Thursday, October 24, 2002 |
Ensign Front
Volume 5, N. 155
0800 Thursday - Overcast alto-stratus, Ceiling
25,000, visibility 15, -7º, wind 12 knots at 240º, altimeter 29.95-----------WeatherLog
- Mr. Freggi and the healthy lunch
- Thursday
October 24, 2002
Archerwill Co-op pitches in to promote healthy lunches at Archerwill school throughout
this week.
The Metis Nation of Saskatchewan
- Thursday
October 24, 2002
The regional office of the Metis Nation is located in Archerwill and this is an opportunity
to look at a brief history of this part of society and see how is growing and changing.
Why the sudden change?
- Thursday
October 24, 2002
Last night once again several Canadian television networks carried interviews and
commentary about the "road to Damascus" convesion of Liberal leadership
hopeful Paul Martin as he chattered about reforming parliament. Brandon teacher Jeff
Harwood is not buying Martin's conversion.
Archerwill a well kept secret
- Wednesday
October 23, 2002
You pass through the village of Archerwill in a few seconds never once realising
the beauty and business that lurks behind those trees.
SaskEnergy makes its mark
- Wednesday
October 23, 2002
A new line on the South side of Tisdale results in digging a hole near the busiest
piece of Saskatchewan highway in this part of Saskatchewan.
Tisdale School Division signs partner deal with RM of
Tisdale, Credit Union and Metis Nation of Saskatchewan
- Tuesday
October 22, 2002
Tisdale Middle and Secondary School's alternative programme has been identified as
a very positive educational concept for the community and three partners have stepped
forward to purchase a storefront location and provide the place with equipment and
The Free Market
has corrupted the balance between public and private interests: Italian
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Lo Statuto dei Lavoratori
- Tuesday
October 22, 2002
Mario deSantis is back after a one month trip to Italy. Seeing the land of his childhood
drastically altered as even the post office is privatized and experiencing first
hand the deep unrest and potential trouble brewing as the people of Italy feel the
pinch of the President's Americanisation of their country.
Words and deeds
don't match
- Tuesday
October 22, 2002
Mike Reilly notes that having being the most powerful cabinet minister for the past
nine years it is a bit late for Paul Martin to start talking about the democratic
Looks like winter to me
- Tuesday
October 22, 2002
Here are set of pictures that show what it was like at 10:00 this morning with the
frost on the trees and sun dogs in the sky.
Prince Albert at 7:00 Sunday
- Monday
October 21, 2002
This is a hard look at downtown Prince Albert, a place with the architecture and
setting to a beautiful city. This pages includes a 2MB QuickTime VR panorama of Central
The Greenwater report
- Monday
October 21, 2002
Gerald Crawford's spectacular pictures of the arrival of what looks a lot like winter
to Greenwater park. Time for dinner theatre and travel through the changing weather
of the season.
Asking the questions
others de-Klien to
- Monday
October 21, 2002
Ron Thornton is perturbed with Alberta's premier who seems pretty quiet lately about
his province's need to protect their pollution making nest egg when faced with the
federal government's political agenda of signing the Kyoto Accord.
Agricore replaces UGG
- Monday
October 21, 2002
Time to change the sign. Agricore and UGG announced their merger last November and
now the Valparaiso terminal has switched its signage.
One Up one down
- Sunday
October 20, 2002
As the sun set last night the moon was rising these pictures tell the story. But
there is much more to all this than meets the eye.
1950 Ford Custom sedan
- Saturday
October 19, 2002
On October 29 this car and several other classics will be sold at auction but first
here is a look at this fifty-two year old car.
And . . . then it snowed
- Friday
October 18, 2002
The trials and tribulations of the crop of 2002 are not over as what is left in the
field was covered with a fairly heavy layer of snow yesterday.
The right to education
- Friday
October 18, 2002
Be sure to check the reference on this story as it fills in the details about a strike
of the educational assistants in Hamilton Ontario. Mark Alan Whittle explains the
action he is taking to attempt to get something close to fairness for his disabled
son. This discrimnatory strike only affects the disabled children and clearly is
an issue that we all need to be concerned about as it is how we treat those least
fortunate that a society is judged.
Our new car
- Friday
October 18, 2002
The RCMP has put some Chevy Impalas to work as police cars ending the domination
of the rear wheel drive Ford Crown Victoria.
Kyoto’s many questions
all lead to the same answer: Referendum
- Friday
October 18, 2002
If you haven't already figured this one out, the reason the Prime Minister is going
for ratifying the Kyoto Accord is because he knows already from polling that Canadians
want something done about pollution. Walter Robinson of the Canadian Tax Payer's
Federation has spotted the need for Canadians to be informed and to discuss this
issue because it will certainly affect each and every Canadian's way of life.
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

SaskEnergy digs in for its second day as seen at 8:10 this morning.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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