Edmonton - Sunday, May 5, 2002 - by: Ron Thornton


Inspiration comes in many forms, but nothing convinces me to take pen in hand quicker than closed-minded, ignorant bigots who abandon all precepts of debate and resort to mindless fabrications and misrepresentations. I think I have had enough of the genteel set, aglow in their own self-righteousness, referring to the Canadian Alliance as a party built on hate, be it toward the GST, people of other cultural backgrounds, politicians or our political institutions. This couldn't be any further from the truth. If anything, the Reform Party was based on love, not hate. It consisted of people who shared...

of choice










people in
life of

  1. A love for freedom of choice in the consideration of yet another alternative, one that might be more interested in representing the views of its supporters, rather that dictating the positions to be taken.

  2. A love of governments that might actually listen, that might address the concerns of its supporters or be mature enough to realize the potential consequences of failing to live up to their promise.

  3. A love for the concept of a single, united people, undivided by government encouraged self-interests that keep us apart, controlled, and mere pawns of those who wish to perpetuate the status quo.

  4. A love for an immigration policy that might attract those who share our desire to build this nation and a government responsible enough to address the problems that should be expected to arise in the mixing peoples of various cultural backgrounds and values into a single society.

  5. A love of the concept that one's actions and accomplishments should determine reward, but only within standards that might apply to all Canadians, such as a pension scheme that would be legal if offered to any other citizen.

  6. A love of political leadership that demonstrates economic responsibility, especially at a time when politicians seem to view their offices as a means to feed a spending addiction.

  7. A love for a Senate model that would establish a truly national form of government, where every province is equal regardless as to size and population, where its members are given validation through election rather than appointment, and establish a view that this nation is more than two super provinces with colonial wings that are to simply be subservient to the whims of the central region.

  8. A love for government institutions and the British tradition of evolving such institutions that would prompt reformation in order that they might be made more democratic and representative of the people they are to serve.

  9. A love for our Canadian dollar and the independence it allows our nation, to raise its value to levels unseen of in the past forty years of Liberal and Progressive Conservative governments.

  10. A love of the Canadian way, one that continues to evolve to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow, rather than marinating in stale memories of what once was.

  11. A love for effective and economical government action that would see responsible budgeting and programs that meet their objectives, unlike the gun control muddle that has failed to demonstrate either.

  12. A love for our First Nations Peoples that would promote democratic governance in accordance to the times we live, inclusion in Canadian society rather than the segregationist policies of the past, and resolution of their concerns in a manner fair to all and consistent with the building of our Canadian nation.




These ideals demonstrate a love for our country, its people and its institutions that seem beyond the scope of understanding for some. To be sure, there are those who hate, who do seem intent in perpetuating through their propaganda certain stereotypes, while ignoring the mounting evidence of their own short comings. While we regularly read in this and other publications articles of corruption, incompetence, and deception at even the highest levels, supporters of the Canadian Alliance remain inspired by those things we love to work toward providing us all with something better.




Ron Thornton