mario deSantis is concerned about the acceptance of these people
in positions of power and what that means for the democractic process.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

October 1979 at an Assembly in Carlyle Elementary School.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
North Central Internet News is a product
Faster Than Light
I would appreciate hearing from you would like to know your opinions about any material
published in Ensign timothy@ftlcomm.com our fax is 306 873 2155 and telephone is 306 873 2004. Snail mail
address is:
Faster Than Light Communications, Box 1776, Tisdale, SK, S0E 1T0
Made with a Mac G3 Pro
FTLComm Sales Page
is produced, published, and hosted each day by Faster
Than Light Communications of Tisdale, Saskatchewan,
306 873 2004 sales@ftlcomm.com