Monday, January 6, 2003 |
Ensign Front
Volume 5, N. 224
0800 Monday - Overcast, alto stratus 9/10ths,
stratus 1/10th, Ceiling 10,000, visibility 15, -7º, wind 13 knots at 190º
, altimeter 29.98-----WeatherLog
- Fragile: Space
Time Continuum
- Monday
January 6, 2003
It seems like only a few weeks ago that my little boy was waiting for me to come
home from work beside these trees, he was three and his head reached half way to
the top of the closest tree in the picture.
A letter to Deputy
Prime Minister John Manley
- Monday
January 6, 2003
I was unable to obtain the exact reference from early December but Major Baxter brings
a serious matter to our attention as he explains that the government of our country
has been unable or unwilling to draft a clear foreign policy which would guide both
planning and decision making with regard to Canada's underfunded military forces.
The joy of childhood
- Monday
January 6, 2003
Mark Allan Whittle of Hamilton launches the new year by celebrating the way children
look at thing and enjoy them for what they are.
Journalist Helen Thomas, George Bush's
NoFault and Saskatchewan's NoFault
- Monday
January 6, 2003
Mario deSantis points out the methods of the United States President and the anti-social
behaviour of Saskatchewan's Insurance company.
The Greenwater report
- Monday
January 6, 2003
Gerald Crawford tells us about the rising level of snow and snowmobilers at the park
and shows us the adventure of a family raising livestock.
- Sunday
January 5, 2002
Petroleum prices at the pump are beginning to show serious instability.
Heat Containment
- Sunday
January 5, 2002
A glaring example of wasting fuel brings the whole concept of conservation to focus.
New Years Chinook
- Saturday
January 4, 2002
Its still winter in Tisdale but for all of the Southwest of Saskatchewan and most
of the area South of the Yellowhead above freezing temperatures now for the third
day. This story includes twenty pictures and with a dial up connection will require
a moment to load.
The 2003 New Years
- Wednesday
January 1, 2003
This is a very long winded piece that gives you a review of how last year's predictions
turned out and gives you a view of 2003.
A Visit to Saskatoon's
Forest Farm
- Tuesday
December 31, 2002
We ride along with Kevin and Sandra McIntyre as they show us the enormous light display
in Saskatoon.
The Bush administration's linear thinking
mentality of wars and profits: problems are rooted in the axis of evil
or in the devil
- Tuesday
December 31, 2002
The American government's pursuit of war is suspect and the importance of oil both
in its economy and determination of foreign policy undermines whatever moral authority
it might once have enjoyed.
- Tuesday
December 31, 2002
Joe Hueglin is wondering just which story should be his final statement on the affairs
of 2002, gun registration, the books school districts choose to ban or immigration
Taxpayers start to fall behind
(again) in 2003
- Tuesday
December 31, 2002
Walter Robinson tells us what many of us have already suspected and that is that
in this new year we are not going to see our earnings improve as personal income
taxes remain the single largest expense in every person's budget.
A little bit of
snow for us all
- Monday
December 30, 2002
Sunday was a snowy and blowy day, Monday time to dig out. This page has 24 pictures
and make take a moment to load if you are on dial-up.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
December 30, 2002
It was indeed a White Christmas at Greenwater Provincial park with skiing, snow machine
and skating activities and sites in prime condition as Gerald Crawford tells about
the end of year activity and visits by wolf and mule deer.
Dodge SX2.0 Sport
- Saturday
December 28, 2002
Daimler Chrysler Canada has had its replacement for the neon on the market for more
than two months and its time to take a close look at this new compact.
Downsized Remote
- Saturday
December 28, 2002
The popular remote controlled car of the past has seen some remarkable changes. Nano
sized cars.
Water Supply
- Friday
December 27, 2002
Water, we all take it for granted but it is appearing to become the most important
commodity of all, don't plan anything without it.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

The frost cloaks stems and frozen leaves yesterday afternoon, near Weekes.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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If you are viewing this page with larger than 12' point text it will definitely be
a mess so set your browser
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published in
Ensign timothy@ftlcomm.com
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