The Week of April 28 to May 4, 2002
Horizontal Scenery
- Sunday
April 28, 2002
When we say flat land we definitely mean flat. But what does that mean for those
who know flat in their hearts.
CRTC - Supreme Court and Direct TV
- Sunday
April 28, 2002
Stu Innes from Regina walks us through the minefield of what we today call television.
Stu has included in his story and explanation links to each of the services available.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
April 29, 2002
Jerry catches us up on the unusual weather, the wildlife, quitting smoking, water
levels and a fundraiser.
Big In The Sky
- Monday
April 29, 2002
After what seems like endless winter these are the first visible summer towering
cumulus to cross over us and their beauty seemed novel so you have some pictures
of them.
How Many Is Too Few?
- Monday
April 29, 2002
Rudy Fernandes of White Rock B.C. has some serious questions about the Liberal government's
position on refugees in Canada. The issue was the main event of last night's CBS
60 Minute show titled Al Qaeda In Canada.
The Lawn Thing
- Monday
April 29, 2002
As we take baby steps toward warmer weather, one home owner has taken the plunge
and started a new front lawn while the neighbour has the first signs of green on
his. Here we go again.
Tax time is like eating tinfoil . . .
- Tuesday
April 30, 2002
Its Tax Day and Walter Robinson fills us in on why it has to be today and if not
what it will cost you. Read this one carefully.
Trojan Triumph
- Wednesday
May 1, 2002
Yesterday was Trojan day, the town decorated the RECPlex jammed with cheering fans
to greet Canada's best midget hockey team winners of the 2002 Air Canada Cup. This
story includes a picture sequence (2mb) and a QuickTime VR panorama (800K) even though
these are streaming it will take time on a dial connection.
Must Not Yield to U.S. Pressure on Lumber Tariffs: There
is History!
- Wednesday
May 1, 2002
Thomas Baxter an ecologist and high school teacher in Thunder Bay has taken time
to explain the history of Canada's forest problems with our neighbour. This extensive
and detailed article gives us some understanding of the issue of Crown (public) land
and why it is essential to maintaining our country.
St. Matthew's Anglican Church Spring Sale
Begins today
- Thursday
May 2, 2002
Of the many garage and rummage sales each spring the Anglicans seem to have the most
impressive one with amazing antiques hidden among their many treasures.
Parkland Photography
Club April Meeting
- Thursday
May 2, 2002
Club member have been entering competitions and this month's meeting dealt with working
on the art of getting a good picture with some excellent tips for everyone.
Team Randall Readies 2002 Car
- Thursday
May 2, 2002
Though it seems like summer is a long way off the 2002 stock car season will begin
soon and when it does Randall Automotive will have their Penzol Special ready to
roar around the track.
Questions "before"
- Thursday
May 2, 2002
Stephen Harper, the new leader of the Canadian Alliance asks Progressive Conservatives
to join his party in an open letter. Joe Hueglin a former Conservative member of
parliament wants to know some things before he even thinks about it.
The Free Market of Education: The
Inner Sanctum for our Priestly and Compassionate fortunate Sons
- Thursday
May 2, 2002
Unfortunately Canadians are caught in the trends that are what shape North American
society and the trend toward elitism and high cost of post secondary education is
continent wide. Mario deSantis points out how detrimental this is for a democratic
society to head in this direction.
"I've Had Enough of Spring Already!"
- Friday
May 3, 2002
Full blown blizzard after two weeks of cold, wind and more cold. The bad weather
seems to have set off this writer in a rant about current affairs. This article can
be listened to as well as read.
Bad Day Huh?
- Saturday
May 4, 2002
Kevin McIntyre considers the editor's lament on Friday and responds with this little
flight of fantasy.