An open letter to Canada's Prime Minister

Hamilton, Ontario - Sunday, May 19, 2002 - by: Mark Alan Whittle
  Dear Mr. Prime Minister:


Bert Whittle, my father, was a life-long employee of Customs and Excise Canada. Were he alive today, he would be sickened by the apparent corruption of the Federal Civil Service.


  He would be outraged at the sullying of the civil service he was so very proud of. I feel sad that the legacy of good government service my father spent his whole life improving, has become politically compromised by your government.




My father took an oath to abide by the law and government protocol when hired. He had a level of integrity and honesty that is near impossible for those serving the public to maintain today under the pressure of political interference.




Misuse of our hard earned taxes by giving millions of dollars to your political supporters through contracts for advertising aimed at promotion of your government is appalling.
  What makes me personally sick in my heart is the fact that if just one of your $500 thousand dollar contracts was deposited in a high yield trust fund for my disabled son, his care and well-being would be guaranteed for life.




Arrogance and greed have over-taken your sense of what's right for Canadians. As the elected head of state, you took an oath of moral and fiduciary responsibility to Canada. The actions of your governments just now coming to light are not what I, nor any other Canadian had in mind for our future.




Virtue, it is said, is it's own reward. With the reward for the lack of it now coming before the public coming forth, it will be all down hill for you and yours who as the Auditor General has stated pressure civil servants to break "just about every rule in the book".




Yours truly,
Mark Alan Whittle

  Guardians of trust , The Hill Times, Monday, May 13, 2002 (this editorial is what prompted Mr. Whittle to write his letter to the Prime Minister)
  Mr. Whittle is from Hamilton Ontario and has taken an active part in his city, province and local governments taking part in various commissions and inquiries. He maintains a current and informative web site on various topics that come up in the news on his web site. .Mark Alan Whittle, Embracing Change various articles index
  Below are some other submissions he has made to various web sites:
CBC Your Space, on Spanking kids returned to parents, Mark Alan Whittle's letter
BBC December 21, How do we define rape? letter by Mark Alan Whittle
CNEWS Re: Paper: Feds Trashing PQ's image, May 19, 2002 Mark Alan Whittle
  A Hamilton Spectator story, about Mr. Whittle's son Logan, December 27, 2000, Toshiba helps a son talk to Dad, by Al MacRury