Thursday, October 10, 2002 |
Ensign Front
Volume 5, N. 141
0800 Thursday - Scattered cirrus 3/10ths,
visibility 13, 0º, wind 8 knots at 200º, altimeter 29.61, haze- ------WeatherLog
- |
- Canola, golden beads
- Thursday
October 10, 2002
A hardy oil seed crop that has delivered outstanding food value and could be the
source of abundant renewable energy.
Auditor General
issues another "wake up call" government still snoozin'
- Thursday
October 10, 2002
Walter Robinson reports the concern we all should have about the government's extremely
slow reaction to problems brought up in other reports by the Auditor General.
Once proud military
- Thursday
October 10, 2002
Jason Inness laments the now glaring fact that even at the miserable level our armed
forces are now at in eighteen months we will no longer even be able to support the
present low and poorly equipped soldiers, airmen and sailors now in service.
United States election in November and
- Thursday
October 10, 2002
Richard Neumann shares his thoughts on the relationship between George Bush's desire
to thump out Saddam and his dire need to retain seats in the Congress and Senate
as the election is only a couple of weeks away.
No pressure for
publics' interest
- Thursday
October 10, 2002
Joe Hueglin points out the odd ideas that the government has about ethics when it
comes to coming down hard on MPs and Senators and ignoring cabinet ministers and
their behaviour.
Construction updates
- Wednesday
October 9, 2002
A month ago we went through the various project underway in town and today we have
individual reports on houses under construction, the A&W, expansion at Nuform
and Northern Steel's upgrade to the Fripp plant.
Canada's Armed Forces unprepared, under
supported and over committed
- Tuesday
October 8, 2002
Richard Neumann points out the foolishness and downright dangerous nature of the
present course of inaction by the federal government. Canada, the very definition
of our land as an independent country is now openly in question as we appear no longer
a viable entity.
Children stealing from children
- Tuesday
October 8, 2002
Two abandoned bicycles mar the normal outstanding level of trust in this Saskatchewan
rural community.
The Greenwater Report
- Monday
October 7, 2002
Gerald Crawford has some fabulous eye candy pictures of the snow last week and all
the details in this week's report.
Careless Disregard
- Monday
October 7, 2002
Derrall Bellaire from London Ontario reflects what so many Canadians feel as they
worry about the credibility and safety of Canadian Armed Forces when the federal
government seems so disinterested in their needs.
It was a throne
speech we all could relate to
- Monday
October 7, 2002
Ron Thornton is trying hard to curb is wild enthusiasm for the Prime Minister's throne
speech a week ago today.
Manley and the monarchy
- Monday
October 7, 2002
The minister of finance, the deputy prime minister and candidate for leadership of
the Liberal party does not have the option of voicing personal views and when he
spoke out in Montreal against the monarchy the reaction has been very strong. Here
are three views from White Rock, Niagara Falls and Victoria. This story has extensive
background stories using PDFs so the information will remain with this story long
after they disappear from the media web sites.
"Through thick and through thin,
all out or all in we're goin' to go through it together"
- Sunday
October 6, 2002
What can you expect if you are a really short person in this world?
Exotic auction sale
- Saturday
October 5, 2002
A big crowd on hand for today's exotics sale at the Tisdale Livestock Centre.
New autobody shop
- Friday
October 4, 2002
Work began today on a new shop beside the Tisdale School Division Bus shop.
Lutheran rummage sale
- Friday
October 4, 2002
On for today and tomorrow the Lutheran church is holding its fall sale, definitely
worth a look.
Okay, maybe it
will be an 8.5% GST
- Friday
October 4, 2002
Walter Robinson of the Canadian Tax Payer's Federation is concerned that governments
will decide just to spend more money rather than examine the way they are currently
spending money on health care.
Second Day
- Friday
October 4, 2002
The leaking water line turned into a two day project as they had to replace the entire
Bottom Of The Page Picture
of the Day

If you look close you can see our neighbours installing storm windows this morning
at 9:30 making
use of the excellent weather to prepare for the coming winter.
- Ensign began publishing daily in May of 1998, all of
its stories and pictures are available online since then. You can use this search
engine to find the things you are looking for in past material posted on North
Central Internet News.
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