
FTLComm - Tisdale - Monday, December 2, 2002

Pearson's Variety store used to have "5$ and 10ยข" reminiscent of the five and dime stores of the fifties. That is no longer part of the name but the spirit of this department store is along those same lines that founded mass marketing with Kresgees and Woolworths. Utilitarian products of good value and in plentiful supply.

Through the years Pearson's have continued to expand their gift ware and add to the toy department so that both of these areas have a great stock all year round.

But the toy department in Pearson's really shines with some great values in toys and items that are not usually found in other department stores. Since Pearson's is not part of one the mass market chains the products are selected and offered for sale because of their value and special nature.

From model airplanes to dolls, stuff toys, games, puzzles and the best darn cars and trucks in town. This toy department is a delight.

This little customer definitely was impressed with these toys for his age but without the reserve of advancing age I would like to have joined him and test drove the Morris Minis and all the other great vroom vroom toys beside him. (When no one was looking I did check on out!)

Looks to me like one of the first stops for a substitute Santa.

Timothy W. Shire



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Editor : Timothy W. Shire
Faster Than Light Communication
Box 1776, Tisdale, Saskatchewan, Canada, S0E 1T0
306 873 2004